stage = $stage; return $store; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetFields * @param int $stage * @param string $key * @param array $expect */ public function testGetFields( $stage, $key, $expect ) { $store = $this->makeStore( $stage, $key ); $result = $store->getFields(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $result ); } public static function provideGetFields() { return [ 'Simple table, old' => [ MIGRATION_OLD, 'ipb_reason', [ 'ipb_reason_text' => 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_reason_data' => 'NULL', 'ipb_reason_cid' => 'NULL' ], ], 'Simple table, write-both' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'ipb_reason', [ 'ipb_reason_old' => 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_reason_id' => 'ipb_reason_id' ], ], 'Simple table, write-new' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW, 'ipb_reason', [ 'ipb_reason_old' => 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_reason_id' => 'ipb_reason_id' ], ], 'Simple table, new' => [ MIGRATION_NEW, 'ipb_reason', [ 'ipb_reason_id' => 'ipb_reason_id' ], ], 'Revision, old' => [ MIGRATION_OLD, 'rev_comment', [ 'rev_comment_text' => 'rev_comment', 'rev_comment_data' => 'NULL', 'rev_comment_cid' => 'NULL', ], ], 'Revision, write-both' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'rev_comment', [ 'rev_comment_old' => 'rev_comment', 'rev_comment_pk' => 'rev_id' ], ], 'Revision, write-new' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW, 'rev_comment', [ 'rev_comment_old' => 'rev_comment', 'rev_comment_pk' => 'rev_id' ], ], 'Revision, new' => [ MIGRATION_NEW, 'rev_comment', [ 'rev_comment_pk' => 'rev_id' ], ], 'Image, old' => [ MIGRATION_OLD, 'img_description', [ 'img_description_text' => 'img_description', 'img_description_data' => 'NULL', 'img_description_cid' => 'NULL', ], ], 'Image, write-both' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'img_description', [ 'img_description_old' => 'img_description', 'img_description_pk' => 'img_name' ], ], 'Image, write-new' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW, 'img_description', [ 'img_description_old' => 'img_description', 'img_description_pk' => 'img_name' ], ], 'Image, new' => [ MIGRATION_NEW, 'img_description', [ 'img_description_pk' => 'img_name' ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetJoin * @param int $stage * @param string $key * @param array $expect */ public function testGetJoin( $stage, $key, $expect ) { $store = $this->makeStore( $stage, $key ); $result = $store->getJoin(); $this->assertEquals( $expect, $result ); } public static function provideGetJoin() { return [ 'Simple table, old' => [ MIGRATION_OLD, 'ipb_reason', [ 'tables' => [], 'fields' => [ 'ipb_reason_text' => 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_reason_data' => 'NULL', 'ipb_reason_cid' => 'NULL', ], 'joins' => [], ], ], 'Simple table, write-both' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'ipb_reason', [ 'tables' => [ 'comment_ipb_reason' => 'comment' ], 'fields' => [ 'ipb_reason_text' => 'COALESCE( comment_ipb_reason.comment_text, ipb_reason )', 'ipb_reason_data' => 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_data', 'ipb_reason_cid' => 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'comment_ipb_reason' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_id = ipb_reason_id' ], ], ], ], 'Simple table, write-new' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW, 'ipb_reason', [ 'tables' => [ 'comment_ipb_reason' => 'comment' ], 'fields' => [ 'ipb_reason_text' => 'COALESCE( comment_ipb_reason.comment_text, ipb_reason )', 'ipb_reason_data' => 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_data', 'ipb_reason_cid' => 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'comment_ipb_reason' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_id = ipb_reason_id' ], ], ], ], 'Simple table, new' => [ MIGRATION_NEW, 'ipb_reason', [ 'tables' => [ 'comment_ipb_reason' => 'comment' ], 'fields' => [ 'ipb_reason_text' => 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_text', 'ipb_reason_data' => 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_data', 'ipb_reason_cid' => 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'comment_ipb_reason' => [ 'JOIN', 'comment_ipb_reason.comment_id = ipb_reason_id' ], ], ], ], 'Revision, old' => [ MIGRATION_OLD, 'rev_comment', [ 'tables' => [], 'fields' => [ 'rev_comment_text' => 'rev_comment', 'rev_comment_data' => 'NULL', 'rev_comment_cid' => 'NULL', ], 'joins' => [], ], ], 'Revision, write-both' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'rev_comment', [ 'tables' => [ 'temp_rev_comment' => 'revision_comment_temp', 'comment_rev_comment' => 'comment', ], 'fields' => [ 'rev_comment_text' => 'COALESCE( comment_rev_comment.comment_text, rev_comment )', 'rev_comment_data' => 'comment_rev_comment.comment_data', 'rev_comment_cid' => 'comment_rev_comment.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'temp_rev_comment' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'temp_rev_comment.revcomment_rev = rev_id' ], 'comment_rev_comment' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'comment_rev_comment.comment_id = temp_rev_comment.revcomment_comment_id' ], ], ], ], 'Revision, write-new' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW, 'rev_comment', [ 'tables' => [ 'temp_rev_comment' => 'revision_comment_temp', 'comment_rev_comment' => 'comment', ], 'fields' => [ 'rev_comment_text' => 'COALESCE( comment_rev_comment.comment_text, rev_comment )', 'rev_comment_data' => 'comment_rev_comment.comment_data', 'rev_comment_cid' => 'comment_rev_comment.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'temp_rev_comment' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'temp_rev_comment.revcomment_rev = rev_id' ], 'comment_rev_comment' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'comment_rev_comment.comment_id = temp_rev_comment.revcomment_comment_id' ], ], ], ], 'Revision, new' => [ MIGRATION_NEW, 'rev_comment', [ 'tables' => [ 'temp_rev_comment' => 'revision_comment_temp', 'comment_rev_comment' => 'comment', ], 'fields' => [ 'rev_comment_text' => 'comment_rev_comment.comment_text', 'rev_comment_data' => 'comment_rev_comment.comment_data', 'rev_comment_cid' => 'comment_rev_comment.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'temp_rev_comment' => [ 'JOIN', 'temp_rev_comment.revcomment_rev = rev_id' ], 'comment_rev_comment' => [ 'JOIN', 'comment_rev_comment.comment_id = temp_rev_comment.revcomment_comment_id' ], ], ], ], 'Image, old' => [ MIGRATION_OLD, 'img_description', [ 'tables' => [], 'fields' => [ 'img_description_text' => 'img_description', 'img_description_data' => 'NULL', 'img_description_cid' => 'NULL', ], 'joins' => [], ], ], 'Image, write-both' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'img_description', [ 'tables' => [ 'temp_img_description' => 'image_comment_temp', 'comment_img_description' => 'comment', ], 'fields' => [ 'img_description_text' => 'COALESCE( comment_img_description.comment_text, img_description )', 'img_description_data' => 'comment_img_description.comment_data', 'img_description_cid' => 'comment_img_description.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'temp_img_description' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'temp_img_description.imgcomment_name = img_name' ], 'comment_img_description' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'comment_img_description.comment_id = temp_img_description.imgcomment_description_id' ], ], ], ], 'Image, write-new' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW, 'img_description', [ 'tables' => [ 'temp_img_description' => 'image_comment_temp', 'comment_img_description' => 'comment', ], 'fields' => [ 'img_description_text' => 'COALESCE( comment_img_description.comment_text, img_description )', 'img_description_data' => 'comment_img_description.comment_data', 'img_description_cid' => 'comment_img_description.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'temp_img_description' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'temp_img_description.imgcomment_name = img_name' ], 'comment_img_description' => [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'comment_img_description.comment_id = temp_img_description.imgcomment_description_id' ], ], ], ], 'Image, new' => [ MIGRATION_NEW, 'img_description', [ 'tables' => [ 'temp_img_description' => 'image_comment_temp', 'comment_img_description' => 'comment', ], 'fields' => [ 'img_description_text' => 'comment_img_description.comment_text', 'img_description_data' => 'comment_img_description.comment_data', 'img_description_cid' => 'comment_img_description.comment_id', ], 'joins' => [ 'temp_img_description' => [ 'JOIN', 'temp_img_description.imgcomment_name = img_name' ], 'comment_img_description' => [ 'JOIN', 'comment_img_description.comment_id = temp_img_description.imgcomment_description_id' ], ], ], ], ]; } private function assertComment( $expect, $actual, $from ) { $this->assertSame( $expect['text'], $actual->text, "text $from" ); $this->assertInstanceOf( get_class( $expect['message'] ), $actual->message, "message class $from" ); $this->assertSame( $expect['message']->getKeysToTry(), $actual->message->getKeysToTry(), "message keys $from" ); $this->assertEquals( $expect['message']->text(), $actual->message->text(), "message rendering $from" ); $this->assertEquals( $expect['data'], $actual->data, "data $from" ); } /** * @dataProvider provideInsertRoundTrip * @param string $table * @param string $key * @param string $pk * @param string $extraFields * @param string|Message $comment * @param array|null $data * @param array $expect */ public function testInsertRoundTrip( $table, $key, $pk, $extraFields, $comment, $data, $expect ) { $expectOld = [ 'text' => $expect['text'], 'message' => new RawMessage( '$1', [ $expect['text'] ] ), 'data' => null, ]; $stages = [ MIGRATION_OLD => [ MIGRATION_OLD, MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW ], MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH => [ MIGRATION_OLD, MIGRATION_NEW ], MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, MIGRATION_NEW ], MIGRATION_NEW => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, MIGRATION_NEW ], ]; foreach ( $stages as $writeStage => $readRange ) { if ( $key === 'ipb_reason' ) { $extraFields['ipb_address'] = __CLASS__ . "#$writeStage"; } $wstore = $this->makeStore( $writeStage, $key ); $usesTemp = $key === 'rev_comment'; if ( $usesTemp ) { list( $fields, $callback ) = $wstore->insertWithTempTable( $this->db, $comment, $data ); } else { $fields = $wstore->insert( $this->db, $comment, $data ); } if ( $writeStage <= MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH ) { $this->assertSame( $expect['text'], $fields[$key], "old field, stage=$writeStage" ); } else { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( $key, $fields, "old field, stage=$writeStage" ); } if ( $writeStage >= MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH && !$usesTemp ) { $this->assertArrayHasKey( "{$key}_id", $fields, "new field, stage=$writeStage" ); } else { $this->assertArrayNotHasKey( "{$key}_id", $fields, "new field, stage=$writeStage" ); } $extraFields[$pk] = $this->db->nextSequenceValue( "{$table}_{$pk}_seq" ); $this->db->insert( $table, $extraFields + $fields, __METHOD__ ); $id = $this->db->insertId(); if ( $usesTemp ) { $callback( $id ); } for ( $readStage = $readRange[0]; $readStage <= $readRange[1]; $readStage++ ) { $rstore = $this->makeStore( $readStage, $key ); $fieldRow = $this->db->selectRow( $table, $rstore->getFields(), [ $pk => $id ], __METHOD__ ); $queryInfo = $rstore->getJoin(); $joinRow = $this->db->selectRow( [ $table ] + $queryInfo['tables'], $queryInfo['fields'], [ $pk => $id ], __METHOD__, [], $queryInfo['joins'] ); $this->assertComment( $writeStage === MIGRATION_OLD || $readStage === MIGRATION_OLD ? $expectOld : $expect, $rstore->getCommentLegacy( $this->db, $fieldRow ), "w=$writeStage, r=$readStage, from getFields()" ); $this->assertComment( $writeStage === MIGRATION_OLD || $readStage === MIGRATION_OLD ? $expectOld : $expect, $rstore->getComment( $joinRow ), "w=$writeStage, r=$readStage, from getJoin()" ); } } } public static function provideInsertRoundTrip() { $db = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); // for timestamps $msgComment = new Message( 'parentheses', [ 'message comment' ] ); $textCommentMsg = new RawMessage( '$1', [ 'text comment' ] ); $nestedMsgComment = new Message( [ 'parentheses', 'rawmessage' ], [ new Message( 'mainpage' ) ] ); $ipbfields = [ 'ipb_range_start' => '', 'ipb_range_end' => '', 'ipb_by' => 0, 'ipb_timestamp' => $db->timestamp(), 'ipb_expiry' => $db->getInfinity(), ]; $revfields = [ 'rev_page' => 42, 'rev_text_id' => 42, 'rev_len' => 0, 'rev_user' => 0, 'rev_user_text' => '', 'rev_timestamp' => $db->timestamp(), ]; $comStoreComment = new CommentStoreComment( null, 'comment store comment', null, [ 'foo' => 'bar' ] ); return [ 'Simple table, text comment' => [ 'ipblocks', 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_id', $ipbfields, 'text comment', null, [ 'text' => 'text comment', 'message' => $textCommentMsg, 'data' => null, ] ], 'Simple table, text comment with data' => [ 'ipblocks', 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_id', $ipbfields, 'text comment', [ 'message' => 42 ], [ 'text' => 'text comment', 'message' => $textCommentMsg, 'data' => [ 'message' => 42 ], ] ], 'Simple table, message comment' => [ 'ipblocks', 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_id', $ipbfields, $msgComment, null, [ 'text' => '(message comment)', 'message' => $msgComment, 'data' => null, ] ], 'Simple table, message comment with data' => [ 'ipblocks', 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_id', $ipbfields, $msgComment, [ 'message' => 42 ], [ 'text' => '(message comment)', 'message' => $msgComment, 'data' => [ 'message' => 42 ], ] ], 'Simple table, nested message comment' => [ 'ipblocks', 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_id', $ipbfields, $nestedMsgComment, null, [ 'text' => '(Main Page)', 'message' => $nestedMsgComment, 'data' => null, ] ], 'Simple table, CommentStoreComment' => [ 'ipblocks', 'ipb_reason', 'ipb_id', $ipbfields, clone $comStoreComment, [ 'baz' => 'baz' ], [ 'text' => 'comment store comment', 'message' => $comStoreComment->message, 'data' => [ 'foo' => 'bar' ], ] ], 'Revision, text comment' => [ 'revision', 'rev_comment', 'rev_id', $revfields, 'text comment', null, [ 'text' => 'text comment', 'message' => $textCommentMsg, 'data' => null, ] ], 'Revision, text comment with data' => [ 'revision', 'rev_comment', 'rev_id', $revfields, 'text comment', [ 'message' => 42 ], [ 'text' => 'text comment', 'message' => $textCommentMsg, 'data' => [ 'message' => 42 ], ] ], 'Revision, message comment' => [ 'revision', 'rev_comment', 'rev_id', $revfields, $msgComment, null, [ 'text' => '(message comment)', 'message' => $msgComment, 'data' => null, ] ], 'Revision, message comment with data' => [ 'revision', 'rev_comment', 'rev_id', $revfields, $msgComment, [ 'message' => 42 ], [ 'text' => '(message comment)', 'message' => $msgComment, 'data' => [ 'message' => 42 ], ] ], 'Revision, nested message comment' => [ 'revision', 'rev_comment', 'rev_id', $revfields, $nestedMsgComment, null, [ 'text' => '(Main Page)', 'message' => $nestedMsgComment, 'data' => null, ] ], 'Revision, CommentStoreComment' => [ 'revision', 'rev_comment', 'rev_id', $revfields, clone $comStoreComment, [ 'baz' => 'baz' ], [ 'text' => 'comment store comment', 'message' => $comStoreComment->message, 'data' => [ 'foo' => 'bar' ], ] ], ]; } public function testGetCommentErrors() { MediaWiki\suppressWarnings(); $reset = new ScopedCallback( 'MediaWiki\restoreWarnings' ); $store = $this->makeStore( MIGRATION_OLD, 'dummy' ); $res = $store->getComment( [ 'dummy' => 'comment' ] ); $this->assertSame( '', $res->text ); $res = $store->getComment( [ 'dummy' => 'comment' ], true ); $this->assertSame( 'comment', $res->text ); $store = $this->makeStore( MIGRATION_NEW, 'dummy' ); try { $store->getComment( [ 'dummy' => 'comment' ] ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { $this->assertSame( '$row does not contain fields needed for comment dummy', $ex->getMessage() ); } $res = $store->getComment( [ 'dummy' => 'comment' ], true ); $this->assertSame( 'comment', $res->text ); try { $store->getComment( [ 'dummy_id' => 1 ] ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { $this->assertSame( '$row does not contain fields needed for comment dummy and getComment(), ' . 'but does have fields for getCommentLegacy()', $ex->getMessage() ); } $store = $this->makeStore( MIGRATION_NEW, 'rev_comment' ); try { $store->getComment( [ 'rev_comment' => 'comment' ] ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { $this->assertSame( '$row does not contain fields needed for comment rev_comment', $ex->getMessage() ); } $res = $store->getComment( [ 'rev_comment' => 'comment' ], true ); $this->assertSame( 'comment', $res->text ); try { $store->getComment( [ 'rev_comment_pk' => 1 ] ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( InvalidArgumentException $ex ) { $this->assertSame( '$row does not contain fields needed for comment rev_comment and getComment(), ' . 'but does have fields for getCommentLegacy()', $ex->getMessage() ); } } public static function provideStages() { return [ 'MIGRATION_OLD' => [ MIGRATION_OLD ], 'MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH ], 'MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW' => [ MIGRATION_WRITE_NEW ], 'MIGRATION_NEW' => [ MIGRATION_NEW ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideStages * @param int $stage * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Must use insertWithTempTable() for rev_comment */ public function testInsertWrong( $stage ) { $store = $this->makeStore( $stage, 'rev_comment' ); $store->insert( $this->db, 'foo' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideStages * @param int $stage * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Must use insert() for ipb_reason */ public function testInsertWithTempTableWrong( $stage ) { $store = $this->makeStore( $stage, 'ipb_reason' ); $store->insertWithTempTable( $this->db, 'foo' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideStages * @param int $stage */ public function testInsertWithTempTableDeprecated( $stage ) { $wrap = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromClass( CommentStore::class ); $wrap->formerTempTables += [ 'ipb_reason' => '1.30' ]; $this->hideDeprecated( 'CommentStore::insertWithTempTable for ipb_reason' ); $store = $this->makeStore( $stage, 'ipb_reason' ); list( $fields, $callback ) = $store->insertWithTempTable( $this->db, 'foo' ); $this->assertTrue( is_callable( $callback ) ); } public function testInsertTruncation() { $comment = str_repeat( '💣', 16400 ); $truncated1 = str_repeat( '💣', 63 ) . '...'; $truncated2 = str_repeat( '💣', 16383 ) . '...'; $store = $this->makeStore( MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'ipb_reason' ); $fields = $store->insert( $this->db, $comment ); $this->assertSame( $truncated1, $fields['ipb_reason'] ); $stored = $this->db->selectField( 'comment', 'comment_text', [ 'comment_id' => $fields['ipb_reason_id'] ], __METHOD__ ); $this->assertSame( $truncated2, $stored ); } /** * @expectedException OverflowException * @expectedExceptionMessage Comment data is too long (65611 bytes, maximum is 65535) */ public function testInsertTooMuchData() { $store = $this->makeStore( MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH, 'ipb_reason' ); $store->insert( $this->db, 'foo', [ 'long' => str_repeat( '💣', 16400 ) ] ); } public function testConstructor() { $this->assertInstanceOf( CommentStore::class, CommentStore::newKey( 'dummy' ) ); } }