host) map */ protected $serversByLabel; /** @var string SHA-1 of the key */ protected $keySha1; /** @var int TTL for locks to expire (work should finish in this time) */ protected $lockTTL; /** @var RedisConnRef */ protected $conn; /** @var string Pool slot value */ protected $slot; /** @var int AWAKE_* constant */ protected $onRelease; /** @var string Unique string to identify this process */ protected $session; /** @var int UNIX timestamp */ protected $slotTime; const AWAKE_ONE = 1; // wake-up if when a slot can be taken from an existing process const AWAKE_ALL = 2; // wake-up if an existing process finishes and wake up such others /** @var array List of active PoolCounterRedis objects in this script */ protected static $active = null; function __construct( $conf, $type, $key ) { parent::__construct( $conf, $type, $key ); $this->serversByLabel = $conf['servers']; $this->ring = new HashRing( array_fill_keys( array_keys( $conf['servers'] ), 100 ) ); $conf['redisConfig']['serializer'] = 'none'; // for use with Lua $this->pool = RedisConnectionPool::singleton( $conf['redisConfig'] ); $this->keySha1 = sha1( $this->key ); $met = ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ); // usually 0 in CLI mode $this->lockTTL = $met ? 2*$met : 3600; if ( self::$active === null ) { self::$active = array(); register_shutdown_function( array( __CLASS__, 'releaseAll' ) ); } } /** * @return Status Uses RediConnRef as value on success */ protected function getConnection() { if ( !isset( $this->conn ) ) { $conn = false; $servers = $this->ring->getLocations( $this->key, 3 ); ArrayUtils::consistentHashSort( $servers, $this->key ); foreach ( $servers as $server ) { $conn = $this->pool->getConnection( $this->serversByLabel[$server] ); if ( $conn ) { break; } } if ( !$conn ) { return Status::newFatal( 'pool-servererror', implode( ', ', $servers ) ); } $this->conn = $conn; } return Status::newGood( $this->conn ); } function acquireForMe() { $section = new ProfileSection( __METHOD__ ); return $this->waitForSlotOrNotif( self::AWAKE_ONE ); } function acquireForAnyone() { $section = new ProfileSection( __METHOD__ ); return $this->waitForSlotOrNotif( self::AWAKE_ALL ); } function release() { $section = new ProfileSection( __METHOD__ ); if ( $this->slot === null ) { return Status::newGood( PoolCounter::NOT_LOCKED ); // not locked } $status = $this->getConnection(); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; } $conn = $status->value; static $script = <<= 1*rMaxWorkers then -- Slots somehow got out of sync; reset the list for sanity'del',kSlots,kSlotsNextRelease) elseif'lLen',kSlots) == (1*rMaxWorkers - 1) and'zCard',kWaiting) == 0 then -- Slot list will be made full; clear it to save space (it re-inits as needed) -- since nothing is waiting on being unblocked by a push to the list'del',kSlots,kSlotsNextRelease) else -- Add slot back to pool and update the "next release" time'rPush',kSlots,rSlot)'zAdd',kSlotsNextRelease,rTime + 30,rSlot) -- Always keep renewing the expiry on use'expireAt',kSlots,math.ceil(rTime + rExpiry))'expireAt',kSlotsNextRelease,math.ceil(rTime + rExpiry)) end end -- Update an ephemeral list to wake up other clients that can -- reuse any cached work from this process. Only do this if no -- slots are currently free (e.g. clients could be waiting). if 1*rAwakeAll == 1 then local count ='zCard',kWaiting) for i = 1,count do'rPush',kWakeup,'w') end'pexpire',kWakeup,1) end return 1 LUA; try { $res = $conn->luaEval( $script, array( $this->getSlotListKey(), $this->getSlotRTimeSetKey(), $this->getWakeupListKey(), $this->getWaitSetKey(), $this->workers, $this->lockTTL, $this->slot, $this->slotTime, // used for CAS-style sanity check ( $this->onRelease === self::AWAKE_ALL ) ? 1 : 0, microtime( true ) ), 4 # number of first argument(s) that are keys ); } catch ( RedisException $e ) { return Status::newFatal( 'pool-error-unknown', $e->getMessage() ); } $this->slot = null; $this->slotTime = null; $this->onRelease = null; unset( self::$active[$this->session] ); return Status::newGood( PoolCounter::RELEASED ); } /** * @param int $doWakeup AWAKE_* constant * @return Status */ protected function waitForSlotOrNotif( $doWakeup ) { if ( $this->slot !== null ) { return Status::newGood( PoolCounter::LOCK_HELD ); // already acquired } $status = $this->getConnection(); if ( !$status->isOK() ) { return $status; } $conn = $status->value; $now = microtime( true ); try { $slot = $this->initAndPopPoolSlotList( $conn, $now ); if ( ctype_digit( $slot ) ) { // Pool slot acquired by this process $slotTime = $now; } elseif ( $slot === 'QUEUE_FULL' ) { // Too many processes are waiting for pooled processes to finish return Status::newGood( PoolCounter::QUEUE_FULL ); } elseif ( $slot === 'QUEUE_WAIT' ) { // This process is now registered as waiting $keys = ( $doWakeup == self::AWAKE_ALL ) // Wait for an open slot or wake-up signal (preferring the later) ? array( $this->getWakeupListKey(), $this->getSlotListKey() ) // Just wait for an actual pool slot : array( $this->getSlotListKey() ); $res = $conn->blPop( $keys, $this->timeout ); if ( $res === array() ) { $conn->zRem( $this->getWaitSetKey(), $this->session ); // no longer waiting return Status::newGood( PoolCounter::TIMEOUT ); } $slot = $res[1]; // pool slot or "w" for wake-up notifications $slotTime = microtime( true ); // last microtime() was a few RTTs ago // Unregister this process as waiting and bump slot "next release" time $this->registerAcquisitionTime( $conn, $slot, $slotTime ); } else { return Status::newFatal( 'pool-error-unknown', "Server gave slot '$slot'." ); } } catch ( RedisException $e ) { return Status::newFatal( 'pool-error-unknown', $e->getMessage() ); } if ( $slot !== 'w' ) { $this->slot = $slot; $this->slotTime = $slotTime; $this->onRelease = $doWakeup; self::$active[$this->session] = $this; } return Status::newGood( $slot === 'w' ? PoolCounter::DONE : PoolCounter::LOCKED ); } /** * @param RedisConnRef $conn * @param float $now UNIX timestamp * @return string|bool False on failure */ protected function initAndPopPoolSlotList( RedisConnRef $conn, $now ) { static $script = << 0 then slot ='lPop',kSlots) -- Update the slot "next release" time'zAdd',kSlotsNextRelease,rTime + rExpiry,slot) elseif'zCard',kSlotWaits) >= 1*rMaxQueue then slot = 'QUEUE_FULL' else slot = 'QUEUE_WAIT' -- Register this process as waiting'zAdd',kSlotWaits,rTime,rSess)'expireAt',kSlotWaits,math.ceil(rTime + 2*rTimeout)) end -- Always keep renewing the expiry on use'expireAt',kSlots,math.ceil(rTime + rExpiry))'expireAt',kSlotsNextRelease,math.ceil(rTime + rExpiry)) return slot LUA; return $conn->luaEval( $script, array( $this->getSlotListKey(), $this->getSlotRTimeSetKey(), $this->getWaitSetKey(), $this->workers, $this->maxqueue, $this->timeout, $this->lockTTL, $this->session, $now ), 3 # number of first argument(s) that are keys ); } /** * @param RedisConnRef $conn * @param string $slot * @param float $now * @return int|bool False on failure */ protected function registerAcquisitionTime( RedisConnRef $conn, $slot, $now ) { static $script = <<luaEval( $script, array( $this->getSlotListKey(), $this->getSlotRTimeSetKey(), $this->getWaitSetKey(), $slot, $this->lockTTL, $this->session, $now ), 3 # number of first argument(s) that are keys ); } /** * @return string */ protected function getSlotListKey() { return "poolcounter:l-slots-{$this->keySha1}-{$this->workers}"; } /** * @return string */ protected function getSlotRTimeSetKey() { return "poolcounter:z-renewtime-{$this->keySha1}-{$this->workers}"; } /** * @return string */ protected function getWaitSetKey() { return "poolcounter:z-wait-{$this->keySha1}-{$this->workers}"; } /** * @return string */ protected function getWakeupListKey() { return "poolcounter:l-wakeup-{$this->keySha1}-{$this->workers}"; } /** * Try to make sure that locks get released (even with exceptions and fatals) */ public static function releaseAll() { foreach ( self::$active as $poolCounter ) { try { if ( $poolCounter->slot !== null ) { $poolCounter->release(); } } catch ( Exception $e ) { } } } }