dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $logging = $this->dbw->tableName( 'logging' ); $logging_1_10 = $this->dbw->tableName( 'logging_1_10' ); $logging_pre_1_10 = $this->dbw->tableName( 'logging_pre_1_10' ); if ( $this->dbw->tableExists( 'logging_pre_1_10' ) && !$this->dbw->tableExists( 'logging' ) ) { # Fix previous aborted run echo "Cleaning up from previous aborted run\n"; $this->dbw->query( "RENAME TABLE $logging_pre_1_10 TO $logging", __METHOD__ ); } if ( $this->dbw->tableExists( 'logging_pre_1_10' ) ) { echo "This script has already been run to completion\n"; return; } # Create the target table if ( !$this->dbw->tableExists( 'logging_1_10' ) ) { global $wgDBTableOptions; $sql = <<dbw->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); } # Synchronise the tables echo "Doing initial sync...\n"; $this->sync( 'logging', 'logging_1_10' ); echo "Sync done\n\n"; # Rename the old table away echo "Renaming the old table to $logging_pre_1_10\n"; $this->dbw->query( "RENAME TABLE $logging TO $logging_pre_1_10", __METHOD__ ); # Copy remaining old rows # Done before the new table is active so that $copyPos is accurate echo "Doing final sync...\n"; $this->sync( 'logging_pre_1_10', 'logging_1_10' ); # Move the new table in echo "Moving the new table in...\n"; $this->dbw->query( "RENAME TABLE $logging_1_10 TO $logging", __METHOD__ ); echo "Finished.\n"; } /** * Copy all rows from $srcTable to $dstTable */ function sync( $srcTable, $dstTable ) { $batchSize = 1000; $minTs = $this->dbw->selectField( $srcTable, 'MIN(log_timestamp)', false, __METHOD__ ); $numRowsCopied = 0; while ( true ) { $maxTs = $this->dbw->selectField( $srcTable, 'MAX(log_timestamp)', false, __METHOD__ ); $copyPos = $this->dbw->selectField( $dstTable, 'MAX(log_timestamp)', false, __METHOD__ ); $percent = ( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $maxTs ) - wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $minTs ) ) / wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $copyPos ) * 100; printf( "%s %.2f%%\n", $copyPos, $percent ); # Handle all entries with timestamp equal to $copyPos if ( $copyPos !== null ) { $numRowsCopied += $this->copyExactMatch( $srcTable, $dstTable, $copyPos ); } # Now copy a batch of rows if ( $copyPos === null ) { $conds = false; } else { $conds = array( 'log_timestamp > ' . $this->dbw->addQuotes( $copyPos ) ); } $srcRes = $this->dbw->select( $srcTable, '*', $conds, __METHOD__, array( 'LIMIT' => $batchSize, 'ORDER BY' => 'log_timestamp' ) ); if ( ! $srcRes->numRows() ) { # All done break; } $batch = array(); foreach ( $srcRes as $srcRow ) { $batch[] = (array)$srcRow; } $this->dbw->insert( $dstTable, $batch, __METHOD__ ); $numRowsCopied += count( $batch ); wfWaitForSlaves( 5 ); } echo "Copied $numRowsCopied rows\n"; } function copyExactMatch( $srcTable, $dstTable, $copyPos ) { $numRowsCopied = 0; $srcRes = $this->dbw->select( $srcTable, '*', array( 'log_timestamp' => $copyPos ), __METHOD__ ); $dstRes = $this->dbw->select( $dstTable, '*', array( 'log_timestamp' => $copyPos ), __METHOD__ ); if ( $srcRes->numRows() ) { $srcRow = $srcRes->fetchObject(); $srcFields = array_keys( (array)$srcRow ); $srcRes->seek( 0 ); $dstRowsSeen = array(); # Make a hashtable of rows that already exist in the destination foreach ( $dstRes as $dstRow ) { $reducedDstRow = array(); foreach ( $srcFields as $field ) { $reducedDstRow[$field] = $dstRow->$field; } $hash = md5( serialize( $reducedDstRow ) ); $dstRowsSeen[$hash] = true; } # Copy all the source rows that aren't already in the destination foreach ( $srcRes as $srcRow ) { $hash = md5( serialize( (array)$srcRow ) ); if ( !isset( $dstRowsSeen[$hash] ) ) { $this->dbw->insert( $dstTable, (array)$srcRow, __METHOD__ ); $numRowsCopied++; } } } return $numRowsCopied; } } $ul = new UpdateLogging; $ul->execute();