'You will remove all signatures of this petition. Are you sure you want to continue?', 'aucune_signature' => 'No signature', // B 'bouton_checkbox_envoi_message' => 'possibility to send a message', 'bouton_checkbox_indiquer_site' => 'must enter the name of a Web site', 'bouton_checkbox_signature_unique_email' => 'only one signature per email', 'bouton_checkbox_signature_unique_site' => 'only one signature per website', // F 'filtre' => 'Filter :', 'form_pet_adresse_site' => 'URL of your site', 'form_pet_aucune_signature' => 'No signature matching this code...', 'form_pet_confirmation' => 'Please confirm your signature:', 'form_pet_deja_signe' => 'You have already signed this text.', 'form_pet_envoi_mail_confirmation' => 'A confirmation email has just been sent to @email@. You should visit the URL given in this email to validate your signature.', 'form_pet_mail_confirmation' => 'Hello, You asked to sign the petition: @titre@. You provided the following information: Name: @nom_email@ Site: @nom_site@ - @url_site@ @message@ IMPORTANT... To validate your signature, you just need to connect to the address below (otherwise your request will be rejected): @url@ Thank you for participating! ', 'form_pet_message_commentaire' => 'A message, a comment?', 'form_pet_nom_site2' => 'Name of your website', 'form_pet_probleme_liens' => 'Please edit your message, removing all hyperlinks.', 'form_pet_probleme_technique' => 'Technical problem: signatures are interrupted momentarily.', 'form_pet_signature_validee' => 'Your signature is valid. Thank you!', 'form_pet_site_deja_enregistre' => 'This site is already registered', 'form_pet_url_invalide' => 'The URL that you entered is not valid.', 'form_pet_votre_email' => 'Your email address', 'form_pet_votre_nom' => 'Your name', 'form_pet_votre_site' => 'If you have a website, you can enter the URL below', // I 'icone_relancer_signataire' => 'Contact the signatory again', 'icone_relancer_signataires' => 'Contact the signatories again', 'icone_suivi_petitions' => 'Follow/manage the petitions', 'icone_supprimer_signature' => 'Delete this signature', 'icone_supprimer_signatures' => 'Delete the signatures', 'icone_valider_signature' => 'Confirm this signature', 'icone_valider_signatures' => 'Confirm the signatures', 'info_adresse_email' => 'EMAIL:', 'info_fonctionnement_petition' => 'Petition configuration:', 'info_signature_supprimee' => 'Signature deleted', 'info_signature_supprimee_erreur' => 'Error: this deletion code does not correspond to any signatures', 'info_site_web' => 'WEBSITE:', 'info_texte_message' => 'Text of your message:', // L 'lien_reponse_article' => 'Comment on this article', // N 'nombre_signatures' => '@nb@ signatures', // S 'sans_nom' => 'Anonymous', 'signatures_article' => 'Signatures of the article:', 'signatures_aucune' => 'None', 'signatures_meme_auteur' => 'Signatures of the same author', 'signatures_meme_site' => 'Signatures with the same website', 'signatures_poubelle' => 'Deleted', 'signatures_prop' => 'Waiting', 'signatures_publie' => 'Confirmed', 'signatures_recherche_label' => 'Search for signatures:', 'signatures_toutes' => 'All', 'statut_poubelle' => 'Deleted', 'statut_prop' => 'Awaiting validation', 'statut_publie' => 'Confirmed', // T 'texte_descriptif_petition' => 'Description of the petition', 'titre_page_controle_petition' => 'Tracking of the petitions', 'titre_petition' => 'Petition', 'titre_petitions' => 'Petitions', 'titre_selection_action' => 'Selection', 'titre_signatures_attente' => 'Signatures awaiting validation', 'titre_signatures_publie' => 'Confirmed signatures', 'titre_suivi_petition' => 'Tracking of petitions', 'tout_voir' => 'Show all signatures', // U 'une_signature' => '1 signature', // V 'voir_signatures_objet' => 'Show signatures' ); ?>