\n"; $logo = $chercher_logo($id, $id_objet, 'on'); $logo_s = $chercher_logo($id, $id_objet, 'off'); if (!$logo) { if ($flag_modif AND $GLOBALS['meta']['activer_logos'] != 'non') { $masque = indiquer_logo($texteon, $id_objet, 'on', $id, $script, $iframe); $masque = "
"; $bouton = bouton_block_depliable($texteon, $visible, "on-$id_objet-$id"); $res = debut_block_depliable($visible,"on-$id_objet-$id") . $masque . fin_block(); } } else { list($img, $clic) = decrire_logo($id_objet,'on',$id, 170, 170, $logo, $texteon, $script, $flag_modif AND !$logo_s); $bouton = bouton_block_depliable($texteon, $visible, "on-$id_objet-$id"); $survol = ''; $texteoff = _T('logo_survol'); if (!$logo = $logo_s) { if ($flag_modif AND $GLOBALS['meta']['activer_logos_survol'] == 'oui') { $masque = "
".indiquer_logo($texteoff, $id_objet, 'off', $id, $script, $iframe); $survol .= "
".block_parfois_visible("off-$id_objet-$id", $texteoff, $masque, null, $visible); } $masque = debut_block_depliable($visible,"on-$id_objet-$id") . "
" . $clic . $survol . "
" . fin_block(); } else { list($imgoff, $clicoff) = decrire_logo($id_objet, 'off', $id, 170, 170, $logo, $texteoff, $script, $flag_modif); $masque = debut_block_depliable($visible, "off-$id_objet-$id") . $clicoff . fin_block(); $survol .= "
".bouton_block_depliable($texteoff, $visible, "off-$id_objet-$id") . "
"; $masque = debut_block_depliable($visible,"on-$id_objet-$id") . $clic . fin_block() . $survol; } $res = "$img$masque"; } if ($res) { $res = debut_cadre('r', 'image-24.gif', '', $bouton, '', '', false) . $res . fin_cadre_relief(true); if(_request("exec")!="iconifier") { $js = http_script('', 'async_upload.js') . http_script('$("form.form_upload_icon").async_upload(async_upload_icon)'); } else $js = ""; return ajax_action_greffe("iconifier", $id, $res).$js; } else return ''; } // http://doc.spip.org/@indiquer_logo function indiquer_logo($titre, $id_objet, $mode, $id, $script, $iframe_script) { global $formats_logos; $afficher = ""; $reg = '[.](' . join('|', $formats_logos) . ')$'; /* # CODE MORT SI ON DECIDE DE NE PAS LAISSER UPLOADER DES LOGOS PAR FTP if ($GLOBALS['flag_upload'] AND $dir_ftp = determine_upload('logos') AND $fichiers = preg_files($dir_ftp, $reg)) { foreach ($fichiers as $f) { $f = substr($f, strlen($dir_ftp)); $afficher .= "\n"; } } if (!$afficher) { if ($dir_ftp) { $afficher = _T('info_installer_images_dossier', array('upload' => '' . joli_repertoire($dir_ftp) . '')); } } else { $afficher = "\n
" . _T('info_selectionner_fichier', array('upload' => '' . joli_repertoire($dir_ftp) . '')) . ":
" . "\n" . "\n
"; } */ $afficher = "\n
" . "\n" . "
" . "\n
" . $afficher; $type = type_du_logo($id_objet); return redirige_action_post('iconifier', "$id+$type$mode$id", $script, "$id_objet=$id", $iframe_script.$afficher, " enctype='multipart/form-data' class='form_upload_icon'"); } // http://doc.spip.org/@decrire_logo function decrire_logo($id_objet, $mode, $id, $width, $height, $img, $titre="", $script="", $flag_modif=true) { list($fid, $dir, $nom, $format, $timestamp) = $img; include_spip('inc/filtres_images_mini'); $res = image_reduire("", $width, $height); if ($res){ $src = extraire_attribut($res,'src'); $res = inserer_attribut($res, 'src', "$src?$timestamp"); $res = "
"; } else $res = "\""'; if ($taille = @getimagesize($fid)) $taille = _T('info_largeur_vignette', array('largeur_vignette' => $taille[0], 'hauteur_vignette' => $taille[1])); return array($res, "
" . $taille . ($flag_modif ? "\n
[" . ajax_action_auteur("iconifier", "$id-$nom.$format", $script, "$id_objet=$id&type=$id_objet", array(_T('lien_supprimer')), '',"function(r,status) {this.innerHTML = r; \$('form.form_upload_icon',this).async_upload(async_upload_icon);}") ."]" : '') . "
"); } ?>