1 ) { $option = $bits[0]; $param = $bits[1]; } else { $param = 1; } $options[$option] = $param; } } elseif ( substr( $arg, 0, 1 ) == '-' ) { # Short options for ( $p=1; $psiteFromDB( $db ); # If not, work out the language and site the old way if ( is_null( $site ) || is_null( $lang ) ) { if ( !$db ) { $lang = 'aa'; } else { $lang = $db; } if ( isset( $args[0] ) ) { $site = array_shift( $args ); } else { $site = 'wikipedia'; } } } else { $lang = 'aa'; $site = 'wikipedia'; } # This is for the IRC scripts, which now run as the apache user # The apache user doesn't have access to the wikiadmin_pass command if ( $_ENV['USER'] == 'apache' ) { #if ( posix_geteuid() == 48 ) { $wgUseNormalUser = true; } putenv( 'wikilang='.$lang); $DP = $IP; ini_set( 'include_path', ".:$IP:$IP/includes:$IP/languages:$IP/maintenance" ); if ( $lang == 'test' && $site == 'wikipedia' ) { define( 'TESTWIKI', 1 ); } #require_once( $IP.'/includes/ProfilerStub.php' ); require( $IP.'/includes/Defines.php' ); require( $IP.'/CommonSettings.php' ); if ( !$wgUseNormalUser ) { require( $IP.'/AdminSettings.php' ); } } else { $wgWikiFarm = false; if ( isset( $options['conf'] ) ) { $settingsFile = $options['conf']; } else { $settingsFile = "$IP/LocalSettings.php"; } if ( isset( $options['wiki'] ) ) { $bits = explode( '-', $options['wiki'] ); if ( count( $bits ) == 1 ) { $bits[] = ''; } define( 'MW_DB', $bits[0] ); define( 'MW_PREFIX', $bits[1] ); } if ( ! is_readable( $settingsFile ) ) { print "A copy of your installation's LocalSettings.php\n" . "must exist and be readable in the source directory.\n"; exit( 1 ); } $wgCommandLineMode = true; $DP = $IP; require_once( "$IP/includes/AutoLoader.php" ); require_once( "$IP/includes/Defines.php" ); require_once( $settingsFile ); /* ini_set( 'include_path', ".$sep$IP$sep$IP/includes$sep$IP/languages$sep$IP/maintenance" ); */ $adminSettings = isset( $options['aconf'] ) ? $options['aconf'] : "{$IP}/AdminSettings.php"; if( is_readable( $adminSettings ) ) require_once( $adminSettings ); } # Turn off output buffering again, it might have been turned on in the settings files if( ob_get_level() ) { ob_end_flush(); } # Same with these $wgCommandLineMode = true; if ( empty( $wgUseNormalUser ) && isset( $wgDBadminuser ) ) { $wgDBuser = $wgDBadminuser; $wgDBpassword = $wgDBadminpassword; if( $wgDBservers ) { foreach ( $wgDBservers as $i => $server ) { $wgDBservers[$i]['user'] = $wgDBuser; $wgDBservers[$i]['password'] = $wgDBpassword; } } if( isset( $wgLBFactoryConf['serverTemplate'] ) ) { $wgLBFactoryConf['serverTemplate']['user'] = $wgDBuser; $wgLBFactoryConf['serverTemplate']['password'] = $wgDBpassword; } } if ( defined( 'MW_CMDLINE_CALLBACK' ) ) { $fn = MW_CMDLINE_CALLBACK; $fn(); } ini_set( 'memory_limit', -1 ); if( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.2.4' ) >= 0 ) { // Send PHP warnings and errors to stderr instead of stdout. // This aids in diagnosing problems, while keeping messages // out of redirected output. if( ini_get( 'display_errors' ) ) { ini_set( 'display_errors', 'stderr' ); } // Don't touch the setting on earlier versions of PHP, // as setting it would disable output if you'd wanted it. // Note that exceptions are also sent to stderr when // command-line mode is on, regardless of PHP version. } $wgShowSQLErrors = true; require_once( "$IP/includes/Setup.php" ); require_once( "$IP/install-utils.inc" ); $wgTitle = null; # Much much faster startup than creating a title object @set_time_limit(0); $wgProfiling = false; // only for Profiler.php mode; avoids OOM errors