[PYTHON] +check if partner mobile number exist when creating or modifying pos order...
[burette/coup_de_pouce_velo.git] / __openerp__.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 # Copyright 2020 L'Heureux Cyclage
3 # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
6 {
7 'name': 'Coup de Pouce Vélo',
8 'version': '0.1',
9 'category': 'Association',
10 'complexity': "normal",
11 'description': """
12 This module adds features to OpenERP POS module for french bikecoops for "Coup de Pouce Vélo"
13 =============================================================================================
15 - Warn when editing pos order, and attach partner hasn't mobile phone;
16 - Add a checkbox on pos order form to identify cpv pos orders;
17 - (Fill in notes field on pos orders with default value when pos order is a cpv one.
18 """,
19 'author': 'L\'Heureux Cyclage',
20 'website': 'http://www.heureux-cyclage.org',
21 'depends': [
22 'bikecoop_l10n_fr',
23 ],
24 'init_xml': [
25 ],
26 'update_xml': [
27 'view/point_of_sale.xml',
28 'data/ir_values.xml',
29 ],
30 'installable': True,
31 'auto_install': False,
32 'images': [],
33 }