ID) to the new schema (ID->ID) # This hasn't been tested yet, so expect bugs # The wiki should be put into read-only mode while this script executes include_once( "" ); # Check if it's already done $res = wfQuery( "SELECT * FROM links LIMIT 1", DB_WRITE ); if ( !wfNumRows( $res ) ) { print "No rows to convert. Updating schema...\n"; createTable(); } else { $row = wfFetchObject( $res ); if ( is_numeric( $row->l_from ) ) { print "Schema already converted\n"; exit; } # Create a title -> cur_id map print "Loading IDs..."; wfBufferSQLResults( false ); $res = wfQuery( "SELECT cur_namespace,cur_title,cur_id FROM cur", DB_WRITE ); $ids = array(); while ( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { $title = $row->cur_title; if ( $row->cur_namespace ) { $title = $wgLang->getNsText( $row->cur_namespace ) . ":$title"; } $ids[$title] = $row->cur_id; } wfFreeResult( $res ); print "done\n"; # Now, load in all the links and create a links table in RAM print "Processing links...\n"; $res = wfQuery( "SELECT * FROM links", DB_WRITE ); $links = array(); $numBad = 0; while ( $row = wfFetchObject( $res ) ) { if ( array_key_exists( $row->l_from, $ids ) ) { $links[$ids[$row->l_from]][$row->l_to] = 1; } else { $numBad ++; } } print "Done, $numBad invalid titles\n"; # Save it to a new table createTable(); $sql = "INSERT INTO links_temp(l_from,l_to) VALUES "; $first = true; foreach( $links as $from => $toArray ) { foreach ( $toArray as $to => $one ) { if ( $first ) { $first = false; } else { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "($from,$to)"; } } wfQuery( $sql, DB_WRITE ); } # Swap in the new table wfQuery( "RENAME TABLE links TO links_backup, links_temp TO links", DB_WRITE ); print "Conversion complete. The old table remains at links_backup, delete at your leisure.\n"; function createTable() { wfQuery( "CREATE TABLE links_temp ( l_from int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', l_to int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', UNIQUE KEY l_from(l_from,l_to), KEY (l_to))", DB_WRITE); } ?>