'Media', NS_SPECIAL => 'Speciala', NS_MAIN => '', NS_TALK => 'Diskuto', NS_USER => 'Vikipediisto', NS_USER_TALK => 'Vikipediista_diskuto', NS_PROJECT => $wgMetaNamespace, # FIXME: Generalize v-isto kaj v-io NS_PROJECT_TALK => $wgMetaNamespace.'_diskuto', # FIXME NS_IMAGE => 'Dosiero', #FIXME: Check the magic for Image: and Media: NS_IMAGE_TALK => 'Dosiera_diskuto', NS_MEDIAWIKI => 'MediaWiki', NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => 'MediaWiki_diskuto', NS_TEMPLATE => 'Ŝablono', NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => 'Ŝablona_diskuto', NS_HELP => 'Helpo', NS_HELP_TALK => 'Helpa_diskuto', NS_CATEGORY => 'Kategorio', NS_CATEGORY_TALK => 'Kategoria_diskuto', ) + $wgNamespaceNamesEn; /* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsEo = array( 'Nenia', 'Fiksiĝas maldekstre', 'Fiksiĝas dekstre', 'Ŝvebas maldekstre' ); /* private */ $wgSkinNamesEo = array( 'standard' => 'Klasika', 'nostalgia' => 'Nostalgio', 'cologneblue' => 'Kolonja Bluo', 'mono' => 'Senkolora', 'monobook' => 'Librejo', 'chick' => 'Kokido', ) + $wgSkinNamesEn; # Se eble, trovu Esperantajn libroservoj traserĉeblaj laŭ ISBN # $wgBookstoreListEo = .. if (!$wgCachedMessageArrays) { require_once('MessagesEo.php'); } /** @package MediaWiki */ class LanguageEo extends LanguageUtf8 { function getDefaultUserOptions () { $opt = parent::getDefaultUserOptions(); $opt['altencoding'] = 0; return $opt; } function getNamespaces() { global $wgNamespaceNamesEo; return $wgNamespaceNamesEo; } function getNsIndex( $text ) { global $wgNamespaceNamesEo; foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesEo as $i => $n ) { if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; } } return false; } function getQuickbarSettings() { global $wgQuickbarSettingsEo; return $wgQuickbarSettingsEo; } function getSkinNames() { global $wgSkinNamesEo; return $wgSkinNamesEo; } # La dato- kaj tempo-funkciojn oni povas precizigi laŭ lingvo function formatMonth( $month, $format ) { return $this->getMonthAbbreviation( $month ); } function formatDay( $day, $format ) { return parent::formatDay( $day, $format ) . '.'; } function getMessage( $key ) { global $wgAllMessagesEo; if(array_key_exists($key, $wgAllMessagesEo)) return $wgAllMessagesEo[$key]; else return parent::getMessage($key); } function iconv( $in, $out, $string ) { # For most languages, this is a wrapper for iconv # Por multaj lingvoj, ĉi tiu nur voku la sisteman funkcion iconv() # Ni ankaŭ konvertu X-sistemajn surogotajn if( strcasecmp( $in, 'x' ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $out, 'utf-8' ) == 0) { $xu = array ( 'xx' => 'x' , 'xX' => 'x' , 'Xx' => 'X' , 'XX' => 'X' , "Cx" => "\xc4\x88" , "CX" => "\xc4\x88" , "cx" => "\xc4\x89" , "cX" => "\xc4\x89" , "Gx" => "\xc4\x9c" , "GX" => "\xc4\x9c" , "gx" => "\xc4\x9d" , "gX" => "\xc4\x9d" , "Hx" => "\xc4\xa4" , "HX" => "\xc4\xa4" , "hx" => "\xc4\xa5" , "hX" => "\xc4\xa5" , "Jx" => "\xc4\xb4" , "JX" => "\xc4\xb4" , "jx" => "\xc4\xb5" , "jX" => "\xc4\xb5" , "Sx" => "\xc5\x9c" , "SX" => "\xc5\x9c" , "sx" => "\xc5\x9d" , "sX" => "\xc5\x9d" , "Ux" => "\xc5\xac" , "UX" => "\xc5\xac" , "ux" => "\xc5\xad" , "uX" => "\xc5\xad" ) ; return preg_replace ( '/([cghjsu]x?)((?:xx)*)(?!x)/ei', 'strtr( "$1", $xu ) . strtr( "$2", $xu )', $string ); } else if( strcasecmp( $in, 'UTF-8' ) == 0 and strcasecmp( $out, 'x' ) == 0 ) { $ux = array ( 'x' => 'xx' , 'X' => 'Xx' , "\xc4\x88" => "Cx" , "\xc4\x89" => "cx" , "\xc4\x9c" => "Gx" , "\xc4\x9d" => "gx" , "\xc4\xa4" => "Hx" , "\xc4\xa5" => "hx" , "\xc4\xb4" => "Jx" , "\xc4\xb5" => "jx" , "\xc5\x9c" => "Sx" , "\xc5\x9d" => "sx" , "\xc5\xac" => "Ux" , "\xc5\xad" => "ux" ) ; # Double Xs only if they follow cxapelutaj literoj. return preg_replace( '/((?:[cghjsu]|\xc4[\x88\x89\x9c\x9d\xa4\xa5\xb4\xb5]'. '|\xc5[\x9c\x9d\xac\xad])x*)/ei', 'strtr( "$1", $ux )', $string ); } return iconv( $in, $out, $string ); } function checkTitleEncoding( $s ) { global $wgInputEncoding; # Check for X-system backwards-compatibility URLs $ishigh = preg_match( '/[\x80-\xff]/', $s); $isutf = preg_match( '/^([\x00-\x7f]|[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]|' . '[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}|[\xf0-\xf7][\x80-\xbf]{3})+$/', $s ); if($ishigh and !$isutf) { # Assume Latin1 $s = utf8_encode( $s ); } else { if( preg_match( '/(\xc4[\x88\x89\x9c\x9d\xa4\xa5\xb4\xb5]'. '|\xc5[\x9c\x9d\xac\xad])/', $s ) ) return $s; } //if( preg_match( '/[cghjsu]x/i', $s ) ) // return $this->iconv( 'x', 'utf-8', $s ); return $s; } function initEncoding() { global $wgEditEncoding, $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding; $wgInputEncoding = 'utf-8'; $wgOutputEncoding = 'utf-8'; $wgEditEncoding = 'x'; } function setAltEncoding() { global $wgEditEncoding, $wgInputEncoding, $wgOutputEncoding; $wgInputEncoding = 'utf-8'; $wgOutputEncoding = 'x'; $wgEditEncoding = ''; } function separatorTransformTable() { return array(',' => ' ', '.' => ',' ); } } ?>