* @version first release */ # # Variables / Configuration # if( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ) { echo 'Run me from the command line.'; die( -1 ); } /** Figure out the base directory for MediaWiki location */ $mwPath = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; /** Global variable: temporary directory */ $tmpPath = '/tmp/'; /** doxygen binary script */ $doxygenBin = 'doxygen'; /** doxygen configuration template for mediawiki */ $doxygenTemplate = $mwPath . 'maintenance/Doxyfile'; /** svnstat command, used to get the version of each file */ $svnstat = $mwPath . 'bin/svnstat'; /** where Phpdoc should output documentation */ #$doxyOutput = '/var/www/mwdoc/'; $doxyOutput = $mwPath . 'docs' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; /** MediaWiki subpaths */ $mwPathI = $mwPath.'includes/'; $mwPathL = $mwPath.'languages/'; $mwPathM = $mwPath.'maintenance/'; $mwPathS = $mwPath.'skins/'; /** Variable to get user input */ $input = ''; $exclude = ''; # # Functions # /** * Read a line from the shell * @param $prompt String */ function readaline( $prompt = '' ){ print $prompt; $fp = fopen( "php://stdin", "r" ); $resp = trim( fgets( $fp, 1024 ) ); fclose( $fp ); return $resp; } /** * Copied from SpecialVersion::getSvnRevision() * @param $dir String * @return Mixed: string or false */ function getSvnRevision( $dir ) { // http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.developer.insidewc.html $entries = $dir . '/.svn/entries'; if( !file_exists( $entries ) ) { return false; } $content = file( $entries ); // check if file is xml (subversion release <= 1.3) or not (subversion release = 1.4) if( preg_match( '/^<\?xml/', $content[0] ) ) { // subversion is release <= 1.3 if( !function_exists( 'simplexml_load_file' ) ) { // We could fall back to expat... YUCK return false; } $xml = simplexml_load_file( $entries ); if( $xml ) { foreach( $xml->entry as $entry ) { if( $xml->entry[0]['name'] == '' ) { // The directory entry should always have a revision marker. if( $entry['revision'] ) { return intval( $entry['revision'] ); } } } } return false; } else { // subversion is release 1.4 return intval( $content[3] ); } } /** * Generate a configuration file given user parameters and return the temporary filename. * @param $doxygenTemplate String: full path for the template. * @param $outputDirectory String: directory where the stuff will be output. * @param $stripFromPath String: path that should be stripped out (usually mediawiki base path). * @param $currentVersion String: Version number of the software * @param $svnstat String: path to the svnstat file * @param $input String: Path to analyze. */ function generateConfigFile( $doxygenTemplate, $outputDirectory, $stripFromPath, $currentVersion, $svnstat, $input, $exclude ){ global $tmpPath; $template = file_get_contents( $doxygenTemplate ); // Replace template placeholders by correct values. $replacements = array( '{{OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}}' => $outputDirectory, '{{STRIP_FROM_PATH}}' => $stripFromPath, '{{CURRENT_VERSION}}' => $currentVersion, '{{SVNSTAT}}' => $svnstat, '{{INPUT}}' => $input, '{{EXCLUDE}}' => $exclude, ); $tmpCfg = str_replace( array_keys( $replacements ), array_values( $replacements ), $template ); $tmpFileName = $tmpPath . 'mwdocgen'. rand() .'.tmp'; file_put_contents( $tmpFileName , $tmpCfg ) or die("Could not write doxygen configuration to file $tmpFileName\n"); return $tmpFileName; } # # Main ! # unset( $file ); if( is_array( $argv ) && isset( $argv[1] ) ) { switch( $argv[1] ) { case '--all': $input = 0; break; case '--includes': $input = 1; break; case '--languages': $input = 2; break; case '--maintenance': $input = 3; break; case '--skins': $input = 4; break; case '--file': $input = 5; if( isset( $argv[2] ) ) { $file = $argv[2]; } break; case '--no-extensions': $input = 6; break; } } // TODO : generate a list of paths )) if( $input === '' ) { echo <<