$select, 'FROM' => 'spip_mots', 'WHERE' => "id_groupe=$id_groupe", 'ORDER BY' => 'multi'); $tableau = array(); $occurrences = calculer_liens_mots($id_groupe); if ($connect_statut=="0minirezo") { $styles = array(array('arial11'), array('arial1', 100), array('arial1', 130)); } else { $styles = array(array('arial11'), array('arial1', 100)); } return $presenter_liste($requete, 'presenter_groupe_mots_boucle', $tableau, array($occurrences, $total, $deb_aff), false, $styles, $tmp_var, '', '', $url); } // http://doc.spip.org/@afficher_groupe_mots_boucle function presenter_groupe_mots_boucle($row, $own) { global $connect_statut; $puce_statut = charger_fonction('puce_statut', 'inc'); list($occurrences, $total, $deb_aff) = $own; $id_mot = $row['id_mot']; $id_groupe = $row['id_groupe']; $titre = typo($row['titre']); $descriptif = entites_html($row['descriptif']); $droit = autoriser('modifier', 'mot', $id_mot, null, array('id_groupe' => $id_groupe)); if ($droit OR $occurrences['articles'][$id_mot] > 0) { $h = generer_url_ecrire('mots_edit', "id_mot=$id_mot&redirect=" . generer_url_retour('mots_tous') . "#editer_mots-$id_groupe"); if ($descriptif) $descriptif = " title=\"$descriptif\""; $cle = $puce_statut($id_mot, 'publie', $id_groupe, 'mot'); $titre = "$cle $titre"; } $vals = array($titre); $texte_lie = array(); $na = isset($occurrences['articles'][$id_mot]) ? $occurrences['articles'][$id_mot] : 0; if ($na == 1) $texte_lie[] = _T('info_1_article'); else if ($na > 1) $texte_lie[] = $na." "._T('info_articles_02'); $nb = isset($occurrences['breves'][$id_mot]) ? $occurrences['breves'][$id_mot] : 0; if ($nb == 1) $texte_lie[] = _T('info_1_breve'); else if ($nb > 1) $texte_lie[] = $nb." "._T('info_breves_03'); $ns = isset($occurrences['syndic'][$id_mot]) ? $occurrences['syndic'][$id_mot] : 0; if ($ns == 1) $texte_lie[] = _T('info_1_site'); else if ($ns > 1) $texte_lie[] = $ns." "._T('info_sites'); $nr = isset($occurrences['rubriques'][$id_mot]) ? $occurrences['rubriques'][$id_mot] : 0; if ($nr == 1) $texte_lie[] = _T('info_une_rubrique_02'); else if ($nr > 1) $texte_lie[] = $nr." "._T('info_rubriques_02'); $texte_lie = pipeline('afficher_nombre_objets_associes_a',array('args'=>array('objet'=>'mot','id_objet'=>$id_mot),'data'=>$texte_lie)); $texte_lie = join($texte_lie,", "); $vals[] = $texte_lie; if ($droit) { $clic = '' ._T('info_supprimer_mot') . " X" . ''; if ($nr OR $na OR $ns OR $nb) $href = "$clic"; else { $href = generer_supprimer_mot($id_mot, $id_groupe, $clic, $total, $deb_aff); } $vals[] = "
"; } return $vals; } // http://doc.spip.org/@generer_supprimer_mot function generer_supprimer_mot($id_mot, $id_groupe, $clic, $total, $deb_aff='') { $cont = ($total > 1) ? '' : "function(r) {jQuery('#editer_mots-$id_groupe-supprimer').css('visibility','visible');}"; return ajax_action_auteur('editer_mots', "$id_groupe,$id_mot,,,",'grouper_mots', "id_groupe=$id_groupe&$deb_aff", array($clic,''), '', $cont); } // // Calculer les nombres d'elements (articles, etc.) lies a chaque mot // // http://doc.spip.org/@calculer_liens_mots function calculer_liens_mots($id_groupe) { $aff_articles = sql_in('O.statut', ($GLOBALS['connect_statut'] =="0minirezo") ? array('prepa','prop','publie') : array('prop','publie')); $res = sql_allfetsel("COUNT(*) as cnt, L.id_mot", "spip_mots_articles AS L LEFT JOIN spip_mots AS M ON L.id_mot=M.id_mot LEFT JOIN spip_articles AS O ON L.id_article=O.id_article", "M.id_groupe=$id_groupe AND $aff_articles", "L.id_mot"); $articles = array(); foreach($res as $row) $articles[$row['id_mot']] = $row['cnt']; $rubriques = array(); $res = sql_allfetsel("COUNT(*) as cnt, L.id_mot", "spip_mots_rubriques AS L LEFT JOIN spip_mots AS M ON L.id_mot=M.id_mot", "M.id_groupe=$id_groupe", "L.id_mot"); foreach($res as $row) $rubriques[$row['id_mot']] = $row['cnt']; $breves = array(); $res = sql_allfetsel("COUNT(*) as cnt, L.id_mot", "spip_mots_breves AS L LEFT JOIN spip_mots AS M ON L.id_mot=M.id_mot LEFT JOIN spip_breves AS O ON L.id_breve=O.id_breve", "M.id_groupe=$id_groupe AND $aff_articles", "L.id_mot"); foreach($res as $row) $breves[$row['id_mot']] = $row['cnt']; $syndic = array(); $res = sql_allfetsel("COUNT(*) as cnt, L.id_mot", "spip_mots_syndic AS L LEFT JOIN spip_mots AS M ON L.id_mot=M.id_mot LEFT JOIN spip_syndic AS O ON L.id_syndic=O.id_syndic", "M.id_groupe=$id_groupe AND $aff_articles", "L.id_mot"); foreach($res as $row) $syndic[$row['id_mot']] = $row['cnt']; return array('articles' => $articles, 'breves' => $breves, 'rubriques' => $rubriques, 'syndic' => $syndic); } ?>