'It\'s not allowed to use the html attributes class or style', 'erreur_blacklist' => 'You have been blacklisted, you can not post messages anymore.', 'erreur_jeton' => 'Unable to take account of your message. Thank you to resubmit!', 'erreur_spam' => 'Unable to take account of your message!', 'erreur_spam_doublon' => 'An identical message already exists!', 'erreur_spam_ip' => 'Too many comments detrimental to the quality!', 'erreur_url_deja_spammee' => 'This message contains suspicious links that look like SPAM. Thanks to delete them.', // F 'forum_saisie_texte_info' => 'For the formatting of your message, this form only accepts SPIP shortcuts [->url] {{bold}} {italic} <quote> <code> <cadre> et le code HTML <q> <del> <ins>. To create paragraphs, simply leave blank lines.' ); ?>