resetNamespaces(); # reset namespace cache if ( !$this->the_page ) { $this->the_page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_the_page', "just a dummy page" ); } } public function tearDown() { global $wgExtraNamespaces, $wgNamespaceContentModels, $wgContentHandlers, $wgContLang; unset( $wgExtraNamespaces[ 12312 ] ); unset( $wgExtraNamespaces[ 12313 ] ); unset( $wgNamespaceContentModels[ 12312 ] ); unset( $wgContentHandlers[ 'DUMMY' ] ); MWNamespace::getCanonicalNamespaces( true ); # reset namespace cache $wgContLang->resetNamespaces(); # reset namespace cache } protected function makeRevision( $props = null ) { if ( $props === null ) $props = array(); if ( !isset( $props['content'] ) && !isset( $props['text'] ) ) $props['text'] = 'Lorem Ipsum'; if ( !isset( $props['comment'] ) ) $props['comment'] = 'just a test'; if ( !isset( $props['page'] ) ) $props['page'] = $this->the_page->getId(); $rev = new Revision( $props ); $dbw = wfgetDB( DB_MASTER ); $rev->insertOn( $dbw ); return $rev; } protected function createPage( $page, $text, $model = null ) { if ( is_string( $page ) ) $page = Title::newFromText( $page ); if ( $page instanceof Title ) $page = new WikiPage( $page ); if ( $page->exists() ) { $page->doDeleteArticle( "done" ); } $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $text, $page->getTitle(), $model ); $page->doEditContent( $content, "testing", EDIT_NEW ); return $page; } protected function assertRevEquals( Revision $orig, Revision $rev = null ) { $this->assertNotNull( $rev, 'missing revision' ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getId(), $rev->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getPage(), $rev->getPage() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getTimestamp(), $rev->getTimestamp() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getUser(), $rev->getUser() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getContentModel(), $rev->getContentModel() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getContentFormat(), $rev->getContentFormat() ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getSha1(), $rev->getSha1() ); } /** * @covers Revision::__construct */ public function testConstructFromRow() { $orig = $this->makeRevision(); $dbr = wfgetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->select( 'revision', '*', array( 'rev_id' => $orig->getId() ) ); $this->assertTrue( is_object( $res ), 'query failed' ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $res->free(); $rev = new Revision( $row ); $this->assertRevEquals( $orig, $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromRow */ public function testNewFromRow() { $orig = $this->makeRevision(); $dbr = wfgetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->select( 'revision', '*', array( 'rev_id' => $orig->getId() ) ); $this->assertTrue( is_object( $res ), 'query failed' ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $res->free(); $rev = Revision::newFromRow( $row ); $this->assertRevEquals( $orig, $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromArchiveRow */ public function testNewFromArchiveRow() { $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testNewFromArchiveRow', 'Lorem Ipsum' ); $orig = $page->getRevision(); $page->doDeleteArticle( 'test Revision::newFromArchiveRow' ); $dbr = wfgetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $res = $dbr->select( 'archive', '*', array( 'ar_rev_id' => $orig->getId() ) ); $this->assertTrue( is_object( $res ), 'query failed' ); $row = $res->fetchObject(); $res->free(); $rev = Revision::newFromArchiveRow( $row ); $this->assertRevEquals( $orig, $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::newFromId */ public function testNewFromId() { $orig = $this->makeRevision(); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertRevEquals( $orig, $rev ); } /** * @covers Revision::fetchRevision */ public function testFetchRevision() { $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testFetchRevision', 'one' ); $id1 = $page->getRevision()->getId(); $page->doEdit( 'two', 'second rev' ); $id2 = $page->getRevision()->getId(); $res = Revision::fetchRevision( $page->getTitle() ); #note: order is unspecified $rows = array(); while ( ( $row = $res->fetchObject() ) ) { $rows[ $row->rev_id ]= $row; } $row = $res->fetchObject(); $this->assertEquals( 1, count($rows), 'expected exactly one revision' ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( $id2, $rows, 'missing revision with id ' . $id2 ); } /** * @covers Revision::selectFields */ public function testSelectFields() { $fields = Revision::selectFields(); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'rev_id', $fields ), 'missing rev_id in list of fields'); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'rev_page', $fields ), 'missing rev_page in list of fields'); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'rev_timestamp', $fields ), 'missing rev_timestamp in list of fields'); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'rev_user', $fields ), 'missing rev_user in list of fields'); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'rev_content_model', $fields ), 'missing rev_content_model in list of fields'); $this->assertTrue( in_array( 'rev_content_format', $fields ), 'missing rev_content_format in list of fields'); } /** * @covers Revision::getPage */ public function testGetPage() { $page = $this->the_page; $orig = $this->makeRevision( array( 'page' => $page->getId() ) ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( $page->getId(), $rev->getPage() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getText */ public function testGetText() { $orig = $this->makeRevision( array( 'text' => 'hello hello.' ) ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( 'hello hello.', $rev->getText() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getContent */ public function testGetContent() { $orig = $this->makeRevision( array( 'text' => 'hello hello.' ) ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( 'hello hello.', $rev->getContent()->getNativeData() ); } /** * @covers Revision::revText */ public function testRevText() { $orig = $this->makeRevision( array( 'text' => 'hello hello rev.' ) ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( 'hello hello rev.', $rev->revText() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getRawText */ public function testGetRawText() { $orig = $this->makeRevision( array( 'text' => 'hello hello raw.' ) ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( 'hello hello raw.', $rev->getRawText() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getContentModel */ public function testGetContentModel() { $orig = $this->makeRevision( array( 'text' => 'hello hello.', 'content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT ) ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, $rev->getContentModel() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getContentFormat */ public function testGetContentFormat() { $orig = $this->makeRevision( array( 'text' => 'hello hello.', 'content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_JAVASCRIPT, 'content_format' => CONTENT_FORMAT_JAVASCRIPT ) ); $rev = Revision::newFromId( $orig->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( CONTENT_FORMAT_JAVASCRIPT, $rev->getContentFormat() ); } /** * @covers Revision::isCurrent */ public function testIsCurrent() { $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testIsCurrent', 'Lorem Ipsum' ); $rev1 = $page->getRevision(); # @todo: find out if this should be true # $this->assertTrue( $rev1->isCurrent() ); $rev1x = Revision::newFromId( $rev1->getId() ); $this->assertTrue( $rev1x->isCurrent() ); $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( 'Bla bla', $page->getTitle() ), 'second rev' ); $rev2 = $page->getRevision(); # @todo: find out if this should be true # $this->assertTrue( $rev2->isCurrent() ); $rev1x = Revision::newFromId( $rev1->getId() ); $this->assertFalse( $rev1x->isCurrent() ); $rev2x = Revision::newFromId( $rev2->getId() ); $this->assertTrue( $rev2x->isCurrent() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getPrevious */ public function testGetPrevious() { $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testGetPrevious', 'Lorem Ipsum testGetPrevious' ); $rev1 = $page->getRevision(); $this->assertNull( $rev1->getPrevious() ); $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( 'Bla bla', $page->getTitle() ), 'second rev testGetPrevious' ); $rev2 = $page->getRevision(); $this->assertNotNull( $rev2->getPrevious() ); $this->assertEquals( $rev1->getId(), $rev2->getPrevious()->getId() ); } /** * @covers Revision::getNext */ public function testGetNext() { $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testGetNext', 'Lorem Ipsum testGetNext' ); $rev1 = $page->getRevision(); $this->assertNull( $rev1->getNext() ); $page->doEditContent( ContentHandler::makeContent( 'Bla bla', $page->getTitle() ), 'second rev testGetNext' ); $rev2 = $page->getRevision(); $this->assertNotNull( $rev1->getNext() ); $this->assertEquals( $rev2->getId(), $rev1->getNext()->getId() ); } /** * @covers Revision::newNullRevision */ public function testNewNullRevision() { $page = $this->createPage( 'RevisionStorageTest_testNewNullRevision', 'some testing text' ); $orig = $page->getRevision(); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $rev = Revision::newNullRevision( $dbw, $page->getId(), 'a null revision', false ); $this->assertNotEquals( $orig->getId(), $rev->getId(), 'new null revision shold have a different id from the original revision' ); $this->assertEquals( $orig->getTextId(), $rev->getTextId(), 'new null revision shold have the same text id as the original revision' ); $this->assertEquals( 'some testing text', $rev->getContent()->getNativeData() ); } } ?>