$v) { if (strpos($v,'administration.') !== false) return $debug['resultat'][$k . 'tout']; } return ''; } } include_spip('inc/autoriser'); include_spip('base/abstract_sql'); $dejafait = true; // Preparer le #ENV des boutons $env = admin_objet(); // Pas de "modifier ce..." ? -> donner "acces a l'espace prive" if (!$env) $env['ecrire'] = _DIR_RESTREINT_ABS; $env['divclass'] = $float; $env['lang'] = admin_lang(); $env['calcul'] = (_request('var_mode') ? 'recalcul' : 'calcul'); $env['debug'] = $var_preview ? "" : admin_debug(); $env['analyser'] = (!$env['debug'] AND !$GLOBALS['xhtml']) ? '' : admin_valider(); $env['inclure'] = ($GLOBALS['var_inclure']?'inclure':''); if (!$use_cache) $env['use_cache'] = ' *'; if (isset($debug['validation'])) { $env['xhtml_error'] = $debug['validation']; } $env['_pipeline'] = 'formulaire_admin'; return array('formulaires/administration', 0, $env); } // Afficher le bouton 'Modifier ce...' // s'il y a un $id_XXX defini globalement par spip_register_globals // Attention a l'ordre dans la boucle: // on ne veut pas la rubrique si un autre bouton est possible // http://doc.spip.org/@admin_objet function admin_objet() { include_spip('inc/urls'); $env = array(); foreach (array('mot','auteur','rubrique','breve','article','syndic'=>'site') as $id => $obj) { if (is_int($id)) $id = $obj; $_id_type = id_table_objet($id); if (isset($GLOBALS['contexte'][$_id_type]) AND $id_type = $GLOBALS['contexte'][$_id_type]) { $id_type = sql_getfetsel($_id_type, table_objet_sql($id), "$_id_type=".intval($id_type)); if ($id_type) { $env[$_id_type] = $id_type; $env['objet'] = $id; $env['id_objet'] = $id_type; $g = 'generer_url_ecrire_'.$obj; $env['voir_'.$obj] = str_replace('&', '&', $g($id_type, '','', 'prop')); if ($id == 'article' OR $id == 'breve') { unset($env['id_rubrique']); unset($env['voir_rubrique']); if ($l = admin_stats($id, $id_type, $var_preview)) { $env['visites'] = $l[0]; $env['popularite'] = $l[1]; $env['statistiques'] = $l[2]; } if (admin_preview($id, $id_type)) $env['preview']=parametre_url(self(),'var_mode','preview','&'); } } } } return $env; } // http://doc.spip.org/@admin_preview function admin_preview($id, $id_type) { if ($GLOBALS['var_preview']) return ''; if (!($id == 'article' OR $id == 'breve' OR $id == 'rubrique' OR $id == 'syndic')) return ''; include_spip('inc/autoriser'); if (!autoriser('previsualiser')) return ''; $notpub = sql_in("statut", array('prop', 'prive')); if ($id == 'article' AND $GLOBALS['meta']['post_dates'] != 'oui') $notpub .= " OR (statut='publie' AND date>".sql_quote(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')).")"; return sql_fetsel('1', table_objet_sql($id), id_table_objet($id)."=".$id_type." AND ($notpub)"); } // // Regler les boutons dans la langue de l'admin (sinon tant pis) // // http://doc.spip.org/@admin_lang function admin_lang() { $alang = sql_getfetsel('lang', 'spip_auteurs', "login=" . sql_quote(preg_replace(',^@,','',@$_COOKIE['spip_admin']))); if (!$alang) return ''; $l = lang_select($alang); $alang = $GLOBALS['spip_lang']; if ($l) lang_select(); return $alang; } // http://doc.spip.org/@admin_valider function admin_valider() { global $xhtml; return ((@$xhtml !== 'true') ? (parametre_url(self(), 'var_mode', 'debug', '&') .'&var_mode_affiche=validation') : ('http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=' . rawurlencode("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . nettoyer_uri()))); } // http://doc.spip.org/@admin_debug function admin_debug() { return (( (isset($GLOBALS['forcer_debug']) AND $GLOBALS['forcer_debug']) OR (isset($GLOBALS['bouton_admin_debug']) AND $GLOBALS['bouton_admin_debug']) OR ( isset($GLOBALS['var_mode']) AND $GLOBALS['var_mode'] == 'debug' AND $_COOKIE['spip_debug'] ) ) AND autoriser('debug') ) ? parametre_url(self(),'var_mode', 'debug', '&'): ''; } // Tant que les stats ne sont pas passees dans une extension, il faut les traiter ici // http://doc.spip.org/@admin_stats function admin_stats($id, $id_type, $var_preview) { if ($GLOBALS['meta']["activer_statistiques"] != "non" AND $id = 'article' AND !$var_preview AND autoriser('voirstats') ) { $row = sql_fetsel("visites, popularite", "spip_articles", "id_article=$id_type AND statut='publie'"); if ($row) { return array(intval($row['visites']), ceil($row['popularite']), str_replace('&', '&', generer_url_ecrire_statistiques($id_type))); } } return false; } ?>