X-Git-Url: http://git.cyclocoop.org/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=www%2Fplugins%2Fabomailmans%2Flang%2Fabomailmans_en.php;fp=www%2Fplugins%2Fabomailmans%2Flang%2Fabomailmans_en.php;h=89527c58a758f0b45074059bf2d32073e58e513c;hb=a463177039939e8c9294e065d7505f8de95d48c2;hp=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;hpb=5be150361b3c836d9206941ba43f862df11466db;p=ptitvelo%2Fweb%2Fwww.git diff --git a/www/plugins/abomailmans/lang/abomailmans_en.php b/www/plugins/abomailmans/lang/abomailmans_en.php new file mode 100755 index 0000000..89527c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/www/plugins/abomailmans/lang/abomailmans_en.php @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + 'Newsletter or mailing list', + 'abomailmans' => 'Mailing lists or newsletters', + 'abonne' => 'I subscribe', + 'activation' => 'Activation', + 'active' => 'Active', + 'aucune_langue' => 'None specified', + + // B + 'bouton_listes_diffusion' => 'Mailing lists', + 'btn_abonnement' => 'Subscribe', + 'btn_desabonnement' => 'Unsubscribe', + + // C + 'choisir_liste' => 'You should choose a list.', + 'contenu_date' => 'Content since this date', + 'creation_droits_insuffisants' => 'Your rights are insufficients', + + // D + 'desactive' => 'Disabled', + 'destinataire' => 'Recipient', + + // E + 'email' => 'Email address', + 'email_abonnement' => 'Your email address', + 'email_envoye' => 'The email has been sent to the list : @liste@.', + 'email_oublie' => 'You forgot your email address', + 'emailliste_abomailman' => 'The email address of the list', + 'emailliste_abosympa' => 'The email address of the Sympa admin', + 'emailliste_subscribe' => 'Subscribe', + 'emailliste_unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', + 'emails_a_renseigner' => 'Email addresses to provide', + 'envoi_apercu' => 'Previsualization', + 'envoi_confirmer' => 'Confirm and send', + 'envoi_liste_parametres' => 'List of parameters [Facultatif]', + 'envoi_parametres' => 'Settings', + 'envoi_regulier' => 'Automatics mail', + 'envoi_regulier_info' => 'Leave empty if you do not want to send automatically', + 'envoi_regulier_tous_les' => 'Send each', + 'envoi_vers' => 'send to', + 'envoyer_courier' => 'Send an email', + 'envoyer_courier_liste' => 'Send this content to this list :', + 'envoyer_mailmans' => 'Select the template and its content', + 'erreur_email_liste_oublie' => 'The email address of the list is mandatory', + 'erreur_nobot' => 'No registration has been made ​​due to a technical problem', + 'explication_email_subscribe' => 'Email for subscribe, something like suffix+subscribe@exemple.org', + 'explication_email_sympa' => 'If this field is filled in, the list is considered as a "Sympa" list, if not, as a "Mailman" list.', + 'explication_email_unsubscribe' => 'Email for unsubscribe', + + // I + 'icone_ajouter_liste' => 'Add a new list', + 'icone_envoyer_mail_liste' => 'Send an e-mail to the lists from the content of this site', + 'icone_modifier_abomailman' => 'Edit the list', + 'icone_retour_abomailman' => 'Back to the list', + 'info_abomailman_aucun' => 'No list', + 'info_abomailmans_1' => 'A list', + 'info_abomailmans_nb' => '@nb@ lists', + 'info_sisympa' => '[Mandatory for a Sympa list]', + 'insciption_listes_legende' => 'Subscription to the mailing lists', + 'inscription_lettres_legende' => 'Subscription to the newsletters
and mailing lists', + + // J + 'je_m_abonne' => 'Check to confirm the subscription or unsubscription.', + + // L + 'label_etat_liste' => 'Status of the list', + 'label_type_abo' => 'Type', + 'label_type_ml' => 'Mailing-list', + 'label_type_news' => 'Newsletter', + 'langue_liste' => 'Language of the list', + 'legende_inscription_ml' => 'Subscription to the mailing list', + 'legende_inscription_news' => 'Subscription to the newsletter', + 'legende_inscriptions_ml' => 'Subscription to the mailing lists', + 'legende_inscriptions_news' => 'Subscription to the newsletters', + 'les_listes_mailmans' => 'The Mailman’s or Sympa’s lists filled', + 'lire_article' => 'Read the article', + 'liste_creee' => 'The list number @id@ (@titre@) has been created.', + 'liste_non_existante' => 'The asked list doesn’t exist or has been deleted', + 'liste_oublie' => 'You forgot to check a list.', + 'liste_supprimee' => 'The list number @id@ (@titre@) has been deleted.', + 'liste_updatee' => 'The list number @id@ (@titre@) has been updated.', + + // M + 'message' => 'Introduction of your email, before the site’s content', + 'message_confirm_suite' => 'To validate your request, please reply to the confirmation email that you will receive.', + 'message_confirmation_a' => 'A subscription request to the following lists has been sent :', + 'message_confirmation_d' => 'An unsubscribing request from the lists below has been sent. ', + 'message_confirmation_unique_a' => 'A subscription request to the following list has been sent :', + 'message_confirmation_unique_d' => 'An unsubscribing request from the list below has been sent. ', + 'mot' => 'And list the articles linked to the keyword', + + // N + 'nom' => 'Name and surname (optional)', + 'nouveau_abomailman' => 'New mailing list', + + // P + 'pas_template_txt' => 'There is no text version for this template', + 'periodicite' => ' days.', + 'prenom' => 'First name', + 'previsu_html' => 'html', + 'previsu_txt' => 'text', + + // R + 'rubrique' => 'And list the articles of the section', + + // S + 'souhaite_rester' => 'I wish to keep informed', + 'sujet' => 'Subject of the mail', + 'sujet_obligatoire' => 'The subject is mandatory.', + 'suppression_definitive' => 'Permanent removal !', + 'supprimer' => 'Delete', + 'sympa_message_confirmation' => 'A validation email has been sent to the address: ', + + // T + 'template' => 'Choose a template and his content', + 'template_defaut' => 'Default template', + 'template_defaut_info' => 'If the file "choosed_template.txt.html" exists, the newsletter will be sent in html + text format. Otherwise, only the html version will be sent.', + 'texte_descriptif' => 'Description', + 'titre_abomailman' => 'Title of the list', + 'titre_liste_obligatoire' => 'The title of the list is mandatory', + 'toute_liste' => 'All mailing lists', + + // V + 'verifier_formulaire' => 'Please verify the filling of the form.', + 'veut_s_abonner' => 'want to subscribe', + 'veut_se_desabonner' => 'want to unsubscribe', + 'voir_modele_depuis' => 'See an example of the template with', + 'votre_email' => 'Your email' +); + +?>