makeConfig( $enableEmail, $passwordResetRoutes, false ); $authManager = $this->getMockBuilder( AuthManager::class )->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $authManager->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' ) ->willReturn( $allowsAuthenticationDataChange ? Status::newGood() : Status::newFatal( 'foo' ) ); $user = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )->getMock(); $user->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getName' )->willReturn( 'Foo' ); $user->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getBlock' )->willReturn( $block ); $user->expects( $this->any() )->method( 'getGlobalBlock' )->willReturn( $globalBlock ); $permissionManager = $this->getMockBuilder( PermissionManager::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $permissionManager->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->with( $user, 'editmyprivateinfo' ) ->willReturn( $canEditPrivate ); $loadBalancer = $this->getMockBuilder( ILoadBalancer::class )->getMock(); $passwordReset = new PasswordReset( $config, $authManager, $permissionManager, $loadBalancer, new NullLogger() ); $this->assertSame( $isAllowed, $passwordReset->isAllowed( $user )->isGood() ); } public function provideIsAllowed() { return [ 'no routes' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => null, 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'email disabled' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => false, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => null, 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'auth data change disabled' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => false, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => null, 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'cannot edit private data' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => false, 'block' => null, 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'blocked with account creation disabled' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => new DatabaseBlock( [ 'createAccount' => true ] ), 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'blocked w/o account creation disabled' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => new DatabaseBlock( [] ), 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => true, ], 'using blocked proxy' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => new SystemBlock( [ 'systemBlock' => 'proxy' ] ), 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'globally blocked with account creation not disabled' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => null, 'globalBlock' => new SystemBlock( [ 'systemBlock' => 'global-block' ] ), 'isAllowed' => true, ], 'blocked via wgSoftBlockRanges' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => new SystemBlock( [ 'systemBlock' => 'wgSoftBlockRanges', 'anonOnly' => true ] ), 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => true, ], 'blocked with an unknown system block type' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => new SystemBlock( [ 'systemBlock' => 'unknown' ] ), 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'blocked with multiple blocks, all allowing password reset' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => new CompositeBlock( [ 'originalBlocks' => [ new SystemBlock( [ 'systemBlock' => 'wgSoftBlockRanges', 'anonOnly' => true ] ), new Block( [] ), ] ] ), 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => true, ], 'blocked with multiple blocks, not all allowing password reset' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => new CompositeBlock( [ 'originalBlocks' => [ new SystemBlock( [ 'systemBlock' => 'wgSoftBlockRanges', 'anonOnly' => true ] ), new SystemBlock( [ 'systemBlock' => 'proxy' ] ), ] ] ), 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => false, ], 'all OK' => [ 'passwordResetRoutes' => [ 'username' => true ], 'enableEmail' => true, 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' => true, 'canEditPrivate' => true, 'block' => null, 'globalBlock' => null, 'isAllowed' => true, ], ]; } /** * @expectedException \LogicException */ public function testExecute_notAllowed() { $user = $this->getMock( User::class ); /** @var User $user */ $passwordReset = $this->getMockBuilder( PasswordReset::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->setMethods( [ 'isAllowed' ] ) ->getMock(); $passwordReset->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'isAllowed' ) ->with( $user ) ->willReturn( Status::newFatal( 'somestatuscode' ) ); /** @var PasswordReset $passwordReset */ $passwordReset->execute( $user ); } /** * @dataProvider provideExecute * @param string|bool $expectedError * @param ServiceOptions $config * @param User $performingUser * @param PermissionManager $permissionManager * @param AuthManager $authManager * @param string|null $username * @param string|null $email * @param User[] $usersWithEmail * @covers SendPasswordResetEmailUpdate */ public function testExecute( $expectedError, ServiceOptions $config, User $performingUser, PermissionManager $permissionManager, AuthManager $authManager, $username = '', $email = '', array $usersWithEmail = [] ) { // Unregister the hooks for proper unit testing $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgHooks', [ 'User::mailPasswordInternal' => [], 'SpecialPasswordResetOnSubmit' => [], ] ); $loadBalancer = $this->getMockBuilder( ILoadBalancer::class ) ->getMock(); $users = $this->makeUsers(); $lookupUser = function ( $username ) use ( $users ) { return $users[ $username ] ?? false; }; $passwordReset = $this->getMockBuilder( PasswordReset::class ) ->setMethods( [ 'getUsersByEmail', 'isAllowed', 'lookupUser' ] ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $config, $authManager, $permissionManager, $loadBalancer, new NullLogger() ] ) ->getMock(); $passwordReset->method( 'getUsersByEmail' )->with( $email ) ->willReturn( array_map( $lookupUser, $usersWithEmail ) ); $passwordReset->method( 'isAllowed' ) ->willReturn( Status::newGood() ); $passwordReset->method( 'lookupUser' ) ->willReturnCallback( $lookupUser ); /** @var PasswordReset $passwordReset */ $status = $passwordReset->execute( $performingUser, $username, $email ); $this->assertStatus( $status, $expectedError ); } public function provideExecute() { $defaultConfig = $this->makeConfig( true, [ 'username' => true, 'email' => true ], false ); $emailRequiredConfig = $this->makeConfig( true, [ 'username' => true, 'email' => true ], true ); $performingUser = $this->makePerformingUser( self::VALID_IP, false ); $throttledUser = $this->makePerformingUser( self::VALID_IP, true ); $permissionManager = $this->makePermissionManager( $performingUser, true ); return [ 'Invalid email' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-invalidemail', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => '', 'email' => '[invalid email]', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'No username, no email' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-nodata', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => '', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'Email route not enabled' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-nodata', 'config' => $this->makeConfig( true, [ 'username' => true ], false ), 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => '', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'Username route not enabled' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-nodata', 'config' => $this->makeConfig( true, [ 'email' => true ], false ), 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'No routes enabled' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-nodata', 'config' => $this->makeConfig( true, [], false ), 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'Email reqiured for resets, but is empty' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-username-email-required', 'config' => $emailRequiredConfig, 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'Email reqiured for resets, is invalid' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-invalidemail', 'config' => $emailRequiredConfig, 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '[invalid email]', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'Throttled' => [ 'expectedError' => 'actionthrottledtext', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $throttledUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'No user by this username' => [ 'expectedError' => 'nosuchuser', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'Nonexistent user', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'If no users with this email found, pretend everything is OK' => [ 'expectedError' => false, 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => '', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'No email for the user' => [ 'expectedError' => 'noemail', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'BadUser', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'Email reqiured for resets, no match' => [ 'expectedError' => false, 'config' => $emailRequiredConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], "Couldn't determine the performing user's IP" => [ 'expectedError' => 'badipaddress', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $this->makePerformingUser( null, false ), 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'User is allowed, but ignored' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-ignored', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager( [ 'User1' ], 0, [ 'User1' ] ), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'One of users is ignored' => [ 'expectedError' => 'passwordreset-ignored', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager( [ 'User1', 'User2' ], 0, [ 'User2' ] ), 'username' => '', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, 'usersWithEmail' => [ 'User1', 'User2' ], ], 'User is rejected' => [ 'expectedError' => 'rejected by test mock', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager(), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => '', 'usersWithEmail' => [], ], 'One of users is rejected' => [ 'expectedError' => 'rejected by test mock', 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager( [ 'User1' ] ), 'username' => '', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, 'usersWithEmail' => [ 'User1', 'User2' ], ], 'Reset one user via password' => [ 'expectedError' => false, 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager( [ 'User1' ], 1 ), 'username' => 'User1', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, // Make sure that only the user specified by username is reset 'usersWithEmail' => [ 'User1', 'User2' ], ], 'Reset one user via email' => [ 'expectedError' => false, 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager( [ 'User1' ], 1 ), 'username' => '', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, 'usersWithEmail' => [ 'User1' ], ], 'Reset multiple users via email' => [ 'expectedError' => false, 'config' => $defaultConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager( [ 'User1', 'User2' ], 2 ), 'username' => '', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, 'usersWithEmail' => [ 'User1', 'User2' ], ], "Email is required for resets, user didn't opt in" => [ 'expectedError' => false, 'config' => $emailRequiredConfig, 'performingUser' => $performingUser, 'permissionManager' => $permissionManager, 'authManager' => $this->makeAuthManager( [ 'User2' ], 1 ), 'username' => 'User2', 'email' => self::VALID_EMAIL, 'usersWithEmail' => [ 'User2' ], ], ]; } private function assertStatus( StatusValue $status, $error = false ) { if ( $error === false ) { $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood(), 'Expected status to be good' ); } else { $this->assertFalse( $status->isGood(), 'Expected status to not be good' ); if ( is_string( $error ) ) { $this->assertNotEmpty( $status->getErrors() ); $message = $status->getErrors()[0]['message']; if ( $message instanceof MessageSpecifier ) { $message = $message->getKey(); } $this->assertSame( $error, $message ); } } } private function makeConfig( $enableEmail, array $passwordResetRoutes, $emailForResets ) { $hash = [ 'AllowRequiringEmailForResets' => $emailForResets, 'EnableEmail' => $enableEmail, 'PasswordResetRoutes' => $passwordResetRoutes, ]; return new ServiceOptions( PasswordReset::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS, $hash ); } /** * @param string|null $ip * @param bool $pingLimited * @return User */ private function makePerformingUser( $ip, $pingLimited ) : User { $request = $this->getMockBuilder( WebRequest::class ) ->getMock(); $request->method( 'getIP' ) ->willReturn( $ip ); /** @var WebRequest $request */ $user = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->setMethods( [ 'getName', 'pingLimiter', 'getRequest' ] ) ->getMock(); $user->method( 'getName' ) ->willReturn( 'SomeUser' ); $user->method( 'pingLimiter' ) ->with( 'mailpassword' ) ->willReturn( $pingLimited ); $user->method( 'getRequest' ) ->willReturn( $request ); /** @var User $user */ return $user; } private function makePermissionManager( User $performingUser, $isAllowed ) : PermissionManager { $permissionManager = $this->getMockBuilder( PermissionManager::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $permissionManager->method( 'userHasRight' ) ->with( $performingUser, 'editmyprivateinfo' ) ->willReturn( $isAllowed ); /** @var PermissionManager $permissionManager */ return $permissionManager; } /** * @param string[] $allowed * @param int $numUsersToAuth * @param string[] $ignored * @return AuthManager */ private function makeAuthManager( array $allowed = [], $numUsersToAuth = 0, array $ignored = [] ) : AuthManager { $authManager = $this->getMockBuilder( AuthManager::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $authManager->method( 'allowsAuthenticationDataChange' ) ->willReturnCallback( function ( TemporaryPasswordAuthenticationRequest $req ) use ( $allowed, $ignored ) { $value = in_array( $req->username, $ignored, true ) ? 'ignored' : 'okie dokie'; return in_array( $req->username, $allowed, true ) ? Status::newGood( $value ) : Status::newFatal( 'rejected by test mock' ); } ); // changeAuthenticationData is executed in the deferred update class // SendPasswordResetEmailUpdate $authManager->expects( $this->exactly( $numUsersToAuth ) ) ->method( 'changeAuthenticationData' ); /** @var AuthManager $authManager */ return $authManager; } /** * @return User[] */ private function makeUsers() { $user1 = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )->getMock(); $user2 = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )->getMock(); $user1->method( 'getName' )->willReturn( 'User1' ); $user2->method( 'getName' )->willReturn( 'User2' ); $user1->method( 'getId' )->willReturn( 1 ); $user2->method( 'getId' )->willReturn( 2 ); $user1->method( 'getEmail' )->willReturn( self::VALID_EMAIL ); $user2->method( 'getEmail' )->willReturn( self::VALID_EMAIL ); $user1->method( 'getBoolOption' ) ->with( 'requireemail' ) ->willReturn( true ); $badUser = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )->getMock(); $badUser->method( 'getName' )->willReturn( 'BadUser' ); $badUser->method( 'getId' )->willReturn( 3 ); $badUser->method( 'getEmail' )->willReturn( null ); return [ 'User1' => $user1, 'User2' => $user2, 'BadUser' => $badUser, ]; } }