'articles','breve'=>'breves_voir','syndic'=>'sites'); $where = (($GLOBALS['visiteur_session']['statut'] == '0minirezo') ? '' : "(statut = 'publie' OR statut = 'prop') AND ") . "id_rubrique=$id_rubrique AND ($prim != $id)"; $select = "$prim AS id, $titre AS titre, statut"; $n = sql_countsel($table, $where); if (!$n) return ''; if (!defined('_TRI_ARTICLES_RUBRIQUE')) define('_TRI_ARTICLES_RUBRIQUE', 'date DESC'); // surcharge possible dans mes_options.php $order = ($order == '') ? _TRI_ARTICLES_RUBRIQUE : "$order DESC"; $voss = sql_select($select, $table, $where, '', "$order", $limit); $limit = $n - $limit; $retour = ''; $puce_statut = charger_fonction('puce_statut', 'inc'); $idom = 'rubrique_' . $type; while($row = sql_fetch($voss)) { $id = $row['id']; $num = afficher_numero_edit($id, $prim, $type); $statut = $row['statut']; // Exception pour les meme-rubrique de sites if ($type == "syndic") $type_statut = "site"; else $type_statut = $type; $statut = $puce_statut($id, $statut, $id_rubrique, $type_statut); $href = "" . sinon(typo($row['titre']), _T('info_sans_titre')) . ""; // Todo: refaire en css plus sains $retour .= "\n
" . "\n
" . $num . "
" . "
".$statut ."
" . "
" . "
" . "
"; } $icone = '' . _T('info_meme_rubrique') . ''; $bouton = bouton_block_depliable(_T('info_meme_rubrique'),true,'memerub'); $retour = debut_cadre('meme-rubriques',"article-24.gif",'',$bouton) . debut_block_depliable(true,'memerub') . $retour; // $retour .= (($limit <= 0) ? '' : "+ $limit"); $retour .= fin_block() . fin_cadre('meme-rubriques'); if ($ajax) return $retour; // id utilise dans puce_statut_article return "\n
"; } ?>