id_boucle; $avant = decompiler_($struct->avant, $fmt, $prof); $apres = decompiler_($struct->apres, $fmt, $prof); $altern = decompiler_($struct->altern, $fmt, $prof); $milieu = decompiler_($struct->milieu, $fmt, $prof); $type = $struct->sql_serveur ? "$struct->sql_serveur:" : ''; $type .= ($struct->type_requete ? $struct->type_requete : $struct->table_optionnelle); if ($struct->jointures_explicites) { $type .= " " . $struct->jointures_explicites; } if ($struct->table_optionnelle) { $type .= "?"; } // Revoir le cas de la boucle recursive $crit = $struct->param; if ($crit and !is_array($crit[0])) { $type = strtolower($type) . array_shift($crit); } $crit = decompiler_criteres($struct, $fmt, $prof); $f = 'format_boucle_' . $fmt; return $f($avant, $nom, $type, $crit, $milieu, $apres, $altern, $prof); } function decompiler_include($struct, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { $res = array(); foreach ($struct->param ? $struct->param : array() as $couple) { array_shift($couple); foreach ($couple as $v) { $res[] = decompiler_($v, $fmt, $prof); } } $file = is_string($struct->texte) ? $struct->texte : decompiler_($struct->texte, $fmt, $prof); $f = 'format_inclure_' . $fmt; return $f($file, $res, $prof); } function decompiler_texte($struct, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { $f = 'format_texte_' . $fmt; return strlen($struct->texte) ? $f($struct->texte, $prof) : ''; } function decompiler_polyglotte($struct, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { $f = 'format_polyglotte_' . $fmt; return $f($struct->traductions, $prof); } function decompiler_idiome($struct, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { $args = array(); foreach ($struct->arg as $k => $v) { $args[$k] = public_decompiler($v, $fmt, $prof); } $filtres = decompiler_liste($struct->param, $fmt, $prof); $f = 'format_idiome_' . $fmt; return $f($struct->nom_champ, $struct->module, $args, $filtres, $prof); } function decompiler_champ($struct, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { $avant = decompiler_($struct->avant, $fmt, $prof); $apres = decompiler_($struct->apres, $fmt, $prof); $args = $filtres = ''; if ($p = $struct->param) { if ($p[0][0] === '') { $args = decompiler_liste(array(array_shift($p)), $fmt, $prof); } $filtres = decompiler_liste($p, $fmt, $prof); } $f = 'format_champ_' . $fmt; return $f($struct->nom_champ, $struct->nom_boucle, $struct->etoile, $avant, $apres, $args, $filtres, $prof); } function decompiler_liste($sources, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { if (!is_array($sources)) { return ''; } $f = 'format_liste_' . $fmt; $res = ''; foreach ($sources as $arg) { if (!is_array($arg)) { continue; // ne devrait pas arriver. } else { $r = array_shift($arg); } $args = array(); foreach ($arg as $v) { // cas des arguments entoures de ' ou " if ((count($v) == 1) and $v[0]->type == 'texte' and (strlen($v[0]->apres) == 1) and $v[0]->apres == $v[0]->avant ) { $args[] = $v[0]->avant . $v[0]->texte . $v[0]->apres; } else { $args[] = decompiler_($v, $fmt, 0 - $prof); } } if (($r !== '') or $args) { $res .= $f($r, $args, $prof); } } return $res; } // Decompilation des criteres: on triche et on deroge: // - le phraseur fournit un bout du source en plus de la compil // - le champ apres signale le critere {"separateur"} ou {'separateur'} // - les champs sont implicitement etendus (crochets implicites mais interdits) function decompiler_criteres($boucle, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { $sources = $boucle->param; if (!is_array($sources)) { return ''; } $res = ''; $f = 'format_critere_' . $fmt; foreach ($sources as $crit) { if (!is_array($crit)) { continue; } // boucle recursive array_shift($crit); $args = array(); foreach ($crit as $i => $v) { if ((count($v) == 1) and $v[0]->type == 'texte' and $v[0]->apres ) { $args[] = array(array('texte', ($v[0]->apres . $v[0]->texte . $v[0]->apres))); } else { $res2 = array(); foreach ($v as $k => $p) { if (isset($p->type) and function_exists($d = 'decompiler_' . $p->type) ) { $r = $d($p, $fmt, (0 - $prof), @$v[$k + 1]); $res2[] = array($p->type, $r); } else { spip_log("critere $i / $k mal forme"); } } $args[] = $res2; } } $res .= $f($args); } return $res; } function decompiler_($liste, $fmt = '', $prof = 0) { if (!is_array($liste)) { return ''; } $prof2 = ($prof < 0) ? ($prof - 1) : ($prof + 1); $contenu = array(); foreach ($liste as $k => $p) { if (!isset($p->type)) { continue; } #?????? $d = 'decompiler_' . $p->type; $next = isset($liste[$k + 1]) ? $liste[$k + 1] : false; // Forcer le champ etendu si son source (pas les reecritures) // contenait des args et s'il est suivi d'espaces, // le champ simple les eliminant est un bug helas perenne. if ($next and ($next->type == 'texte') and $p->type == 'champ' and !$p->apres and !$p->avant and $p->fonctions ) { $n = strlen($next->texte) - strlen(ltrim($next->texte)); if ($n) { $champ = new Texte; $champ->texte = substr($next->texte, 0, $n); $champ->ligne = $p->ligne; $p->apres = array($champ); $next->texte = substr($next->texte, $n); } } $contenu[] = array($d($p, $fmt, $prof2), $p->type); } $f = 'format_suite_' . $fmt; return $f($contenu); } function public_decompiler($liste, $fmt = '', $prof = 0, $quoi = '') { if (!include_spip('public/format_' . $fmt)) { return "'$fmt'?"; } $f = 'decompiler_' . $quoi; return $f($liste, $fmt, $prof); }