addDescription( 'Send SQL queries to a MediaWiki database. ' . 'Takes a file name containing SQL as argument or runs interactively.' ); $this->addOption( 'query', 'Run a single query instead of running interactively', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'cluster', 'Use an external cluster by name', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'wikidb', 'The database wiki ID to use if not the current one', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'replicadb', 'Replica DB server to use instead of the master DB (can be "any")', false, true ); } public function execute() { // We wan't to allow "" for the wikidb, meaning don't call select_db() $wiki = $this->hasOption( 'wikidb' ) ? $this->getOption( 'wikidb' ) : false; // Get the appropriate load balancer (for this wiki) if ( $this->hasOption( 'cluster' ) ) { $lb = wfGetLBFactory()->getExternalLB( $this->getOption( 'cluster' ), $wiki ); } else { $lb = wfGetLB( $wiki ); } // Figure out which server to use $replicaDB = $this->getOption( 'replicadb', $this->getOption( 'slave', '' ) ); if ( $replicaDB === 'any' ) { $index = DB_SLAVE; } elseif ( $replicaDB != '' ) { $index = null; $serverCount = $lb->getServerCount(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $serverCount; ++$i ) { if ( $lb->getServerName( $i ) === $replicaDB ) { $index = $i; break; } } if ( $index === null ) { $this->error( "No replica DB server configured with the name '$server'.", 1 ); } } else { $index = DB_MASTER; } // Get a DB handle (with this wiki's DB selected) from the appropriate load balancer $db = $lb->getConnection( $index, [], $wiki ); if ( $this->hasOption( 'slave' ) && $db->getLBInfo( 'master' ) !== null ) { $this->error( "The server selected ({$db->getServer()}) is not a replica DB.", 1 ); } if ( $this->hasArg( 0 ) ) { $file = fopen( $this->getArg( 0 ), 'r' ); if ( !$file ) { $this->error( "Unable to open input file", true ); } $error = $db->sourceStream( $file, false, [ $this, 'sqlPrintResult' ] ); if ( $error !== true ) { $this->error( $error, true ); } else { exit( 0 ); } } if ( $this->hasOption( 'query' ) ) { $query = $this->getOption( 'query' ); $this->sqlDoQuery( $db, $query, /* dieOnError */ true ); wfWaitForSlaves(); return; } $useReadline = function_exists( 'readline_add_history' ) && Maintenance::posix_isatty( 0 /*STDIN*/ ); if ( $useReadline ) { global $IP; $historyFile = isset( $_ENV['HOME'] ) ? "{$_ENV['HOME']}/.mwsql_history" : "$IP/maintenance/.mwsql_history"; readline_read_history( $historyFile ); } $wholeLine = ''; $newPrompt = '> '; $prompt = $newPrompt; $doDie = !Maintenance::posix_isatty( 0 ); while ( ( $line = Maintenance::readconsole( $prompt ) ) !== false ) { if ( !$line ) { # User simply pressed return key continue; } $done = $db->streamStatementEnd( $wholeLine, $line ); $wholeLine .= $line; if ( !$done ) { $wholeLine .= ' '; $prompt = ' -> '; continue; } if ( $useReadline ) { # Delimiter is eated by streamStatementEnd, we add it # up in the history (bug 37020) readline_add_history( $wholeLine . $db->getDelimiter() ); readline_write_history( $historyFile ); } $this->sqlDoQuery( $db, $wholeLine, $doDie ); $prompt = $newPrompt; $wholeLine = ''; } wfWaitForSlaves(); } protected function sqlDoQuery( $db, $line, $dieOnError ) { try { $res = $db->query( $line ); $this->sqlPrintResult( $res, $db ); } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->error( $e, $dieOnError ); } } /** * Print the results, callback for $db->sourceStream() * @param ResultWrapper $res The results object * @param DatabaseBase $db */ public function sqlPrintResult( $res, $db ) { if ( !$res ) { // Do nothing return; } elseif ( is_object( $res ) && $res->numRows() ) { foreach ( $res as $row ) { $this->output( print_r( $row, true ) ); } } else { $affected = $db->affectedRows(); $this->output( "Query OK, $affected row(s) affected\n" ); } } /** * @return int DB_TYPE constant */ public function getDbType() { return Maintenance::DB_ADMIN; } } $maintClass = "MwSql"; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;