[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libEmbedVideo / htmlEmbed.js
1 /*
2 * used to embed HTML as a movie clip
3 * for use with mv_playlist SMIL additions
4 * (we make assumptions about this.pc (parent clip) being available)
5 */
6 var pcHtmlEmbedDefaults={
7 'dur':4 //default duration of 4 seconds
8 }
9 var htmlEmbed ={
10 supports: {
11 'play_head':true,
12 'pause':true,
13 'fullscreen':false,
14 'time_display':true,
15 'volume_control':true,
17 'overlays':true,
18 'playlist_swap_loader':true //if the object supports playlist functions
19 },
20 ready_to_play:true,
21 pauseTime:0,
22 currentTime:0,
23 start_offset:0,
24 monitorTimerId:false,
25 play:function(){
26 //call the parent
27 this.parent_play();
29 js_log('f:play: htmlEmbedWrapper');
30 var ct = new Date();
31 this.clockStartTime = ct.getTime();
33 //start up monitor:
34 this.monitor();
35 },
36 stop:function(){
37 this.pause();
38 //window.clearInterval( this.monitorTimerId );
39 },
40 pause:function(){
41 js_log('f:pause: htmlEmbedWrapper');
42 var ct = new Date();
43 this.pauseTime = this.currentTime;
44 js_log('pause time: '+ this.pauseTime);
46 window.clearInterval( this.monitorTimerId );
47 },
48 //monitor just needs to keep track of time (do it at frame rate time) .
49 monitor:function(){
50 //js_log('html:monitor: '+ this.currentTime);
51 var ct = new Date();
52 this.currentTime =( ( ct.getTime() - this.clockStartTime )/1000 ) +this.pauseTime;
53 var ct = new Date();
54 //js_log('mvPlayList:monitor trueTime: '+ this.currentTime);
56 if( ! this.monitorTimerId ){
57 if(document.getElementById(this.id)){
60 this.monitorTimerId = window.setInterval('$j(\'#'+this.id+'\').get(0).monitor()', 250);
61 }
62 }
63 },
64 //set up minimal media_element emulation:
65 media_element:{
66 autoSelectSource:function(){
67 return true;
68 },
69 selectedPlayer:{
70 library:"html"
71 },
72 selected_source:{
73 URLTimeEncoding:false
74 },
75 timedTextSources:function(){
76 return false;
77 }
78 },
79 inheritEmbedObj:function(){
80 return true;
81 },
82 renderTimelineThumbnail:function( options ){
83 js_log("HTMLembed req w, height: " + options.width + ' ' + options.height);
84 //generate a scaled down version _that_ we can clone if nessisary
85 //add a not vissiable container to the body:
86 var do_refresh = (typeof options['refresh'] != 'undefined')?true:false;
88 var thumb_render_id = this.id +'_thumb_render_'+ options.height;
89 if( $j('#' + thumb_render_id ).length == 0 || do_refresh ){
90 //set the font scale down percentage: (kind of arbitrary)
91 var scale_perc = options.width / this.pc.pp.width;
92 js_log('scale_perc:'+options.width + ' / '+ $j(this).width()+ ' = '+scale_perc );
93 //min scale font percent of 70 (overflow is hidden)
94 var font_perc = ( Math.round( scale_perc*100 ) < 80 ) ? 80 : Math.round( scale_perc*100 );
95 var thumb_class = (typeof options['thumb_class'] !='undefined')? options['thumb_class'] : '';
96 $j('body').append( '<div id="' + thumb_render_id + '" style="display:none">'+
97 '<div class="' + thumb_class + '" '+
98 'style="width:'+options.width+'px;height:'+options.height+'px;" >'+
99 this.getThumbnailHTML({
100 'width': options.width,
101 'height': options.height
102 }) +
103 '</div>' +
104 '</div>'
105 );
106 //scale down the fonts:
107 $j('#' + thumb_render_id + ' *').filter('span,div,p,h,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6').css('font-size',font_perc+'%')
109 //replace out links:
110 $j('#' + thumb_render_id +' a').each(function(){
111 $j(this).replaceWith("<span>" + $j(this).html() + "</span>");
112 });
114 //scale images that have width or height:
115 $j('#' + thumb_render_id + ' img').filter('[width]').each(function(){
116 $j(this).attr({
117 'width': Math.round( $j(this).attr('width') * scale_perc ),
118 'height': Math.round( $j(this).attr('height') * scale_perc )
119 }
120 );
121 });
122 }
123 return $j('#' + thumb_render_id ).html();
124 },
125 //nothing to update in static html display: (return a static representation)
126 //@@todo render out a mini text "preview"
127 updateThumbTime:function( float_time ){
128 return ;
129 },
130 getEmbedHTML:function(){
131 js_log('f:html:getEmbedHTML: ' + this.id);
132 //set up the css for our parent div:
133 $j(this).css({'width':this.pc.pp.width, 'height':this.pc.pp.height, 'overflow':"hidden"});
134 //@@todo support more smil animation layout stuff:
136 //wrap output in videoPlayer_ div:
137 $j(this).html('<div id="videoPlayer_'+ this.id+'">'+this.getThumbnailHTML()+'</div>');
138 },
139 getThumbnailHTML:function( opt ){
140 var out='';
141 if(!opt)
142 opt = {};
143 var height = (opt.height)?opt.height:this.pc.pp.height;
144 var width = (opt.width)?opt.width: this.pc.pp.width;
145 js_log('1req '+ opt.height + ' but got: ' + height);
146 if( this.pc.type =='image/jpeg'){
147 js_log('should put src: '+this.pc.src);
148 out = '<img style="width:'+width+'px;height:'+height+'px" src="'+this.pc.src+'">';
149 }else{
150 out = this.pc.wholeText;
151 }
152 //js_log('f:getThumbnailHTML: got thumb: '+out);
153 return out;
154 },
155 doThumbnailHTML:function(){
156 js_log('f:htmlEmbed:doThumbnailHTML');
157 this.getEmbedHTML();
158 },
159 /* since its just html display get the "embed" right away */
160 getHTML:function(){
161 js_log('getHTML: htmlEmbed');
162 this.getEmbedHTML();
163 },
164 getDuration:function(){
165 if(this.pc.dur)
166 return this.pc.dur;
167 //return default value:
168 return pcHtmlEmbedDefaults.dur;
169 },
170 updateVideoTime:function(start_ntp, end_ntp){
171 //since we don't really have timeline for html elements just take the delta and set it as the duration
172 this.pc.dur = npt2seconds(end_ntp) - npt2seconds(start_ntp);
173 },
174 //gives a chance to make any nesseary external requests
175 //@@todo we can "start loading images" if we want
176 on_dom_swap:function(){
177 this.loading_external_data=false
178 this.ready_to_play=true;
179 return ;
180 }
181 };