_config_module_loaded = true; $this->template_dir = $this->_get_dir($this->template_dir); $this->config_dir = $this->_get_dir($this->config_dir); $this->compile_dir = $this->_get_dir($this->compile_dir); $name = ($this->encode_file_name) ? md5($this->template_dir . $file . $section_name . $var_name).'.php' : str_replace(".", "_", str_replace("/", "_", $file."_".$section_name."_".$var_name)).'.php'; if ($this->debugging) { $debug_start_time = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())); } if ($this->cache) { array_push($this->_cache_info['config'], $file); } if (!$this->force_compile && file_exists($this->compile_dir.'c_'.$name) && (filemtime($this->compile_dir.'c_'.$name) > filemtime($this->config_dir.$file))) { include($this->compile_dir.'c_'.$name); return true; } if (!is_object($this->_config_obj)) { require_once(TEMPLATE_LITE_DIR . "class.config.php"); $this->_config_obj = new $this->config_class; $this->_config_obj->overwrite = $this->config_overwrite; $this->_config_obj->booleanize = $this->config_booleanize; $this->_config_obj->fix_new_lines = $this->config_fix_new_lines; $this->_config_obj->read_hidden = $this->config_read_hidden; } if (!($_result = $this->_config_obj->config_load($this->config_dir.$file, $section_name, $var_name))) { return false; } if (!empty($var_name) || !empty($section_name)) { $output = "\$this->_confs = " . var_export($_result, true) . ";"; } else { // must shift of the bottom level of the array to get rid of the section labels $_temp = array(); foreach($_result as $value) { $_temp = array_merge($_temp, $value); } $output = "\$this->_confs = " . var_export($_temp, true) . ";"; } $f = fopen($this->compile_dir.'c_'.$name, "w"); fwrite($f, ''); fclose($f); eval($output); if ($this->debugging) { $this->_templatelite_debug_info[] = array('type' => 'config', 'filename' => $file.' ['.$section_name.'] '.$var_name, 'depth' => 0, 'exec_time' => array_sum(explode(' ', microtime())) - $debug_start_time ); } return true; ?>