'No forum message', // B 'bouton_radio_articles_futurs' => 'only to future articles (no change to the database).', 'bouton_radio_articles_tous' => 'to all articles without exception.', 'bouton_radio_articles_tous_sauf_forum_desactive' => 'to all articles, except those whose forum was disabled.', 'bouton_radio_enregistrement_obligatoire' => 'Registration required (users must subscribe by providing their email address before being able to post contributions).', 'bouton_radio_moderation_priori' => 'Pre-moderation (contributions will be shown only after validation by administrators).', 'bouton_radio_modere_abonnement' => 'registration required', 'bouton_radio_modere_posteriori' => 'post-moderation', 'bouton_radio_modere_priori' => 'pre-moderation', 'bouton_radio_publication_immediate' => 'Immediate publication of messages (contributions will be shown as soon as they are sent, administrators can then delete them if necessary).', // D 'documents_interdits_forum' => 'Documents not allowed in this forum', // E 'erreur_enregistrement_message' => 'Your post could not be saved due to technical problem', // F 'form_pet_message_commentaire' => 'Any message or comments?', 'forum' => 'Forum', 'forum_acces_refuse' => 'You no longer have access to these forums.', 'forum_attention_dix_caracteres' => 'Warning! Your post must be at least ten characters long.', 'forum_attention_message_non_poste' => 'Be careful, you did not post your message!', 'forum_attention_nb_caracteres_mini' => 'Warning! your message must contain @min@ characters at least.', 'forum_attention_trois_caracteres' => 'Warning! Your title must be at least three characters long.', 'forum_attention_trop_caracteres' => 'Warning ! Your message is too long (@compte@ characters) to be saved, it cannot contain more than @max@ characters.', 'forum_avez_selectionne' => 'You have selected:', 'forum_cliquer_retour' => 'Click here to continue.', 'forum_forum' => 'forum', 'forum_info_modere' => 'This forum is moderated before publication: your contribution will only appear after being validated by an administrator.', 'forum_lien_hyper' => 'Hypertext link', 'forum_message' => 'Your post', 'forum_message_definitif' => 'Finished editing: submit message', 'forum_message_trop_long' => 'Your message is too long. Maximum length is 20000 characters.', 'forum_ne_repondez_pas' => 'Do not reply directly to this email - please use the online forum here:', 'forum_page_url' => '(If your message refers to an article published on the web or to a page providing further information, please enter the title of the page and its URL below).', 'forum_permalink' => 'Permalink to the comment', 'forum_poste_par' => 'Message posted@parauteur@ following your article "@titre@".', 'forum_poste_par_court' => 'Message posted@parauteur@.', 'forum_poste_par_generique' => 'Message posted@parauteur@ (@objet@ "@titre@").', 'forum_qui_etes_vous' => 'Who are you?', 'forum_saisie_texte_info' => 'This form accepts SPIP shortcuts [->url] {{bold}} {italic} <quote> <code> and the HTML code <q> <del> <ins>. To create paragraphs, simply leave blank lines.', 'forum_texte' => 'Text of your message', 'forum_titre' => 'Subject', 'forum_url' => 'URL', 'forum_valider' => 'Validate your choice', 'forum_voir_avant' => 'Preview', 'forum_votre_email' => 'Your email address', 'forum_votre_nom' => 'Your name', 'forum_vous_enregistrer' => 'You must be registered before participating in this forum. Please enter your personal identifier . If you have not yet registered, you must', 'forum_vous_inscrire' => 'register.', // I 'icone_bruler_message' => 'Report as SPAM', 'icone_bruler_messages' => 'Report as SPAM', 'icone_legitimer_message' => 'Report as lawful', 'icone_poster_message' => 'Post a message', 'icone_suivi_forum' => 'Follow public forum: @nb_forums@ contribution(s)', 'icone_suivi_forums' => 'Manage forums', 'icone_supprimer_message' => 'Delete this post', 'icone_supprimer_messages' => 'Delete these posts', 'icone_valider_message' => 'Validate message', 'icone_valider_messages' => 'Confirm these posts', 'icone_valider_repondre_message' => 'Confirm & reply to this post', 'info_1_message_forum' => '1 forum message', 'info_activer_forum_public' => 'To enable public forums, please choose the default type of moderation:', 'info_appliquer_choix_moderation' => 'Apply this choice for moderation:', 'info_config_forums_prive' => 'You can activate various types of forum in the private area:', 'info_config_forums_prive_admin' => 'A forum reserved for site administrators:', 'info_config_forums_prive_global' => 'A global forum, open to all the authors:', 'info_config_forums_prive_objets' => 'A forum attached to each article, news item, referenced site, etc.:', 'info_desactiver_forum_public' => 'Disable the use of public forums. Public forums can be enabled on a case by case basis for articles; they will be permanently disabled for sections, news, etc.', 'info_envoi_forum' => 'Send article forums to the respective authors', 'info_fonctionnement_forum' => 'Forum operation:', 'info_forums_liees_mot' => 'Forum posts related to this keyword', 'info_gauche_suivi_forum_2' => 'The forums management page is a site management tool, not a discussion or editing area. It displays all contributions to the forums, both on the public site and in the private area and allows you to manage these contributions.', 'info_liens_syndiques_3' => 'forums', 'info_liens_syndiques_4' => 'are', 'info_liens_syndiques_5' => 'forum', 'info_liens_syndiques_6' => 'is', 'info_liens_syndiques_7' => 'awaiting validation.', 'info_liens_texte' => 'Link(s) in the post text', 'info_liens_titre' => 'Link(s) in the post title', 'info_mode_fonctionnement_defaut_forum_public' => 'Default mode for public forums', 'info_nb_messages_forum' => '@nb@ forum posts', 'info_option_email' => 'When a visitor posts a message to the forum of an article, the article\'s author(s) can be informed of this by email. Indicate for each type of forum if this option should be activated.', 'info_pas_de_forum' => 'no forum', 'info_question_visiteur_ajout_document_forum' => 'If you want to allow visitors to attach documents (images, sound files, etc.) to their forum posts, indicate which file extensions are accepted (e.g. gif, jpg, png, mp3).', 'info_question_visiteur_ajout_document_forum_format' => 'If you want to authorise all document types considered safe by SPIP, use an asterisk. Leave empty to block everything.', 'info_selectionner_message' => 'Select the messages :', 'interface_formulaire' => 'Form interface', 'interface_onglets' => 'Interface with tabs', 'item_activer_forum_administrateur' => 'Enable administrators\' forum', 'item_config_forums_prive_global' => 'Activate the authors\' forum', 'item_config_forums_prive_objets' => 'Activate these forums', 'item_desactiver_forum_administrateur' => 'Disable administrators\' forum', 'item_non_config_forums_prive_global' => 'Disable authors\' forum', 'item_non_config_forums_prive_objets' => 'Disable these forums', // L 'label_selectionner' => 'Select:', 'lien_reponse_article' => 'Comment on this article', 'lien_reponse_breve_2' => 'Comment on this news item', 'lien_reponse_message' => 'Reply to the post', 'lien_reponse_rubrique' => 'Comment on this section', 'lien_reponse_site_reference' => 'Comment on this website', 'lien_vider_selection' => 'Empty the selection', // M 'messages_aucun' => 'None', 'messages_meme_auteur' => 'All posts by this author', 'messages_meme_email' => 'All posts from this email', 'messages_meme_ip' => 'All posts by this IP', 'messages_off' => 'Deleted', 'messages_perso' => 'Personal', 'messages_privadm' => 'Administrators', 'messages_prive' => 'Private', 'messages_privoff' => 'Deleted', 'messages_privrac' => 'General', 'messages_prop' => 'Proposed', 'messages_publie' => 'Published', 'messages_spam' => 'Spam', 'messages_tous' => 'All', // O 'onglet_messages_internes' => 'Private posts', 'onglet_messages_publics' => 'Public posts', 'onglet_messages_vide' => 'Posts without text', // R 'repondre_message' => 'Reply to this message', // S 'statut_off' => 'Deleted', 'statut_original' => 'original', 'statut_prop' => 'Proposed', 'statut_publie' => 'Published', 'statut_spam' => 'Spam', // T 'text_article_propose_publication_forum' => 'You can comment on this article via the forum below.', 'texte_en_cours_validation' => 'Articles, news items, forums below are submitted for publication.', 'texte_en_cours_validation_forum' => 'You can comment freely in the forums attached.', 'texte_messages_publics' => 'Public posts on:', 'titre_cadre_forum_administrateur' => 'Administrators\' private forum', 'titre_cadre_forum_interne' => 'Internal forum', 'titre_config_forums_prive' => 'Forums in the private area', 'titre_forum' => 'Forum', 'titre_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up', 'titre_page_forum_suivi' => 'Forums follow-up', 'titre_selection_action' => 'Selection', 'tout_voir' => 'See all posts', // V 'voir_messages_objet' => 'see the posts' ); ?>