'@objet@:', // A 'attente_confirmation' => 'Waiting for confirmation', // B 'base_donnees' => 'Database', 'bloc_deplier' => 'Expand', 'bloc_replier' => 'Collapse', // C 'colorer_fond' => 'Colour the background', 'colorer_texte' => 'Colour the text', 'configurer' => 'Swiss Army Knife configuration', 'connections' => 'Connections', // D 'date_court' => '@jour@/@mois@/@annee@', 'derniers_connectes' => 'Connected recently:', // E 'email_forum' => 'Enter your email address!', 'explique_spam' => 'Warning: you have used forbidden tags, characters or words.

Start again!', // L 'lancer_test' => 'Run the test!', 'lutte_spam' => 'Fight against SPAM', // M 'maj_actu' => 'Force a remote update', 'maj_liste' => 'Plugins detected:', 'maj_maj' => 'Update this plugin', 'maj_ok' => 'This [plugin->@zip@] appears to be [up-to-date->@url@].', 'maj_rev' => 'Ver. @revision@', 'maj_rev_ko' => 'The [remote version->@url@] could not be found.', 'maj_rev_ok' => 'Version [@revision@->@url@] is [available->@zip@].', 'maj_spip' => 'After having updated all of your plugins, we strongly recommended you now update SPIP itself by clicking on the link above and following the instructions.', 'maj_svn' => 'This SVN plugin appears to be [up-to-date->@url@].', 'maj_verif' => 'First check which file is right for you:', 'maj_verif2' => 'N.B. After clicking on the button above, make sure that the file you downloaded corresponds to the plugin you want to update.', 'maj_zip_ko' => 'The remote .zip file could not be identified.', 'msg_publies' => 'Only published messages', // N 'nom_email_forum' => 'Give your name or email address!', 'nom_forum' => 'Please give your name!', 'non_confirmes' => 'Unconfirmed:', // O 'objet_article' => 'Article', 'objet_articles' => 'Articles', 'objet_auteur' => 'Author', 'objet_auteurs' => 'Authors', 'objet_breve' => 'News item', 'objet_breves' => 'News items', 'objet_mot' => 'Keyword', 'objet_mots' => 'Keywords', 'objet_petition' => 'Petition', 'objet_petitions' => 'Petitions', 'objet_rubrique' => 'Section', 'objet_rubriques' => 'Sections', 'objet_syndic' => 'Site', 'objet_syndics' => 'Sites', // P 'page_debut' => 'First page', 'page_fin' => 'Last page', 'page_lien' => 'Page @page@: @title@', 'page_precedente' => 'Previous page', 'page_suivante' => 'Next page', 'plug_actifs' => 'Active plugins', 'plug_inactifs' => 'Inactive plugins', 'plugin_xml' => 'A collection of small, useful tools in a single plugin to make managing your SPIP site even easier. Each tool can be individually activated/deactivated from the [plugin\'s admin page->./?exec=admin_couteau_suisse]. To set several site options, click on {{Configuration}}, then choose the {{Swiss Army Knife}} tab. Categories available: Administration, Typographical improvements, Typographical shortcuts, Public site display options, Tags, Filters, Criteria. Some popular tools are included in this plugin: {Delete the number}, {URL formats}, {Superscript}, {Curly inverted commas}, {Beautiful bullets}, {Fight against SPAM}, {Mailcrypt}, {Friendly URLs}, {SPIP and external links}, {Smileys}, {A summary for your articles}, {Division in pages and tabs}, etc., etc. See the documentation articles at: [spip-contrib.net->http://www.spip-contrib.net/Le-Couteau-Suisse]. Compatibility: SPIP 1.92x, v2.0.x and v2.1.x', 'pp_autobr' => 'Insert a block of text with automatic line returns', 'pp_blocs_bloc' => 'Insert a collapsed block', 'pp_blocs_visible' => 'Insert an expanded block', 'pp_chatons_inserer' => 'Insert the " @chaton@ " emoticon/smiley', 'pp_chatons_inserer_drop' => 'Insert an emoticon/smiley into your text', 'pp_couleur_fond' => '@couleur@ background', 'pp_couleur_icone_fond' => 'B', 'pp_couleur_icone_texte' => 'T', 'pp_couleur_texte' => '@couleur@ text', 'pp_couteau_suisse_drop' => 'Use a Swiss Army Knife tool', 'pp_decoration_inserer' => '" @balise@.@racc@ " decoration', 'pp_decoration_inserer_drop' => 'Apply a customised "decoration" to the text', 'pp_decoupe_onglets' => 'Insert a tab mechanism', 'pp_decoupe_separateur' => 'Insert a page or tab separator', 'pp_filets_inserer' => 'Insert a line with the " @filet@ " style', 'pp_filets_inserer_drop' => 'Insert a separation line', 'pp_smileys_inserer' => 'Insert a @smiley@ smiley', 'pp_un_titre' => 'A title', 'pp_votre_texte' => 'Insert your text here', 'pp_votre_titre' => 'Title @nb@', // S 'smileys_dispos' => 'Available smileys:', 'sommaire_page' => ', p@page@', 'sommaire_page_long' => ', page @page@', 'sommaire_titre' => 'Table of contents', 'stats_auteur' => '@icon@ @nom@, @date@', 'stats_date' => '@jour@/@mois@/@annee@ at @h@:@m@', // T 'test_base' => 'Database test', 'test_manuel' => 'Manual test', 'texte_formatspip' => 'ORIGINAL TEXT IN SPIP FORMAT', 'textes_formatspip' => 'ORIGINAL TEXTS IN SPIP FORMAT', 'titre' => 'Suiss Army Knife', 'tri_auteurs' => 'ORDER OF AUTHORS', 'tri_descendre' => 'Move this author down', 'tri_monter' => 'Move this author up', // U 'url_verrouillee' => 'URL locked', 'urls_propres_erreur' => 'This format does not take into account the URLs listed below own', 'urls_propres_format' => 'Thecurrent format of URLs is: {{« @format@ »}}. [[Configuration->@url@]]', 'urls_propres_lien' => 'Public access link', 'urls_propres_objet' => 'Here is the list of the clean URLs stored in the database which visitors can use to explore your site.', 'urls_propres_titre' => 'URLs OWN', // V 'variable_vide' => '(Empty)', 'visiteurs_connectes' => 'Visitors logged in: @nb@', // W 'webmestres' => 'SPIP webmasters' ); ?>