" . "" . "

" . "\n

" . "" . "

"; if($retour_proxy) { $res .= debut_boite_info(true) . $retour_proxy . fin_boite_info(true); } $submit = array('valider_proxy' => _T('bouton_valider'), 'tester_proxy' => _T('bouton_test_proxy')); } } $encours = "' ; $exemple = ""; $res = "\n
" . propre(_T('texte_proxy', array('proxy_en_cours' => "$encours"))) . "
" . "\n
" . "" . "
" . propre(_T('pas_de_proxy_pour', array('exemple' => "$exemple"))) . "" . $res . "
"; $res = debut_cadre_trait_couleur("base-24.gif", true, "", _T('info_sites_proxy').aide ("confhttpproxy")) . ajax_action_post('configurer_relayeur', 0, 'config_fonctions', '', $res, $submit) . fin_cadre_trait_couleur(true); return ajax_action_greffe("configurer_relayeur", 0, $res); } function configuration_relayeur_post ($http_proxy, $http_noproxy, $test_proxy, $tester_proxy) { // http_proxy : ne pas prendre en compte la modif si le password est '****' if (preg_match(',:\*\*\*\*@,', $http_proxy)) $http_proxy = $GLOBALS['meta']['http_proxy']; $retour = $page = ''; if ($tester_proxy AND preg_match(",https?://,", $http_proxy)) { include_spip('inc/distant'); $t = parse_url($test_proxy); if (!@$t['host']) { $retour = _T('info_adresse_non_indiquee'); } elseif (!need_proxy($t['host'])) { $retour = "


\n"; } elseif ($page = recuperer_page($test_proxy, true)) { include_spip('inc/texte'); // pour aide, couper, lang $retour = "


\n" . couper(entites_html($page),300).""; } else $retour = _T('info_impossible_lire_page', array('test_proxy' => $test_proxy)) . " ".no_password_proxy_url($http_proxy)."." . aide('confhttpproxy'); } if ($http_proxy !== NULL) { ecrire_meta('http_proxy', $http_proxy); } if ($http_noproxy !== NULL) { ecrire_meta('http_noproxy', $http_noproxy); } if ($page) { include_spip('install/etape_fin'); $retour .= install_verifier_htaccess(); } return $retour; } // Function glue_url : le pendant de parse_url // http://doc.spip.org/@glue_url function glue_url ($url){ if (!is_array($url)){ return false; } // scheme $uri = (!empty($url['scheme'])) ? $url['scheme'].'://' : ''; // user & pass if (!empty($url['user'])){ $uri .= $url['user'].':'.$url['pass'].'@'; } // host $uri .= $url['host']; // port $port = (!empty($url['port'])) ? ':'.$url['port'] : ''; $uri .= $port; // path $uri .= $url['path']; // fragment or query if (isset($url['fragment'])){ $uri .= '#'.$url['fragment']; } elseif (isset($url['query'])){ $uri .= '?'.$url['query']; } return $uri; } // Ne pas afficher la partie 'password' du proxy // http://doc.spip.org/@no_password_proxy_url function no_password_proxy_url($http_proxy) { if ($p = @parse_url($http_proxy) AND $p['pass']) { $p['pass'] = '****'; $http_proxy = glue_url($p); } return $http_proxy; } ?>