text($text); * */ if (!defined('_ECRIRE_INC_VERSION')) return; require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/textwheelruleset.php"; class TextWheel { protected $ruleset; protected static $subwheel = array(); protected $compiled = array(); /** * Constructor * @param TextWheelRuleSet $ruleset */ public function TextWheel($ruleset = null) { $this->setRuleSet($ruleset); } /** * Set RuleSet * @param TextWheelRuleSet $ruleset */ public function setRuleSet($ruleset){ if (!is_object($ruleset)) $ruleset = new TextWheelRuleSet ($ruleset); $this->ruleset = $ruleset; } /** * Apply all rules of RuleSet to a text * * @param string $t * @return string */ public function text($t) { $rules = & $this->ruleset->getRules(); ## apply each in order foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) #php4+php5 { $this->apply($rules[$name], $t); } #foreach ($this->rules as &$rule) #smarter &reference, but php5 only # $this->apply($rule, $t); return $t; } private function export($x) { return addcslashes(var_export($x, true), "\n\r\t"); } public function compile($b = null) { $rules = & $this->ruleset->getRules(); ## apply each in order $pre = array(); $comp = array(); foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) { $rule->name = $name; $this->initRule($rule); if (is_string($rule->replace) AND isset($this->compiled[$rule->replace]) AND $fun = $this->compiled[$rule->replace]) { $pre[] = "\n###\n## $name\n###\n" . $fun; preg_match(',function (\w+),', $fun, $r); $rule->compilereplace = $r[1]; # ne pas modifier ->replace sinon on casse l'execution... } $r = "\t/* $name */\n"; if ($rule->require) $r .= "\t".'require_once '.TextWheel::export($rule->require).';'."\n"; if ($rule->if_str) $r .= "\t".'if (strpos($t, '.TextWheel::export($rule->if_str).') === false)'."\n"; if ($rule->if_stri) $r .= "\t".'if (stripos($t, '.TextWheel::export($rule->if_stri).') === false)'."\n"; if ($rule->if_match) $r .= "\t".'if (preg_match('.TextWheel::export($rule->if_match).', $t))'."\n"; if ($rule->func_replace !== 'replace_identity') { $fun = 'TextWheel::'.$rule->func_replace; switch($fun) { case 'TextWheel::replace_all_cb': $fun = $rule->replace; # trim()... break; case 'TextWheel::replace_preg': $fun = 'preg_replace'; break; case 'TextWheel::replace_str': $fun = 'str_replace'; break; case 'TextWheel::replace_preg_cb': $fun = 'preg_replace_callback'; break; default: break; } $r .= "\t".'$t = '.$fun.'('.TextWheel::export($rule->match).', '.TextWheel::export($rule->replace).', $t);'."\n"; } $comp[] = $r; } $code = join ("\n", $comp); $code = 'function '.$b.'($t) {' . "\n". $code . "\n\treturn \$t;\n}\n\n"; $code = join ("\n", $pre) . $code; return $code; } /** * Get an internal global subwheel * read acces for annymous function only * * @param int $n * @return TextWheel */ public static function &getSubWheel($n){ return TextWheel::$subwheel[$n]; } /** * Create SubWheel (can be overriden in debug class) * @param TextWheelRuleset $rules * @return TextWheel */ protected function &createSubWheel(&$rules){ $tw = new TextWheel($rules); return $tw; } /** * Initializing a rule a first call * including file, creating function or wheel * optimizing tests * * @param TextWheelRule $rule */ protected function initRule(&$rule){ # language specific if ($rule->require){ require_once $rule->require; } # optimization: strpos or stripos? if (isset($rule->strpos)) { if (strtolower($rule->if_str) !== strtoupper($rule->if_str)) { $rule->if_stri = $rule->if_str; unset($rule->if_str); } } if ($rule->create_replace){ $compile = $rule->replace.'($t)'; $rule->replace = create_function('$m', $rule->replace); $this->compiled[$rule->replace] = $compile; $rule->create_replace = false; $rule->is_callback = true; } elseif ($rule->is_wheel){ $n = count(TextWheel::$subwheel); TextWheel::$subwheel[] = $this->createSubWheel($rule->replace); $var = '$m['.intval($rule->pick_match).']'; if ($rule->type=='all' OR $rule->type=='str' OR $rule->type=='split' OR !isset($rule->match)) $var = '$m'; $code = 'return TextWheel::getSubWheel('.$n.')->text('.$var.');'; $rule->replace = create_function('$m', $code); $cname = 'compiled_'.str_replace('-','_', $rule->name); $compile = TextWheel::getSubWheel($n)->compile($cname); $this->compiled[$rule->replace] = $compile; $rule->is_wheel = false; $rule->is_callback = true; } # optimization $rule->func_replace = ''; if (isset($rule->replace)) { switch($rule->type) { case 'all': $rule->func_replace = 'replace_all'; break; case 'str': $rule->func_replace = 'replace_str'; // test if quicker strtr usable if (!$rule->is_callback AND is_array($rule->match) AND is_array($rule->replace) AND $c = array_map('strlen',$rule->match) AND $c = array_unique($c) AND count($c)==1 AND reset($c)==1 AND $c = array_map('strlen',$rule->replace) AND $c = array_unique($c) AND count($c)==1 AND reset($c)==1 ){ $rule->match = implode('',$rule->match); $rule->replace = implode('',$rule->replace); $rule->func_replace = 'replace_strtr'; } break; case 'split': $rule->func_replace = 'replace_split'; $rule->match = array($rule->match, is_null($rule->glue)?$rule->match:$rule->glue); break; case 'preg': default: $rule->func_replace = 'replace_preg'; break; } if ($rule->is_callback) $rule->func_replace .= '_cb'; } if (!method_exists("TextWheel", $rule->func_replace)){ $rule->disabled = true; $rule->func_replace = 'replace_identity'; } # /end } /** * Apply a rule to a text * * @param TextWheelRule $rule * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected function apply(&$rule, &$t, &$count=null) { if ($rule->disabled) return; if (isset($rule->if_chars) AND (strpbrk($t, $rule->if_chars) === false)) return; if (isset($rule->if_str) AND strpos($t, $rule->if_str) === false) return; if (isset($rule->if_stri) AND stripos($t, $rule->if_str) === false) return; if (isset($rule->if_match) AND !preg_match($rule->if_match, $t)) return; if (!isset($rule->func_replace)) $this->initRule($rule); $func = $rule->func_replace; TextWheel::$func($rule->match,$rule->replace,$t,$count); } /** * No Replacement function * fall back in case of unknown method for replacing * should be called max once per rule * * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_identity(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ } /** * Static replacement of All text * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_all(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ # special case: replace $0 with $t # replace: "A$0B" will surround the string with A..B # replace: "$0$0" will repeat the string if (strpos($replace, '$0')!==FALSE) $t = str_replace('$0', $t, $replace); else $t = $replace; } /** * Call back replacement of All text * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_all_cb(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ $t = $replace($t); } /** * Static string replacement * * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_str(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ if (!is_string($match) OR strpos($t,$match)!==FALSE) $t = str_replace($match, $replace, $t, $count); } /** * Fast Static string replacement one char to one char * * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_strtr(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ $t = strtr( $t, $match, $replace); } /** * Callback string replacement * * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_str_cb(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ if (strpos($t,$match)!==FALSE) if (count($b = explode($match, $t)) > 1) $t = join($replace($match), $b); } /** * Static Preg replacement * * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_preg(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ $t = preg_replace($match, $replace, $t, -1, $count); } /** * Callback Preg replacement * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_preg_cb(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ $t = preg_replace_callback($match, $replace, $t, -1, $count); } /** * Static split replacement : invalid * @param mixed $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_split(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ throw new InvalidArgumentException('split rule always needs a callback function as replace'); } /** * Callback split replacement * @param array $match * @param mixed $replace * @param string $t * @param int $count */ protected static function replace_split_cb(&$match,&$replace,&$t,&$count){ $a = explode($match[0], $t); $t = join($match[1], array_map($replace,$a)); } } class TextWheelDebug extends TextWheel { static protected $t; #tableaux des temps static protected $tu; #tableaux des temps (rules utilises) static protected $tnu; #tableaux des temps (rules non utilises) static protected $u; #compteur des rules utiles static protected $w; #compteur des rules appliques static $total; /** * Timer for profiling * * @staticvar int $time * @param string $t * @param bool $raw * @return int/strinf */ protected function timer($t='rien', $raw = false) { static $time; $a=time(); $b=microtime(); // microtime peut contenir les microsecondes et le temps $b=explode(' ',$b); if (count($b)==2) $a = end($b); // plus precis ! $b = reset($b); if (!isset($time[$t])) { $time[$t] = $a + $b; } else { $p = ($a + $b - $time[$t]) * 1000; unset($time[$t]); if ($raw) return $p; if ($p < 1000) $s = ''; else { $s = sprintf("%d ", $x = floor($p/1000)); $p -= ($x*1000); } return $s . sprintf("%.3f ms", $p); } } /** * Apply all rules of RuleSet to a text * * @param string $t * @return string */ public function text($t) { $rules = & $this->ruleset->getRules(); ## apply each in order foreach ($rules as $name => $rule) #php4+php5 { if (is_int($name)) $name .= ' '.$rule->match; $this->timer($name); $b = $t; $this->apply($rule, $t); TextWheelDebug::$w[$name] ++; # nombre de fois appliquee $v = $this->timer($name, true); # timer TextWheelDebug::$t[$name] += $v; if ($t !== $b) { TextWheelDebug::$u[$name] ++; # nombre de fois utile TextWheelDebug::$tu[$name] += $v; } else { TextWheelDebug::$tnu[$name] += $v; } } #foreach ($this->rules as &$rule) #smarter &reference, but php5 only # $this->apply($rule, $t); return $t; } /** * Ouputs data stored for profiling/debuging purposes */ public static function outputDebug(){ if (isset(TextWheelDebug::$t)) { $time = array_flip(array_map('strval', TextWheelDebug::$t)); krsort($time); echo "
\n"; $total = 0; foreach($time as $t => $r) { $applications = intval(TextWheelDebug::$u[$r]); $total += $t; if(intval($t*10)) echo "".$applications."/".intval(TextWheelDebug::$w[$r])." "; } echo "
Temps par rule
temps (ms)ruleapplicationt/u (ms)t/n-u (ms)
".number_format(round($t*10)/10,1)." ".spip_htmlspecialchars($r)." ".($applications?number_format(round(TextWheelDebug::$tu[$r]/$applications*100)/100,2):"") ." ".(($nu = intval(TextWheelDebug::$w[$r])-$applications)?number_format(round(TextWheelDebug::$tnu[$r]/$nu*100)/100,2):"") ."
\n"; echo " \n"; ksort($GLOBALS['totaux']); TextWheelDebug::outputTotal($GLOBALS['totaux']); echo "
Temps total par rule
"; # somme des temps des rules, ne tient pas compte des subwheels echo "

temps total rules: ".round($total)." ms

\n"; echo "
\n"; } } public static function outputTotal($liste, $profondeur=0) { ksort($liste); foreach ($liste as $cause => $duree) { if (is_array($duree)) { TextWheelDebug::outputTotal($duree, $profondeur+1); } else { echo " ".intval($duree)." ms ".spip_htmlspecialchars($cause)." \n"; } } } /** * Create SubWheel (can be overriden in debug class) * @param TextWheelRuleset $rules * @return TextWheel */ protected function &createSubWheel(&$rules){ return new TextWheelDebug($rules); } } /** * stripos for php4 */ if (!function_exists('stripos')) { function stripos($haystack, $needle) { return strpos($haystack, stristr( $haystack, $needle )); } } /** * approximation of strpbrk for php4 * return false if no char of $char_list is in $haystack */ if (!function_exists('strpbrk')) { function strpbrk($haystack, $char_list) { $result = strcspn($haystack, $char_list); if ($result != strlen($haystack)) { return $result; } return false; } }