* added missing message "mwe-no_text_tracks_found"
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libSequencer / mvTimedEffectsEdit.js
1 /*
2 * mvTimedEffectsEdit
3 *
4 * for now just simple single stack transition control
5 *
6 */
8 //add our local msgs
9 loadGM({
10 "mwe-transition_in" : "Transition in",
11 "mwe-transition_out" : "Transition out",
12 "mwe-effects" : "Effects stack",
13 "mwe-remove_transition" : "Remove transition",
14 "mwe-edit_transin" : "Edit transition into clip",
15 "mwe-edit_transout" : "Edit transition out of clip"
16 });
18 var default_timed_effect_values = {
19 'rObj': null, // the resource object
20 'clip_disp_ct':null, //target clip disp
21 'control_ct':null, //control container
23 'parent_ct': null, //parent container
24 'pSeq': null, //parent sequence Object
26 'edit_action': null, //the requested edit action
27 };
29 var mvTimedEffectsEdit =function(iObj) {
30 return this.init(iObj);
31 };
32 //set up the mvSequencer object
33 mvTimedEffectsEdit.prototype = {
34 //the menu_items Object contains: default html, js setup/loader functions
35 menu_items : {
36 'transin':{
37 'title':gM('mwe-transition_in'),
38 'clip_attr':'transIn',
39 'doEdit':function(_this){
40 _this.doTransitionDisplayEdit('transin');
41 }
42 },
43 'transout':{
44 'title':gM('mwe-transition_out'),
45 'clip_attr':'transOut',
46 'doEdit':function(_this){
47 _this.doTransitionDisplayEdit('transout');
48 }
49 },
50 'effects':{
51 'title':gM('mwe-effects'),
52 'clip_attr':'Effects',
53 'doEdit':function(_this){
54 //display
55 _this.doEditEffectDisplayEdit();
56 }
57 }
58 },
59 init:function(iObj){
60 //init object:
61 for(var i in default_timed_effect_values){
62 if( iObj[i] ){
63 this[i] = iObj[i];
64 }
65 }
66 this.doEditMenu();
67 },
68 doEditMenu:function(){
69 js_log('mvTimedEffects : doEditMenu::');
70 var _this = this;
71 //add in subMenus if set
72 //check for submenu and add to item container
74 //update the default edit display (if we have a target)
75 var tTarget = 'transin';
76 if(this.rObj.transOut)
77 tTarget = 'transout';
78 if(this.rObj.effects)
79 tTarget = 'effects';
81 var o='';
82 var tabc ='';
83 o+= '<div id="mv_submenu_timedeffect">';
84 o+='<ul>';
85 var inx =0;
86 var selected_tab=0;
87 $j.each(this.menu_items, function(sInx, mItem){
88 if( sInx == tTarget){
89 selected_tab = inx;
90 }
91 //check if the given editType is valid for our given media type
92 o+= '<li>'+
93 '<a id="mv_te_'+sInx+'" href="#te_' + sInx + '">' + mItem.title + '</a>'+
94 '</li>';
95 tabc += '<div id="te_' + sInx + '" style="overflow:auto;" ></div>';
96 inx++;
97 });
98 o+= '</ul>' + tabc;
99 o+= '</div>';
100 //add sub menu container with menu html:
101 $j('#'+this.control_ct).html( o ) ;
102 js_log('should have set: #'+this.control_ct + ' to: ' + o);
103 //set up bindins:
104 $j('#mv_submenu_timedeffect').tabs({
105 selected: selected_tab,
106 select: function(event, ui) {
107 _this.doDisplayEdit( $j(ui.tab).attr('id').replace('mv_te_', '') );
108 }
109 }).addClass('ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix');
110 //close left:
111 $j("#mv_submenu_clipedit li").removeClass('ui-corner-top').addClass('ui-corner-left');
112 _this.doDisplayEdit(tTarget);
113 },
114 doDisplayEdit:function( tab_id ){
115 //@@todo fix the double display of doDisplayEdit
116 js_log("doDisplayEdit::");
117 if( !this.menu_items[ tab_id ] ){
118 js_log('error: doDisplayEdit missing item:' + tab_id);
119 }else{
120 //use the menu_item config to map to function display
121 this.menu_items[tab_id].doEdit(this);
122 }
123 },
124 doEditEffectDisplayEdit:function(){
125 var _this = this;
126 var appendTarget = '#te_effects';
127 js_log('type:' + _this.rObj['type']);
128 $j(appendTarget).html(gM('mwe-loading_txt'));
129 //@@todo integrate into core and loading system:
130 loadExternalJs(mv_embed_path + 'libClipEdit/pixastic-editor/editor.js?' + getMvUniqueReqId() );
131 loadExternalJs(mv_embed_path + 'libClipEdit/pixastic-editor/pixastic.all.js?' + getMvUniqueReqId() );
132 loadExternalJs(mv_embed_path + 'libClipEdit/pixastic-editor/ui.js?' + getMvUniqueReqId() );
133 loadExternalJs(mv_embed_path + 'libClipEdit/pixastic-editor/uidata.js?' + getMvUniqueReqId() );
134 loadExternalCss(mv_embed_path + 'libClipEdit/pixastic-editor/pixastic.all.js?' + getMvUniqueReqId() );
136 var isPixasticReady = function(){
137 if(typeof PixasticEditor != 'undefined'){
138 $j(appendTarget).html('<a href="#" class="run_effect_demo">Run Pixastic Editor Demo</a> (not yet fully integrated/ super alpha)<br> best to view <a href="http://www.pixastic.com/editor-test/">stand alone</a>');
139 $j(appendTarget + ' .run_effect_demo').click(function(){
140 var cat = _this;
141 var imgElm = $j( '.clip_container:visible img').get(0);
142 PixasticEditor.load(imgElm);
143 });
144 }else{
145 setTimeout(isPixasticReady, 100)
146 }
147 }
148 isPixasticReady();
149 },
150 doTransitionDisplayEdit:function(target_item){
151 var _this = this;
152 js_log("doTransitionDisplayEdit: "+ target_item);
153 var apendTarget = '#te_' + target_item;
154 //check if we have a transition of type clip_attr
155 if(!this.rObj[ this.menu_items[ target_item ].clip_attr ]){
156 //empty append the transition list:
157 this.getTransitionListControl( apendTarget );
158 return ;
159 }
160 var cTran = this.rObj[ this.menu_items[ target_item ].clip_attr ];
161 var o='<h3>' + gM('mwe-edit_'+target_item ) + '</h3>';
162 o+='Type: ' +
163 '<select class="te_select_type">';
164 for(var typeKey in mvTransLib.type){
165 var selAttr = (cTran.type == typeKey)?' selected':'';
166 o+='<option value="'+typeKey+'"'+ selAttr +'>'+typeKey+'</option>';
167 }
168 o+='</select><br>';
169 o+='<span class="te_subtype_container"></span>';
171 //add html and select bindings
172 $j(apendTarget).html(o).children('.te_select_type')
173 .change(function(){
174 var selectedType = $j(this).val();
175 //update subtype listing:
176 _this.getSubTypeControl(target_item, selectedType, apendTarget + ' .te_subtype_container' );
177 });
178 //add subtype control
179 _this.getSubTypeControl( target_item, cTran.type, apendTarget + ' .te_subtype_container' );
181 //add remove transition button:
182 $j(apendTarget).append( '<br><br>' + $j.btnHtml(gM('mwe-remove_transition'), 'te_remove_transition', 'close' ) )
183 .children('.te_remove_transition')
184 .click(function(){
185 //remove the transtion from the playlist
186 _this.pSeq.plObj.transitions[cTran.id] = null;
187 //remove the transtion from the clip:
188 _this.rObj[ _this.menu_items[ target_item ].clip_attr ] = null;
189 //update the interface:
190 _this.doTransitionDisplayEdit( target_item );
191 //update the sequence
192 _this.pSeq.do_refresh_timeline();
193 });
194 },
195 getSubTypeControl:function(target_item, transition_type, htmlTarget){
196 var _this = this;
197 var cTran = this.rObj[ this.menu_items[ target_item ].clip_attr ];
198 var o='Sub Type:<select class="te_subtype_select">';
199 for(var subTypeKey in mvTransLib.type[ transition_type ]){
200 var selAttr = (cTran.subtype == subTypeKey) ? ' selected' : '';
201 o+='<option value="'+subTypeKey+'"'+ selAttr +'>'+subTypeKey+'</option>';
202 }
203 o+='</select><br>';
204 $j(htmlTarget).html(o)
205 .children('.te_subtype_select')
206 .change(function(){
207 //update the property
208 cTran.subtype = $j(this).val();
209 //re-gen timeline / playlist
210 _this.pSeq.do_refresh_timeline();
211 //(re-select self?)
212 _this.getSubTypeControl(target_item, transition_type, htmlTarget);
213 });
214 var o='';
215 //check for extra properties control:
216 for(var i=0; i < mvTransLib.type[ transition_type ][ cTran.subtype ].attr.length; i++){
217 var tAttr =mvTransLib.type[ transition_type ][ cTran.subtype ].attr[i]
218 switch(tAttr){
219 case 'fadeColor':
220 var cColor = (cTran['fadeColor'])?cTran['fadeColor']:'';
221 $j(htmlTarget).append('Select Color: <div class="colorSelector"><div class="colorIndicator" style="background-color: '+cColor+'"></div></div>');
222 js_log('cs target: '+htmlTarget +' .colorSelector' );
225 $j(htmlTarget + ' .colorSelector').ColorPicker({
226 color: cColor,
227 onShow: function (colpkr) {
228 //make sure its ontop:
229 $j(colpkr).css("zIndex", "12");
230 $j(colpkr).fadeIn(500);
231 return false;
232 },
233 onHide: function (colpkr) {
234 $j(colpkr).fadeOut(500);
235 _this.pSeq.plObj.setCurrentTime(0, function(){
236 js_log("render ready");
237 });
238 return false;
239 },
240 onChange: function (hsb, hex, rgb) {
241 $j(htmlTarget + ' .colorIndicator').css('backgroundColor', '#' + hex);
242 //update the transition
243 cTran['fadeColor'] = '#' + hex;
244 }
245 })
246 break;
247 }
248 }
249 //and finally add effect timeline scrubber (for timed effects this also stores keyframes)
251 },
252 getTransitionListControl : function(target_out){
253 js_log("getTransitionListControl");
254 var o= '<h3>Add a Transition:</h3>';
255 for(var type in mvTransLib['type']){
256 js_log('on tran type: ' + i);
257 var base_trans_name = i;
258 var tLibSet = mvTransLib['type'][ type ];
259 for(var subtype in tLibSet){
260 o+='<img style="float:left;padding:10px;" '+
261 'src="' + mvTransLib.getTransitionIcon(type, subtype)+ '">';
262 }
263 }
264 $j(target_out).html(o);
265 }
266 };