> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $a = (127-$a) / 127; if ($a == 1) { // Limiter calculs $r = $r; $g = $g; $b = $b; } else if ($a == 0) { // Limiter calculs $r = $dr; $g = $dv; $b = $db; $transp_x = $x; // Memoriser un point transparent $transp_y = $y; } else { $r = round($a * $r + $dr * (1-$a)); $g = round($a * $g + $dv * (1-$a)); $b = round($a * $b + $db * (1-$a)); } $a = (1-$a) *127; $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, $r, $g, $b, $a); imagesetpixel ($im_, $x, $y, $color); } } // passer en palette si besoin if ($format=='gif' OR ($format=='png' AND $qualite!==0)){ // creer l'image finale a palette (on recycle l'image initiale) @imagetruecolortopalette($im,true,$qualite); //$im = imagecreate($x_i, $y_i); // copier l'image true color vers la palette imagecopy($im, $im_, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_i, $y_i); // matcher les couleurs au mieux par rapport a l'image initiale // si la fonction est disponible (php>=4.3) if (function_exists('imagecolormatch')) @imagecolormatch($im_, $im); if ($format=='gif' && $transparence && $transp_x) { $color_t = ImagecolorAt( $im, $transp_x, $transp_y); if ($format == "gif" && $transparence) @imagecolortransparent($im, $color_t); } // produire le resultat _image_gd_output($im, $image, $qualite); } else _image_gd_output($im_, $image, $qualite); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // Enregistrer une image dans un format donne // (conserve la transparence gif, png, ico) // utilise [->@image_aplatir] // http://doc.spip.org/@image_format function image_format($img, $format='png') { $qualite = null; if ($format=='png8') {$format='png';$qualite=128;} return image_aplatir($img, $format, 'cccccc', $qualite, true); } // Transforme l'image en PNG transparent // alpha = 0: aucune transparence // alpha = 127: completement transparent // http://doc.spip.org/@image_alpha function image_alpha($im, $alpha = 63) { $fonction = array('image_alpha', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "alpha-$alpha", "png",$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { // Creation de l'image en deux temps // de facon a conserver les GIF transparents $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im2 = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im2, false); @imagesavealpha($im2,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im2, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im2, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy($im2, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_i, $y_i); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); imagealphablending ($im_, FALSE ); imagesavealpha ( $im_, TRUE ); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { $rgb = ImageColorAt($im2, $x, $y); if (function_exists('imagecolorallocatealpha')) { $a = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $a_ = $alpha + $a - round($a*$alpha/127); $rgb = imagecolorallocatealpha($im_, $r, $g, $b, $a_); } imagesetpixel ( $im_, $x, $y, $rgb ); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); imagedestroy($im2); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // http://doc.spip.org/@image_recadre function image_recadre($im,$width,$height,$position='center', $background_color='white') { $fonction = array('image_recadre', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "recadre-$width-$height-$position-$background_color",false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; if (_IMG_GD_MAX_PIXELS && $x_i*$y_i>_IMG_GD_MAX_PIXELS){ spip_log("image_recadre impossible sur $im : ".$srcWidth*$srcHeight."pixels"); // on se rabat sur une reduction CSS return _image_tag_changer_taille($im,$width,$height); } if ($width==0) $width=$x_i; if ($height==0) $height=$y_i; $offset_width = $x_i-$width; $offset_height = $y_i-$height; $position=strtolower($position); if (strpos($position,'left')!==FALSE){ if (preg_match(';left=(\d{1}\d+);', $position, $left)){ $offset_width=$left[1]; } else{ $offset_width=0; } } elseif (strpos($position,'right')!==FALSE) $offset_width=$offset_width; else $offset_width=intval(ceil($offset_width/2)); if (strpos($position,'top')!==FALSE){ if (preg_match(';top=(\d{1}\d+);', $position, $top)){ $offset_height=$top[1]; } else{ $offset_height=0; } } elseif (strpos($position,'bottom')!==FALSE) $offset_height=$offset_height; else $offset_height=intval(ceil($offset_height/2)); $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); if ($background_color=='transparent') $color_t = imagecolorallocatealpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); else { $bg = _couleur_hex_to_dec($background_color); $color_t = imagecolorallocate( $im_, $bg['red'], $bg['green'], $bg['blue']); } imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy($im_, $im, max(0,-$offset_width), max(0,-$offset_height), max(0,$offset_width), max(0,$offset_height), min($width,$x_i), min($height,$y_i)); _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest,'width'=>$width,'height'=>$height)); } /** * Recadrer une image dans le rectangle le plus petit possible sans perte * de pixels non transparent * * @param string $im * @return string */ function image_recadre_mini($im) { $fonction = array('image_recadre_mini', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "recadre_mini",false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $width = $image["largeur"]; $height = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); // trouver le rectangle mini qui contient des infos de couleur // recherche optimisee qui ne balaye que par zone $min_x = $width; $min_y = $height; $max_y = $max_x = 0; $yy = 0; while ($yy<=$height/2 AND $max_y<=$min_y){ if($yy<$min_y) for ($xx = 0; $xx < $width; $xx++) { $color_index = imagecolorat($im, $xx, $yy); $color_tran = imagecolorsforindex($im, $color_index); if ($color_tran['alpha']!==127){ $min_y = min($yy,$min_y); $max_y = max($height-1-$yy,$max_y); break; } } if($height-1-$yy>$max_y) for ($xx = 0; $xx < $width; $xx++) { $color_index = imagecolorat($im, $xx, $height-1-$yy); $color_tran = imagecolorsforindex($im, $color_index); if ($color_tran['alpha']!==127){ $min_y = min($yy,$min_y); $max_y = max($height-1-$yy,$max_y); break; } } $yy++; } $min_y = min($max_y,$min_y); // tout a 0 aucun pixel trouve $xx = 0; while ($xx<=$width/2 AND $max_x<=$min_x){ if ($xx<$min_x) for ($yy = $min_y; $yy < $max_y; $yy++) { $color_index = imagecolorat($im, $xx, $yy); $color_tran = imagecolorsforindex($im, $color_index); if ($color_tran['alpha']!==127){ $min_x = min($xx,$min_x); $max_x = max($xx,$max_x); break; // inutile de continuer sur cette colonne } } if ($width-1-$xx>$max_x) for ($yy = $min_y; $yy < $max_y; $yy++) { $color_index = imagecolorat($im, $width-1-$xx, $yy); $color_tran = imagecolorsforindex($im, $color_index); if ($color_tran['alpha']!==127){ $min_x = min($width-1-$xx,$min_x); $max_x = max($width-1-$xx,$max_x); break; // inutile de continuer sur cette colonne } } $xx++; } $min_x = min($max_x,$min_x); // tout a 0 aucun pixel trouve $width = $max_x-$min_x+1; $height = $max_y-$min_y+1; $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = imagecolorallocatealpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy($im_, $im, 0, 0, $min_x, $min_y, $width, $height); _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); } else { list ($height,$width) = taille_image($image['fichier_dest']); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest,'width'=>$width,'height'=>$height)); } // http://doc.spip.org/@image_flip_vertical function image_flip_vertical($im) { $fonction = array('image_flip_vertical', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "flip_v", false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { imagecopy($im_, $im, $x_i - $x - 1, $y, $x, $y, 1, 1); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // http://doc.spip.org/@image_flip_horizontal function image_flip_horizontal($im) { $fonction = array('image_flip_horizontal', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "flip_h",false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { imagecopy($im_, $im, $x, $y_i - $y - 1, $x, $y, 1, 1); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // http://doc.spip.org/@image_masque function image_masque($im, $masque, $pos="") { // Passer, en plus de l'image d'origine, // une image de "masque": un fichier PNG24 transparent. // Le decoupage se fera selon la transparence du "masque", // et les couleurs seront eclaircies/foncees selon de couleur du masque. // Pour ne pas modifier la couleur, le masque doit etre en gris 50%. // // Si l'image source est plus grande que le masque, alors cette image est reduite a la taille du masque. // Sinon, c'est la taille de l'image source qui est utilisee. // // $pos est une variable libre, qui permet de passer left=..., right=..., bottom=..., top=... // dans ce cas, le masque est place a ces positions sur l'image d'origine, // et evidemment cette image d'origine n'est pas redimensionnee // // Positionnement horizontal: text-align=left, right, center // Positionnement vertical : vertical-align=top, bottom, middle // (les positionnements left, right, top, left sont relativement inutiles, mais coherence avec CSS) // // Choix du mode de fusion: mode=masque, normal, eclaircir, obscurcir, produit, difference, ecran, superposer, lumiere_dure, teinte, saturation, valeur // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blend_modes // masque: mode par defaut // normal: place la nouvelle image par dessus l'ancienne // eclaircir: place uniquement les points plus clairs // obscurcir: place uniquement les points plus fonc'es // produit: multiplie par le masque (points noirs rendent l'image noire, points blancs ne changent rien) // difference: remplit avec l'ecart entre les couleurs d'origine et du masque // ecran: effet inverse de 'produit' -> l'image resultante est plus claire // superposer: combine les modes 'produit' et 'ecran' -> les parties claires sont eclaircies, les parties sombres assombries. // lumiere_dure: equivalent a 'superposer', sauf que l'image du bas et du haut sont inversees. // teinte: utilise la teinte du masque // saturation: utilise la saturation du masque // valeur: utilise la valeur du masque $mode = "masque"; $numargs = func_num_args(); $arg_list = func_get_args(); $texte = $arg_list[0]; for ($i = 1; $i < $numargs; $i++) { if ( ($p = strpos($arg_list[$i],"=")) !==false) { $nom_variable = substr($arg_list[$i], 0, $p); $val_variable = substr($arg_list[$i], $p+1); $variable["$nom_variable"] = $val_variable; $defini["$nom_variable"] = 1; } } if ($defini["mode"]) $mode = $variable["mode"]; // utiliser _image_valeurs_trans pour accepter comme masque : // - une balise // - une image avec un timestamp ?01234 $mask = _image_valeurs_trans($masque, "source-image_masque", "png",null, true); if (!$mask) return(""); $masque = $mask['fichier']; $pos = md5(serialize($variable).$mask['date_src']); $fonction = array('image_masque', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "masque-$masque-$pos", "png",$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; // doit-on positionner l'image ? $placer = false; foreach (array("right", "left", "bottom", "top", "text-align", "vertical-align") as $pl) { if (isset($defini[$pl]) and $defini[$pl]) { $placer = true; break; } } if ($creer) { $im_m = $mask["fichier"]; $x_m = $mask["largeur"]; $y_m = $mask["hauteur"]; $im2 = $mask["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($masque); if ($mask["format_source"] == "gif" AND function_exists('ImageCopyResampled')) { $im2_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_m, $y_m); // Si un GIF est transparent, // fabriquer un PNG transparent // Conserver la transparence if (function_exists("imageAntiAlias")) imageAntiAlias($im2_,true); @imagealphablending($im2_, false); @imagesavealpha($im2_,true); @ImageCopyResampled($im2_, $im2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_m, $y_m, $x_m, $y_m); imagedestroy($im2); $im2 = $im2_; } if ($placer) { // On fabriquer une version "agrandie" du masque, // aux dimensions de l'image source // et on "installe" le masque dans cette image // ainsi: aucun redimensionnement $dx = 0; $dy = 0; if (isset($defini["right"]) and $defini["right"]) { $right = $variable["right"]; $dx = ($x_i - $x_m) - $right; } if (isset($defini["bottom"]) and $defini["bottom"]) { $bottom = $variable["bottom"]; $dy = ($y_i - $y_m) - $bottom; } if (isset($defini["top"]) and $defini["top"]) { $top = $variable["top"]; $dy = $top; } if (isset($defini["left"]) and $defini["left"]) { $left = $variable["left"]; $dx = $left; } if (isset($defini["text-align"]) and $defini["text-align"]) { $align = $variable["text-align"]; if ($align == "right") { $right = 0; $dx = ($x_i - $x_m); } else if ($align == "left") { $left = 0; $dx = 0; } else if ($align = "center") { $dx = round( ($x_i - $x_m) / 2 ) ; } } if (isset($defini["vertical-align"]) and $defini["vertical-align"]) { $valign = $variable["vertical-align"]; if ($valign == "bottom") { $bottom = 0; $dy = ($y_i - $y_m); } else if ($valign == "top") { $top = 0; $dy = 0; } else if ($valign = "middle") { $dy = round( ($y_i - $y_m) / 2 ) ; } } $im3 = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im3, false); @imagesavealpha($im3,true); if ($mode == "masque") $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im3, 128, 128, 128 , 0 ); else $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im3, 128, 128, 128 , 127 ); imagefill ($im3, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy ( $im3, $im2, $dx, $dy, 0, 0, $x_m, $y_m); imagedestroy($im2); $im2 = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im2, false); @imagesavealpha($im2,true); imagecopy ( $im2, $im3, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_i, $y_i); imagedestroy($im3); $x_m = $x_i; $y_m = $y_i; } $rapport = $x_i / $x_m; if (($y_i / $y_m) < $rapport ) { $rapport = $y_i / $y_m; } $x_d = ceil($x_i / $rapport); $y_d = ceil($y_i / $rapport); if ($x_i < $x_m OR $y_i < $y_m) { $x_dest = $x_i; $y_dest = $y_i; $x_dec = 0; $y_dec = 0; } else { $x_dest = $x_m; $y_dest = $y_m; $x_dec = round(($x_d - $x_m) /2); $y_dec = round(($y_d - $y_m) /2); } $nouveau = _image_valeurs_trans(image_reduire($im, $x_d, $y_d),""); if (!is_array($nouveau)) return(""); $im_n = $nouveau["fichier"]; $im = $nouveau["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im_n); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); if ($nouveau["format_source"] == "gif" AND function_exists('ImageCopyResampled')) { $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_dest, $y_dest); // Si un GIF est transparent, // fabriquer un PNG transparent // Conserver la transparence if (function_exists("imageAntiAlias")) imageAntiAlias($im_,true); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); @ImageCopyResampled($im_, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_dest, $y_dest, $x_dest, $y_dest); imagedestroy($im); $im = $im_; } $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_dest, $y_dest); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); // calcul couleurs de chaque pixel selon les modes de fusion for ($x = 0; $x < $x_dest; $x++) { for ($y=0; $y < $y_dest; $y++) { $rgb = ImageColorAt($im2, $x, $y); // image au dessus $a = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $rgb2 = ImageColorAt($im, $x+$x_dec, $y+$y_dec); // image en dessous $a2 = ($rgb2 >> 24) & 0xFF; $r2 = ($rgb2 >> 16) & 0xFF; $g2 = ($rgb2 >> 8) & 0xFF; $b2 = $rgb2 & 0xFF; if ($mode == "normal") { $v = (127 - $a) / 127; if ($v == 1) { $r_ = $r; $g_ = $g; $b_ = $b; } else { $v2 = (127 - $a2) / 127; if ($v+$v2 == 0) { $r_ = $r2; $g_ = $g2; $b_ = $b2; } else if ($v2 == 0) { $r_ = $r; $g_ = $g; $b_ = $b; } else if ($v == 0) { $r_ = $r2; $g_ = $g2; $b_ = $b2; }else { $r_ = $r + (($r2 - $r) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $g_ = $g + (($g2 - $g) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $b_ = $b + (($b2 - $b) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); } } $a_ = min($a,$a2); } elseif (in_array($mode, array("produit","difference","superposer","lumiere_dure","ecran"))) { if ($mode == "produit") { $r = ($r/255) * $r2; $g = ($g/255) * $g2; $b = ($b/255) * $b2; } elseif ($mode == "difference") { $r = abs($r-$r2); $g = abs($g-$g2); $b = abs($b-$b2); } elseif ($mode == "superposer") { $r = ($r2 < 128) ? 2 * $r * $r2 / 255 : 255 - (2 * (255 - $r) * (255 - $r2) / 255); $g = ($g2 < 128) ? 2 * $g * $g2 / 255 : 255 - (2 * (255 - $g) * (255 - $g2) / 255); $b = ($b2 < 128) ? 2 * $b * $b2 / 255 : 255 - (2 * (255 - $b) * (255 - $b2) / 255); } elseif ($mode == "lumiere_dure") { $r = ($r < 128) ? 2 * $r * $r2 / 255 : 255 - (2 * (255 - $r2) * (255 - $r) / 255); $g = ($g < 128) ? 2 * $g * $g2 / 255 : 255 - (2 * (255 - $g2) * (255 - $g) / 255); $b = ($b < 128) ? 2 * $b * $b2 / 255 : 255 - (2 * (255 - $b2) * (255 - $b) / 255); } elseif ($mode == "ecran") { $r = 255 - (((255 - $r) * (255 - $r2)) / 255); $g = 255 - (((255 - $g) * (255 - $g2)) / 255); $b = 255 - (((255 - $b) * (255 - $b2)) / 255); } $r = max(0, min($r, 255)); $g = max(0, min($g, 255)); $b = max(0, min($b, 255)); // melange en fonction de la transparence du masque $v = (127 - $a) / 127; if ($v == 1) { // melange complet $r_ = $r; $g_ = $g; $b_ = $b; } else { $v2 = (127 - $a2) / 127; if ($v+$v2 == 0) { // ?? $r_ = $r2; $g_ = $g2; $b_ = $b2; } else { // pas de melange (transparence du masque) $r_ = $r + (($r2 - $r) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $g_ = $g + (($g2 - $g) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $b_ = $b + (($b2 - $b) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); } } $a_ = $a2; } elseif ($mode == "eclaircir" OR $mode == "obscurcir") { $v = (127 - $a) / 127; if ($v == 1) { $r_ = $r; $g_ = $g; $b_ = $b; } else { $v2 = (127 - $a2) / 127; if ($v+$v2 == 0) { $r_ = $r2; $g_ = $g2; $b_ = $b2; } else { $r_ = $r + (($r2 - $r) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $g_ = $g + (($g2 - $g) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $b_ = $b + (($b2 - $b) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); } } if ($mode == "eclaircir") { $r_ = max ($r_, $r2); $g_ = max ($g_, $g2); $b_ = max ($b_, $b2); } else { $r_ = min ($r_, $r2); $g_ = min ($g_, $g2); $b_ = min ($b_, $b2); } $a_ = min($a,$a2); } elseif (in_array($mode, array("teinte","saturation","valeur"))) { include_spip("filtres/images_lib"); $hsv = _couleur_rgb2hsv($r, $g, $b); // image au dessus $h = $hsv["h"]; $s = $hsv["s"]; $v = $hsv["v"]; $hsv2 = _couleur_rgb2hsv($r2, $g2, $b2); // image en dessous $h2 = $hsv2["h"]; $s2 = $hsv2["s"]; $v2 = $hsv2["v"]; switch ($mode) { case "teinte"; $rgb3 = _couleur_hsv2rgb($h, $s2, $v2); break; case "saturation"; $rgb3 = _couleur_hsv2rgb($h2, $s, $v2); break; case "valeur"; $rgb3 = _couleur_hsv2rgb($h2, $s2, $v); break; } $r = $rgb3["r"]; $g = $rgb3["g"]; $b = $rgb3["b"]; // melange en fonction de la transparence du masque $v = (127 - $a) / 127; if ($v == 1) { // melange complet $r_ = $r; $g_ = $g; $b_ = $b; } else { $v2 = (127 - $a2) / 127; if ($v+$v2 == 0) { // ?? $r_ = $r2; $g_ = $g2; $b_ = $b2; } else { // pas de melange (transparence du masque) $r_ = $r + (($r2 - $r) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $g_ = $g + (($g2 - $g) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); $b_ = $b + (($b2 - $b) * $v2 * (1 - $v)); } } $a_ = $a2; } else { $r_ = $r2 + 1 * ($r - 127); $r_ = max(0, min($r_, 255)); $g_ = $g2 + 1 * ($g - 127); $g_ = max(0, min($g_, 255)); $b_ = $b2 + 1 * ($b - 127); $b_ = max(0, min($b_, 255)); $a_ = $a + $a2 - round($a*$a2/127); } $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, $r_, $g_, $b_ , $a_ ); imagesetpixel ($im_, $x, $y, $color); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); imagedestroy($im2); } $x_dest = largeur($dest); $y_dest = hauteur($dest); return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest,'width'=>$x_dest,'height'=>$y_dest)); } // Passage de l'image en noir et blanc // un noir & blanc "photo" n'est pas "neutre": les composantes de couleur sont // ponderees pour obtenir le niveau de gris; // on peut ici regler cette ponderation en "pour mille" // http://doc.spip.org/@image_nb function image_nb($im, $val_r = 299, $val_g = 587, $val_b = 114) { $fonction = array('image_nb', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "nb-$val_r-$val_g-$val_b",false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; // Methode precise // resultat plus beau, mais tres lourd // Et: indispensable pour preserver transparence! if ($creer) { // Creation de l'image en deux temps // de facon a conserver les GIF transparents $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy($im_, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_i, $y_i); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y=0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { $rgb = ImageColorAt($im_, $x, $y); $a = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $c = round(($val_r * $r / 1000) + ($val_g * $g / 1000) + ($val_b * $b / 1000)); if ($c < 0) $c = 0; if ($c > 254) $c = 254; $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, $c, $c, $c , $a ); imagesetpixel ($im_, $x, $y, $color); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // http://doc.spip.org/@image_flou function image_flou($im,$niveau=3) { // Il s'agit d'une modification du script blur qu'on trouve un peu partout: // + la transparence est geree correctement // + les dimensions de l'image sont augmentees pour flouter les bords $coeffs = array ( array ( 1), array ( 1, 1), array ( 1, 2, 1), array ( 1, 3, 3, 1), array ( 1, 4, 6, 4, 1), array ( 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1), array ( 1, 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, 1), array ( 1, 7, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7, 1), array ( 1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 56, 28, 8, 1), array ( 1, 9, 36, 84, 126, 126, 84, 36, 9, 1), array ( 1, 10, 45, 120, 210, 252, 210, 120, 45, 10, 1), array ( 1, 11, 55, 165, 330, 462, 462, 330, 165, 55, 11, 1) ); $fonction = array('image_flou', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "flou-$niveau", false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $sum = pow (2, $niveau); $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; // Methode precise // resultat plus beau, mais tres lourd // Et: indispensable pour preserver transparence! if ($creer) { // Creation de l'image en deux temps // de facon a conserver les GIF transparents $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $temp1 = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i+$niveau, $y_i); $temp2 = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i+$niveau, $y_i+$niveau); @imagealphablending($temp1, false); @imagesavealpha($temp1,true); @imagealphablending($temp2, false); @imagesavealpha($temp2,true); for ($i = 0; $i < $x_i+$niveau; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j < $y_i; $j++) { $suma=0; $sumr=0; $sumg=0; $sumb=0; $sum = 0; $sum_ = 0; for ( $k=0 ; $k <= $niveau ; ++$k ) { $color = imagecolorat($im, $i_ = ($i-$niveau)+$k , $j); $a = ($color >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($color >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($color >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = ($color) & 0xFF; if ($i_ < 0 OR $i_ >= $x_i) $a = 127; $coef = $coeffs[$niveau][$k]; $suma += $a*$coef; $ac = ((127-$a) / 127); $ac = $ac*$ac; $sumr += $r * $coef * $ac; $sumg += $g * $coef * $ac; $sumb += $b * $coef * $ac; $sum += $coef * $ac; $sum_ += $coef; } if ($sum > 0) $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($temp1, $sumr/$sum, $sumg/$sum, $sumb/$sum, $suma/$sum_); else $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($temp1, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagesetpixel($temp1,$i,$j,$color); } } imagedestroy($im); for ($i = 0; $i < $x_i+$niveau; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j < $y_i+$niveau; $j++) { $suma=0; $sumr=0; $sumg=0; $sumb=0; $sum = 0; $sum_ = 0; for ( $k=0 ; $k <= $niveau ; ++$k ) { $color = imagecolorat($temp1, $i, $j_ = $j-$niveau+$k); $a = ($color >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($color >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($color >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = ($color) & 0xFF; if ($j_ < 0 OR $j_ >= $y_i) $a = 127; $suma += $a*$coeffs[$niveau][$k]; $ac = ((127-$a) / 127); $sumr += $r * $coeffs[$niveau][$k] * $ac; $sumg += $g * $coeffs[$niveau][$k] * $ac; $sumb += $b * $coeffs[$niveau][$k] * $ac; $sum += $coeffs[$niveau][$k] * $ac; $sum_ += $coeffs[$niveau][$k]; } if ($sum > 0) $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($temp2, $sumr/$sum, $sumg/$sum, $sumb/$sum, $suma/$sum_); else $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha ($temp2, 255, 255, 255, 127); imagesetpixel($temp2,$i,$j,$color); } } _image_gd_output($temp2,$image); imagedestroy($temp1); imagedestroy($temp2); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest,'width'=>($x_i+$niveau),'height'=>($y_i+$niveau))); } // http://doc.spip.org/@image_RotateBicubic function image_RotateBicubic($src_img, $angle, $bicubic=0) { include_spip('filtres/images_lib'); if (round($angle/90)*90 == $angle) { $droit = true; if (round($angle/180)*180 == $angle) $rot = 180; else $rot = 90; } else $droit = false; // convert degrees to radians $angle = $angle + 180; $angle = deg2rad($angle); $src_x = imagesx($src_img); $src_y = imagesy($src_img); $center_x = floor(($src_x-1)/2); $center_y = floor(($src_y-1)/2); $cosangle = cos($angle); $sinangle = sin($angle); // calculer dimensions en simplifiant angles droits, ce qui evite "floutage" // des rotations a angle droit if (!$droit) { $corners=array(array(0,0), array($src_x,0), array($src_x,$src_y), array(0,$src_y)); foreach($corners as $key=>$value) { $value[0]-=$center_x; //Translate coords to center for rotation $value[1]-=$center_y; $temp=array(); $temp[0]=$value[0]*$cosangle+$value[1]*$sinangle; $temp[1]=$value[1]*$cosangle-$value[0]*$sinangle; $corners[$key]=$temp; } $min_x=1000000000000000; $max_x=-1000000000000000; $min_y=1000000000000000; $max_y=-1000000000000000; foreach($corners as $key => $value) { if($value[0]<$min_x) $min_x=$value[0]; if($value[0]>$max_x) $max_x=$value[0]; if($value[1]<$min_y) $min_y=$value[1]; if($value[1]>$max_y) $max_y=$value[1]; } $rotate_width=ceil($max_x-$min_x); $rotate_height=ceil($max_y-$min_y); } else { if ($rot == 180) { $rotate_height = $src_y; $rotate_width = $src_x; } else { $rotate_height = $src_x; $rotate_width = $src_y; } $bicubic = false; } $rotate=imagecreatetruecolor($rotate_width,$rotate_height); imagealphablending($rotate, false); imagesavealpha($rotate, true); $cosangle = cos($angle); $sinangle = sin($angle); // arrondir pour rotations angle droit (car cos et sin dans {-1,0,1}) if ($droit) { $cosangle = round($cosangle); $sinangle = round($sinangle); } $newcenter_x = ($rotate_width-1)/2; $newcenter_y = ($rotate_height-1)/2; for ($y = 0; $y < $rotate_height; $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < $rotate_width; $x++) { // rotate... $old_x = ((($newcenter_x-$x) * $cosangle + ($newcenter_y-$y) * $sinangle)) + $center_x; $old_y = ((($newcenter_y-$y) * $cosangle - ($newcenter_x-$x) * $sinangle)) + $center_y; $old_x = ceil($old_x); $old_y = ceil($old_y); if ( $old_x >= 0 && $old_x < $src_x && $old_y >= 0 && $old_y < $src_y ) { if ($bicubic == true) { $xo = $old_x; $x0 = floor($xo); $x1 = ceil($xo); $yo = $old_y; $y0 = floor($yo); $y1 = ceil($yo); // on prend chaque point, mais on pondere en fonction de la distance $rgb = ImageColorAt($src_img, $x0, $y0); $a1 = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r1 = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g1 = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b1 = $rgb & 0xFF; $d1 = _image_distance_pixel($xo, $yo, $x0, $y0); $rgb = ImageColorAt($src_img, $x1, $y0); $a2 = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r2 = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g2 = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b2 = $rgb & 0xFF; $d2 = _image_distance_pixel($xo, $yo, $x1, $y0); $rgb = ImageColorAt($src_img,$x0, $y1); $a3 = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r3 = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g3 = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b3 = $rgb & 0xFF; $d3 = _image_distance_pixel($xo, $yo, $x0, $y1); $rgb = ImageColorAt($src_img,$x1, $y1); $a4 = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r4 = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g4 = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b4 = $rgb & 0xFF; $d4 = _image_distance_pixel($xo, $yo, $x1, $y1); $ac1 = ((127-$a1) / 127); $ac2 = ((127-$a2) / 127); $ac3 = ((127-$a3) / 127); $ac4 = ((127-$a4) / 127); // limiter impact des couleurs transparentes, // mais attention tout transp: division par 0 if ($ac1*$d1 + $ac2*$d2 + $ac3+$d3 + $ac4+$d4 > 0) { if ($ac1 > 0) $d1 = $d1 * $ac1; if ($ac2 > 0) $d2 = $d2 * $ac2; if ($ac3 > 0) $d3 = $d3 * $ac3; if ($ac4 > 0) $d4 = $d4 * $ac4; } $tot = $d1 + $d2 + $d3 + $d4; $r = round((($d1*$r1)+($d2*$r2)+($d3*$r3)+($d4*$r4))/$tot); $g = round((($d1*$g1+($d2*$g2)+$d3*$g3+$d4*$g4))/$tot); $b = round((($d1*$b1+($d2*$b2)+$d3*$b3+$d4*$b4))/$tot); $a = round((($d1*$a1+($d2*$a2)+$d3*$a3+$d4*$a4))/$tot); $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_img, $r,$g,$b,$a); } else { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, round($old_x), round($old_y)); } } else { // this line sets the background colour $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($src_img, 255, 255, 255, 127); } @imagesetpixel($rotate, $x, $y, $color); } } return $rotate; } // permet de faire tourner une image d'un angle quelconque // la fonction "crop" n'est pas implementee... // http://doc.spip.org/@image_rotation function image_rotation($im, $angle, $crop=false) { $fonction = array('image_rotation', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "rot-$angle-$crop", "png", $fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { $effectuer_gd = true; if(is_callable(array('Imagick','rotateImage'))){ $imagick = new Imagick(); $imagick->readImage($im); $imagick->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel('none'), $angle); $imagick->writeImage($dest); $effectuer_gd = false; } else if ($GLOBALS['meta']['image_process'] == "convert") { if (_CONVERT_COMMAND!='') { @define ('_CONVERT_COMMAND', 'convert'); @define ('_ROTATE_COMMAND', _CONVERT_COMMAND.' -background none -rotate %t %src %dest'); } else @define ('_ROTATE_COMMAND', ''); if (_ROTATE_COMMAND!=='') { $commande = str_replace( array('%t', '%src', '%dest'), array( $angle, escapeshellcmd($im), escapeshellcmd($dest) ), _ROTATE_COMMAND); spip_log($commande); exec($commande); if (file_exists($dest)) // precaution $effectuer_gd = false; } } // cette variante genere-t-elle un fond transparent // dans les coins vide issus de la rotation ? elseif (function_exists('imagick_rotate')) { $handle = imagick_readimage ($im); if ($handle && imagick_isopaqueimage( $handle )) { imagick_setfillcolor($handle, 'transparent'); imagick_rotate( $handle, $angle); imagick_writeimage( $handle, $dest); $effectuer_gd = false; } } if ($effectuer_gd) { // Creation de l'image en deux temps // de facon a conserver les GIF transparents $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im = image_RotateBicubic($im, $angle, true); _image_gd_output($im,$image); imagedestroy($im); } } list ($src_y,$src_x) = taille_image($dest); return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest,'width'=>$src_x,'height'=>$src_y)); } // Permet d'appliquer un filtre php_imagick a une image // par exemple: [(#LOGO_ARTICLE|image_imagick{imagick_wave,20,60})] // liste des fonctions: http://www.linux-nantes.org/~fmonnier/doc/imagick/ // http://doc.spip.org/@image_imagick function image_imagick () { $tous = func_get_args(); $img = $tous[0]; $fonc = $tous[1]; $tous[0]=""; $tous_var = join($tous, "-"); $fonction = array('image_imagick', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($img, "$tous_var", "png",$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { if (function_exists($fonc)) { $handle = imagick_readimage ($im); $arr[0] = $handle; for ($i=2; $i < count($tous); $i++) $arr[] = $tous[$i]; call_user_func_array($fonc, $arr); // Creer image dans fichier temporaire, puis renommer vers "bon" fichier // de facon a eviter time_out pendant creation de l'image definitive $tmp = preg_replace(",[.]png$,i", "-tmp.png", $dest); imagick_writeimage( $handle, $tmp); rename($tmp, $dest); ecrire_fichier($dest.".src",serialize($image)); } } list ($src_y,$src_x) = taille_image($dest); return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest,'width'=>$src_x,'height'=>$src_y)); } // Permet de rendre une image // plus claire (gamma > 0) // ou plus foncee (gamma < 0) // http://doc.spip.org/@image_gamma function image_gamma($im, $gamma = 0){ include_spip('filtres/images_lib'); $fonction = array('image_gamma', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "gamma-$gamma",false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { // Creation de l'image en deux temps // de facon a conserver les GIF transparents $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy($im_, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_i, $y_i); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y=0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { $rgb = ImageColorAt($im_, $x, $y); $a = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $r = _image_decale_composante($r, $gamma); $g = _image_decale_composante($g, $gamma); $b = _image_decale_composante($b, $gamma); $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, $r, $g, $b , $a ); imagesetpixel ($im_, $x, $y, $color); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // Passe l'image en "sepia" // On peut fixer les valeurs RGB // de la couleur "complementaire" pour forcer une dominante //function image_sepia($im, $dr = 137, $dv = 111, $db = 94) // http://doc.spip.org/@image_sepia function image_sepia($im, $rgb = "896f5e"){ include_spip('filtres/images_lib'); if (!function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")) return $im; $couleurs = _couleur_hex_to_dec($rgb); $dr= $couleurs["red"]; $dv= $couleurs["green"]; $db= $couleurs["blue"]; $fonction = array('image_sepia', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "sepia-$dr-$dv-$db",false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { // Creation de l'image en deux temps // de facon a conserver les GIF transparents $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy($im_, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_i, $y_i); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y=0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { $rgb = ImageColorAt($im_, $x, $y); $a = ($rgb >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; $r = round(.299 * $r + .587 * $g + .114 * $b); $g = $r; $b = $r; $r = _image_decale_composante_127($r, $dr); $g = _image_decale_composante_127($g, $dv); $b = _image_decale_composante_127($b, $db); $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, $r, $g, $b , $a ); imagesetpixel ($im_, $x, $y, $color); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // Renforcer la nettete d'une image // http://doc.spip.org/@image_renforcement function image_renforcement($im, $k=0.5) { $fonction = array('image_flou', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "renforcement-$k",false,$fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if ($creer) { $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im_, false); @imagesavealpha($im_,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im_, 0, 0, $color_t); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y=0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { $rgb[1][0]=imagecolorat($im,$x,$y-1); $rgb[0][1]=imagecolorat($im,$x-1,$y); $rgb[1][1]=imagecolorat($im,$x,$y); $rgb[2][1]=imagecolorat($im,$x+1,$y); $rgb[1][2]=imagecolorat($im,$x,$y+1); if ($x-1 < 0) $rgb[0][1] = $rgb[1][1]; if ($y-1 < 0) $rgb[1][0] = $rgb[1][1]; if ($x+1 == $x_i) $rgb[2][1] = $rgb[1][1]; if ($y+1 == $y_i) $rgb[1][2] = $rgb[1][1]; $a = ($rgb[0][0] >> 24) & 0xFF; $r = -$k *(($rgb[1][0] >> 16) & 0xFF) + -$k *(($rgb[0][1] >> 16) & 0xFF) + (1+4*$k) *(($rgb[1][1] >> 16) & 0xFF) + -$k *(($rgb[2][1] >> 16) & 0xFF) + -$k *(($rgb[1][2] >> 16) & 0xFF) ; $g = -$k *(($rgb[1][0] >> 8) & 0xFF) + -$k *(($rgb[0][1] >> 8) & 0xFF) + (1+4*$k) *(($rgb[1][1] >> 8) & 0xFF) + -$k *(($rgb[2][1] >> 8) & 0xFF) + -$k *(($rgb[1][2] >> 8) & 0xFF) ; $b = -$k *($rgb[1][0] & 0xFF) + -$k *($rgb[0][1] & 0xFF) + (1+4*$k) *($rgb[1][1] & 0xFF) + -$k *($rgb[2][1] & 0xFF) + -$k *($rgb[1][2] & 0xFF) ; $r=min(255,max(0,$r)); $g=min(255,max(0,$g)); $b=min(255,max(0,$b)); $color = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, $r, $g, $b , $a ); imagesetpixel ($im_, $x, $y, $color); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } // // alpha = 0: aucune transparence // alpha = 127: completement transparent /** * Transforme la couleur de fond de l'image en transparence * Le filtre ne g�re pas la notion de contiguite aux bords, et affectera tous les pixels de l'image dans la couleur visee * $background_color : couleur cible * $tolerance : distance L1 dans l'espace RGB des couleur autour de la couleur $background_color pour lequel la transparence sera appliquee * $alpha : transparence a appliquer pour les pixels de la couleur cibles avec la tolerance ci-dessus * $coeff_lissage : coeff applique a la tolerance pour determiner la decroissance de la transparence fonction de la distance L1 entre la couleur du pixel et la couleur cible * * @param string $im * @param string $background_color * @param int $tolerance * @param int $alpha * @param float $coeff_lissage * @return string */ function image_fond_transparent($im, $background_color, $tolerance=12, $alpha = 127, $coeff_lissage=7) { $fonction = array('image_fond_transparent', func_get_args()); $image = _image_valeurs_trans($im, "fond_transparent-$background_color-$tolerance-$coeff_lissage-$alpha", "png", $fonction); if (!$image) return(""); $x_i = $image["largeur"]; $y_i = $image["hauteur"]; $im = $image["fichier"]; $dest = $image["fichier_dest"]; $creer = $image["creer"]; if (true OR $creer) { $bg = _couleur_hex_to_dec($background_color); $bg_r = $bg['red']; $bg_g = $bg['green']; $bg_b = $bg['blue']; // Creation de l'image en deux temps // de facon a conserver les GIF transparents $im = $image["fonction_imagecreatefrom"]($im); imagepalettetotruecolor($im); $im2 = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); @imagealphablending($im2, false); @imagesavealpha($im2,true); $color_t = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im2, 255, 255, 255 , 127 ); imagefill ($im2, 0, 0, $color_t); imagecopy($im2, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x_i, $y_i); $im_ = imagecreatetruecolor($x_i, $y_i); imagealphablending ($im_, FALSE ); imagesavealpha ( $im_, TRUE ); $color_f = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, 255, 255, 255 , $alpha ); for ($x = 0; $x < $x_i; $x++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $y_i; $y++) { $rgb = ImageColorAt($im2, $x, $y); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; if ((($d=abs($r-$bg_r)+abs($g-$bg_g)+abs($b-$bg_b))<=$tolerance)){ imagesetpixel ( $im_, $x, $y, $color_f ); } elseif ($tolerance AND $d<=($coeff_lissage+1)*$tolerance){ $transp = round($alpha*(1-($d-$tolerance)/($coeff_lissage*$tolerance))); $color_p = ImageColorAllocateAlpha( $im_, $r, $g, $b , $transp); imagesetpixel ( $im_, $x, $y, $color_p ); } else imagesetpixel ( $im_, $x, $y, $rgb ); } } _image_gd_output($im_,$image); imagedestroy($im_); imagedestroy($im); imagedestroy($im2); } return _image_ecrire_tag($image,array('src'=>$dest)); } ?>