server config) */ protected $serverInfos; /** @var string[] (server index => tag/host name) */ protected $serverTags; /** @var int */ protected $numServers; /** @var int */ protected $lastExpireAll = 0; /** @var int */ protected $purgePeriod = 100; /** @var int */ protected $shards = 1; /** @var string */ protected $tableName = 'objectcache'; /** @var bool */ protected $replicaOnly = false; /** @var int */ protected $syncTimeout = 3; /** @var LoadBalancer|null */ protected $separateMainLB; /** @var array */ protected $conns; /** @var array UNIX timestamps */ protected $connFailureTimes = []; /** @var array Exceptions */ protected $connFailureErrors = []; /** * Constructor. Parameters are: * - server: A server info structure in the format required by each * element in $wgDBServers. * * - servers: An array of server info structures describing a set of database servers * to distribute keys to. If this is specified, the "server" option will be * ignored. If string keys are used, then they will be used for consistent * hashing *instead* of the host name (from the server config). This is useful * when a cluster is replicated to another site (with different host names) * but each server has a corresponding replica in the other cluster. * * - purgePeriod: The average number of object cache requests in between * garbage collection operations, where expired entries * are removed from the database. Or in other words, the * reciprocal of the probability of purging on any given * request. If this is set to zero, purging will never be * done. * * - tableName: The table name to use, default is "objectcache". * * - shards: The number of tables to use for data storage on each server. * If this is more than 1, table names will be formed in the style * objectcacheNNN where NNN is the shard index, between 0 and * shards-1. The number of digits will be the minimum number * required to hold the largest shard index. Data will be * distributed across all tables by key hash. This is for * MySQL bugs 61735 * and 61736 . * * - slaveOnly: Whether to only use replica DBs and avoid triggering * garbage collection logic of expired items. This only * makes sense if the primary DB is used and only if get() * calls will be used. This is used by ReplicatedBagOStuff. * - syncTimeout: Max seconds to wait for replica DBs to catch up for WRITE_SYNC. * * @param array $params */ public function __construct( $params ) { parent::__construct( $params ); $this->attrMap[self::ATTR_EMULATION] = self::QOS_EMULATION_SQL; $this->attrMap[self::ATTR_SYNCWRITES] = self::QOS_SYNCWRITES_NONE; if ( isset( $params['servers'] ) ) { $this->serverInfos = []; $this->serverTags = []; $this->numServers = count( $params['servers'] ); $index = 0; foreach ( $params['servers'] as $tag => $info ) { $this->serverInfos[$index] = $info; if ( is_string( $tag ) ) { $this->serverTags[$index] = $tag; } else { $this->serverTags[$index] = $info['host'] ?? "#$index"; } ++$index; } } elseif ( isset( $params['server'] ) ) { $this->serverInfos = [ $params['server'] ]; $this->numServers = count( $this->serverInfos ); } else { // Default to using the main wiki's database servers $this->serverInfos = false; $this->numServers = 1; $this->attrMap[self::ATTR_SYNCWRITES] = self::QOS_SYNCWRITES_BE; } if ( isset( $params['purgePeriod'] ) ) { $this->purgePeriod = intval( $params['purgePeriod'] ); } if ( isset( $params['tableName'] ) ) { $this->tableName = $params['tableName']; } if ( isset( $params['shards'] ) ) { $this->shards = intval( $params['shards'] ); } if ( isset( $params['syncTimeout'] ) ) { $this->syncTimeout = $params['syncTimeout']; } $this->replicaOnly = !empty( $params['slaveOnly'] ); } /** * Get a connection to the specified database * * @param int $serverIndex * @return Database * @throws MWException */ protected function getDB( $serverIndex ) { if ( !isset( $this->conns[$serverIndex] ) ) { if ( $serverIndex >= $this->numServers ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ": Invalid server index \"$serverIndex\"" ); } # Don't keep timing out trying to connect for each call if the DB is down if ( isset( $this->connFailureErrors[$serverIndex] ) && ( time() - $this->connFailureTimes[$serverIndex] ) < 60 ) { throw $this->connFailureErrors[$serverIndex]; } if ( $this->serverInfos ) { // Use custom database defined by server connection info $info = $this->serverInfos[$serverIndex]; $type = $info['type'] ?? 'mysql'; $host = $info['host'] ?? '[unknown]'; $this->logger->debug( __CLASS__ . ": connecting to $host" ); $db = Database::factory( $type, $info ); $db->clearFlag( DBO_TRX ); // auto-commit mode } else { // Use the main LB database $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer(); $index = $this->replicaOnly ? DB_REPLICA : DB_MASTER; if ( $lb->getServerType( $lb->getWriterIndex() ) !== 'sqlite' ) { // Keep a separate connection to avoid contention and deadlocks $db = $lb->getConnection( $index, [], false, $lb::CONN_TRX_AUTOCOMMIT ); } else { // However, SQLite has the opposite behavior due to DB-level locking. // Stock sqlite MediaWiki installs use a separate sqlite cache DB instead. $db = $lb->getConnection( $index ); } } $this->logger->debug( sprintf( "Connection %s will be used for SqlBagOStuff", $db ) ); $this->conns[$serverIndex] = $db; } return $this->conns[$serverIndex]; } /** * Get the server index and table name for a given key * @param string $key * @return array Server index and table name */ protected function getTableByKey( $key ) { if ( $this->shards > 1 ) { $hash = hexdec( substr( md5( $key ), 0, 8 ) ) & 0x7fffffff; $tableIndex = $hash % $this->shards; } else { $tableIndex = 0; } if ( $this->numServers > 1 ) { $sortedServers = $this->serverTags; ArrayUtils::consistentHashSort( $sortedServers, $key ); reset( $sortedServers ); $serverIndex = key( $sortedServers ); } else { $serverIndex = 0; } return [ $serverIndex, $this->getTableNameByShard( $tableIndex ) ]; } /** * Get the table name for a given shard index * @param int $index * @return string */ protected function getTableNameByShard( $index ) { if ( $this->shards > 1 ) { $decimals = strlen( $this->shards - 1 ); return $this->tableName . sprintf( "%0{$decimals}d", $index ); } else { return $this->tableName; } } protected function doGet( $key, $flags = 0 ) { $casToken = null; return $this->getWithToken( $key, $casToken, $flags ); } protected function getWithToken( $key, &$casToken, $flags = 0 ) { $values = $this->getMulti( [ $key ] ); if ( array_key_exists( $key, $values ) ) { $casToken = $values[$key]; return $values[$key]; } return false; } public function getMulti( array $keys, $flags = 0 ) { $values = []; // array of (key => value) $keysByTable = []; foreach ( $keys as $key ) { list( $serverIndex, $tableName ) = $this->getTableByKey( $key ); $keysByTable[$serverIndex][$tableName][] = $key; } $this->garbageCollect(); // expire old entries if any $dataRows = []; foreach ( $keysByTable as $serverIndex => $serverKeys ) { try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); foreach ( $serverKeys as $tableName => $tableKeys ) { $res = $db->select( $tableName, [ 'keyname', 'value', 'exptime' ], [ 'keyname' => $tableKeys ], __METHOD__, // Approximate write-on-the-fly BagOStuff API via blocking. // This approximation fails if a ROLLBACK happens (which is rare). // We do not want to flush the TRX as that can break callers. $db->trxLevel() ? [ 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ] : [] ); if ( $res === false ) { continue; } foreach ( $res as $row ) { $row->serverIndex = $serverIndex; $row->tableName = $tableName; $dataRows[$row->keyname] = $row; } } } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleReadError( $e, $serverIndex ); } } foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( isset( $dataRows[$key] ) ) { // HIT? $row = $dataRows[$key]; $this->debug( "get: retrieved data; expiry time is " . $row->exptime ); $db = null; try { $db = $this->getDB( $row->serverIndex ); if ( $this->isExpired( $db, $row->exptime ) ) { // MISS $this->debug( "get: key has expired" ); } else { // HIT $values[$key] = $this->unserialize( $db->decodeBlob( $row->value ) ); } } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $row->serverIndex ); } } else { // MISS $this->debug( 'get: no matching rows' ); } } return $values; } public function setMulti( array $data, $expiry = 0 ) { $keysByTable = []; foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { list( $serverIndex, $tableName ) = $this->getTableByKey( $key ); $keysByTable[$serverIndex][$tableName][] = $key; } $this->garbageCollect(); // expire old entries if any $result = true; $exptime = (int)$expiry; $silenceScope = $this->silenceTransactionProfiler(); foreach ( $keysByTable as $serverIndex => $serverKeys ) { $db = null; try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); $result = false; continue; } if ( $exptime < 0 ) { $exptime = 0; } if ( $exptime == 0 ) { $encExpiry = $this->getMaxDateTime( $db ); } else { $exptime = $this->convertExpiry( $exptime ); $encExpiry = $db->timestamp( $exptime ); } foreach ( $serverKeys as $tableName => $tableKeys ) { $rows = []; foreach ( $tableKeys as $key ) { $rows[] = [ 'keyname' => $key, 'value' => $db->encodeBlob( $this->serialize( $data[$key] ) ), 'exptime' => $encExpiry, ]; } try { $db->replace( $tableName, [ 'keyname' ], $rows, __METHOD__ ); } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); $result = false; } } } return $result; } public function set( $key, $value, $exptime = 0, $flags = 0 ) { $ok = $this->setMulti( [ $key => $value ], $exptime ); if ( ( $flags & self::WRITE_SYNC ) == self::WRITE_SYNC ) { $ok = $this->waitForReplication() && $ok; } return $ok; } protected function cas( $casToken, $key, $value, $exptime = 0 ) { list( $serverIndex, $tableName ) = $this->getTableByKey( $key ); $db = null; $silenceScope = $this->silenceTransactionProfiler(); try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); $exptime = intval( $exptime ); if ( $exptime < 0 ) { $exptime = 0; } if ( $exptime == 0 ) { $encExpiry = $this->getMaxDateTime( $db ); } else { $exptime = $this->convertExpiry( $exptime ); $encExpiry = $db->timestamp( $exptime ); } // (T26425) use a replace if the db supports it instead of // delete/insert to avoid clashes with conflicting keynames $db->update( $tableName, [ 'keyname' => $key, 'value' => $db->encodeBlob( $this->serialize( $value ) ), 'exptime' => $encExpiry ], [ 'keyname' => $key, 'value' => $db->encodeBlob( $this->serialize( $casToken ) ) ], __METHOD__ ); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); return false; } return (bool)$db->affectedRows(); } public function delete( $key ) { list( $serverIndex, $tableName ) = $this->getTableByKey( $key ); $db = null; $silenceScope = $this->silenceTransactionProfiler(); try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); $db->delete( $tableName, [ 'keyname' => $key ], __METHOD__ ); } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); return false; } return true; } public function incr( $key, $step = 1 ) { list( $serverIndex, $tableName ) = $this->getTableByKey( $key ); $db = null; $silenceScope = $this->silenceTransactionProfiler(); try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); $step = intval( $step ); $row = $db->selectRow( $tableName, [ 'value', 'exptime' ], [ 'keyname' => $key ], __METHOD__, [ 'FOR UPDATE' ] ); if ( $row === false ) { // Missing return null; } $db->delete( $tableName, [ 'keyname' => $key ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $this->isExpired( $db, $row->exptime ) ) { // Expired, do not reinsert return null; } $oldValue = intval( $this->unserialize( $db->decodeBlob( $row->value ) ) ); $newValue = $oldValue + $step; $db->insert( $tableName, [ 'keyname' => $key, 'value' => $db->encodeBlob( $this->serialize( $newValue ) ), 'exptime' => $row->exptime ], __METHOD__, 'IGNORE' ); if ( $db->affectedRows() == 0 ) { // Race condition. See T30611 $newValue = null; } } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); return null; } return $newValue; } public function merge( $key, callable $callback, $exptime = 0, $attempts = 10, $flags = 0 ) { $ok = $this->mergeViaCas( $key, $callback, $exptime, $attempts ); if ( ( $flags & self::WRITE_SYNC ) == self::WRITE_SYNC ) { $ok = $this->waitForReplication() && $ok; } return $ok; } public function changeTTL( $key, $expiry = 0 ) { list( $serverIndex, $tableName ) = $this->getTableByKey( $key ); $db = null; $silenceScope = $this->silenceTransactionProfiler(); try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); $db->update( $tableName, [ 'exptime' => $db->timestamp( $this->convertExpiry( $expiry ) ) ], [ 'keyname' => $key, 'exptime > ' . $db->addQuotes( $db->timestamp( time() ) ) ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $db->affectedRows() == 0 ) { return false; } } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); return false; } return true; } /** * @param IDatabase $db * @param string $exptime * @return bool */ protected function isExpired( $db, $exptime ) { return $exptime != $this->getMaxDateTime( $db ) && wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $exptime ) < time(); } /** * @param IDatabase $db * @return string */ protected function getMaxDateTime( $db ) { if ( time() > 0x7fffffff ) { return $db->timestamp( 1 << 62 ); } else { return $db->timestamp( 0x7fffffff ); } } protected function garbageCollect() { if ( !$this->purgePeriod || $this->replicaOnly ) { // Disabled return; } // Only purge on one in every $this->purgePeriod requests. if ( $this->purgePeriod !== 1 && mt_rand( 0, $this->purgePeriod - 1 ) ) { return; } $now = time(); // Avoid repeating the delete within a few seconds if ( $now > ( $this->lastExpireAll + 1 ) ) { $this->lastExpireAll = $now; $this->expireAll(); } } public function expireAll() { $this->deleteObjectsExpiringBefore( wfTimestampNow() ); } /** * Delete objects from the database which expire before a certain date. * @param string $timestamp * @param bool|callable $progressCallback * @return bool */ public function deleteObjectsExpiringBefore( $timestamp, $progressCallback = false ) { $silenceScope = $this->silenceTransactionProfiler(); for ( $serverIndex = 0; $serverIndex < $this->numServers; $serverIndex++ ) { $db = null; try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); $dbTimestamp = $db->timestamp( $timestamp ); $totalSeconds = false; $baseConds = [ 'exptime < ' . $db->addQuotes( $dbTimestamp ) ]; for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->shards; $i++ ) { $maxExpTime = false; while ( true ) { $conds = $baseConds; if ( $maxExpTime !== false ) { $conds[] = 'exptime >= ' . $db->addQuotes( $maxExpTime ); } $rows = $db->select( $this->getTableNameByShard( $i ), [ 'keyname', 'exptime' ], $conds, __METHOD__, [ 'LIMIT' => 100, 'ORDER BY' => 'exptime' ] ); if ( $rows === false || !$rows->numRows() ) { break; } $keys = []; $row = $rows->current(); $minExpTime = $row->exptime; if ( $totalSeconds === false ) { $totalSeconds = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $timestamp ) - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $minExpTime ); } foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $keys[] = $row->keyname; $maxExpTime = $row->exptime; } $db->delete( $this->getTableNameByShard( $i ), [ 'exptime >= ' . $db->addQuotes( $minExpTime ), 'exptime < ' . $db->addQuotes( $dbTimestamp ), 'keyname' => $keys ], __METHOD__ ); if ( $progressCallback ) { if ( intval( $totalSeconds ) === 0 ) { $percent = 0; } else { $remainingSeconds = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $timestamp ) - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $maxExpTime ); if ( $remainingSeconds > $totalSeconds ) { $totalSeconds = $remainingSeconds; } $processedSeconds = $totalSeconds - $remainingSeconds; $percent = ( $i + $processedSeconds / $totalSeconds ) / $this->shards * 100; } $percent = ( $percent / $this->numServers ) + ( $serverIndex / $this->numServers * 100 ); call_user_func( $progressCallback, $percent ); } } } } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); return false; } } return true; } /** * Delete content of shard tables in every server. * Return true if the operation is successful, false otherwise. * @return bool */ public function deleteAll() { $silenceScope = $this->silenceTransactionProfiler(); for ( $serverIndex = 0; $serverIndex < $this->numServers; $serverIndex++ ) { $db = null; try { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->shards; $i++ ) { $db->delete( $this->getTableNameByShard( $i ), '*', __METHOD__ ); } } catch ( DBError $e ) { $this->handleWriteError( $e, $db, $serverIndex ); return false; } } return true; } /** * Serialize an object and, if possible, compress the representation. * On typical message and page data, this can provide a 3X decrease * in storage requirements. * * @param mixed &$data * @return string */ protected function serialize( &$data ) { $serial = serialize( $data ); if ( function_exists( 'gzdeflate' ) ) { return gzdeflate( $serial ); } else { return $serial; } } /** * Unserialize and, if necessary, decompress an object. * @param string $serial * @return mixed */ protected function unserialize( $serial ) { if ( function_exists( 'gzinflate' ) ) { Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $decomp = gzinflate( $serial ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( false !== $decomp ) { $serial = $decomp; } } $ret = unserialize( $serial ); return $ret; } /** * Handle a DBError which occurred during a read operation. * * @param DBError $exception * @param int $serverIndex */ protected function handleReadError( DBError $exception, $serverIndex ) { if ( $exception instanceof DBConnectionError ) { $this->markServerDown( $exception, $serverIndex ); } $this->logger->error( "DBError: {$exception->getMessage()}" ); if ( $exception instanceof DBConnectionError ) { $this->setLastError( BagOStuff::ERR_UNREACHABLE ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": ignoring connection error" ); } else { $this->setLastError( BagOStuff::ERR_UNEXPECTED ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": ignoring query error" ); } } /** * Handle a DBQueryError which occurred during a write operation. * * @param DBError $exception * @param IDatabase|null $db DB handle or null if connection failed * @param int $serverIndex * @throws Exception */ protected function handleWriteError( DBError $exception, IDatabase $db = null, $serverIndex ) { if ( !$db ) { $this->markServerDown( $exception, $serverIndex ); } elseif ( $db->wasReadOnlyError() ) { if ( $db->trxLevel() && $this->usesMainDB() ) { // Errors like deadlocks and connection drops already cause rollback. // For consistency, we have no choice but to throw an error and trigger // complete rollback if the main DB is also being used as the cache DB. throw $exception; } } $this->logger->error( "DBError: {$exception->getMessage()}" ); if ( $exception instanceof DBConnectionError ) { $this->setLastError( BagOStuff::ERR_UNREACHABLE ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": ignoring connection error" ); } else { $this->setLastError( BagOStuff::ERR_UNEXPECTED ); $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": ignoring query error" ); } } /** * Mark a server down due to a DBConnectionError exception * * @param DBError $exception * @param int $serverIndex */ protected function markServerDown( DBError $exception, $serverIndex ) { unset( $this->conns[$serverIndex] ); // bug T103435 if ( isset( $this->connFailureTimes[$serverIndex] ) ) { if ( time() - $this->connFailureTimes[$serverIndex] >= 60 ) { unset( $this->connFailureTimes[$serverIndex] ); unset( $this->connFailureErrors[$serverIndex] ); } else { $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Server #$serverIndex already down" ); return; } } $now = time(); $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ": Server #$serverIndex down until " . ( $now + 60 ) ); $this->connFailureTimes[$serverIndex] = $now; $this->connFailureErrors[$serverIndex] = $exception; } /** * Create shard tables. For use from eval.php. */ public function createTables() { for ( $serverIndex = 0; $serverIndex < $this->numServers; $serverIndex++ ) { $db = $this->getDB( $serverIndex ); if ( $db->getType() !== 'mysql' ) { throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ' is not supported on this DB server' ); } for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->shards; $i++ ) { $db->query( 'CREATE TABLE ' . $db->tableName( $this->getTableNameByShard( $i ) ) . ' LIKE ' . $db->tableName( 'objectcache' ), __METHOD__ ); } } } /** * @return bool Whether the main DB is used, e.g. wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ) */ protected function usesMainDB() { return !$this->serverInfos; } protected function waitForReplication() { if ( !$this->usesMainDB() ) { // Custom DB server list; probably doesn't use replication return true; } $lb = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancer(); if ( $lb->getServerCount() <= 1 ) { return true; // no replica DBs } // Main LB is used; wait for any replica DBs to catch up $masterPos = $lb->getMasterPos(); if ( !$masterPos ) { return true; // not applicable } $loop = new WaitConditionLoop( function () use ( $lb, $masterPos ) { return $lb->waitForAll( $masterPos, 1 ); }, $this->syncTimeout, $this->busyCallbacks ); return ( $loop->invoke() === $loop::CONDITION_REACHED ); } /** * Returns a ScopedCallback which resets the silence flag in the transaction profiler when it is * destroyed on the end of a scope, for example on return or throw * @return ScopedCallback * @since 1.32 */ protected function silenceTransactionProfiler() { $trxProfiler = Profiler::instance()->getTransactionProfiler(); $oldSilenced = $trxProfiler->setSilenced( true ); return new ScopedCallback( function () use ( $trxProfiler, $oldSilenced ) { $trxProfiler->setSilenced( $oldSilenced ); } ); } }