encodeJson( $value ) ); $response->setHeader( 'Content-Type', $contentType ); return $response; } /** * Create a 204 (No Content) response, used to indicate that an operation which does * not return anything (e.g. a PUT request) was successful. * * Headers are generally interpreted to refer to the target of the operation. E.g. if * this was a PUT request, the caller of this method might want to add an ETag header * describing the created resource. * * @return Response */ public function createNoContent() { $response = new Response(); $response->setStatus( 204 ); return $response; } /** * Creates a permanent (301) redirect. * This indicates that the caller of the API should update their indexes and call * the new URL in the future. 301 redirects tend to get cached and are hard to undo. * Client behavior for methods other than GET/HEAD is not well-defined and this type * of response should be avoided in such cases. * @param string $target Redirect target (an absolute URL) * @return Response */ public function createPermanentRedirect( $target ) { $response = $this->createRedirectBase( $target ); $response->setStatus( 301 ); return $response; } /** * Creates a temporary (302) redirect. * HTTP 302 was underspecified and has been superseded by 303 (when the redirected request * should be a GET, regardless of what the current request is) and 307 (when the method should * not be changed), but might still be needed for HTTP 1.0 clients or to match legacy behavior. * @param string $target Redirect target (an absolute URL) * @return Response * @see self::createTemporaryRedirect() * @see self::createSeeOther() */ public function createLegacyTemporaryRedirect( $target ) { $response = $this->createRedirectBase( $target ); $response->setStatus( 302 ); return $response; } /** * Creates a temporary (307) redirect. * This indicates that the operation the client was trying to perform can temporarily * be achieved by using a different URL. Clients will preserve the request method when * retrying the request with the new URL. * @param string $target Redirect target (an absolute URL) * @return Response */ public function createTemporaryRedirect( $target ) { $response = $this->createRedirectBase( $target ); $response->setStatus( 307 ); return $response; } /** * Creates a See Other (303) redirect. * This indicates that the target resource might be of interest to the client, without * necessarily implying that it is the same resource. The client will always use GET * (or HEAD) when following the redirection. Useful for GET-after-POST. * @param string $target Redirect target (an absolute URL) * @return Response */ public function createSeeOther( $target ) { $response = $this->createRedirectBase( $target ); $response->setStatus( 303 ); return $response; } /** * Create a 304 (Not Modified) response, used when the client has an up-to-date cached response. * * Per RFC 7232 the response should contain all Cache-Control, Content-Location, Date, * ETag, Expires, and Vary headers that would have been sent with the 200 OK answer * if the requesting client did not have a valid cached response. This is the responsibility * of the caller of this method. * * @return Response */ public function createNotModified() { $response = new Response(); $response->setStatus( 304 ); return $response; } /** * Create a HTTP 4xx or 5xx response. * @param int $errorCode HTTP error code * @param array $bodyData An array of data to be included in the JSON response * @return Response * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function createHttpError( $errorCode, array $bodyData = [] ) { if ( $errorCode < 400 || $errorCode >= 600 ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'error code must be 4xx or 5xx' ); } $response = $this->createJson( $bodyData + [ 'httpCode' => $errorCode, 'httpReason' => HttpStatus::getMessage( $errorCode ) ] ); // TODO add link to error code documentation $response->setStatus( $errorCode ); return $response; } /** * Turn an exception into a JSON error response. * @param Exception|Throwable $exception * @return Response */ public function createFromException( $exception ) { if ( $exception instanceof HttpException ) { // FIXME can HttpException represent 2xx or 3xx responses? $response = $this->createHttpError( $exception->getCode(), array_merge( [ 'message' => $exception->getMessage() ], (array)$exception->getErrorData() ) ); } else { $response = $this->createHttpError( 500, [ 'message' => 'Error: exception of type ' . get_class( $exception ), 'exception' => MWExceptionHandler::getStructuredExceptionData( $exception ) ] ); // FIXME should we try to do something useful with ILocalizedException? // FIXME should we try to do something useful with common MediaWiki errors like ReadOnlyError? } return $response; } /** * Create a JSON response from an arbitrary value. * This is a fallback; it's preferable to use createJson() instead. * @param mixed $value A structure containing only scalars, arrays and stdClass objects * @return Response * @throws InvalidArgumentException When $value cannot be reasonably represented as JSON */ public function createFromReturnValue( $value ) { $originalValue = $value; if ( is_scalar( $value ) ) { $data = [ 'value' => $value ]; } elseif ( is_array( $value ) || $value instanceof stdClass ) { $data = $value; } else { $type = gettype( $originalValue ); if ( $type === 'object' ) { $type = get_class( $originalValue ); } throw new InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ . ": Invalid return value type $type" ); } $response = $this->createJson( $data ); return $response; } /** * Create a redirect response with type / response code unspecified. * @param string $target Redirect target (an absolute URL) * @return Response */ protected function createRedirectBase( $target ) { $response = new Response( $this->getHyperLink( $target ) ); $response->setHeader( 'Content-Type', self::CT_HTML ); $response->setHeader( 'Location', $target ); return $response; } /** * Returns a minimal HTML document that links to the given URL, as suggested by * RFC 7231 for 3xx responses. * @param string $url An absolute URL * @return string */ protected function getHyperLink( $url ) { $url = htmlspecialchars( $url ); return "Redirect$url"; } }