'Media', NS_SPECIAL => 'Maxsus', NS_MAIN => '', NS_TALK => 'Bäxäs', NS_USER => 'Äğzä', NS_USER_TALK => "Äğzä_bäxäse", NS_WIKIPEDIA => "Wikipedia", NS_WIKIPEDIA_TALK => "Wikipedia_bäxäse", NS_IMAGE => "Räsem", NS_IMAGE_TALK => "Räsem_bäxäse", NS_MEDIAWIKI => "MediaWiki", NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK => "MediaWiki_bäxäse", NS_TEMPLATE => "Ürnäk", NS_TEMPLATE_TALK => "Ürnäk_bäxäse", NS_HELP => "Yärdäm", NS_HELP_TALK => "Yärdäm_bäxäse", NS_CATEGORY => "Törkem", NS_CATEGORY_TALK => "Törkem_bäxäse" ) + $wgNamespaceNamesEn; /* private */ $wgQuickbarSettingsTt = array( "None", "Fixed left", "Fixed right", "Floating left" ); /* private */ $wgSkinNamesTt = array( 'standard' => 'Classic', 'nostalgia' => 'Nostalgia', 'cologneblue' => 'Cologne Blue', 'davinci' => 'DaVinci', 'mono' => 'Mono', 'monobook' => 'MonoBook', 'myskin' => 'MySkin' ); /* private */ $wgDateFormatsTt = array( "köyläwsez", "Ğínwar 15, 2001", "15. Ğínwar 2001", "2001 Ğínwar 15" "2001-01-15" ); /* private */ $wgUserTogglesTt = array( "hover" => "Show hoverbox over wiki links", "underline" => "Underline links", "highlightbroken" => "Format broken links like this (alternative: like this?).", "justify" => "Justify paragraphs", "hideminor" => "Hide minor edits in recent changes", "usenewrc" => "Enhanced recent changes (not for all browsers)", "numberheadings" => "Auto-number headings", "showtoolbar" =>"Show edit toolbar", "editondblclick" => "Edit pages on double click (JavaScript)", "editsection" =>"Enable section editing via [edit] links", "editsectiononrightclick"=>"Enable section editing by right clicking
on section titles (JavaScript)", "showtoc" =>"Show table of contents
(for articles with more than 3 headings)", "rememberpassword" => "Remember password across sessions", "editwidth" => "Edit box has full width", "watchdefault" => "Add pages you edit to your watchlist", "minordefault" => "Mark all edits minor by default", "previewontop" => "Show preview before edit box and not after it", "nocache" => "Disable page caching" ); /* private */ $wgBookstoreListTt = array( "AddALL" => "http://www.addall.com/New/Partner.cgi?query=$1&type=ISBN", "PriceSCAN" => "http://www.pricescan.com/books/bookDetail.asp?isbn=$1", "Barnes & Noble" => "http://shop.barnesandnoble.com/bookSearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=$1", "Amazon.com" => "http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=$1" ); # Read language names global $wgLanguageNames; require_once( "Names.php" ); $wgLanguageNamesTt =& $wgLanguageNames; # Note to translators: # Please include the English words as synonyms. This allows people # from other wikis to contribute more easily. # /* private */ $wgMagicWordsTt = array( # ID CASE SYNONYMS MAG_REDIRECT => array( 0, '#yünältü' ), MAG_NOTOC => array( 0, '__ETYUQ__' ), MAG_FORCETOC => array( 0, '__ETTIQ__' ), MAG_TOC => array( 0, '__ET__' ), MAG_NOEDITSECTION => array( 0, '__BÜLEMTÖZÄTÜYUQ__' ), MAG_START => array( 0, '__BAŞLAW__' ), MAG_CURRENTMONTH => array( 1, 'AĞIMDAĞI_AY' ), MAG_CURRENTMONTHNAME => array( 1, 'AĞIMDAĞI_AY_İSEME' ), MAG_CURRENTDAY => array( 1, 'AĞIMDAĞI_KÖN' ), MAG_CURRENTDAYNAME => array( 1, 'AĞIMDAĞI_KÖN_İSEME' ), MAG_CURRENTYEAR => array( 1, 'AĞIMDAĞI_YIL' ), MAG_CURRENTTIME => array( 1, 'AĞIMDAĞI_WAQIT' ), MAG_NUMBEROFARTICLES => array( 1, 'MÄQÄLÄ_SANI' ), MAG_CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN => array( 1, 'AĞIMDAĞI_AY_İSEME_GEN' ), MAG_PAGENAME => array( 1, 'BİTİSEME' ), MAG_NAMESPACE => array( 1, 'İSEMARA' ), MAG_MSG => array( 0, 'STR:' ), MAG_SUBST => array( 0, 'TÖPÇEK:' ), MAG_MSGNW => array( 0, 'MSGNW:' ), MAG_END => array( 0, '__AZAQ__' ), MAG_IMG_THUMBNAIL => array( 1, 'thumbnail', 'thumb' ), MAG_IMG_RIGHT => array( 1, 'uñda' ), MAG_IMG_LEFT => array( 1, 'sulda' ), MAG_IMG_NONE => array( 1, 'yuq' ), MAG_IMG_WIDTH => array( 1, '$1px' ), MAG_IMG_CENTER => array( 1, 'center', 'centre' ), MAG_IMG_FRAMED => array( 1, 'framed', 'enframed', 'frame' ), MAG_INT => array( 0, 'EÇKE:' ), MAG_SITENAME => array( 1, 'SÄXİFÄİSEME' ), MAG_NS => array( 0, 'İA:' ), MAG_LOCALURL => array( 0, 'URINLIURL:' ), MAG_LOCALURLE => array( 0, 'URINLIURLE:' ), MAG_SERVER => array( 0, 'SERVER' ) ) + $wgMagicWordsEn; #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default messages #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Allowed characters in keys are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore (_) and # hyphen (-). If you need more characters, you may be able to change # the regex in MagicWord::initRegex # NOTE: To turn off "Current Events" in the sidebar, # set "currentevents" => "" # NOTE: To turn off "Disclaimers" in the title links, # set "disclaimers" => "" # NOTE: To turn off "Community portal" in the title links, # set "portal" => "" /* private */ $wgAllMessagesTt = array(); class LanguageTt extends LanguageUtf8 { function getDefaultUserOptions () { $opt = Language::getDefaultUserOptions(); return $opt; } function getBookstoreList () { global $wgBookstoreListTt; return $wgBookstoreListTt; } function getNamespaces() { global $wgNamespaceNamesTt; return $wgNamespaceNamesTt; } function getNsText( $index ) { global $wgNamespaceNamesTt; return $wgNamespaceNamesTt[$index]; } function getNsIndex( $text ) { global $wgNamespaceNamesTt; foreach ( $wgNamespaceNamesTt as $i => $n ) { if ( 0 == strcasecmp( $n, $text ) ) { return $i; } } return false; } function specialPage( $name ) { return $this->getNsText( Namespace::getSpecial() ) . ":" . $name; } function getQuickbarSettings() { global $wgQuickbarSettingsTt; return $wgQuickbarSettingsTt; } function getSkinNames() { global $wgSkinNamesTt; return $wgSkinNamesTt; } function getDateFormats() { global $wgDateFormatsTt; return $wgDateFormatsTt; } function getUserToggles() { global $wgUserTogglesTt; return $wgUserTogglesTt; } # Inherit userAdjust() function date( $ts, $adj = false ) { if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); } $d = (0 + substr( $ts, 6, 2 )) . ". " . $this->getMonthAbbreviation( substr( $ts, 4, 2 ) ) . " " . substr( $ts, 0, 4 ); return $d; } function time( $ts, $adj = false ) { if ( $adj ) { $ts = $this->userAdjust( $ts ); } $t = substr( $ts, 8, 2 ) . ":" . substr( $ts, 10, 2 ); return $t; } function timeanddate( $ts, $adj = false ) { return $this->date( $ts, $adj ) . ", " . $this->time( $ts, $adj ); } # Inherit rfc1123() function getValidSpecialPages() { global $wgValidSpecialPagesTt; return $wgValidSpecialPagesTt; } function getSysopSpecialPages() { global $wgSysopSpecialPagesTt; return $wgSysopSpecialPagesTt; } function getDeveloperSpecialPages() { global $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesTt; return $wgDeveloperSpecialPagesTt; } function getMessage( $key ) { global $wgAllMessagesTt; if( isset( $wgAllMessagesTt[$key] ) ) return $wgAllMessagesTt[$key]; return ""; } # Inherit iconv() # Inherit ucfirst() # Inherit lcfirst() # Inherit checkTitleEncoding() # Inherit stripForSearch() # Inherit setAltEncoding() # Inherit recodeForEdit() # Inherit recodeInput() # Inherit isRTL() # Inherit getMagicWords() function fallback8bitEncoding() { # Windows codepage 1252 is a superset of iso 8859-1 # override this to use difference source encoding to # translate incoming 8-bit URLs. return "windows-1254"; } } ?>