[CSS] ~couleur loupe formulaire de recherche
[ptitvelo/web/www.git] / www / plugins / agenda_3_5 / lang / agenda_en.php
1 <?php
2 // This is a SPIP language file -- Ceci est un fichier langue de SPIP
3 // extrait automatiquement de http://trad.spip.net/tradlang_module/agenda?lang_cible=en
4 // ** ne pas modifier le fichier **
6 if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return;
8 $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS['idx_lang']] = array(
10 // A
11 'absence_prise_en_compte' => 'Your absence is recorded',
12 'activite_editoriale' => 'Editorial activity',
13 'afficher_calendrier' => 'Show the calendar',
14 'agenda' => 'Agenda',
15 'ajouter_repetition' => 'Add repetitions',
16 'ajouter_un_evenement' => 'Add one event to this article',
17 'annee_precedente' => 'previous year',
18 'annee_suivante' => 'next year',
19 'aucun_evenement' => 'no event',
20 'aucun_inscrit' => 'No registered',
21 'aucune_rubrique_mode_agenda' => 'By default, all sections can use the events. If you activate the agenda mode on one or more sections, event management will be limited in its subtree.',
23 // B
24 'bouton_annuler' => 'Cancel',
25 'bouton_supprimer' => 'Delete',
27 // C
28 'confirm_suppression_inscription' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this registration?',
29 'confirm_suppression_inscription_toutes' => 'Do you really want to delete all registrations?',
30 'connexion_necessaire_pour_inscription' => 'Please log in to register to this event.',
31 'creer_evenement' => 'Create an event',
33 // E
34 'erreur_article_interdit' => 'You have no right to associate this event to this article',
35 'erreur_article_manquant' => 'You should link to an article',
36 'erreur_date' => 'This date is incorrect',
37 'erreur_date_avant_apres' => 'Please enter an end date after the date of beginning.',
38 'erreur_date_corrigee' => 'The date has been corrected',
39 'erreur_heure' => 'This hour is incorrect',
40 'erreur_heure_corrigee' => 'The hour has been corrected',
41 'evenement_adresse' => 'Address',
42 'evenement_article' => 'Link to the article',
43 'evenement_autres_occurences' => 'Other occurences :',
44 'evenement_date' => 'Date',
45 'evenement_date_a' => 'to ',
46 'evenement_date_a_immediat' => 'at ',
47 'evenement_date_au' => 'To ',
48 'evenement_date_de' => 'From ',
49 'evenement_date_debut' => 'Starting date',
50 'evenement_date_du' => 'From ',
51 'evenement_date_fin' => 'Ending date',
52 'evenement_date_inscription' => 'Registration date',
53 'evenement_descriptif' => 'Description',
54 'evenement_horaire' => 'All day',
55 'evenement_lieu' => 'Location',
56 'evenement_repetitions' => 'Repetition',
57 'evenement_titre' => 'Title',
58 'evenements' => 'Events',
59 'evenements_a_venir' => 'Next',
60 'evenements_depuis_debut' => 'All',
62 // F
63 'fermer' => 'close',
65 // I
66 'icone_creer_evenement' => 'Generate a new event',
67 'icone_modifier_evenement' => 'Edit the event',
68 'indiquez_votre_choix' => 'Indicate your choice',
69 'info_1_mois' => '1 month',
70 'info_1_place' => '1 seat',
71 'info_aucun_evenement' => 'No event',
72 'info_evenement' => 'Event',
73 'info_evenement_poubelle' => 'Event deleted',
74 'info_evenement_propose' => 'Event proposed',
75 'info_evenement_publie' => 'Event published',
76 'info_evenements' => 'Events',
77 'info_inscription' => 'Online registration:',
78 'info_lieu' => 'Place:',
79 'info_nb_inscrits' => '@nb@ registered',
80 'info_nb_mois' => '@nb@ months',
81 'info_nb_places' => '@nb@ seats',
82 'info_nombre_evenements' => '@nb@ events',
83 'info_nouvel_evenement' => 'New event',
84 'info_reponse_inscription_non' => 'no',
85 'info_reponse_inscription_nsp' => '?',
86 'info_reponse_inscription_oui' => 'yes',
87 'info_reponse_inscriptions' => 'Answer',
88 'info_reponses_inscriptions' => 'Answers:',
89 'info_un_evenement' => 'One event',
90 'info_un_inscrit' => 'One registered',
91 'inscrits' => 'Registrations',
93 // L
94 'label_annee' => 'Year',
95 'label_inscription' => 'Online registration',
96 'label_periode_saison' => 'Season',
97 'label_places' => 'Limit the seats number',
98 'label_reponse_jyparticipe' => 'I\'ll be there',
99 'label_reponse_jyparticipe_pas' => 'I won\'t be there',
100 'label_reponse_jyparticipe_peutetre' => 'Maybe I\'ll be there',
101 'label_vous_inscrire' => 'Your participation',
102 'lien_desinscrire' => 'Remove',
103 'lien_desinscrire_tous' => 'Delete all registrations',
104 'lien_retirer_evenement' => 'Deleted ',
105 'liste_inscrits' => 'Registrations',
107 // M
108 'mois_precedent' => 'previous month',
109 'mois_suivant' => 'next month',
111 // N
112 'nb_repetitions' => '@nb@ repetitions',
114 // P
115 'participation_incertaine_prise_en_compte' => 'Your possible participation is registered',
116 'participation_prise_en_compte' => 'Your participation is recorded',
117 'probleme_technique' => 'A technical problem occurred. Try again later.',
119 // R
120 'repetition' => 'Repetition',
121 'repetition_de' => 'Repetition of',
122 'retour_evenement' => 'Back to the event',
123 'rubrique_activer_agenda' => 'Activate the agenda for this section',
124 'rubrique_dans_une_rubrique_mode_agenda' => 'This section allows you to use the events as it is in a section where agenda mode has been enabled',
125 'rubrique_desactiver_agenda' => 'Disable agenda mode for this section',
126 'rubrique_liste_evenements_de' => 'Events of the section',
127 'rubrique_mode_agenda' => 'The agenda mode is enabled for this section and its subtree',
128 'rubrique_sans_gestion_evenement' => 'The agenda mode is not enabled for this section',
129 'rubriques' => 'Agenda sections',
131 // S
132 'sans_titre' => '(without title)',
134 // T
135 'telecharger' => 'Download (csv)',
136 'telecharger_oui' => 'Only positive answers',
137 'telecharger_toutes' => 'All answers',
138 'telecharger_toutes_tous_evenements' => 'All answers to registrations',
139 'texte_agenda' => 'Agenda',
140 'texte_evenement_statut' => 'This event is:',
141 'texte_logo_objet' => 'Event\'s logo',
142 'titre_cadre_ajouter_evenement' => 'Add one event',
143 'titre_cadre_modifier_evenement' => 'Modify one event',
144 'titre_sur_l_agenda' => 'On agenda',
145 'titre_sur_l_agenda_aussi' => 'And also...',
146 'toutes_rubriques' => 'All',
148 // U
149 'une_repetition' => '1 repetition',
151 // V
152 'voir_evenements_rubrique' => 'See this section\'s events'
153 );
155 ?>