userCanChangeRights( $user, false ); } public function userCanChangeRights( $user, $checkIfSelf = true ) { $available = $this->changeableGroups(); return !empty( $available['add'] ) || !empty( $available['remove'] ) || ( ( $this->isself || !$checkIfSelf ) && ( !empty( $available['add-self'] ) || !empty( $available['remove-self'] ) ) ); } /** * Manage forms to be shown according to posted data. * Depending on the submit button used, call a form or a save function. * * @param $par Mixed: string if any subpage provided, else null */ public function execute( $par ) { // If the visitor doesn't have permissions to assign or remove // any groups, it's a bit silly to give them the user search prompt. $user = $this->getUser(); /* * If the user is blocked and they only have "partial" access * (e.g. they don't have the userrights permission), then don't * allow them to use Special:UserRights. */ if( $user->isBlocked() && !$user->isAllowed( 'userrights' ) ) { throw new UserBlockedError( $user->getBlock() ); } $request = $this->getRequest(); if( $par !== null ) { $this->mTarget = $par; } else { $this->mTarget = $request->getVal( 'user' ); } $available = $this->changeableGroups(); if ( $this->mTarget === null ) { /* * If the user specified no target, and they can only * edit their own groups, automatically set them as the * target. */ if ( !count( $available['add'] ) && !count( $available['remove'] ) ) $this->mTarget = $user->getName(); } if ( User::getCanonicalName( $this->mTarget ) == $user->getName() ) { $this->isself = true; } if( !$this->userCanChangeRights( $user, true ) ) { // @todo FIXME: There may be intermediate groups we can mention. $msg = $user->isAnon() ? 'userrights-nologin' : 'userrights-notallowed'; throw new PermissionsError( null, array( array( $msg ) ) ); } $this->checkReadOnly(); $this->setHeaders(); $this->outputHeader(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $out->addModuleStyles( 'mediawiki.special' ); // show the general form if ( count( $available['add'] ) || count( $available['remove'] ) ) { $this->switchForm(); } if( $request->wasPosted() ) { // save settings if( $request->getCheck( 'saveusergroups' ) ) { $reason = $request->getVal( 'user-reason' ); $tok = $request->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ); if( $user->matchEditToken( $tok, $this->mTarget ) ) { $this->saveUserGroups( $this->mTarget, $reason ); $out->redirect( $this->getSuccessURL() ); return; } } } // show some more forms if( $this->mTarget !== null ) { $this->editUserGroupsForm( $this->mTarget ); } } function getSuccessURL() { return $this->getTitle( $this->mTarget )->getFullURL(); } /** * Save user groups changes in the database. * Data comes from the editUserGroupsForm() form function * * @param $username String: username to apply changes to. * @param $reason String: reason for group change * @return null */ function saveUserGroups( $username, $reason = '' ) { $status = $this->fetchUser( $username ); if( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->getOutput()->addWikiText( $status->getWikiText() ); return; } else { $user = $status->value; } $allgroups = $this->getAllGroups(); $addgroup = array(); $removegroup = array(); // This could possibly create a highly unlikely race condition if permissions are changed between // when the form is loaded and when the form is saved. Ignoring it for the moment. foreach ( $allgroups as $group ) { // We'll tell it to remove all unchecked groups, and add all checked groups. // Later on, this gets filtered for what can actually be removed if ( $this->getRequest()->getCheck( "wpGroup-$group" ) ) { $addgroup[] = $group; } else { $removegroup[] = $group; } } $this->doSaveUserGroups( $user, $addgroup, $removegroup, $reason ); } /** * Save user groups changes in the database. * * @param $user User object * @param $add Array of groups to add * @param $remove Array of groups to remove * @param $reason String: reason for group change * @return Array: Tuple of added, then removed groups */ function doSaveUserGroups( $user, $add, $remove, $reason = '' ) { // Validate input set... $isself = ( $user->getName() == $this->getUser()->getName() ); $groups = $user->getGroups(); $changeable = $this->changeableGroups(); $addable = array_merge( $changeable['add'], $isself ? $changeable['add-self'] : array() ); $removable = array_merge( $changeable['remove'], $isself ? $changeable['remove-self'] : array() ); $remove = array_unique( array_intersect( (array)$remove, $removable, $groups ) ); $add = array_unique( array_diff( array_intersect( (array)$add, $addable ), $groups ) ); $oldGroups = $user->getGroups(); $newGroups = $oldGroups; // remove then add groups if( $remove ) { $newGroups = array_diff( $newGroups, $remove ); foreach( $remove as $group ) { $user->removeGroup( $group ); } } if( $add ) { $newGroups = array_merge( $newGroups, $add ); foreach( $add as $group ) { $user->addGroup( $group ); } } $newGroups = array_unique( $newGroups ); // Ensure that caches are cleared $user->invalidateCache(); wfDebug( 'oldGroups: ' . print_r( $oldGroups, true ) ); wfDebug( 'newGroups: ' . print_r( $newGroups, true ) ); wfRunHooks( 'UserRights', array( &$user, $add, $remove ) ); if( $newGroups != $oldGroups ) { $this->addLogEntry( $user, $oldGroups, $newGroups, $reason ); } return array( $add, $remove ); } /** * Add a rights log entry for an action. */ function addLogEntry( $user, $oldGroups, $newGroups, $reason ) { $log = new LogPage( 'rights' ); $log->addEntry( 'rights', $user->getUserPage(), $reason, array( $this->makeGroupNameListForLog( $oldGroups ), $this->makeGroupNameListForLog( $newGroups ) ) ); } /** * Edit user groups membership * @param $username String: name of the user. */ function editUserGroupsForm( $username ) { $status = $this->fetchUser( $username ); if( !$status->isOK() ) { $this->getOutput()->addWikiText( $status->getWikiText() ); return; } else { $user = $status->value; } $groups = $user->getGroups(); $this->showEditUserGroupsForm( $user, $groups ); // This isn't really ideal logging behavior, but let's not hide the // interwiki logs if we're using them as is. $this->showLogFragment( $user, $this->getOutput() ); } /** * Normalize the input username, which may be local or remote, and * return a user (or proxy) object for manipulating it. * * Side effects: error output for invalid access * @return Status object */ public function fetchUser( $username ) { global $wgUserrightsInterwikiDelimiter; $parts = explode( $wgUserrightsInterwikiDelimiter, $username ); if( count( $parts ) < 2 ) { $name = trim( $username ); $database = ''; } else { list( $name, $database ) = array_map( 'trim', $parts ); if( $database == wfWikiID() ) { $database = ''; } else { if( !$this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'userrights-interwiki' ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'userrights-no-interwiki' ); } if( !UserRightsProxy::validDatabase( $database ) ) { return Status::newFatal( 'userrights-nodatabase', $database ); } } } if( $name === '' ) { return Status::newFatal( 'nouserspecified' ); } if( $name[0] == '#' ) { // Numeric ID can be specified... // We'll do a lookup for the name internally. $id = intval( substr( $name, 1 ) ); if( $database == '' ) { $name = User::whoIs( $id ); } else { $name = UserRightsProxy::whoIs( $database, $id ); } if( !$name ) { return Status::newFatal( 'noname' ); } } else { $name = User::getCanonicalName( $name ); if( $name === false ) { // invalid name return Status::newFatal( 'nosuchusershort', $username ); } } if( $database == '' ) { $user = User::newFromName( $name ); } else { $user = UserRightsProxy::newFromName( $database, $name ); } if( !$user || $user->isAnon() ) { return Status::newFatal( 'nosuchusershort', $username ); } return Status::newGood( $user ); } function makeGroupNameList( $ids ) { if( empty( $ids ) ) { return $this->msg( 'rightsnone' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } else { return implode( ', ', $ids ); } } function makeGroupNameListForLog( $ids ) { if( empty( $ids ) ) { return ''; } else { return $this->makeGroupNameList( $ids ); } } /** * Output a form to allow searching for a user */ function switchForm() { global $wgScript; $this->getOutput()->addHTML( Html::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'get', 'action' => $wgScript, 'name' => 'uluser', 'id' => 'mw-userrights-form1' ) ) . Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() ) . Xml::fieldset( $this->msg( 'userrights-lookup-user' )->text() ) . Xml::inputLabel( $this->msg( 'userrights-user-editname' )->text(), 'user', 'username', 30, str_replace( '_', ' ', $this->mTarget ) ) . ' ' . Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'editusergroup' )->text() ) . Html::closeElement( 'fieldset' ) . Html::closeElement( 'form' ) . "\n" ); } /** * Go through used and available groups and return the ones that this * form will be able to manipulate based on the current user's system * permissions. * * @param $groups Array: list of groups the given user is in * @return Array: Tuple of addable, then removable groups */ protected function splitGroups( $groups ) { list( $addable, $removable, $addself, $removeself ) = array_values( $this->changeableGroups() ); $removable = array_intersect( array_merge( $this->isself ? $removeself : array(), $removable ), $groups ); // Can't remove groups the user doesn't have $addable = array_diff( array_merge( $this->isself ? $addself : array(), $addable ), $groups ); // Can't add groups the user does have return array( $addable, $removable ); } /** * Show the form to edit group memberships. * * @param $user User or UserRightsProxy you're editing * @param $groups Array: Array of groups the user is in */ protected function showEditUserGroupsForm( $user, $groups ) { $list = array(); foreach( $groups as $group ) { $list[] = self::buildGroupLink( $group ); } $autolist = array(); if ( $user instanceof User ) { foreach( Autopromote::getAutopromoteGroups( $user ) as $group ) { $autolist[] = self::buildGroupLink( $group ); } } $grouplist = ''; $count = count( $list ); if( $count > 0 ) { $grouplist = $this->msg( 'userrights-groupsmember', $count )->parse(); $grouplist = '

' . $grouplist . ' ' . $this->getLanguage()->listToText( $list ) . "

\n"; } $count = count( $autolist ); if( $count > 0 ) { $autogrouplistintro = $this->msg( 'userrights-groupsmember-auto', $count )->parse(); $grouplist .= '

' . $autogrouplistintro . ' ' . $this->getLanguage()->listToText( $autolist ) . "

\n"; } $userToolLinks = Linker::userToolLinks( $user->getId(), $user->getName(), false, /* default for redContribsWhenNoEdits */ Linker::TOOL_LINKS_EMAIL /* Add "send e-mail" link */ ); $this->getOutput()->addHTML( Xml::openElement( 'form', array( 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL(), 'name' => 'editGroup', 'id' => 'mw-userrights-form2' ) ) . Html::hidden( 'user', $this->mTarget ) . Html::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $this->getUser()->getEditToken( $this->mTarget ) ) . Xml::openElement( 'fieldset' ) . Xml::element( 'legend', array(), $this->msg( 'userrights-editusergroup', $user->getName() )->text() ) . $this->msg( 'editinguser' )->params( wfEscapeWikiText( $user->getName() ) )->rawParams( $userToolLinks )->parse() . $this->msg( 'userrights-groups-help', $user->getName() )->parse() . $grouplist . Xml::tags( 'p', null, $this->groupCheckboxes( $groups, $user ) ) . Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'border' => '0', 'id' => 'mw-userrights-table-outer' ) ) . " " . Xml::label( $this->msg( 'userrights-reason' )->text(), 'wpReason' ) . " " . Xml::input( 'user-reason', 60, $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'user-reason', false ), array( 'id' => 'wpReason', 'maxlength' => 255 ) ) . " " . Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'saveusergroups' )->text(), array( 'name' => 'saveusergroups' ) + Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'userrights-set' ) ) . " " . Xml::closeElement( 'table' ) . "\n" . Xml::closeElement( 'fieldset' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) . "\n" ); } /** * Format a link to a group description page * * @param $group string * @return string */ private static function buildGroupLink( $group ) { static $cache = array(); if( !isset( $cache[$group] ) ) $cache[$group] = User::makeGroupLinkHtml( $group, htmlspecialchars( User::getGroupName( $group ) ) ); return $cache[$group]; } /** * Returns an array of all groups that may be edited * @return array Array of groups that may be edited. */ protected static function getAllGroups() { return User::getAllGroups(); } /** * Adds a table with checkboxes where you can select what groups to add/remove * * @todo Just pass the username string? * @param $usergroups Array: groups the user belongs to * @param $user User a user object * @return string XHTML table element with checkboxes */ private function groupCheckboxes( $usergroups, $user ) { $allgroups = $this->getAllGroups(); $ret = ''; # Put all column info into an associative array so that extensions can # more easily manage it. $columns = array( 'unchangeable' => array(), 'changeable' => array() ); foreach( $allgroups as $group ) { $set = in_array( $group, $usergroups ); # Should the checkbox be disabled? $disabled = !( ( $set && $this->canRemove( $group ) ) || ( !$set && $this->canAdd( $group ) ) ); # Do we need to point out that this action is irreversible? $irreversible = !$disabled && ( ( $set && !$this->canAdd( $group ) ) || ( !$set && !$this->canRemove( $group ) ) ); $checkbox = array( 'set' => $set, 'disabled' => $disabled, 'irreversible' => $irreversible ); if( $disabled ) { $columns['unchangeable'][$group] = $checkbox; } else { $columns['changeable'][$group] = $checkbox; } } # Build the HTML table $ret .= Xml::openElement( 'table', array( 'border' => '0', 'class' => 'mw-userrights-groups' ) ) . "\n"; foreach( $columns as $name => $column ) { if( $column === array() ) continue; $ret .= Xml::element( 'th', null, $this->msg( 'userrights-' . $name . '-col', count( $column ) )->text() ); } $ret.= "\n\n"; foreach( $columns as $column ) { if( $column === array() ) continue; $ret .= "\t\n"; foreach( $column as $group => $checkbox ) { $attr = $checkbox['disabled'] ? array( 'disabled' => 'disabled' ) : array(); $member = User::getGroupMember( $group, $user->getName() ); if ( $checkbox['irreversible'] ) { $text = $this->msg( 'userrights-irreversible-marker', $member )->escaped(); } else { $text = htmlspecialchars( $member ); } $checkboxHtml = Xml::checkLabel( $text, "wpGroup-" . $group, "wpGroup-" . $group, $checkbox['set'], $attr ); $ret .= "\t\t" . ( $checkbox['disabled'] ? Xml::tags( 'span', array( 'class' => 'mw-userrights-disabled' ), $checkboxHtml ) : $checkboxHtml ) . "
\n"; } $ret .= "\t\n"; } $ret .= Xml::closeElement( 'tr' ) . Xml::closeElement( 'table' ); return $ret; } /** * @param $group String: the name of the group to check * @return bool Can we remove the group? */ private function canRemove( $group ) { // $this->changeableGroups()['remove'] doesn't work, of course. Thanks, // PHP. $groups = $this->changeableGroups(); return in_array( $group, $groups['remove'] ) || ( $this->isself && in_array( $group, $groups['remove-self'] ) ); } /** * @param $group string: the name of the group to check * @return bool Can we add the group? */ private function canAdd( $group ) { $groups = $this->changeableGroups(); return in_array( $group, $groups['add'] ) || ( $this->isself && in_array( $group, $groups['add-self'] ) ); } /** * Returns $this->getUser()->changeableGroups() * * @return Array array( 'add' => array( addablegroups ), 'remove' => array( removablegroups ) , 'add-self' => array( addablegroups to self), 'remove-self' => array( removable groups from self) ) */ function changeableGroups() { return $this->getUser()->changeableGroups(); } /** * Show a rights log fragment for the specified user * * @param $user User to show log for * @param $output OutputPage to use */ protected function showLogFragment( $user, $output ) { $output->addHTML( Xml::element( 'h2', null, LogPage::logName( 'rights' ) . "\n" ) ); LogEventsList::showLogExtract( $output, 'rights', $user->getUserPage() ); } }