* le corps est entre * une eventuelle intro peut etre fournie entre * * @param string $texte_ou_html * @return string */ function facteur_email_wrap_to_html($texte_ou_html){ $texte_ou_html = trim($texte_ou_html); // attention : si pas de contenu on renvoi du vide aussi (mail vide = mail vide) if (!strlen(trim($texte_ou_html))) return $texte_ou_html; $contexte = array("sujet"=>"","texte"=>"","intro"=>""); // tester si le mail est en html (simplifie) if (substr($texte_ou_html,0,1)=="<" AND substr($texte_ou_html,-1,1)==">" AND stripos($texte_ou_html,"")!==false){ // dans ce cas on ruse un peu : extraire le sujet du title $sujet = ""; if (preg_match(",(.*),Uims",$texte_ou_html,$m)){ $contexte['sujet'] = $m[1]; $texte_ou_html = preg_replace(",(.*),Uims","",$texte_ou_html,1); $texte_ou_html = trim($texte_ou_html); } if (preg_match(",(.*),Uims",$texte_ou_html,$m)){ $contexte['intro'] = $m[1]; $texte_ou_html = preg_replace(",(.*),Uims","",$texte_ou_html,1); $texte_ou_html = trim($texte_ou_html); } $contexte['html'] = preg_replace(",,ims","",$texte_ou_html); } else { // la premiere ligne est toujours le sujet $texte_ou_html = explode("\n",$texte_ou_html); $contexte['sujet'] = trim(array_shift($texte_ou_html)); $contexte['texte'] = trim(implode("\n",$texte_ou_html)); } // attention : si pas de contenu on renvoi du vide aussi (mail vide = mail vide) if (!strlen(trim(implode("",$contexte)))) return ""; return recuperer_fond("emails/texte",$contexte); } /* Written by Eric Dols - edols@auditavenue.com You may freely use or modify this, provided you leave credits to the original coder. Feedback about (un)successfull uses, bugs and improvements done are much appreciated, but don't expect actual support. PURPOSE OF THIS FUNCTION It is designed to process html emails relying on a css stylesheet placed in the for layout in order to enhance compatibility with email clients, including webmail services. Provided you use minimal css, you can keep styling separate from the content in your email template, and let this function "inject" those styles inline in your email html tags on-the-fly, just before sending. Technically, it grabs the style declarations found in the section and inserts each declaration inline, inside the corresponding html tags in the email message. Supports both HTML and XHTML markup seamlessly. Thus tolerant to email message writers using non-xhtml tag, even when template is xhtml compliant (e.g. they would add instead of a xhtml compliant ). NEW 10 dec. 2003: - code revised, including a few regexp bugs fixed. - multiple class for a tag are now allowed

- all unsupported css styles are now moved to the body section (not just a:hover etc...) USE Add this function to a function library include, like "inline.inc" and include it near the beginning of your php page: require ("inline.inc"); load the html source of message into a variable like $html_source and process it using: $html_source = sheet2inline($html_source) STYLE DEFINITIONS SUPPORTED TAG { ... } TAG1, TAG2, ... { ... } TAG.class { ... } .class { ...) TAG:pseudo { ... } CSS definitions may be freely formatted (spaces, tabs, linefeeds...), they are converted to oneliners before inserting them inline in the html tags. .class definitions are processed AFTER tag definitions, thus appended inline after any existing tag styling to preserve the normal css priority behavior. Existing style="..." attributes in tags are NOT stripped. However they MUST be with double quotes. If not, an addtional style="..." attribute will be added KNOWN LIMITATIONS - style info should be placed in section. I believe it shouldnt be too hard to modify to point to an external stylesheet instead. - no support (yet?): * chains like P UL LI { .... } or P UL LI.class { .... } * #divname p { ... } and * a:hover, a:visited {...} multiple class:pseudo They require a significantly more complicated processing likely based on stylesheet and document trees parsing. Many email clients don't handle more than what is supported by this script anyway. - pseudo-classes like a:hover {...} can't be inserted inline in the html tags: they are moved to a \n", $body); } // append a copy of the pseudo-element declaration to that body style section $styledefinition = trim($styles[5][$i]); $styledefinition = preg_replace ("!\s+!mi", " ", $styledefinition ); // convert style definition to a one-liner (optional) $declaration = $styles[1][$i].trim($styles[2][$i]).$styles[3][$i].trim($styles[4][$i])." { ".$styledefinition." }"; $body = preg_replace ("!(]*>\s*]*>\s*<\!\-\-[^>]*)"."(\s*\-\->\s*)!si", "\$1".$declaration."\n\$2", $body); $styles[6][$i]= 2; // mark as moved to (.*)!si", "\$1\$2" , $body); // check what styles have been injected # print_r($styles); return $body; } /** * facteur_addstyle * @author Eric Dols * * @param $matches * @return string */ function facteur_addstyle($matches) { // $matches[1]=tag, $matches[2]=tag attributes (if any), $matches[3]=xhtml closing (if any) // variables values set in calling function global $styledefinition, $styletag, $styleclass; // convert the style definition to a one-liner $styledefinition = preg_replace ("!\s+!mi", " ", $styledefinition ); // convert all double-quotes to single-quotes $styledefinition = preg_replace ('/"/','\'', $styledefinition ); if (preg_match ("/style\=/i", $matches[2])) { // add styles to existing style attribute if any already in the tag $pattern = "!(.* style\=)[\"]([^\"]*)[\"](.*)!mi"; $replacement = "\$1".'"'."\$2 ".$styledefinition.'"'."\$3"; $attributes = preg_replace ($pattern, $replacement , $matches[2]); } else { // otherwise add new style attribute to tag (none was present) $attributes = $matches[2].' style="'.$styledefinition.'"'; } if ($styleclass!="") { // if we were injecting a class style, remove the now useless class attribute from the html tag // Single class in tag case (class="classname"): remove class attribute altogether $pattern = "!(.*) class\=['\"]".$styleclass."['\"](.*)!mi"; $replacement = "\$1\$2"; $attributes = preg_replace ( $pattern, $replacement, $attributes); // Multiple classes in tag case (class="classname anotherclass..."): remove class name from class attribute. // classes are injected inline and removed by order of appearance in stylesheet // exact same behavior as where last declared class attributes in