'Attach the ODT file to the article ?', // C 'choix_fichier' => 'ODT file to use :', // E 'err_enregistrement_fichier_sortie' => 'Error saving file snippet', 'err_extension_xslt'=> 'PHP\'s XSLT functions are not operational in: ask activation XSL extensions to your server administrator', 'err_import_snippet' => 'Error when creating the article with the plugin Snippets. Make sure it is properly installed and activated.', 'err_repertoire_tmp' => 'Error: tmp/odt2spip folder or its subfolder / id_auteur has not been created', 'err_telechargement_fichier' => 'Error: the file could not be recovered', 'err_transformation_xslt' => 'Error processing XSLT file ODT', // I 'importer_fichier' => 'Create an article from an OOo Writer file', // N 'non' => 'no', // O 'oui' => 'yes', // T 'cet_article_version_odt' => 'OOo Writer version of this article' ); ?>