color( 0 ); } } /* A colour-less terminal */ class DummyTermColorer { public function color( $color ) { return ''; } public function reset() { return ''; } } class TestRecorder { var $parent; var $term; function __construct( $parent ) { $this->parent = $parent; $this->term = $parent->term; } function start() { $this->total = 0; $this->success = 0; } function record( $test, $result ) { $this->total++; $this->success += ( $result ? 1 : 0 ); } function end() { // dummy } function report() { if ( $this->total > 0 ) { $this->reportPercentage( $this->success, $this->total ); } else { wfDie( "No tests found.\n" ); } } function reportPercentage( $success, $total ) { $ratio = wfPercent( 100 * $success / $total ); print $this->term->color( 1 ) . "Passed $success of $total tests ($ratio)... "; if ( $success == $total ) { print $this->term->color( 32 ) . "ALL TESTS PASSED!"; } else { $failed = $total - $success ; print $this->term->color( 31 ) . "$failed tests failed!"; } print $this->term->reset() . "\n"; return ( $success == $total ); } } class DbTestPreviewer extends TestRecorder { protected $lb; // /< Database load balancer protected $db; // /< Database connection to the main DB protected $curRun; // /< run ID number for the current run protected $prevRun; // /< run ID number for the previous run, if any protected $results; // /< Result array /** * This should be called before the table prefix is changed */ function __construct( $parent ) { parent::__construct( $parent ); $this->lb = wfGetLBFactory()->newMainLB(); // This connection will have the wiki's table prefix, not parsertest_ $this->db = $this->lb->getConnection( DB_MASTER ); } /** * Set up result recording; insert a record for the run with the date * and all that fun stuff */ function start() { parent::start(); if ( ! $this->db->tableExists( 'testrun' ) or ! $this->db->tableExists( 'testitem' ) ) { print "WARNING> `testrun` table not found in database.\n"; $this->prevRun = false; } else { // We'll make comparisons against the previous run later... $this->prevRun = $this->db->selectField( 'testrun', 'MAX(tr_id)' ); } $this->results = array(); } function record( $test, $result ) { parent::record( $test, $result ); $this->results[$test] = $result; } function report() { if ( $this->prevRun ) { // f = fail, p = pass, n = nonexistent // codes show before then after $table = array( 'fp' => 'previously failing test(s) now PASSING! :)', 'pn' => 'previously PASSING test(s) removed o_O', 'np' => 'new PASSING test(s) :)', 'pf' => 'previously passing test(s) now FAILING! :(', 'fn' => 'previously FAILING test(s) removed O_o', 'nf' => 'new FAILING test(s) :(', 'ff' => 'still FAILING test(s) :(', ); $prevResults = array(); $res = $this->db->select( 'testitem', array( 'ti_name', 'ti_success' ), array( 'ti_run' => $this->prevRun ), __METHOD__ ); foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( !$this->parent->regex || preg_match( "/{$this->parent->regex}/i", $row->ti_name ) ) { $prevResults[$row->ti_name] = $row->ti_success; } } $combined = array_keys( $this->results + $prevResults ); # Determine breakdown by change type $breakdown = array(); foreach ( $combined as $test ) { if ( !isset( $prevResults[$test] ) ) { $before = 'n'; } elseif ( $prevResults[$test] == 1 ) { $before = 'p'; } else /* if ( $prevResults[$test] == 0 )*/ { $before = 'f'; } if ( !isset( $this->results[$test] ) ) { $after = 'n'; } elseif ( $this->results[$test] == 1 ) { $after = 'p'; } else /*if ( $this->results[$test] == 0 ) */ { $after = 'f'; } $code = $before . $after; if ( isset( $table[$code] ) ) { $breakdown[$code][$test] = $this->getTestStatusInfo( $test, $after ); } } # Write out results foreach ( $table as $code => $label ) { if ( !empty( $breakdown[$code] ) ) { $count = count( $breakdown[$code] ); printf( "\n%4d %s\n", $count, $label ); foreach ( $breakdown[$code] as $differing_test_name => $statusInfo ) { print " * $differing_test_name [$statusInfo]\n"; } } } } else { print "No previous test runs to compare against.\n"; } print "\n"; parent::report(); } /** * Returns a string giving information about when a test last had a status change. * Could help to track down when regressions were introduced, as distinct from tests * which have never passed (which are more change requests than regressions). */ private function getTestStatusInfo( $testname, $after ) { // If we're looking at a test that has just been removed, then say when it first appeared. if ( $after == 'n' ) { $changedRun = $this->db->selectField ( 'testitem', 'MIN(ti_run)', array( 'ti_name' => $testname ), __METHOD__ ); $appear = $this->db->selectRow ( 'testrun', array( 'tr_date', 'tr_mw_version' ), array( 'tr_id' => $changedRun ), __METHOD__ ); return "First recorded appearance: " . date( "d-M-Y H:i:s", strtotime ( $appear->tr_date ) ) . ", " . $appear->tr_mw_version; } // Otherwise, this test has previous recorded results. // See when this test last had a different result to what we're seeing now. $conds = array( 'ti_name' => $testname, 'ti_success' => ( $after == 'f' ? "1" : "0" ) ); if ( $this->curRun ) { $conds[] = "ti_run != " . $this->db->addQuotes ( $this->curRun ); } $changedRun = $this->db->selectField ( 'testitem', 'MAX(ti_run)', $conds, __METHOD__ ); // If no record of ever having had a different result. if ( is_null ( $changedRun ) ) { if ( $after == "f" ) { return "Has never passed"; } else { return "Has never failed"; } } // Otherwise, we're looking at a test whose status has changed. // (i.e. it used to work, but now doesn't; or used to fail, but is now fixed.) // In this situation, give as much info as we can as to when it changed status. $pre = $this->db->selectRow ( 'testrun', array( 'tr_date', 'tr_mw_version' ), array( 'tr_id' => $changedRun ), __METHOD__ ); $post = $this->db->selectRow ( 'testrun', array( 'tr_date', 'tr_mw_version' ), array( "tr_id > " . $this->db->addQuotes ( $changedRun ) ), __METHOD__, array( "LIMIT" => 1, "ORDER BY" => 'tr_id' ) ); if ( $post ) { $postDate = date( "d-M-Y H:i:s", strtotime ( $post->tr_date ) ) . ", {$post->tr_mw_version}"; } else { $postDate = 'now'; } return ( $after == "f" ? "Introduced" : "Fixed" ) . " between " . date( "d-M-Y H:i:s", strtotime ( $pre->tr_date ) ) . ", " . $pre->tr_mw_version . " and $postDate"; } /** * Commit transaction and clean up for result recording */ function end() { $this->lb->commitMasterChanges(); $this->lb->closeAll(); parent::end(); } } class DbTestRecorder extends DbTestPreviewer { var $version; /** * Set up result recording; insert a record for the run with the date * and all that fun stuff */ function start() { $this->db->begin(); if ( ! $this->db->tableExists( 'testrun' ) or ! $this->db->tableExists( 'testitem' ) ) { print "WARNING> `testrun` table not found in database. Trying to create table.\n"; $this->db->sourceFile( $this->db->patchPath( 'patch-testrun.sql' ) ); echo "OK, resuming.\n"; } parent::start(); $this->db->insert( 'testrun', array( 'tr_date' => $this->db->timestamp(), 'tr_mw_version' => $this->version, 'tr_php_version' => phpversion(), 'tr_db_version' => $this->db->getServerVersion(), 'tr_uname' => php_uname() ), __METHOD__ ); if ( $this->db->getType() === 'postgres' ) { $this->curRun = $this->db->currentSequenceValue( 'testrun_id_seq' ); } else { $this->curRun = $this->db->insertId(); } } /** * Record an individual test item's success or failure to the db * * @param $test String * @param $result Boolean */ function record( $test, $result ) { parent::record( $test, $result ); $this->db->insert( 'testitem', array( 'ti_run' => $this->curRun, 'ti_name' => $test, 'ti_success' => $result ? 1 : 0, ), __METHOD__ ); } } class RemoteTestRecorder extends TestRecorder { function start() { parent::start(); $this->results = array(); $this->ping( 'running' ); } function record( $test, $result ) { parent::record( $test, $result ); $this->results[$test] = (bool)$result; } function end() { $this->ping( 'complete', $this->results ); parent::end(); } /** * Inform a CodeReview instance that we've started or completed a test run... * * @param $status string: "running" - tell it we've started * "complete" - provide test results array * "abort" - something went horribly awry * @param $results array of test name => true/false */ function ping( $status, $results = false ) { global $wgParserTestRemote, $IP; $remote = $wgParserTestRemote; $revId = SpecialVersion::getSvnRevision( $IP ); $jsonResults = FormatJson::encode( $results ); if ( !$remote ) { print "Can't do remote upload without configuring \$wgParserTestRemote!\n"; exit( 1 ); } // Generate a hash MAC to validate our credentials $message = array( $remote['repo'], $remote['suite'], $revId, $status, ); if ( $status == "complete" ) { $message[] = $jsonResults; } $hmac = hash_hmac( "sha1", implode( "|", $message ), $remote['secret'] ); $postData = array( 'action' => 'codetestupload', 'format' => 'json', 'repo' => $remote['repo'], 'suite' => $remote['suite'], 'rev' => $revId, 'status' => $status, 'hmac' => $hmac, ); if ( $status == "complete" ) { $postData['results'] = $jsonResults; } $response = $this->post( $remote['api-url'], $postData ); if ( $response === false ) { print "CodeReview info upload failed to reach server.\n"; exit( 1 ); } $responseData = FormatJson::decode( $response, true ); if ( !is_array( $responseData ) ) { print "CodeReview API response not recognized...\n"; wfDebug( "Unrecognized CodeReview API response: $response\n" ); exit( 1 ); } if ( isset( $responseData['error'] ) ) { $code = $responseData['error']['code']; $info = $responseData['error']['info']; print "CodeReview info upload failed: $code $info\n"; exit( 1 ); } } function post( $url, $data ) { return Http::post( $url, array( 'postData' => $data ) ); } } class TestFileIterator implements Iterator { private $file; private $fh; private $parserTest; /* An instance of ParserTest (parserTests.php) or MediaWikiParserTest (phpunit) */ private $index = 0; private $test; private $lineNum; private $eof; function __construct( $file, $parserTest ) { global $IP; $this->file = $file; $this->fh = fopen( $this->file, "rt" ); if ( !$this->fh ) { wfDie( "Couldn't open file '$file'\n" ); } $this->parserTest = $parserTest; $this->parserTest->showRunFile( wfRelativePath( $this->file, $IP ) ); $this->lineNum = $this->index = 0; } function rewind() { if ( fseek( $this->fh, 0 ) ) { wfDie( "Couldn't fseek to the start of '$this->file'\n" ); } $this->index = -1; $this->lineNum = 0; $this->eof = false; $this->next(); return true; } function current() { return $this->test; } function key() { return $this->index; } function next() { if ( $this->readNextTest() ) { $this->index++; return true; } else { $this->eof = true; } } function valid() { return $this->eof != true; } function readNextTest() { $data = array(); $section = null; while ( false !== ( $line = fgets( $this->fh ) ) ) { $this->lineNum++; $matches = array(); if ( preg_match( '/^!!\s*(\w+)/', $line, $matches ) ) { $section = strtolower( $matches[1] ); if ( $section == 'endarticle' ) { if ( !isset( $data['text'] ) ) { wfDie( "'endarticle' without 'text' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } if ( !isset( $data['article'] ) ) { wfDie( "'endarticle' without 'article' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } $this->parserTest->addArticle( ParserTest::chomp( $data['article'] ), $data['text'], $this->lineNum ); $data = array(); $section = null; continue; } if ( $section == 'endhooks' ) { if ( !isset( $data['hooks'] ) ) { wfDie( "'endhooks' without 'hooks' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } foreach ( explode( "\n", $data['hooks'] ) as $line ) { $line = trim( $line ); if ( $line ) { if ( !$this->parserTest->requireHook( $line ) ) { return false; } } } $data = array(); $section = null; continue; } if ( $section == 'endfunctionhooks' ) { if ( !isset( $data['functionhooks'] ) ) { wfDie( "'endfunctionhooks' without 'functionhooks' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } foreach ( explode( "\n", $data['functionhooks'] ) as $line ) { $line = trim( $line ); if ( $line ) { if ( !$this->parserTest->requireFunctionHook( $line ) ) { return false; } } } $data = array(); $section = null; continue; } if ( $section == 'end' ) { if ( !isset( $data['test'] ) ) { wfDie( "'end' without 'test' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } if ( !isset( $data['input'] ) ) { wfDie( "'end' without 'input' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } if ( !isset( $data['result'] ) ) { wfDie( "'end' without 'result' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } if ( !isset( $data['options'] ) ) { $data['options'] = ''; } if ( !isset( $data['config'] ) ) $data['config'] = ''; if ( ( ( preg_match( '/\\bdisabled\\b/i', $data['options'] ) && !$this->parserTest->runDisabled ) || !preg_match( "/" . $this->parserTest->regex . "/i", $data['test'] ) ) ) { # disabled test $data = array(); $section = null; continue; } global $wgUseTeX; if ( preg_match( '/\\bmath\\b/i', $data['options'] ) && !$wgUseTeX ) { # don't run math tests if $wgUseTeX is set to false in LocalSettings $data = array(); $section = null; continue; } $this->test = array( 'test' => ParserTest::chomp( $data['test'] ), 'input' => ParserTest::chomp( $data['input'] ), 'result' => ParserTest::chomp( $data['result'] ), 'options' => ParserTest::chomp( $data['options'] ), 'config' => ParserTest::chomp( $data['config'] ) ); return true; } if ( isset ( $data[$section] ) ) { wfDie( "duplicate section '$section' at line {$this->lineNum} of $this->file\n" ); } $data[$section] = ''; continue; } if ( $section ) { $data[$section] .= $line; } } return false; } }