'Activate maintenance mode', // E 'en_travaux' => 'Under construction', 'erreur_droit' => 'Vous devez ĂȘtre Webmestre pour utiliser le plugin En Travaux !', // I 'info_disallow_robot' => 'Your Web site is protected against the robots and search engines during the maintenance.', 'info_maintenance_en_cours' => 'The Web site is in maintenance mode ! Only webmasters can see the public site and have access to the backoffice.', 'info_message' => 'This page lets you set up a temporary message which will be displayed on all the pages of your site during a maintenance period.', 'info_travaux_texte' => 'This site now under construction. _ Please come back later...', // L 'label_disallow_robots' => 'Protect the Web site against robots and search engines.', // M 'message_temporaire' => 'Your temporary message:', // P 'parametrage_page_travaux' => 'Settings for your maintenance page', // T 'texte_lien_publier' => 'Make the Web site public' ); ?>