* Update messages in JavaScript
[lhc/web/wiklou.git] / js2 / mwEmbed / libAddMedia / remoteSearchDriver.js
1 /*
2 * a library for doing remote media searches
3 *
4 * initial targeted archives are:
5 the local wiki
6 wikimedia commons
7 metavid
8 and archive.org
9 */
11 loadGM({
12 "mwe-add_media_wizard" : "Add media wizard",
13 "mwe-media_search" : "Media search",
14 "rsd_box_layout" : "Box layout",
15 "rsd_list_layout" : "List layout",
16 "rsd_results_desc" : "Results",
17 "rsd_results_next" : "next",
18 "rsd_results_prev" : "previous",
19 "rsd_no_results" : "No search results for <b>$1<\/b>",
20 "mwe-upload_tab" : "Upload",
21 "rsd_layout" : "Layout:",
22 "rsd_resource_edit" : "Edit resource: $1",
23 "mwe-resource_description_page" : "Resource description page",
24 "rsd_local_resource_title" : "Local resource title",
25 "rsd_do_insert" : "Do insert",
26 "mwe-cc_title" : "Creative Commons",
27 "mwe-cc_by_title" : "Attribution",
28 "mwe-cc_nc_title" : "Noncommercial",
29 "mwe-cc_nd_title" : "No Derivative Works",
30 "mwe-cc_sa_title" : "Share Alike",
31 "mwe-cc_pd_title" : "Public Domain",
32 "mwe-unknown_license" : "Unknown license",
33 "mwe-no_import_by_url" : "This user or wiki <b>can not<\/b> import assets from remote URLs.<p>Do you need to login?<\/p><p>If permissions are set, you may have to enable <a href=\"http:\/\/www.mediawiki.org\/wiki\/Manual:$wgAllowCopyUploads\">$wgAllowCopyUploads<\/a>.<\/p>",
34 "mwe-results_from" : "Results from <a href=\"$1\" target=\"_new\" >$2<\/a>",
35 "mwe-missing_desc_see_source" : "This asset is missing a description. Please see the [$1 orginal source] and help describe it.",
36 "rsd_config_error" : "Add media wizard configuration error: $1",
37 "mwe-your_recent_uploads" : "Your recent uploads",
38 "mwe-upload_a_file" : "Upload a new file",
39 "mwe-resource_page_desc" : "Resource page description:",
40 "mwe-edit_resource_desc" : "Edit wiki text resource description:",
41 "mwe-local_resource_title" : "Local resource title:",
42 "mwe-watch_this_page" : "Watch this page",
43 "mwe-do_import_resource" : "Import resource",
44 "mwe-update_preview" : "Update preview",
45 "mwe-cancel_import" : "Cancel import",
46 "mwe-importing_asset" : "Importing asset",
47 "mwe-preview_insert_resource" : "Preview insert of resource: $1"
48 });
50 var default_remote_search_options = {
51 'profile':'mediawiki_edit',
52 'target_container':null, //the div that will hold the search interface
53 //if using a modeal dialog (instead of target_container) how close to the edge of the window should we go:
54 'modal_edge_padding':'20px',
56 'target_invocation': null, //the button or link that will invoke the search interface
58 'default_provider_id':'all', //all or one of the content_providers ids
60 'caret_pos':null,
61 'local_wiki_api_url':null,
63 //can be 'api', 'form', 'autodetect', 'remote_link'
64 'import_url_mode': 'autodetect',
66 'target_title':null,
68 'target_textbox':null,
69 'target_render_area': null, //where output render should go:
70 'instance_name': null, //a globally accessible callback instance name
71 'default_query':null, //default search query
72 //specific to sequence profile
73 'p_seq':null,
74 'cFileNS':'File', //what is the cannonical namespace for images
75 //@@todo (should get that from the api or inpage vars)
77 'enable_upload_tab':true, // if we want to enable an uploads tab:
78 'upload_api_target' : 'http://localhost/wiki_trunk/api.php' // can be local or the url of the upload api.
79 }
81 if(typeof wgServer == 'undefined')
82 wgServer = '';
83 if(typeof wgScriptPath == 'undefined')
84 wgScriptPath = '';
85 if(typeof stylepath == 'undefined')
86 stylepath = '';
88 /*
89 * base remoteSearch Driver interface
90 */
91 var remoteSearchDriver = function(iObj){
92 return this.init( iObj );
93 }
94 remoteSearchDriver.prototype = {
95 results_cleared:false,
96 //here we define the set of possible media content providers:
97 main_search_options:{
98 'selprovider':{
99 'title': 'Select Providers'
100 },
101 'advanced_search':{
102 'title': 'Advanced Options'
103 }
104 },
105 /*
106 * sets the default display item:
107 * can be any content_providers key or 'all'
108 */
109 disp_item : 'wiki_commons',
110 /** the default content providers list.
111 *
112 * (should be note that special tabs like "upload" and "combined" don't go into the content proviers list:
113 * @note do not use double underscore in content providers names (used for id lookup)
114 *
115 * @@todo we will want to load more per user-preference and per category lookup
116 */
117 content_providers:{
118 /*content_providers documentation:
119 * @@todo we should move the bulk of the configuration to each file
120 *
122 @enabled: whether the search provider can be selected
123 @checked: whether the search provider will show up as seleatable tab (todo: user prefrence)
124 @d: default: if the current cp should be displayed (only one should be the default)
125 @title: the title of the search provider
126 @desc: can use html... todo: need to localize
127 @api_url: the url to query against given the library type:
128 @lib: the search library to use corresponding to the
129 search object ie: 'mediaWiki' = new mediaWikiSearchSearch()
130 @tab_img: the tab image (if set to false use title text)
131 if === "ture" use standard location skin/images/{cp_id}_tab.png
132 if === string use as url for image
134 @linkback_icon default is: /wiki/skins/common/images/magnify-clip.png
136 //domain insert: two modes: simple config or domain list:
137 @local : if the content provider assets need to be imported or not.
138 @local_domains : sets of domains for which the content is local
139 //@@todo should query wgForeignFileRepos setting maybe interwikimap from the api
140 */
141 'this_wiki':{
142 'enabled': 1,
143 'checked': 1,
144 'title' : 'This Wiki',
145 'desc' : '(should be updated with the proper text) maybe import from some config value',
146 'api_url': ( wgServer && wgScriptPath )? wgServer + wgScriptPath+ '/api.php': null,
147 'lib' : 'mediaWiki',
148 'local' : true,
149 'tab_img': false
150 },
151 'wiki_commons':{
152 'enabled': 1,
153 'checked': 1,
154 'title' :'Wikimedia Commons',
155 'desc' : 'Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain '+
156 'and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to all.',
157 'homepage': 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page',
158 'api_url':'http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php',
159 'lib' :'mediaWiki',
160 'resource_prefix': 'WC_', //prefix on imported resources (not applicable if the repository is local)
162 //list all the domains where commons is local?
163 // probably should set this some other way by doing an api query
164 // or by seeding this config when calling the remote search?
165 'local_domains': ['wikimedia','wikipedia','wikibooks'],
166 //specific to wiki commons config:
167 'search_title':false, //disable title search
168 //set up default range limit
169 'offset' : 0,
170 'limit' : 30,
171 'tab_img':true
172 },
173 'archive_org':{
174 'enabled':1,
175 'checked':1,
176 'title' : 'Archive.org',
177 'desc' : 'The Internet Archive, a digital library of cultural artifacts',
178 'homepage':'http://www.archive.org/about/about.php',
180 'api_url':'http://homeserver7.us.archive.org:8983/solr/select',
181 'lib' : 'archiveOrg',
182 'local' : false,
183 'resource_prefix': 'AO_',
184 'tab_img':true
185 },
186 'metavid':{
187 'enabled':1,
188 'checked':1,
189 'title' :'Metavid.org',
190 'homepage':'http://metavid.org',
191 'desc' : 'Metavid hosts thousands of hours of US house and senate floor proceedings',
192 'api_url':'http://metavid.org/w/index.php?title=Special:MvExportSearch',
193 'lib' : 'metavid',
194 'local' :false, //if local set to true we can use local
195 'resource_prefix': 'MV_', //what prefix to use on imported resources
197 'local_domains': ['metavid'], // if the domain name contains metavid
198 // no need to import metavid content to metavid sites
200 'stream_import_key': 'mv_ogg_low_quality', // which stream to import, could be mv_ogg_high_quality
201 //or flash stream, see ROE xml for keys
203 'remote_embed_ext': false, //if running the remoteEmbed extension no need to copy local
204 //syntax will be [remoteEmbed:roe_url link title]
205 'tab_img':true
206 }
207 },
208 //define the licenses
209 // ... this will get complicated quick...
210 // (just look at complexity for creative commons without exessive "duplicate data")
211 // ie cc_by could be "by/3.0/us/" or "by/2.1/jp/" to infinitum...
212 // some complexity should be negated by license equivalances.
214 // but we will have to abstract into another class let content providers provide license urls
215 // and we have to clone the license object and allow local overrides
217 licenses:{
218 //for now only support creative commons type licenses
219 //used page: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
220 'cc':{
221 'base_img_url':'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/',
222 'base_license_url': 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/',
223 'licenses':{
224 'by': 'by/3.0/',
225 'by-sa': 'by-sa/3.0/',
226 'by-nc-nd': 'by-nc-nd/3.0/',
227 'by-nc': 'by-nc/3.0/',
228 'by-nd': 'by-nd/3.0/',
229 'by-nc-sa': 'by-nc-sa/3.0/',
230 'by-sa': 'by-nc/3.0',
231 'pd': 'publicdomain/'
232 },
233 'license_img':{
234 'by':{
235 'im':'1/11/Cc-by_new_white.svg/20px-Cc-by_new_white.svg.png'
236 },
237 'nc':{
238 'im':'2/2f/Cc-nc_white.svg/20px-Cc-nc_white.svg.png'
239 },
240 'nd':{
241 'im':'b/b3/Cc-nd_white.svg/20px-Cc-nd_white.svg.png'
242 },
243 'sa':{
244 'im':'d/df/Cc-sa_white.svg/20px-Cc-sa_white.svg.png'
245 },
246 'pd':{
247 'im':'5/51/Cc-pd-new_white.svg/20px-Cc-pd-new_white.svg.png'
248 }
249 }
250 }
251 },
252 /*
253 * getlicenseImgSet
254 * @param license_key the license key (ie "by-sa" or "by-nc-sa" etc)
255 */
256 getlicenseImgSet: function( licenseObj ){
257 //js_log('output images: '+ imgs);
258 return '<div class="rsd_license" title="'+ licenseObj.title + '" >' +
259 '<a target="_new" href="'+ licenseObj.lurl +'" ' +
260 'title="' + licenseObj.title + '">'+
261 licenseObj.img_html +
262 '</a>'+
263 '</div>';
264 },
265 /*
266 * getLicenceKeyFromKey
267 * @param license_key the key of the license (must be defined in: this.licenses.cc.licenses)
268 */
269 getLicenceFromKey:function( license_key , force_url){
270 if( typeof( this.licenses.cc.licenses[ license_key ]) == 'undefined')
271 return js_error('could not find:' + license_key);
272 //set the current license pointer:
273 var cl = this.licenses.cc;
274 var title = gM('mwe-cc_title');
275 var imgs = '';
276 var license_set = license_key.split('-');
277 for(var i=0;i < license_set.length; i++){
278 lkey = license_set[i];
279 title += ' ' + gM( 'mwe-cc_' + lkey + '_title');
280 imgs +='<img class="license_desc" width="20" src="' + cl.base_img_url +
281 cl.license_img[ lkey ].im + '">';
282 }
283 var url = (force_url) ? force_url : cl.base_license_url + cl.licenses[ license_key ];
284 return {
285 'title' : title,
286 'img_html' : imgs,
287 'key' : license_key,
288 'lurl' : url
289 };
290 },
291 /*
292 * getLicenceKeyFromUrl
293 * @param licence_url the url of the license
294 */
295 getLicenceFromUrl: function( license_url ){
296 //js_log("getLicenceFromUrl::" + license_url);
297 //first do a direct lookup check:
298 for(var i in this.licenses.cc.licenses){
299 var lkey = this.licenses.cc.licenses[i].split('/')[0];
300 //guess by url trim
301 if( parseUri(license_url).path.indexOf('/'+ lkey +'/') != -1){
302 return this.getLicenceFromKey( i , license_url);
303 }
304 }
305 //could not find it return mwe-unknown_license
306 return {
307 'title' : gM('mwe-unknown_license'),
308 'img_html' : '<span>' + gM('mwe-unknown_license') + '</span>',
309 'lurl' : license_url
310 };
311 },
312 //some default layout values:
313 thumb_width : 80,
314 image_edit_width : 400,
315 video_edit_width : 400,
316 insert_text_pos : 0, //insert at the start (will be overwritten by the user cursor pos)
317 result_display_mode : 'box', //box or list
319 cUpLoader : null,
320 cEdit : null,
321 dmodalCss : {},
323 init: function( iObj ){
324 var _this = this;
325 js_log('remoteSearchDriver:init');
326 for( var i in default_remote_search_options ) {
327 if( iObj[i]){
328 this[ i ] = iObj[i];
329 }else{
330 this[ i ] = default_remote_search_options[i];
331 }
332 }
333 //update the base text:
334 if(_this.target_textbox)
335 _this.getTexboxSelection();
337 //set up the content provider config:
338 if( this.cpconfig ){
339 for(var cpc in cpconfig){
340 for(var cinx in this.cpconfig[cpc]){
341 if( this.content_providers[cpc] )
342 this.content_providers[ cpc ][ cinx ] = this.cpconfig[cpc][ cinx];
343 }
344 }
345 }
347 //make sure the selected cp has an api to query against (if its a content_provider
348 if( this.content_providers[ this.disp_item ] &&
349 !this.content_providers[ this.disp_item ].api_url ){
350 for(var inx in this.content_providers){
351 if( this.content_providers[ inx ].api_url ){
352 this.disp_item = inx;
353 break;
354 }
355 }
356 }
359 //set up the default model config:
360 this.dmodalCss = {
361 'width':'auto',
362 'height':'auto',
363 'top' : this.modal_edge_padding,
364 'left' : this.modal_edge_padding,
365 'right' : this.modal_edge_padding,
366 'bottom': this.modal_edge_padding
367 }
370 //set up the target invocation:
371 if( $j(this.target_invocation).length==0 ){
372 js_log("RemoteSearchDriver:: no target invocation provided (will have to run your own doInitDisplay() )");
373 }else{
374 if(this.target_invocation){
375 $j(this.target_invocation).css('cursor','pointer').attr('title', gM('mwe-add_media_wizard')).click(function(){
376 _this.doInitDisplay();
377 });
378 }
379 }
380 },
381 doInitDisplay:function(){
382 var _this = this;
383 //setup the parent container:
384 this.init_modal();
385 //fill in the html:
386 this.init_interface_html();
387 //bind actions:
388 this.add_interface_bindings();
390 //update the target bining to just unhide the dialog:
391 $j(this.target_invocation).unbind().click(function(){
392 js_log("re-open");
393 //update the base text:
394 if( _this.target_textbox )
395 _this.getTexboxSelection();
396 //$j(_this.target_container).dialog("open");
397 $j(_this.target_container).parents('.ui-dialog').fadeIn('slow');
398 });
399 },
400 //gets the in and out points for insert position or grabs the selected text for search
401 getTexboxSelection:function(){
402 //update the caretPos
403 this.getCaretPos();
405 //if we have highlighted text use that as the query: (would be fun to add context menu once we have rich editor in-place)
406 if( this.caret_pos.selection )
407 this.default_query = this.caret_pos.selection
409 },
410 getCaretPos:function(){
411 this.caret_pos={};
412 var txtarea = $j(this.target_textbox).get(0);
413 var getTextCusorStartPos = function (o){
414 if (o.createTextRange) {
415 var r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate()
416 r.moveEnd('character', o.value.length)
417 if (r.text == '') return o.value.length
418 return o.value.lastIndexOf(r.text)
419 } else return o.selectionStart
420 }
421 var getTextCusorEndPos = function (o){
422 if (o.createTextRange) {
423 var r = document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
424 r.moveStart('character', -o.value.length);
425 return r.text.length;
426 } else{
427 return o.selectionEnd
428 }
429 }
430 this.caret_pos.s = getTextCusorStartPos( txtarea );
431 this.caret_pos.e = getTextCusorEndPos( txtarea );
432 this.caret_pos.text = txtarea.value;
433 if(this.caret_pos.s && this.caret_pos.e &&
434 (this.caret_pos.s != this.caret_pos.e))
435 this.caret_pos.selection = this.caret_pos.text.substring(this.caret_pos.s, this.caret_pos.e).replace(/ /g, '\xa0') || '\xa0';
437 js_log('got caret_pos:' + this.caret_pos.s);
438 //restore text value: (creating textRanges sometimes screws with the text content)
439 $j(this.target_textbox).val(this.caret_pos.text);
440 },
441 init_modal:function(){
442 js_log("init_modal");
443 var _this = this;
444 //add the parent target_container if not provided or missing
445 if(!_this.target_container || $j(_this.target_container).length==0){
446 $j('body').append('<div id="rsd_modal_target" style="position:absolute;top:30px;left:0px;bottom:33px;right:0px;" title="' + gM('mwe-add_media_wizard') + '" ></div>');
447 _this.target_container = '#rsd_modal_target';
448 //js_log('appended: #rsd_modal_target' + $j(_this.target_container).attr('id'));
449 //js_log('added target id:' + $j(_this.target_container).attr('id'));
450 //get layout
451 //layout = _this.getMaxModalLayout();
452 $j(_this.target_container).dialog({
453 bgiframe: true,
454 autoOpen: true,
455 modal: true,
456 buttons: {
457 '_': function() {
458 //just a place-holder
459 }
460 },
461 close: function() {
462 js_log('closed modal');
463 $j(this).parents('.ui-dialog').fadeOut('slow');
464 }
465 }).parent('.ui-dialog').css( _this.dmodalCss )
466 //@@bind on resize to disable css dialog to update dmodelCss
467 .bind('resizestart', function(event, ui) {
468 _this.dmodalCss = {};
469 $j(this).css({});
470 })
471 //bind on drag to remove preset style as well
472 .bind('dragstart', function(event, ui) {
473 _this.dmodalCss = {};
474 $j(this).css({});
475 });
476 //update the child position: (some of this should be pushed up-stream via dialog config options
477 $j(_this.target_container +'~ .ui-dialog-buttonpane').css({
478 'position':'absolute',
479 'left':'0px',
480 'right':'0px',
481 'bottom':'0px'
482 });
483 //re add cancel button
484 _this.cancelClipEditCB();
485 js_log('done setup of target_container: ' +
486 $j(_this.target_container +'~ .ui-dialog-buttonpane').length);
489 /*var resizeTimer = false;
490 $j(window).bind('resize', function() {
491 var adjustModal = function(){
492 var layout = _this.getMaxModalLayout();
493 //js_log("should adjust: h " + layout.h + ' width:' + layout.w);
494 $j(_this.target_container).dialog('option', 'width', layout.w);
495 $j(_this.target_container).dialog('option', 'height', layout.h);
496 }
497 if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
498 var resizeTimer = setTimeout(adjustModal, 100);
499 });*/
500 }
501 },
502 getMaxModalLayout:function(border){
503 if(!border)
504 border = 50;
505 //js_log('setting h:' + (parseInt( $j(document).height() ) - parseInt(border*2)) + ' from:' + $j(document).height() );
506 return {
507 'h': parseInt( $j(document).height() ) - parseInt(border*4),
508 'w': parseInt( $j(document).width() ) - parseInt(border*2),
509 'r': border,
510 't': border
511 }
512 },
513 //sets up the initial html interface
514 init_interface_html:function(){
515 js_log('init_interface_html');
516 var _this = this;
517 var dq = (this.default_query)? this.default_query : '';
518 js_log('f::init_interface_html');
520 var o = '<div class="rsd_control_container" style="width:100%">' +
521 '<form id="rsd_form" action="javascript:return false;" method="GET">'+
522 '<input class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" type="text" tabindex="1" value="' + dq + '" maxlength="512" id="rsd_q" name="rsd_q" '+
523 'size="20" autocomplete="off"/> '+
524 $j.btnHtml( gM('mwe-media_search'), 'rms_search_button', 'search') +
525 '</form>';
526 //close up the control container:
527 o+='</div>';
529 //search provider tabs based on "checked" and "enabled" and "combined tab"
530 o+='<div id="rsd_results_container" style="top:0px;bottom:0px;left:0px;right:0px;"></div>';
531 $j(this.target_container).html( o );
533 //add simple styles:
534 $j(this.target_container + ' .rms_search_button').btnBind().click(function(){
535 _this.runSearch();
536 });
538 //draw the tabs:
539 this.drawTabs();
540 //run the default search:
541 if( this.default_query )
542 this.runSearch();
543 },
544 add_interface_bindings:function(){
545 var _this = this;
546 js_log("f:add_interface_bindings:");
549 $j('#mso_selprovider,#mso_selprovider_close').unbind().click(function(){
550 if($j('#rsd_options_bar:hidden').length !=0 ){
551 $j('#rsd_options_bar').animate({
552 'height':'110px',
553 'opacity':1
554 }, "normal");
555 }else{
556 $j('#rsd_options_bar').animate({
557 'height':'0px',
558 'opacity':0
559 }, "normal", function(){
560 $j(this).hide();
561 });
562 }
563 });
564 //set form bindings
565 $j('#rsd_form').unbind().submit(function(){
566 _this.runSearch();
567 //don't submit the form
568 return false;
569 });
570 },
571 doUploadInteface:function(){
572 js_log("doUploadInteface::");
573 var _this = this;
574 //set it to loading:
575 mv_set_loading('#tab-upload');
576 //do things async to keep interface snapy
577 setTimeout(function(){
578 //do config variable reality checks:
579 if( _this.upload_api_target == 'local' ){
580 if( ! _this.local_wiki_api_url ){
581 $j('#tab-upload').html( gM( 'rsd_config_error', 'missing_local_api_url' ) );
582 return false;
583 }else{
584 _this.upload_api_target = _this.local_wiki_api_url;
585 }
586 }
587 //make sure we have a url for the upload target:
588 if( parseUri( _this.upload_api_target ).host == _this.upload_api_target ){
589 $j('#tab-upload').html( gM('rsd_config_error', 'bad_api_url') );
590 return false;
591 }
592 //output the form
593 //set the form action based on domain:
594 if( parseUri( document.URL ).host == parseUri( _this.upload_api_target ).host ){
595 mvJsLoader.doLoad(['$j.fn.simpleUploadForm'],function(){
597 //get extened info about the file
598 var cp = _this.content_providers['this_wiki'];
599 //check for "this_wiki" enabled
600 if(!cp.enabled){
601 $j('#tab-upload').html('error this_wiki not enabled (can\'t get uploaded file info)');
602 return false;
603 }
605 //load this_wiki search system to grab the rObj
606 _this.loadSearchLib(cp, function(){
607 //do basic layout form on left upload "bin" on right
608 $j('#tab-upload').html('<table>' +
609 '<tr>' +
610 '<td valign="top" style="width:350px; padding-right: 12px;">' +
611 '<h4>' + gM('mwe-upload_a_file') + '</h4>' +
612 '<div id="upload_form">' +
613 mv_get_loading_img() +
614 '</div>' +
615 '</td>' +
616 '<td valign="top" id="upload_bin_cnt">' +
617 '<h4>' + gM('mwe-your_recent_uploads') + '</h4>' +
618 '<div id="upload_bin">' +
619 mv_get_loading_img() +
620 '</div>'+
621 '</td>' +
622 '</tr>' +
623 '</table>');
626 //fill in the user page:
627 if(typeof wgUserName != 'undefined' && wgUserName){
628 //load the upload bin with anything the current user has uploaded
629 cp.sObj.getUserRecentUploads( wgUserName, function(){
630 _this.drawOutputResults();
631 });
632 }else{
633 $j('#upload_bin_cnt').empty();
634 }
636 //deal with the api form upload form directly:
637 $j('#upload_form').simpleUploadForm({
638 "api_target" : _this.upload_api_target ,
639 "ondone_cb" : function( resultData ){
640 var wTitle = resultData['filename'];
641 //add a loading div
642 _this.addResourceEditLoader();
643 //@@note: we have most of what we need in resultData imageinfo
644 cp.sObj.addByTitle( wTitle, function( rObj ){
645 //redraw (with added result if new)
646 _this.drawOutputResults();
647 //pull up recource editor:
648 _this.resourceEdit( rObj, $j('#res_upload__' + rObj.id).get(0) );
649 });
650 //return false to close progress window:
651 return false;
652 }
653 })
654 });
655 });
656 }else{
657 //setup the proxy
658 js_log('do proxy:: ' + parseUri( _this.upload_api_target ).host);
659 $j('#tab-upload').html('proxy upload not yet ready');
660 }
661 },1);
662 },
663 runSearch: function(){
664 js_log("f:runSearch::" + this.disp_item);
665 //draw_direct_flag
666 var draw_direct_flag = true;
667 if( !this.content_providers[this.disp_item] ){
668 //check if its the special upload tab case:
669 if( this.disp_item == 'upload'){
670 this.doUploadInteface();
671 }else{
672 js_log("can't run search for:" + this.disp_item);
673 }
674 return false;
675 }
676 cp = this.content_providers[this.disp_item];
678 //check if we need to update:
679 if( typeof cp.sObj != 'undefined' ){
680 if(cp.sObj.last_query == $j('#rsd_q').val() && cp.sObj.last_offset == cp.offset){
681 js_log('last query is: ' + cp.sObj.last_query + ' matches: ' + $j('#rsd_q').val() );
682 }else{
683 js_log('last query is: ' + cp.sObj.last_query + ' not match: ' + $j('#rsd_q').val() );
684 draw_direct_flag = false;
685 }
686 }else{
687 draw_direct_flag = false;
688 }
689 if( !draw_direct_flag ){
690 //set the content to loading while we do the search:
691 $j('#tab-' + this.disp_item).html( mv_get_loading_img() );
693 //make sure the search library is loaded and issue the search request
694 this.getLibSearchResults( cp );
695 }
696 },
697 //issue a api request & cache the result
698 //this check can be avoided by setting the this.import_url_mode = 'api' | 'form' | insted of 'autodetect' or 'none'
699 checkForCopyURLSupport:function ( callback ){
700 var _this = this;
701 js_log('checkForCopyURLSupport:: ');
702 //see if we already have the import mode:
703 if( this.import_url_mode != 'autodetect'){
704 js_log('import mode: ' + _this.import_url_mode);
705 callback();
706 }
707 //if we don't have the local wiki api defined we can't auto-detect use "link"
708 if(!_this.local_wiki_api_url){
709 js_log('import mode: remote link (no import_wiki_api_url)');
710 _this.import_url_mode = 'remote_link';
711 callback();
712 }
713 if( this.import_url_mode == 'autodetect' ){
714 do_api_req( {
715 'data': { 'action':'paraminfo', 'modules':'upload' },
716 'url': _this.local_wiki_api_url
717 }, function(data){
718 if( typeof data.paraminfo.modules[0].classname == 'undefined'){
719 //@@todo would be nice if API permission on: action=query&meta=userinfo&uiprop=rights
720 // upload_by_url property reflected if $wgAllowCopyUploads config value .. oh well.
721 $j.ajax({
722 type: "GET",
723 dataType: 'html',
724 url: wgArticlePath.replace( '$1', 'Special:Upload' ), //@@todo may have problems in localized special pages
725 //(could hit meta=siteinfo & specialpagealiases )
726 // but might be overkill for now cuz we want to switch to new-upload branch soon.
727 success: function( form_html ){
728 if( form_html.indexOf( 'wpUploadFileURL' ) != -1){
729 _this.import_url_mode = 'form';
730 }else{
731 _this.import_url_mode = 'none';
732 }
733 js_log('import mode: ' + _this.import_url_mode);
734 callback();
735 },
736 error: function(){
737 js_log('error in getting Special:Upload page');
738 _this.import_url_mode = 'none';
740 js_log('import mode: ' + _this.import_url_mode);
741 callback();
742 }
743 });
744 }else{
745 for( var i in data.paraminfo.modules[0].parameters ){
746 var pname = data.paraminfo.modules[0].parameters[i].name;
747 if( pname == 'url' ){
748 js_log( 'Autodetect Upload Mode: api: copy by url:: ' );
749 //check permission too:
750 _this.checkForCopyURLPermission(function( canCopyUrl ){
751 if(canCopyUrl){
752 _this.import_url_mode = 'api';
753 js_log('import mode: ' + _this.import_url_mode);
754 callback();
755 }else{
756 _this.import_url_mode = 'none';
757 js_log('import mode: ' + _this.import_url_mode);
758 callback();
759 }
760 });
761 break;
762 }
763 }
764 }
765 });
766 }
767 },
768 /*
769 * checkForCopyURLPermission:
770 * not really nessesary the api request to upload will return apopprirate error if the user lacks permission. or $wgAllowCopyUploads is set to false
771 * (use this function if we want to issue a warning up front)
772 */
773 checkForCopyURLPermission:function( callback ){
774 var _this = this;
775 //do api check:
776 do_api_req( {
777 'data':{ 'action' : 'query', 'meta' : 'userinfo', 'uiprop' : 'rights' },
778 'url': _this.local_wiki_api_url,
779 'userinfo' : true
780 }, function(data){
781 for( var i in data.query.userinfo.rights){
782 var right = data.query.userinfo.rights[i];
783 //js_log('checking: ' + right ) ;
784 if(right == 'upload_by_url'){
785 callback( true );
786 return true; //break out of the function
787 }
788 }
789 callback( false );
790 });
791 },
792 getLibSearchResults:function( cp ){
793 var _this = this;
795 //first check if we should even run the search at all (can we import / insert into the page? )
796 if( !this.checkRepoLocal( cp ) && this.import_url_mode == 'autodetect' ){
797 //cp is not local check if we can support the import mode:
798 this.checkForCopyURLSupport( function(){
799 _this.getLibSearchResults( cp );
800 });
801 return false;
802 }else if( !this.checkRepoLocal( cp ) && this.import_url_mode == 'none'){
803 if( this.disp_item == 'combined' ){
804 //combined results are harder to error handle just ignore that repo
805 cp.sObj.loading = false;
806 }else{
807 $j('#tab-' + this.disp_item).html( '<div style="padding:10px">'+ gM('mwe-no_import_by_url') +'</div>');
808 }
809 return false;
810 }
811 _this.loadSearchLib(cp, function(){
812 //do search
813 cp.sObj.getSearchResults();
814 _this.checkResultsDone();
815 });
816 },
817 loadSearchLib:function(cp, callback){
818 var _this = this;
819 //set up the library req:
820 mvJsLoader.doLoad( [
821 'baseRemoteSearch',
822 cp.lib +'Search'
823 ], function(){
824 js_log("loaded lib:: " + cp.lib );
825 //else we need to run the search:
826 var iObj = {'cp':cp, 'rsd':_this};
827 eval('cp.sObj = new '+cp.lib+'Search( iObj );');
828 if(!cp.sObj){
829 js_log('Error: could not find search lib for ' + cp_id);
830 return false;
831 }
833 //inherit defaults if not set:
834 cp.limit = (cp.limit) ? cp.limit : cp.sObj.limit;
835 cp.offset = (cp.offset) ? cp.offset : cp.sObj.offset;
836 callback();
837 });
838 },
839 /* check for all the results to finish */
840 checkResultsDone: function(){
841 //js_log('rsd:checkResultsDone');
842 var _this = this;
843 var loading_done = true;
845 for(var cp_id in this.content_providers){
846 var cp = this.content_providers[ cp_id ];
847 if(typeof cp['sObj'] != 'undefined'){
848 if( cp.sObj.loading )
849 loading_done=false;
850 }
851 }
852 if( loading_done ){
853 this.drawOutputResults();
854 }else{
855 //make sure the instance name is up-to-date refrence to _this;
856 eval( _this.instance_name + ' = _this');
857 setTimeout( _this.instance_name + '.checkResultsDone()', 50);
858 }
859 },
860 drawTabs: function(){
861 var _this = this;
862 //add the tabs to the rsd_results container:
863 var o='<div id="rsd_tabs_container" style="width:100%;">';
864 var selected_tab = 0;
865 var inx =0;
866 o+= '<ul>';
867 var tabc = '';
868 for(var cp_id in this.content_providers){
869 var cp = this.content_providers[cp_id];
870 if( cp.enabled && cp.checked && cp.api_url){
871 //add selected default if set
872 if( this.disp_item == cp_id)
873 selected_tab=inx;
875 o+='<li class="rsd_cp_tab">';
876 o+='<a id="rsd_tab_' + cp_id + '" href="#tab-' + cp_id + '">';
877 if(cp.tab_img === true){
878 o+='<img alt="' + cp.title +'" src="' + mv_skin_img_path + 'remote_cp/' + cp_id + '_tab.png">';
879 }else{
880 o+= cp.title;
881 }
882 o+='</a>';
883 o+='</li>';
884 inx++;
885 }
886 tabc+='<div id="tab-'+ cp_id +'" class="rsd_results"/>';
888 }
889 //do an upload tab if enabled:
890 if( this.enable_upload_tab ){
891 o+='<li class="rsd_cp_tab" ><a id="rsd_tab_upload" href="#tab-upload">' + gM('mwe-upload_tab') + '</a></li>';
892 tabc+='<div id="tab-upload" />';
893 if(this.disp_item == 'upload')
894 selected_tab = inx++;
895 }
896 o+='</ul>';
897 //output the tab content containers:
898 o+=tabc;
899 o+='</div>'; //close tab container
901 //output the respective results holders
902 $j('#rsd_results_container').html(o);
903 //setup bindings for tabs make them sortable: (@@todo remember order)
904 js_log('selected tab is: ' + selected_tab);
905 $j("#rsd_tabs_container").tabs({
906 selected:selected_tab,
907 select: function(event, ui) {
908 _this.selectTab( $j(ui.tab).attr('id').replace('rsd_tab_', '') );
909 }
910 //add sorting
911 }).find(".ui-tabs-nav").sortable({axis:'x'});
913 /*$j('.rsd_cp_tab').click(function(){
914 _this.selectTab( $j(this).attr('id').replace(/rsd_tab_/, '') );
915 });*/
917 //setup key binding (no longer nessesary tabs provide this functionality)
918 /*$j().keyup(function(e){
919 js_log('keyup on : ' +e.which );
920 //if escape pressed clear the interface:
921 if(e.which == 27)
922 _this.closeAll();
923 });*/
925 },
926 //resource title
927 getResourceFromTitle:function( rTitle , callback){
928 var _this = this;
929 reqObj={
930 'action':'query',
931 'titles': _this.cFileNS + ':' + rTitle
932 };
933 do_api_req( {
934 'data':reqObj,
935 'url':this.local_wiki_api_url
936 }, function(data){
937 //@@todo propogate the rObj
938 var rObj = {};
939 }
940 );
941 },
942 //@@todo we could load the id with the content provider id to find the object faster...
943 getResourceFromId:function( rid ){
944 js_log('getResourceFromId:' + rid );
945 //strip out /res/ if preset:
946 rid = rid.replace(/res_/, '');
947 //js_log("looking at: " + rid);
948 p = rid.split('__');
949 var cp_id = p[0];
950 var rid = p[1];
952 if(cp_id == 'upload')
953 cp_id = 'this_wiki';
955 var cp = this.content_providers[cp_id];
956 if(cp && cp['sObj'] && cp.sObj.resultsObj[rid]){
957 return cp.sObj.resultsObj[rid];
958 }
959 js_log("ERROR: could not find " + rid);
960 return false;
961 },
962 drawOutputResults: function(){
963 js_log('f:drawOutputResults::' + this.disp_item);
964 var _this = this;
965 var o='';
967 var cp_id = this.disp_item;
968 var tab_target = '';
969 if(this.disp_item == 'upload'){
970 tab_target = '#upload_bin';
971 var cp = this.content_providers['this_wiki'];
972 }else{
973 var cp = this.content_providers[this.disp_item];
974 tab_target = '#tab-' + cp_id;
975 }
976 //empty the existing results:
977 $j(tab_target).empty();
979 //output the results bar / controls
980 _this.setResultBarControl();
982 var drawResultCount =0;
984 //output all the results for the current disp_item
985 if( typeof cp['sObj'] != 'undefined' ){
986 $j.each(cp.sObj.resultsObj, function(rInx, rItem){
987 if( _this.result_display_mode == 'box' ){
988 o+='<div id="mv_result_' + rInx + '" class="mv_clip_box_result" style="width:' +
989 _this.thumb_width + 'px;height:'+ (_this.thumb_width-20) +'px;position:relative;">';
990 //check for missing poster types for audio
991 if( rItem.mime=='audio/ogg' && !rItem.poster ){
992 rItem.poster = mv_skin_img_path + 'sound_music_icon-80.png';
993 }
994 //get a thumb with proper resolution transform if possible:
995 o+='<img title="'+rItem.title+'" class="rsd_res_item" id="res_' + cp_id + '__' + rInx +
996 '" style="width:' + _this.thumb_width + 'px;" src="' +
997 cp.sObj.getImageTransform( rItem, {'width':_this.thumb_width } )
998 + '">';
999 //add a linkback to resource page in upper right:
1000 if( rItem.link )
1001 o+='<a target="_new" style="position:absolute;top:0px;right:0px" title="' +
1002 gM('mwe-resource_description_page') +
1003 '" href="' + rItem.link + '"><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Magnify-clip.png"></a>';
1004 //add license icons if present
1005 if( rItem.license )
1006 o+= _this.getlicenseImgSet( rItem.license );
1007 o+='</div>';
1008 }else if(_this.result_display_mode == 'list'){
1009 o+='<div id="mv_result_' + rInx + '" class="mv_clip_list_result" style="width:90%">';
1010 o+='<img title="'+rItem.title+'" class="rsd_res_item" id="res_' + cp_id + '__' + rInx +'" style="float:left;width:' +
1011 _this.thumb_width + 'px;" src="' +
1012 cp.sObj.getImageTransform( rItem, {'width':_this.thumb_width } )
1013 + '">';
1014 //add license icons if present
1015 if( rItem.license )
1016 o+= _this.getlicenseImgSet( rItem.license );
1018 o+= rItem.desc ;
1019 o+='<div style="clear:both" />';
1020 o+='</div>';
1021 }
1022 drawResultCount++;
1023 });
1024 js_log('append to: ' + '#tab-' + cp_id);
1025 //put in the tab output (plus clear the output)
1026 $j(tab_target).append( o + '<div style="clear:both"/>');
1027 }
1029 js_log( ' drawResultCount :: ' + drawResultCount + ' append: ' + $j('#rsd_q').val() );
1031 //remove any old search res
1032 $j('#rsd_no_search_res').remove();
1033 if( drawResultCount == 0 )
1034 $j('#tab-' + cp_id).append( '<span style="padding:10px">' + gM( 'rsd_no_results', $j('#rsd_q').val() ) + '</span>');
1036 this.addResultBindings();
1037 },
1038 addResultBindings:function(){
1039 var _this = this;
1040 $j('.mv_clip_'+_this.result_display_mode+'_result').hover(function(){
1041 $j(this).addClass('mv_clip_'+_this.result_display_mode+'_result_over');
1042 //also set the animated image if avaliable
1043 var res_id = $j(this).children('.rsd_res_item').attr('id');
1044 var rObj = _this.getResourceFromId( res_id );
1045 if( rObj.poster_ani )
1046 $j('#' + res_id ).attr('src', rObj.poster_ani);
1047 },function(){
1048 $j(this).removeClass('mv_clip_'+_this.result_display_mode+'_result_over');
1049 var res_id = $j(this).children('.rsd_res_item').attr('id');
1050 var rObj = _this.getResourceFromId( res_id );
1051 //restore the original (non animated)
1052 if( rObj.poster_ani )
1053 $j('#' + res_id ).attr('src', rObj.poster);
1054 });
1055 //resource click action: (bring up the resource editor)
1056 $j('.rsd_res_item').unbind().click(function(){
1057 var rObj = _this.getResourceFromId( $j(this).attr("id") );
1058 _this.resourceEdit( rObj, this );
1059 });
1060 },
1061 addResourceEditLoader:function(maxWidth, overflow_style){
1062 var _this = this;
1063 if(!maxWidth)maxWidth=400;
1064 if(!overflow_style)overflow_style='overflow:auto;';
1065 //remove any old instance:
1066 $j( _this.target_container ).find('#rsd_resource_edit').remove();
1067 //add the edit layout window with loading place holders
1068 $j( _this.target_container ).append('<div id="rsd_resource_edit" '+
1069 'style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;bottom:5px;right:4px;background-color:#FFF;">' +
1070 '<div id="clip_edit_disp" style="position:absolute;' + overflow_style + 'width:100%;height:100%;padding:5px;'+
1071 'width:' + (maxWidth) + 'px;" >' +
1072 mv_get_loading_img('position:absolute;top:30px;left:30px') +
1073 '</div>'+
1074 '<div id="clip_edit_ctrl" class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" style="position:absolute;'+
1075 'left:' + ( maxWidth + 10 ) +'px;top:5px;bottom:10px;right:0px;overflow:auto;padding:5px;">'+
1076 mv_get_loading_img() +
1077 '</div>'+
1078 '</div>');
1079 },
1080 resourceEdit:function( rObj, rsdElement){
1081 js_log('f:resourceEdit:' + rObj.title);
1082 var _this = this;
1083 //remove any existing resource edit interface:
1084 $j('#rsd_resource_edit').remove();
1085 //set the media type:
1086 if(rObj.mime.indexOf('image')!=-1){
1087 //set width to default image_edit_width
1088 var maxWidth = _this.image_edit_width;
1089 var mediaType = 'image';
1090 }else if(rObj.mime.indexOf('audio')!=-1){
1091 var maxWidth = _this.video_edit_width;
1092 var mediaType = 'audio';
1093 }else{
1094 //set to default video size:
1095 var maxWidth = _this.video_edit_width;
1096 var mediaType = 'video';
1097 }
1098 //so that transcripts show ontop
1099 var overflow_style = ( mediaType =='video' )?'':'overflow:auto;';
1100 //append to the top level of model window:
1101 _this.addResourceEditLoader(maxWidth, overflow_style);
1102 //update add media wizard title:
1103 $j( _this.target_container ).dialog( 'option', 'title', gM('mwe-add_media_wizard')+': '+ gM('rsd_resource_edit', rObj.title ) );
1104 js_log('did append to: '+ _this.target_container );
1106 $j('#rsd_resource_edit').css('opacity',0);
1108 $j('#rsd_edit_img').remove();//remove any existing rsd_edit_img
1110 //left side holds the image right size the controls /
1111 $j(rsdElement).clone().attr('id', 'rsd_edit_img').appendTo('#clip_edit_disp').css({
1112 'position':'absolute',
1113 'top':'40%',
1114 'left':'20%',
1115 'cursor':'default',
1116 'opacity':0
1117 });
1120 //try and keep aspect ratio for the thumbnail that we clicked:
1121 var rh = $j('#rsd_edit_img').height();
1122 var rw = $j('#rsd_edit_img').width();
1123 if( rw > rh ){
1124 var tRatio = rw / rh;
1125 }else{
1126 var tRatio = rh / rw;
1127 }
1128 if( ! tRatio )
1129 var tRatio = 1; //set ratio to 1 if the width of the thumbnail can't be found for some reason
1131 js_log('set from ' + $j('#rsd_edit_img').width()+'x'+ $j('#rsd_edit_img').height() + ' to init thumbimage to ' + maxWidth + ' x ' + parseInt( tRatio * maxWidth) );
1132 //scale up image and to swap with high res version
1133 $j('#rsd_edit_img').animate({
1134 'opacity':1,
1135 'top':'5px',
1136 'left':'5px',
1137 'width': maxWidth + 'px',
1138 'height': parseInt( tRatio * maxWidth) + 'px'
1139 }, "slow"); // do it slow to give it a chance to finish loading the HQ version
1141 if( mediaType == 'image' ){
1142 _this.loadHQImg(rObj, {'width':maxWidth}, 'rsd_edit_img', function(){
1143 $j('.mv_loading_img').remove();
1144 });
1145 }
1146 //also fade in the container:
1147 $j('#rsd_resource_edit').animate({
1148 'opacity':1,
1149 'background-color':'#FFF',
1150 'z-index':99
1151 });
1152 js_log('do load the media editor:');
1153 //do load the media Editor
1154 _this.doMediaEdit( rObj , mediaType );
1155 },
1156 loadHQImg:function(rObj, size, target_img_id, callback){
1157 //get the HQ image url:
1158 rObj.pSobj.getImageObj( rObj, size, function( imObj ){
1159 rObj['edit_url'] = imObj.url;
1161 js_log("edit url: " + rObj.edit_url);
1162 //update the rObj
1163 rObj['width'] = imObj.width;
1164 rObj['height'] = imObj.height;
1166 //see if we need to animate some transition
1167 if( size.width != imObj.width ){
1168 js_log('loadHQImg:size mismatch: ' + size.width + ' != ' + imObj.width );
1169 //set the target id to the new size:
1170 $j('#'+target_img_id).animate( {
1171 'width':imObj.width + 'px',
1172 'height':imObj.height + 'px'
1173 });
1174 }else{
1175 js_log('using req size: ' + imObj.width + 'x' + imObj.height);
1176 $j('#'+target_img_id).animate( {'width':imObj.width+'px', 'height' : imObj.height + 'px'});
1177 }
1178 //don't swap it in until its loaded:
1179 var img = new Image();
1180 // load the image image:
1181 $j(img).load(function () {
1182 $j('#'+target_img_id).attr('src', rObj.edit_url );
1183 //let the caller know we are done and what size we ended up with:
1184 callback();
1185 }).error(function () {
1186 js_log("Error with: " + rObj.edit_url);
1187 }).attr('src', rObj.edit_url);
1188 });
1189 },
1190 cancelClipEditCB:function(){
1191 var _this = this;
1192 var b_target = _this.target_container + '~ .ui-dialog-buttonpane';
1193 $j('#rsd_resource_edit').remove();
1194 //restore the resource container:
1195 $j('#rsd_results_container').show();
1196 //restore the title:
1197 $j( _this.target_container ).dialog( 'option', 'title', gM('mwe-add_media_wizard'));
1198 js_log("should update: " + b_target + ' with: cancel');
1199 //restore the buttons:
1200 $j(b_target).html( $j.btnHtml( 'Cancel' , 'mv_cancel_rsd', 'close'))
1201 .children('.mv_cancel_rsd')
1202 .btnBind()
1203 .click(function(){
1204 $j( _this.target_container).dialog('close');
1205 })
1207 },
1208 /*set-up the control actions for clipEdit with relevent callbacks */
1209 getClipEditControlActions:function( cp ){
1210 var _this = this;
1211 var cConf= {};
1213 cConf['insert'] = function(rObj){
1214 _this.insertResource(rObj);
1215 }
1216 //if not directly inserting the resource is support a preview option:
1217 if( _this.import_url_mode != 'remote_link'){
1218 cConf['preview'] = function(rObj){
1219 _this.previewResource( rObj )
1220 };
1221 }
1222 cConf['cancel'] = function(){
1223 _this.cancelClipEditCB()
1224 }
1225 return cConf;
1226 },
1227 //loads the media editor:
1228 doMediaEdit:function( rObj , mediaType){
1229 var _this = this;
1230 var cp = rObj.pSobj.cp;
1231 var mvClipInit = {
1232 'rObj':rObj, //the resource object
1233 'parent_ct' : 'rsd_modal_target',
1234 'clip_disp_ct' : 'clip_edit_disp',
1235 'control_ct' : 'clip_edit_ctrl',
1236 'media_type' : mediaType,
1237 'p_rsdObj' : _this,
1238 'controlActionsCb' : _this.getClipEditControlActions( cp )
1239 };
1241 var clibs = ['mvClipEdit'];
1242 if( mediaType == 'image'){
1243 //display the mvClipEdit obj once we are done loading:
1244 mvJsLoader.doLoad( clibs, function(){
1245 //run the image clip tools
1246 _this.cEdit = new mvClipEdit( mvClipInit );
1247 });
1248 }
1249 if( mediaType == 'video' || mediaType == 'audio'){
1250 //get any additonal embedding helper meta data prior to doing the acutal embed
1251 // normally this meta should be provided in the search result (but archive.org has a seperate query for more meida meta)
1252 rObj.pSobj.getEmbedTimeMeta( rObj, function(){
1253 //make sure we have the embedVideo libs:
1254 mvJsLoader.embedVideoCheck( function(){
1255 js_log('append html: ' + rObj.pSobj.getEmbedHTML( rObj, {id:'embed_vid'}) );
1256 $j('#clip_edit_disp').html(
1257 rObj.pSobj.getEmbedHTML( rObj, {id:'embed_vid'})
1258 );
1259 //rewrite by id
1260 rewrite_by_id('embed_vid',function(){
1261 //grab any information that we got from the ROE xml or parsed from the media file
1262 rObj.pSobj.getEmbedObjParsedInfo( rObj, 'embed_vid' );
1263 //add the re-sizable to the doLoad request:
1264 clibs.push( '$j.ui.resizable');
1265 clibs.push( '$j.fn.hoverIntent');
1266 mvJsLoader.doLoad(clibs, function(){
1267 //make sure the rsd_edit_img is hidden:
1268 $j('#rsd_edit_img').remove();
1269 //run the image clip tools
1270 _this.cEdit = new mvClipEdit( mvClipInit );
1271 });
1272 });
1273 });
1274 });
1275 }
1276 },
1277 checkRepoLocal:function( cp ){
1278 if( cp.local ){
1279 return true;
1280 }else{
1281 //check if we can embed the content locally per a domain name check:
1282 var local_host = parseUri( this.local_wiki_api_url ).host;
1283 if( cp.local_domains ) {
1284 for(var i=0;i < cp.local_domains.length; i++){
1285 var ld = cp.local_domains[i];
1286 if( local_host.indexOf( ld ) != -1)
1287 return true;
1288 }
1289 }
1290 return false;
1291 }
1292 },
1293 checkImportResource:function( rObj, cir_callback){
1294 //@@todo get the localized File/Image namespace name or do a general {NS}:Title
1295 var cp = rObj.pSobj.cp;
1296 var _this = this;
1298 //update base target_resource_title:
1299 rObj.target_resource_title = rObj.titleKey.replace(/File:|Image:/,'')
1301 //check if local repository
1302 //or if import mode if just "linking" (we should alaredy have the 'url'
1304 if( this.checkRepoLocal( cp ) || this.import_url_mode == 'remote_link'){
1305 //local repo jump directly to check Import Resource callback:
1306 cir_callback( rObj );
1307 }else{
1308 //update target_resource_title with resource repository prefix:
1309 rObj.target_resource_title = cp.resource_prefix + rObj.target_resource_title;
1311 //check if the resource is not already on this wiki
1312 reqObj={
1313 'action':'query',
1314 'titles': _this.cFileNS + ':' + rObj.target_resource_title,
1315 'prop' : 'imageinfo',
1316 'iiprop' : 'url',
1317 'iiurlwidth': '400'
1318 };
1320 do_api_req( {
1321 'data':reqObj,
1322 'url':this.local_wiki_api_url
1323 }, function(data){
1324 var found_title = false;
1325 for(var i in data.query.pages){
1326 if( i != '-1' && i != '-2' ){
1327 js_log('found title: ' + i + ':' + data.query.pages[i]['title']);
1328 found_title=data.query.pages[i]['title'];
1329 //update to local src
1330 rObj.local_src = data.query.pages[i]['imageinfo'][0].url;
1331 //@@todo maybe update poster too?
1332 rObj.local_poster = data.query.pages[i]['imageinfo'][0].thumburl;
1333 }
1334 }
1335 if( found_title ){
1336 js_log("checkImportResource:found title:" + found_title);
1337 //resource is already present (or resource with same name is already present)
1338 rObj.target_resource_title = found_title.replace(/File:|Image:/,'');
1339 cir_callback( rObj );
1340 }else{
1341 js_log("resource not present: update:"+ _this.cFileNS + ':' + rObj.target_resource_title);
1343 //update the rObj with import info
1344 rObj.pSobj.updateDataForImport( rObj );
1346 //setup the resource description from resource description:
1347 var wt = '{{Information '+"\n";
1349 if( rObj.desc ){
1350 wt += '|Description= ' + rObj.desc + "\n";
1351 }else{
1352 wt += '|Description= ' + gM('mwe-missing_desc_see_source', rObj.link ) + "\n";
1353 }
1355 //output search specific info
1356 wt+='|Source=' + rObj.pSobj.getImportResourceDescWiki( rObj ) + "\n";
1358 if( rObj.author )
1359 wt+='|Author=' + rObj.author +"\n";
1361 if( rObj.date )
1362 wt+='|Date=' + rObj.date +"\n";
1364 //add the Permision info:
1365 wt+='|Permission=' + rObj.pSobj.getPermissionWikiTag( rObj ) +"\n";
1367 if( rObj.other_versions )
1368 wt+='|other_versions=' + rObj.other_versions + "\n";
1370 wt+='}}';
1372 //get any extra categories or helpful links
1373 wt+= rObj.pSobj.getExtraResourceDescWiki( rObj );
1376 $j('#rsd_resource_import').remove();//remove any old resource imports
1378 //@@ show user dialog to import the resource
1379 $j( _this.target_container ).append('<div id="rsd_resource_import" '+
1380 'class="ui-state-highlight ui-widget-content ui-state-error" ' +
1381 'style="position:absolute;top:50px;left:50px;right:50px;bottom:50px;z-index:5">' +
1382 '<h3 style="color:red">Resource: <span style="color:black">' + rObj.title + '</span> needs to be imported</h3>'+
1383 '<div id="rsd_preview_import_container" style="position:absolute;width:50%;bottom:0px;left:0px;overflow:auto;top:30px;">' +
1384 rObj.pSobj.getEmbedHTML( rObj, {'id': _this.target_container + '_rsd_pv_vid', 'max_height':'200','only_poster':true} )+ //get embedHTML with small thumb:
1385 '<br style="clear both">'+
1386 '<strong>'+gM('mwe-resource_page_desc') +'</strong>'+
1387 '<div id="rsd_import_desc" syle="display:inline;">'+
1388 mv_get_loading_img('position:absolute;top:5px;left:5px') +
1389 '</div>'+
1390 '</div>'+
1391 '<div id="rds_edit_import_container" style="position:absolute;left:50%;' +
1392 'bottom:0px;top:30px;right:0px;overflow:auto;">'+
1393 '<strong>' + gM('mwe-local_resource_title') + '</strong><br>'+
1394 '<input type="text" size="30" value="' + rObj.target_resource_title + '" readonly="true"><br>'+
1395 '<strong>' + gM('mwe-edit_resource_desc') + '</strong>' +
1396 '<textarea id="rsd_import_ta" id="mv_img_desc" style="width:90%;" rows="8" cols="50">' +
1397 wt +
1398 '</textarea><br>' +
1399 '<input type="checkbox" value="true" id="wpWatchthis" name="wpWatchthis" tabindex="7"/>' +
1400 '<label for="wpWatchthis">'+gM('mwe-watch_this_page')+'</label><br><br><br>' +
1402 $j.btnHtml(gM('mwe-do_import_resource'), 'rsd_import_doimport', 'check' ) + ' ' +
1404 $j.btnHtml(gM('mwe-update_preview'), 'rsd_import_apreview', 'refresh' ) + '<div style="clear:both;height:20px;"/>' +
1406 $j.btnHtml(gM('mwe-cancel_import'), 'rsd_import_acancel', 'close' ) + ' ' +
1408 '</div>'+
1409 //output the rendered and non-renderd version of description for easy swiching:
1410 '</div>');
1411 //add hover:
1412 //update video tag
1413 rewrite_by_id(_this.target_container + '_rsd_pv_vid');
1414 //load the preview text:
1415 _this.getParsedWikiText( wt, _this.cFileNS +':'+ rObj.target_resource_title, function( o ){
1416 $j('#rsd_import_desc').html(o);
1417 });
1418 //add bidings:
1419 $j( _this.target_container + ' .rsd_import_apreview').btnBind().click(function(){
1420 /*$j('#rsd_import_desc').show().html(
1421 mv_get_loading_img()
1422 );*/
1423 //load the preview text:
1424 _this.getParsedWikiText( $j('#rsd_import_ta').val(), _this.cFileNS +':'+ rObj.target_resource_title, function( o ){
1425 js_log('got updated preivew: ');
1426 $j('#rsd_import_desc').html(o);
1427 });
1428 });
1429 $j(_this.target_container + ' .rsd_import_doimport').btnBind().click(function(){
1430 //check import mode:
1431 if(_this.import_url_mode=='form'){
1432 _this.doImportSpecialPage( rObj, cir_callback );
1433 }else if( _this.import_url_mode=='api'){
1434 _this.doImportAPI( rObj , cir_callback);
1435 }else{
1436 js_log("Error: import mode is not form or API (can not copy asset)");
1437 }
1438 });
1439 $j( _this.target_container + ' .rsd_import_acancel').btnBind().click(function(){
1440 $j('#rsd_resource_import').fadeOut("fast",function(){
1441 $j(this).remove();
1442 });
1443 });
1444 }
1445 }
1446 );
1447 }
1448 },
1449 doImportAPI:function(rObj, cir_callback){
1450 var _this = this;
1451 //baseUploadInterface
1452 mvJsLoader.doLoad([
1453 'mvBaseUploadInterface',
1454 '$j.ui.progressbar'
1455 ],function(){
1456 //initicate a download similar to url copy:
1457 myUp = new mvBaseUploadInterface({
1458 'api_url' : _this.local_wiki_api_url,
1459 'done_upload_cb':function(){
1460 js_log('doImportAPI:: run callback::' );
1461 //we have finished the upload:
1463 //close up the rsd_resource_import
1464 $j('#rsd_resource_import').remove();
1465 //return the parent callback:
1466 return cir_callback();
1467 }
1468 });
1469 //set the edit token if we have it handy
1470 _this.getEditToken(function( token ){
1471 myUp.etoken = token;
1472 myUp.doHttpUpload({
1473 'url' : rObj.src,
1474 'filename' : rObj.target_resource_title,
1475 'comment' : $j('#rsd_import_ta').val()
1476 });
1477 })
1480 });
1481 },
1482 getEditToken:function(callback){
1483 //first try the page form:
1484 var etoken = $j("input[name='wpEditToken']").val();
1485 if(etoken){
1486 callback( etoken );
1487 return ;
1488 }
1489 //@@todo try to load over ajax if( _this.local_wiki_api_url ) is set
1490 // (your on the api domain but are inserting from a normal page view)
1491 if( _this.local_wiki_api_url){
1492 get_mw_token(null, _this.local_wiki_api_url, function(token){
1493 callback( token );
1494 })
1495 }
1496 callback(false);
1497 return false;
1498 },
1499 /**
1500 * doImportSpecialPage
1501 * can be depricated once we support upload api support is widespred.
1502 */
1503 doImportSpecialPage:function(rObj, cir_callback){
1504 var _this = this;
1505 //get an edittoken:
1506 do_api_req( {
1507 'data': { 'action':'query',
1508 'prop':'info',
1509 'intoken':'edit',
1510 'titles': rObj.titleKey
1511 },
1512 'url':_this.local_wiki_api_url
1513 }, function(data){
1514 //could recheck if it has been created in the mean time
1515 if( data.query.pages[-1] ){
1516 var editToken = data.query.pages[-1]['edittoken'];
1517 if(!editToken){
1518 //@@todo give an ajax login or be more friendly in some way:
1519 js_error("You don't have permission to upload (are you logged in?)");
1520 //remove top level:
1521 $j('#modalbox').fadeOut("normal",function(){
1522 $j(this).remove();
1523 $j('#mv_overlay').remove();
1524 });
1525 }else{
1526 //not sure if we can do remote url uploads (so just do a local post)
1527 js_log('got token for new page:' +editToken);
1528 var postVars = {
1529 'wpSourceType' :'web',
1530 'wpUploadFileURL' : rObj.src,
1531 'wpDestFile' : rObj.target_resource_title,
1532 'wpUploadDescription' : $j('#rsd_import_ta').val(),
1533 'wpWatchthis' : $j('#wpWatchthis').val(),
1534 'wpUpload' : 'Upload file'
1535 }
1536 //set to uploading:
1537 $j('#rsd_resource_import').append('<div id="rsd_import_progress"'+
1538 'style="position:absolute;top:0px;'+
1539 'left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;'+
1540 'z-index:5;background:#FFF;overflow:auto;">'+
1541 '<div style="position:absolute;left:30%;right:30%"><h3>'+gM('mwe-importing_asset')+'</h3><br>' +
1542 mv_get_loading_img('','mv_loading_bar_img') +
1543 '</div>'+
1544 '</div>'
1545 );
1546 $j.post(wgArticlePath.replace(/\$1/,'Special:Upload'),
1547 postVars,
1548 function(data){
1549 //@@todo this will be replaced once we add upload image support to the api.
1551 //very basic test to see if we got passed to the image page:
1552 //@@todo more normalization stuff
1553 var sstring ='var wgPageName = "' + _this.cFileNS + ':' + rObj.target_resource_title.replace(/ /g,'_') +'"';
1554 if(data.indexOf( sstring ) !=-1){
1555 js_log('found: ' + sstring);
1556 $j('#rsd_resource_import').remove();
1557 cir_callback( rObj );
1558 }else{
1559 js_log("Error or warning: (did not find: \"" + sstring + ' in output' );
1560 pos_etitle = '<h1 class="firstHeading">';
1561 var error_txt = form_txt = '';
1562 var res = grabWikiFormError( data );
1564 if( res.error_txt )
1565 error_txt = res.error_txt;
1567 if( res.form_txt )
1568 form_txt = res.form_txt;
1570 js_log( 'error text is: ' + error_txt );
1571 $j( '#rsd_resource_import' ).html( '<h3>Error</h3>' + error_txt + '<br>' + form_txt +
1572 '<br>'+
1573 '<a href="#" id="rsd_import_error" >' + gM('mwe-cancel_import') + '</a>'
1574 );
1575 //set up cancel action:
1576 $j('#rsd_import_error').click(function(){
1577 $j('#rsd_resource_import').remove();
1578 });
1579 }
1580 }
1581 );
1582 }
1583 }
1584 }
1585 );
1586 },
1587 previewResource:function( rObj ){
1588 var _this = this;
1589 this.checkImportResource( rObj, function(){
1590 //put another window ontop:
1591 $j( _this.target_container ).append('<div id="rsd_preview_display"' +
1592 'style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;z-index:4;top:0px;bottom:75px;right:0px;left:0px;background-color:#FFF;">' +
1593 mv_get_loading_img('top:30px;left:30px') +
1594 '</div>');
1596 var bPlaneTarget = _this.target_container +'~ .ui-dialog-buttonpane';
1597 var pTitle = $j( _this.target_container ).dialog('option', 'title');
1599 //update title:
1600 $j( _this.target_container ).dialog('option', 'title', gM('mwe-preview_insert_resource', rObj.title) );
1602 //update buttons preview:
1603 $j(bPlaneTarget).html( $j.btnHtml( gM('rsd_do_insert'), 'preview_do_insert', 'check') + ' ' )
1604 .children('.preview_do_insert')
1605 .click(function(){
1606 _this.insertResource( rObj );
1607 });
1608 //update cancel button
1609 $j(bPlaneTarget).append('<a href="#" class="preview_close">Do More Modification</a>')
1610 .children('.preview_close')
1611 .click(function(){
1612 $j('#rsd_preview_display').remove();
1613 //restore title:
1614 $j( _this.target_container ).dialog('option', 'title', pTitle);
1615 //restore buttons (from the clipEdit object::)
1616 _this.cEdit.updateInsertControlActions();
1617 });
1619 //update the preview_wtext
1620 _this.updatePreviewText( rObj );
1621 _this.getParsedWikiText(_this.preview_wtext, _this.target_title,
1622 function(phtml){
1623 $j('#rsd_preview_display').html( phtml );
1624 //update the display of video tag items (if any)
1625 mwdomReady(true);
1626 }
1627 );
1628 });
1629 },
1630 updatePreviewText:function( rObj ){
1631 var _this = this;
1633 if( _this.import_url_mode == 'remote_link' ){
1634 _this.cur_embed_code = rObj.pSobj.getEmbedHTML(rObj);
1635 }else{
1636 _this.cur_embed_code = rObj.pSobj.getEmbedWikiCode( rObj );
1637 }
1639 //insert at start if textInput cursor has not been set (ie == length)
1640 if( _this.caret_pos && _this.caret_pos.text){
1641 if( _this.caret_pos.text.length == _this.caret_pos.s)
1642 _this.caret_pos.s=0;
1643 _this.preview_wtext = _this.caret_pos.text.substring(0, _this.caret_pos.s) +
1644 _this.cur_embed_code +
1645 _this.caret_pos.text.substring( _this.caret_pos.s );
1646 }else{
1647 _this.preview_wtext = $j(_this.target_textbox).val() + _this.cur_embed_code;
1648 }
1649 //check for missing </refrences>
1650 if( _this.preview_wtext.indexOf('<references/>') ==-1 && _this.preview_wtext.indexOf('<ref>') != -1 )
1651 _this.preview_wtext = _this.preview_wtext + '<references/>';
1652 },
1653 getParsedWikiText:function( wikitext, title, callback ){
1654 do_api_req( {
1655 'data':{'action':'parse',
1656 'text':wikitext
1657 },
1658 'url':this.local_wiki_api_url
1659 },function(data){
1660 callback( data.parse.text['*'] );
1661 }
1662 );
1663 },
1664 insertResource:function( rObj){
1665 js_log('insertResource: ' + rObj.title);
1666 var _this = this
1667 //dobule check that the resource is present:
1668 this.checkImportResource( rObj, function(){
1669 _this.updatePreviewText( rObj );
1670 $j(_this.target_textbox).val( _this.preview_wtext );
1672 //update the render area (if present)
1673 if(_this.target_render_area && _this.cur_embed_code){
1674 //output with some padding:
1675 $j(_this.target_render_area).append( _this.cur_embed_code + '<div style="clear:both;height:10px">')
1676 //update if its video or audio:
1677 if( rObj.mime.indexOf('audio')!=-1 ||
1678 rObj.mime.indexOf('video')!=-1 ||
1679 rObj.mime.indexOf('/ogg') !=-1){
1680 mvJsLoader.embedVideoCheck(function(){
1681 mv_video_embed();
1682 });
1683 }
1684 }
1685 _this.closeAll();
1686 });
1687 },
1688 closeAll:function(){
1689 var _this = this;
1690 js_log("close all:: " + _this.target_container);
1691 _this.cancelClipEditCB();
1692 $j(_this.target_container).dialog('close');
1693 },
1694 setResultBarControl:function( ){
1695 var _this = this;
1696 var box_dark_url = mv_skin_img_path + 'box_layout_icon_dark.png';
1697 var box_light_url = mv_skin_img_path + 'box_layout_icon.png';
1698 var list_dark_url = mv_skin_img_path + 'list_layout_icon_dark.png';
1699 var list_light_url = mv_skin_img_path + 'list_layout_icon.png';
1701 var about_desc ='';
1702 if( this.content_providers[this.disp_item] ){
1703 var cp = this.content_providers[this.disp_item];
1704 about_desc ='<span style="position:relative;top:0px;font-style:italic;">' +
1705 '<i>' + gM('mwe-results_from', [cp.homepage, cp.title]) + '</i></span>';
1706 $j('#tab-'+this.disp_item).append( '<div id="rds_results_bar">'+
1707 '<span style="float:left;top:0px;font-style:italic;">'+
1708 gM('rsd_layout')+' '+
1709 '<img id="msc_box_layout" ' +
1710 'title = "' + gM('rsd_box_layout') + '" '+
1711 'src = "' + ( (_this.result_display_mode=='box')?box_dark_url:box_light_url ) + '" ' +
1712 'style="width:20px;height:20px;cursor:pointer;"> ' +
1713 '<img id="msc_list_layout" '+
1714 'title = "' + gM('rsd_list_layout') + '" '+
1715 'src = "' + ( (_this.result_display_mode=='list')?list_dark_url:list_light_url ) + '" '+
1716 'style="width:20px;height:20px;cursor:pointer;">'+
1717 about_desc +
1718 '</span>'+
1719 '<span id="rsd_paging_ctrl" style="float:right;"></span>'+
1720 '</div>'
1721 );
1722 //get paging with bindings:
1723 this.getPaging('#rsd_paging_ctrl');
1725 $j('#msc_box_layout').hover(function(){
1726 $j(this).attr("src", box_dark_url );
1727 }, function(){
1728 $j(this).attr("src", ( (_this.result_display_mode=='box')?box_dark_url:box_light_url ) );
1729 }).click(function(){
1730 $j(this).attr("src", box_dark_url);
1731 $j('#msc_list_layout').attr("src", list_light_url);
1732 _this.setDispMode('box');
1733 });
1735 $j('#msc_list_layout').hover(function(){
1736 $j(this).attr("src", list_dark_url);
1737 }, function(){
1738 $j(this).attr("src", ( (_this.result_display_mode=='list')?list_dark_url:list_light_url ) );
1739 }).click(function(){
1740 $j(this).attr("src", list_dark_url);
1741 $j('#msc_box_layout').attr("src", box_light_url);
1742 _this.setDispMode('list');
1743 });
1744 }
1745 },
1746 getPaging:function(target){
1747 var _this = this;
1748 var cp_id = this.disp_item;
1749 var cp = this.content_providers[ this.disp_item ];
1750 //js_log('getPaging:'+ cp_id + ' len: ' + cp.sObj.num_results);
1751 var to_num = ( cp.limit > cp.sObj.num_results )?
1752 (cp.offset + cp.sObj.num_results):
1753 (cp.offset + cp.limit);
1754 var out = gM('rsd_results_desc') + ' ' + (cp.offset+1) + ' to ' + to_num;
1755 //check if we have more results (next prev link)
1756 if( cp.offset >= cp.limit )
1757 out+=' <a href="#" id="rsd_pprev">' + gM('rsd_results_prev') + ' ' + cp.limit + '</a>';
1759 if( cp.sObj.more_results )
1760 out+=' <a href="#" id="rsd_pnext">' + gM('rsd_results_next') + ' ' + cp.limit + '</a>';
1762 $j(target).html(out);
1763 //set bindings
1764 $j('#rsd_pnext').click(function(){
1765 cp.offset += cp.limit;
1766 _this.runSearch();
1767 });
1768 $j('#rsd_pprev').click(function(){
1769 cp.offset -= cp.limit;
1770 if(cp.offset<0)
1771 cp.offset=0;
1772 _this.runSearch();
1773 });
1775 return;
1777 },
1778 selectTab:function( selected_cp_id ){
1779 js_log('select tab: ' + selected_cp_id);
1780 this.disp_item = selected_cp_id;
1781 if( this.disp_item == 'upload' ){
1782 this.doUploadInteface();
1783 }else{
1784 //update the search results:
1785 this.runSearch();
1786 }
1787 },
1788 setDispMode:function(mode){
1789 js_log('setDispMode:' + mode);
1790 this.result_display_mode=mode;
1791 //run /update search display:
1792 this.drawOutputResults();
1793 }
1794 };