'Are you sure you want to move all these elements?', // D 'deplacement_en_echec' => 'Move failed.', 'deplacement_identifiant_absent' => 'None ', 'deplacement_reussi' => 'Successful move.', 'deplacements_en_echec' => '@nb@ moves failed.', 'deplacements_reussis' => '@nb@ moves successful.', // E 'erreur_aucun_identifiant' => 'No object identifier.', 'erreur_autorisation_insuffisante' => 'Insufficient permission.', 'erreur_deplacement' => 'Move not made.', 'erreur_deplacement_impossible' => 'Impossible move!', 'erreur_rubriques_parentes_incorrectes' => 'Incorrect parent sections.', // P 'plan_titre' => 'Site Map in the private space.', // S 'suggerer_deplier' => 'This could be caused by the displacement of a large group: in that case its children list could not be loaded. You should unfold the bloc (which will load it), fold it again then move it again.', // T 'tous_les_statuts' => 'Status All' );