alternate table name) */ private $keywordTableMap = []; /** * @see Database::__construct() * @param array $params Additional parameters include: * - keywordTableMap : Map of reserved table names to alternative table names to use */ public function __construct( array $params ) { $this->port = $params['port'] ?? false; $this->keywordTableMap = $params['keywordTableMap'] ?? []; parent::__construct( $params ); } public function getType() { return 'postgres'; } public function implicitGroupby() { return false; } public function implicitOrderby() { return false; } public function hasConstraint( $name ) { foreach ( $this->getCoreSchemas() as $schema ) { $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " . "WHERE c.connamespace = n.oid AND conname = " . $this->addQuotes( $name ) . " AND n.nspname = " . $this->addQuotes( $schema ); $res = $this->doQuery( $sql ); if ( $res && $this->numRows( $res ) ) { return true; } } return false; } public function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName ) { # Test for Postgres support, to avoid suppressed fatal error if ( !function_exists( 'pg_connect' ) ) { throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "Postgres functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-pgsql\n" . "option? (Note: if you recently installed PHP, you may need to restart your\n" . "webserver and database)\n" ); } $this->server = $server; $this->user = $user; $this->password = $password; $this->dbName = $dbName; $connectVars = [ // pg_connect() user $user as the default database. Since a database is *required*, // at least pick a "don't care" database that is more likely to exist. This case // arrises when LoadBalancer::getConnection( $i, [], '' ) is used. 'dbname' => strlen( $dbName ) ? $dbName : 'postgres', 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password ]; if ( $server != false && $server != '' ) { $connectVars['host'] = $server; } if ( (int)$this->port > 0 ) { $connectVars['port'] = (int)$this->port; } if ( $this->flags & self::DBO_SSL ) { $connectVars['sslmode'] = 1; } $this->connectString = $this->makeConnectionString( $connectVars ); $this->close(); $this->installErrorHandler(); try { // Use new connections to let LoadBalancer/LBFactory handle reuse $this->conn = pg_connect( $this->connectString, PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { $this->restoreErrorHandler(); throw $ex; } $phpError = $this->restoreErrorHandler(); if ( !$this->conn ) { $this->queryLogger->debug( "DB connection error\n" . "Server: $server, Database: $dbName, User: $user, Password: " . substr( $password, 0, 3 ) . "...\n" ); $this->queryLogger->debug( $this->lastError() . "\n" ); throw new DBConnectionError( $this, str_replace( "\n", ' ', $phpError ) ); } $this->opened = true; # If called from the command-line (e.g. importDump), only show errors if ( $this->cliMode ) { $this->doQuery( "SET client_min_messages = 'ERROR'" ); } $this->query( "SET client_encoding='UTF8'", __METHOD__ ); $this->query( "SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'", __METHOD__ ); $this->query( "SET timezone = 'GMT'", __METHOD__ ); $this->query( "SET standard_conforming_strings = on", __METHOD__ ); $this->query( "SET bytea_output = 'escape'", __METHOD__ ); // PHP bug 53127 $this->determineCoreSchema( $this->schema ); // The schema to be used is now in the search path; no need for explicit qualification $this->schema = ''; return $this->conn; } public function databasesAreIndependent() { return true; } /** * Postgres doesn't support selectDB in the same way MySQL does. So if the * DB name doesn't match the open connection, open a new one * @param string $db * @return bool * @throws DBUnexpectedError */ public function selectDB( $db ) { if ( $this->dbName !== $db ) { return (bool)$this->open( $this->server, $this->user, $this->password, $db ); } else { return true; } } /** * @param string[] $vars * @return string */ private function makeConnectionString( $vars ) { $s = ''; foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { $s .= "$name='" . str_replace( "'", "\\'", $value ) . "' "; } return $s; } protected function closeConnection() { return $this->conn ? pg_close( $this->conn ) : true; } protected function isTransactableQuery( $sql ) { return parent::isTransactableQuery( $sql ) && !preg_match( '/^SELECT\s+pg_(try_|)advisory_\w+\(/', $sql ); } public function doQuery( $sql ) { $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); $sql = mb_convert_encoding( $sql, 'UTF-8' ); // Clear previously left over PQresult while ( $res = pg_get_result( $conn ) ) { pg_free_result( $res ); } if ( pg_send_query( $conn, $sql ) === false ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Unable to post new query to PostgreSQL\n" ); } $this->lastResultHandle = pg_get_result( $conn ); if ( pg_result_error( $this->lastResultHandle ) ) { return false; } return $this->lastResultHandle; } protected function dumpError() { $diags = [ PGSQL_DIAG_SEVERITY, PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE, PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY, PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL, PGSQL_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT, PGSQL_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION, PGSQL_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION, PGSQL_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY, PGSQL_DIAG_CONTEXT, PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE, PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE, PGSQL_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION ]; foreach ( $diags as $d ) { $this->queryLogger->debug( sprintf( "PgSQL ERROR(%d): %s\n", $d, pg_result_error_field( $this->lastResultHandle, $d ) ) ); } } public function freeResult( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $ok = pg_free_result( $res ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( !$ok ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Unable to free Postgres result\n" ); } } public function fetchObject( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $row = pg_fetch_object( $res ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); # @todo FIXME: HACK HACK HACK HACK debug # @todo hashar: not sure if the following test really trigger if the object # fetching failed. $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); if ( pg_last_error( $conn ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $conn ) ) ); } return $row; } public function fetchRow( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $row = pg_fetch_array( $res ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); if ( pg_last_error( $conn ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $conn ) ) ); } return $row; } public function numRows( $res ) { if ( $res === false ) { return 0; } if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $n = pg_num_rows( $res ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); if ( pg_last_error( $conn ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $conn ) ) ); } return $n; } public function numFields( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_num_fields( $res ); } public function fieldName( $res, $n ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_field_name( $res, $n ); } public function insertId() { $res = $this->query( "SELECT lastval()" ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); return is_null( $row[0] ) ? null : (int)$row[0]; } public function dataSeek( $res, $row ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_result_seek( $res, $row ); } public function lastError() { if ( $this->conn ) { if ( $this->lastResultHandle ) { return pg_result_error( $this->lastResultHandle ); } else { return pg_last_error(); } } return $this->getLastPHPError() ?: 'No database connection'; } public function lastErrno() { if ( $this->lastResultHandle ) { return pg_result_error_field( $this->lastResultHandle, PGSQL_DIAG_SQLSTATE ); } else { return false; } } protected function fetchAffectedRowCount() { if ( !$this->lastResultHandle ) { return 0; } return pg_affected_rows( $this->lastResultHandle ); } /** * Estimate rows in dataset * Returns estimated count, based on EXPLAIN output * This is not necessarily an accurate estimate, so use sparingly * Returns -1 if count cannot be found * Takes same arguments as Database::select() * * @param string $table * @param string $var * @param string $conds * @param string $fname * @param array $options * @param array $join_conds * @return int */ public function estimateRowCount( $table, $var = '*', $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { $conds = $this->normalizeConditions( $conds, $fname ); $column = $this->extractSingleFieldFromList( $var ); if ( is_string( $column ) && !in_array( $column, [ '*', '1' ] ) ) { $conds[] = "$column IS NOT NULL"; } $options['EXPLAIN'] = true; $res = $this->select( $table, $var, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); $rows = -1; if ( $res ) { $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); $count = []; if ( preg_match( '/rows=(\d+)/', $row[0], $count ) ) { $rows = (int)$count[1]; } } return $rows; } public function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $sql = "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='$table'"; $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname ); if ( !$res ) { return null; } foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $row->indexname == $this->indexName( $index ) ) { return $row; } } return false; } public function indexAttributes( $index, $schema = false ) { if ( $schema === false ) { $schemas = $this->getCoreSchemas(); } else { $schemas = [ $schema ]; } $eindex = $this->addQuotes( $index ); foreach ( $schemas as $schema ) { $eschema = $this->addQuotes( $schema ); /* * A subquery would be not needed if we didn't care about the order * of attributes, but we do */ $sql = <<<__INDEXATTR__ SELECT opcname, attname, i.indoption[s.g] as option, pg_am.amname FROM (SELECT generate_series(array_lower(isub.indkey,1), array_upper(isub.indkey,1)) AS g FROM pg_index isub JOIN pg_class cis ON cis.oid=isub.indexrelid JOIN pg_namespace ns ON cis.relnamespace = ns.oid WHERE cis.relname=$eindex AND ns.nspname=$eschema) AS s, pg_attribute, pg_opclass opcls, pg_am, pg_class ci JOIN pg_index i ON ci.oid=i.indexrelid JOIN pg_class ct ON ct.oid = i.indrelid JOIN pg_namespace n ON ci.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE ci.relname=$eindex AND n.nspname=$eschema AND attrelid = ct.oid AND i.indkey[s.g] = attnum AND i.indclass[s.g] = opcls.oid AND pg_am.oid = opcls.opcmethod __INDEXATTR__; $res = $this->query( $sql, __METHOD__ ); $a = []; if ( $res ) { foreach ( $res as $row ) { $a[] = [ $row->attname, $row->opcname, $row->amname, $row->option ]; } return $a; } } return null; } public function indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $sql = "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='{$table}'" . " AND indexdef LIKE 'CREATE UNIQUE%(" . $this->strencode( $this->indexName( $index ) ) . ")'"; $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname ); if ( !$res ) { return null; } return $res->numRows() > 0; } public function selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds = '', $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { if ( is_string( $options ) ) { $options = [ $options ]; } // Change the FOR UPDATE option as necessary based on the join conditions. Then pass // to the parent function to get the actual SQL text. // In Postgres when using FOR UPDATE, only the main table and tables that are inner joined // can be locked. That means tables in an outer join cannot be FOR UPDATE locked. Trying to // do so causes a DB error. This wrapper checks which tables can be locked and adjusts it // accordingly. // MySQL uses "ORDER BY NULL" as an optimization hint, but that is illegal in PostgreSQL. if ( is_array( $options ) ) { $forUpdateKey = array_search( 'FOR UPDATE', $options, true ); if ( $forUpdateKey !== false && $join_conds ) { unset( $options[$forUpdateKey] ); $options['FOR UPDATE'] = []; $toCheck = $table; reset( $toCheck ); while ( $toCheck ) { $alias = key( $toCheck ); $name = $toCheck[$alias]; unset( $toCheck[$alias] ); $hasAlias = !is_numeric( $alias ); if ( !$hasAlias && is_string( $name ) ) { $alias = $name; } if ( !isset( $join_conds[$alias] ) || !preg_match( '/^(?:LEFT|RIGHT|FULL)(?: OUTER)? JOIN$/i', $join_conds[$alias][0] ) ) { if ( is_array( $name ) ) { // It's a parenthesized group, process all the tables inside the group. $toCheck = array_merge( $toCheck, $name ); } else { // Quote alias names so $this->tableName() won't mangle them $options['FOR UPDATE'][] = $hasAlias ? $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $alias ) : $alias; } } } } if ( isset( $options['ORDER BY'] ) && $options['ORDER BY'] == 'NULL' ) { unset( $options['ORDER BY'] ); } } return parent::selectSQLText( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function insert( $table, $args, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) { if ( !count( $args ) ) { return true; } $table = $this->tableName( $table ); if ( !isset( $this->numericVersion ) ) { $this->getServerVersion(); } if ( !is_array( $options ) ) { $options = [ $options ]; } if ( isset( $args[0] ) && is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $rows = $args; $keys = array_keys( $args[0] ); } else { $rows = [ $args ]; $keys = array_keys( $args ); } $ignore = in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ); $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (" . implode( ',', $keys ) . ') VALUES '; if ( $this->numericVersion >= 9.5 || !$ignore ) { // No IGNORE or our PG has "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" $first = true; foreach ( $rows as $row ) { if ( $first ) { $first = false; } else { $sql .= ','; } $sql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $row ) . ')'; } if ( $ignore ) { $sql .= ' ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING'; } $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } else { // Emulate IGNORE by doing each row individually, with savepoints // to roll back as necessary. $numrowsinserted = 0; $tok = $this->startAtomic( "$fname (outer)", self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); try { foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $tempsql = $sql; $tempsql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $row ) . ')'; $this->startAtomic( "$fname (inner)", self::ATOMIC_CANCELABLE ); try { $this->query( $tempsql, $fname ); $this->endAtomic( "$fname (inner)" ); $numrowsinserted++; } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { $this->cancelAtomic( "$fname (inner)" ); // Our IGNORE is supposed to ignore duplicate key errors, but not others. // (even though MySQL's version apparently ignores all errors) if ( $e->errno !== '23505' ) { throw $e; } } } } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->cancelAtomic( "$fname (outer)", $tok ); throw $e; } $this->endAtomic( "$fname (outer)" ); // Set the affected row count for the whole operation $this->affectedRowCount = $numrowsinserted; } return true; } /** * INSERT SELECT wrapper * $varMap must be an associative array of the form [ 'dest1' => 'source1', ... ] * Source items may be literals rather then field names, but strings should * be quoted with Database::addQuotes() * $conds may be "*" to copy the whole table * srcTable may be an array of tables. * @todo FIXME: Implement this a little better (seperate select/insert)? * * @param string $destTable * @param array|string $srcTable * @param array $varMap * @param array $conds * @param string $fname * @param array $insertOptions * @param array $selectOptions * @param array $selectJoinConds * @return bool */ public function nativeInsertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $insertOptions = [], $selectOptions = [], $selectJoinConds = [] ) { if ( !is_array( $insertOptions ) ) { $insertOptions = [ $insertOptions ]; } if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ) { if ( $this->getServerVersion() >= 9.5 ) { // Use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING if we have it for IGNORE $destTable = $this->tableName( $destTable ); $selectSql = $this->selectSQLText( $srcTable, array_values( $varMap ), $conds, $fname, $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ); $sql = "INSERT INTO $destTable (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $varMap ) ) . ') ' . $selectSql . ' ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING'; return $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } else { // IGNORE and we don't have ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING, so just use the non-native version return $this->nonNativeInsertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname, $insertOptions, $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ); } } return parent::nativeInsertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname, $insertOptions, $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ); } public function tableName( $name, $format = 'quoted' ) { // Replace reserved words with better ones $name = $this->remappedTableName( $name ); return parent::tableName( $name, $format ); } /** * @param string $name * @return string Value of $name or remapped name if $name is a reserved keyword */ public function remappedTableName( $name ) { return $this->keywordTableMap[$name] ?? $name; } /** * @param string $name * @param string $format * @return string Qualified and encoded (if requested) table name */ public function realTableName( $name, $format = 'quoted' ) { return parent::tableName( $name, $format ); } public function nextSequenceValue( $seqName ) { return new NextSequenceValue; } /** * Return the current value of a sequence. Assumes it has been nextval'ed in this session. * * @param string $seqName * @return int */ public function currentSequenceValue( $seqName ) { $safeseq = str_replace( "'", "''", $seqName ); $res = $this->query( "SELECT currval('$safeseq')" ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); $currval = $row[0]; return $currval; } public function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $sql = "SELECT t.typname as ftype,a.atttypmod as size FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE relname='$table' AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid and a.attname='$field'"; $res = $this->query( $sql ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row->ftype == 'varchar' ) { $size = $row->size - 4; } else { $size = $row->size; } return $size; } public function limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset = false ) { return "$sql LIMIT $limit " . ( is_numeric( $offset ) ? " OFFSET {$offset} " : '' ); } public function wasDeadlock() { // return $this->lastErrno() === '40P01'; } public function wasLockTimeout() { // return $this->lastErrno() === '55P03'; } public function wasConnectionError( $errno ) { // static $codes = [ '08000', '08003', '08006', '08001', '08004', '57P01', '57P03', '53300' ]; return in_array( $errno, $codes, true ); } protected function wasKnownStatementRollbackError() { return false; // transaction has to be rolled-back from error state } public function duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $newNameE = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $newName ); $oldNameE = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $oldName ); $temporary = $temporary ? 'TEMPORARY' : ''; $ret = $this->query( "CREATE $temporary TABLE $newNameE " . "(LIKE $oldNameE INCLUDING DEFAULTS INCLUDING INDEXES)", $fname ); if ( !$ret ) { return $ret; } $res = $this->query( 'SELECT attname FROM pg_class c' . ' JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)' . ' JOIN pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid = c.oid)' . ' JOIN pg_attrdef d ON (c.oid=d.adrelid and a.attnum=d.adnum)' . ' WHERE relkind = \'r\'' . ' AND nspname = ' . $this->addQuotes( $this->getCoreSchema() ) . ' AND relname = ' . $this->addQuotes( $oldName ) . ' AND adsrc LIKE \'nextval(%\'', $fname ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row ) { $field = $row->attname; $newSeq = "{$newName}_{$field}_seq"; $fieldE = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $field ); $newSeqE = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $newSeq ); $newSeqQ = $this->addQuotes( $newSeq ); $this->query( "CREATE $temporary SEQUENCE $newSeqE OWNED BY $newNameE.$fieldE", $fname ); $this->query( "ALTER TABLE $newNameE ALTER COLUMN $fieldE SET DEFAULT nextval({$newSeqQ}::regclass)", $fname ); } return $ret; } public function resetSequenceForTable( $table, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table, 'raw' ); foreach ( $this->getCoreSchemas() as $schema ) { $res = $this->query( 'SELECT c.oid FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)' . ' WHERE relkind = \'r\'' . ' AND nspname = ' . $this->addQuotes( $schema ) . ' AND relname = ' . $this->addQuotes( $table ), $fname ); if ( !$res || !$this->numRows( $res ) ) { continue; } $oid = $this->fetchObject( $res )->oid; $res = $this->query( 'SELECT adsrc FROM pg_attribute a' . ' JOIN pg_attrdef d ON (a.attrelid=d.adrelid and a.attnum=d.adnum)' . " WHERE a.attrelid = $oid" . ' AND adsrc LIKE \'nextval(%\'', $fname ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row ) { $this->query( 'SELECT ' . preg_replace( '/^nextval\((.+)\)$/', 'setval($1,1,false)', $row->adsrc ), $fname ); return true; } return false; } return false; } public function listTables( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $eschemas = implode( ',', array_map( [ $this, 'addQuotes' ], $this->getCoreSchemas() ) ); $result = $this->query( "SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname IN ($eschemas)", $fname ); $endArray = []; foreach ( $result as $table ) { $vars = get_object_vars( $table ); $table = array_pop( $vars ); if ( !$prefix || strpos( $table, $prefix ) === 0 ) { $endArray[] = $table; } } return $endArray; } public function timestamp( $ts = 0 ) { $ct = new ConvertibleTimestamp( $ts ); return $ct->getTimestamp( TS_POSTGRES ); } /** * Posted by cc[plus]php[at]c2se[dot]com on 25-Mar-2009 09:12 * to * * Parsing a postgres array can be a tricky problem, he's my * take on this, it handles multi-dimensional arrays plus * escaping using a nasty regexp to determine the limits of each * data-item. * * This should really be handled by PHP PostgreSQL module * * @since 1.19 * @param string $text Postgreql array returned in a text form like {a,b} * @param string[] $output * @param int|bool $limit * @param int $offset * @return string[] */ private function pg_array_parse( $text, &$output, $limit = false, $offset = 1 ) { if ( false === $limit ) { $limit = strlen( $text ) - 1; $output = []; } if ( '{}' == $text ) { return $output; } do { if ( '{' != $text[$offset] ) { preg_match( "/(\\{?\"([^\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\"|[^,{}]+)+([,}]+)/", $text, $match, 0, $offset ); $offset += strlen( $match[0] ); $output[] = ( '"' != $match[1][0] ? $match[1] : stripcslashes( substr( $match[1], 1, -1 ) ) ); if ( '},' == $match[3] ) { return $output; } } else { $offset = $this->pg_array_parse( $text, $output, $limit, $offset + 1 ); } } while ( $limit > $offset ); return $output; } public function aggregateValue( $valuedata, $valuename = 'value' ) { return $valuedata; } public function getSoftwareLink() { return '[{{int:version-db-postgres-url}} PostgreSQL]'; } /** * Return current schema (executes SELECT current_schema()) * Needs transaction * * @since 1.19 * @return string Default schema for the current session */ public function getCurrentSchema() { $res = $this->query( "SELECT current_schema()", __METHOD__ ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); return $row[0]; } /** * Return list of schemas which are accessible without schema name * This is list does not contain magic keywords like "$user" * Needs transaction * * @see getSearchPath() * @see setSearchPath() * @since 1.19 * @return array List of actual schemas for the current sesson */ public function getSchemas() { $res = $this->query( "SELECT current_schemas(false)", __METHOD__ ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); $schemas = []; /* PHP pgsql support does not support array type, "{a,b}" string is returned */ return $this->pg_array_parse( $row[0], $schemas ); } /** * Return search patch for schemas * This is different from getSchemas() since it contain magic keywords * (like "$user"). * Needs transaction * * @since 1.19 * @return array How to search for table names schemas for the current user */ public function getSearchPath() { $res = $this->query( "SHOW search_path", __METHOD__ ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); /* PostgreSQL returns SHOW values as strings */ return explode( ",", $row[0] ); } /** * Update search_path, values should already be sanitized * Values may contain magic keywords like "$user" * @since 1.19 * * @param array $search_path List of schemas to be searched by default */ private function setSearchPath( $search_path ) { $this->query( "SET search_path = " . implode( ", ", $search_path ) ); } /** * Determine default schema for the current application * Adjust this session schema search path if desired schema exists * and is not alread there. * * We need to have name of the core schema stored to be able * to query database metadata. * * This will be also called by the installer after the schema is created * * @since 1.19 * * @param string $desiredSchema */ public function determineCoreSchema( $desiredSchema ) { $this->begin( __METHOD__, self::TRANSACTION_INTERNAL ); if ( $this->schemaExists( $desiredSchema ) ) { if ( in_array( $desiredSchema, $this->getSchemas() ) ) { $this->coreSchema = $desiredSchema; $this->queryLogger->debug( "Schema \"" . $desiredSchema . "\" already in the search path\n" ); } else { /** * Prepend our schema (e.g. 'mediawiki') in front * of the search path * Fixes T17816 */ $search_path = $this->getSearchPath(); array_unshift( $search_path, $this->addIdentifierQuotes( $desiredSchema ) ); $this->setSearchPath( $search_path ); $this->coreSchema = $desiredSchema; $this->queryLogger->debug( "Schema \"" . $desiredSchema . "\" added to the search path\n" ); } } else { $this->coreSchema = $this->getCurrentSchema(); $this->queryLogger->debug( "Schema \"" . $desiredSchema . "\" not found, using current \"" . $this->coreSchema . "\"\n" ); } /* Commit SET otherwise it will be rollbacked on error or IGNORE SELECT */ $this->commit( __METHOD__, self::FLUSHING_INTERNAL ); } /** * Return schema name for core application tables * * @since 1.19 * @return string Core schema name */ public function getCoreSchema() { return $this->coreSchema; } /** * Return schema names for temporary tables and core application tables * * @since 1.31 * @return string[] schema names */ public function getCoreSchemas() { if ( $this->tempSchema ) { return [ $this->tempSchema, $this->getCoreSchema() ]; } $res = $this->query( "SELECT nspname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE n.oid = pg_my_temp_schema()", __METHOD__ ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row ) { $this->tempSchema = $row->nspname; return [ $this->tempSchema, $this->getCoreSchema() ]; } return [ $this->getCoreSchema() ]; } public function getServerVersion() { if ( !isset( $this->numericVersion ) ) { $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); $versionInfo = pg_version( $conn ); if ( version_compare( $versionInfo['client'], '7.4.0', 'lt' ) ) { // Old client, abort install $this->numericVersion = '7.3 or earlier'; } elseif ( isset( $versionInfo['server'] ) ) { // Normal client $this->numericVersion = $versionInfo['server']; } else { // T18937: broken pgsql extension from PHP<5.3 $this->numericVersion = pg_parameter_status( $conn, 'server_version' ); } } return $this->numericVersion; } /** * Query whether a given relation exists (in the given schema, or the * default mw one if not given) * @param string $table * @param array|string $types * @param bool|string $schema * @return bool */ private function relationExists( $table, $types, $schema = false ) { if ( !is_array( $types ) ) { $types = [ $types ]; } if ( $schema === false ) { $schemas = $this->getCoreSchemas(); } else { $schemas = [ $schema ]; } $table = $this->realTableName( $table, 'raw' ); $etable = $this->addQuotes( $table ); foreach ( $schemas as $schema ) { $eschema = $this->addQuotes( $schema ); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " . "WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relname = $etable AND n.nspname = $eschema " . "AND c.relkind IN ('" . implode( "','", $types ) . "')"; $res = $this->query( $sql ); if ( $res && $res->numRows() ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * For backward compatibility, this function checks both tables and views. * @param string $table * @param string $fname * @param bool|string $schema * @return bool */ public function tableExists( $table, $fname = __METHOD__, $schema = false ) { return $this->relationExists( $table, [ 'r', 'v' ], $schema ); } public function sequenceExists( $sequence, $schema = false ) { return $this->relationExists( $sequence, 'S', $schema ); } public function triggerExists( $table, $trigger ) { $q = <<getCoreSchemas() as $schema ) { $res = $this->query( sprintf( $q, $this->addQuotes( $schema ), $this->addQuotes( $table ), $this->addQuotes( $trigger ) ) ); if ( $res && $res->numRows() ) { return true; } } return false; } public function ruleExists( $table, $rule ) { $exists = $this->selectField( 'pg_rules', 'rulename', [ 'rulename' => $rule, 'tablename' => $table, 'schemaname' => $this->getCoreSchemas() ] ); return $exists === $rule; } public function constraintExists( $table, $constraint ) { foreach ( $this->getCoreSchemas() as $schema ) { $sql = sprintf( "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.table_constraints " . "WHERE constraint_schema = %s AND table_name = %s AND constraint_name = %s", $this->addQuotes( $schema ), $this->addQuotes( $table ), $this->addQuotes( $constraint ) ); $res = $this->query( $sql ); if ( $res && $res->numRows() ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Query whether a given schema exists. Returns true if it does, false if it doesn't. * @param string $schema * @return bool */ public function schemaExists( $schema ) { if ( !strlen( $schema ) ) { return false; // short-circuit } $exists = $this->selectField( '"pg_catalog"."pg_namespace"', 1, [ 'nspname' => $schema ], __METHOD__ ); return (bool)$exists; } /** * Returns true if a given role (i.e. user) exists, false otherwise. * @param string $roleName * @return bool */ public function roleExists( $roleName ) { $exists = $this->selectField( '"pg_catalog"."pg_roles"', 1, [ 'rolname' => $roleName ], __METHOD__ ); return (bool)$exists; } /** * @param string $table * @param string $field * @return PostgresField|null */ public function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) { return PostgresField::fromText( $this, $table, $field ); } /** * pg_field_type() wrapper * @param ResultWrapper|resource $res ResultWrapper or PostgreSQL query result resource * @param int $index Field number, starting from 0 * @return string */ public function fieldType( $res, $index ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_field_type( $res, $index ); } public function encodeBlob( $b ) { return new PostgresBlob( pg_escape_bytea( $b ) ); } public function decodeBlob( $b ) { if ( $b instanceof PostgresBlob ) { $b = $b->fetch(); } elseif ( $b instanceof Blob ) { return $b->fetch(); } return pg_unescape_bytea( $b ); } public function strencode( $s ) { // Should not be called by us return pg_escape_string( $this->getBindingHandle(), (string)$s ); } public function addQuotes( $s ) { $conn = $this->getBindingHandle(); if ( is_null( $s ) ) { return 'NULL'; } elseif ( is_bool( $s ) ) { return intval( $s ); } elseif ( $s instanceof Blob ) { if ( $s instanceof PostgresBlob ) { $s = $s->fetch(); } else { $s = pg_escape_bytea( $conn, $s->fetch() ); } return "'$s'"; } elseif ( $s instanceof NextSequenceValue ) { return 'DEFAULT'; } return "'" . pg_escape_string( $conn, (string)$s ) . "'"; } public function makeSelectOptions( $options ) { $preLimitTail = $postLimitTail = ''; $startOpts = $useIndex = $ignoreIndex = ''; $noKeyOptions = []; foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) { if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) { $noKeyOptions[$option] = true; } } $preLimitTail .= $this->makeGroupByWithHaving( $options ); $preLimitTail .= $this->makeOrderBy( $options ); if ( isset( $options['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) { $postLimitTail .= ' FOR UPDATE OF ' . implode( ', ', array_map( [ $this, 'tableName' ], $options['FOR UPDATE'] ) ); } elseif ( isset( $noKeyOptions['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) { $postLimitTail .= ' FOR UPDATE'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCT'] ) || isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCTROW'] ) ) { $startOpts .= 'DISTINCT'; } return [ $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail, $ignoreIndex ]; } public function getDBname() { return $this->dbName; } public function getServer() { return $this->server; } public function buildConcat( $stringList ) { return implode( ' || ', $stringList ); } public function buildGroupConcatField( $delimiter, $table, $field, $conds = '', $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { $fld = "array_to_string(array_agg($field)," . $this->addQuotes( $delimiter ) . ')'; return '(' . $this->selectSQLText( $table, $fld, $conds, null, [], $join_conds ) . ')'; } public function buildStringCast( $field ) { return $field . '::text'; } public function streamStatementEnd( &$sql, &$newLine ) { # Allow dollar quoting for function declarations if ( substr( $newLine, 0, 4 ) == '$mw$' ) { if ( $this->delimiter ) { $this->delimiter = false; } else { $this->delimiter = ';'; } } return parent::streamStatementEnd( $sql, $newLine ); } public function doLockTables( array $read, array $write, $method ) { $tablesWrite = []; foreach ( $write as $table ) { $tablesWrite[] = $this->tableName( $table ); } $tablesRead = []; foreach ( $read as $table ) { $tablesRead[] = $this->tableName( $table ); } // Acquire locks for the duration of the current transaction... if ( $tablesWrite ) { $this->query( 'LOCK TABLE ONLY ' . implode( ',', $tablesWrite ) . ' IN EXCLUSIVE MODE', $method ); } if ( $tablesRead ) { $this->query( 'LOCK TABLE ONLY ' . implode( ',', $tablesRead ) . ' IN SHARE MODE', $method ); } return true; } public function lockIsFree( $lockName, $method ) { if ( !parent::lockIsFree( $lockName, $method ) ) { return false; // already held } // $key = $this->addQuotes( $this->bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) ); $result = $this->query( "SELECT (CASE(pg_try_advisory_lock($key)) WHEN 'f' THEN 'f' ELSE pg_advisory_unlock($key) END) AS lockstatus", $method ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $result ); return ( $row->lockstatus === 't' ); } public function lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout = 5 ) { // $key = $this->addQuotes( $this->bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) ); $loop = new WaitConditionLoop( function () use ( $lockName, $key, $timeout, $method ) { $res = $this->query( "SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock($key) AS lockstatus", $method ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row->lockstatus === 't' ) { parent::lock( $lockName, $method, $timeout ); // record return true; } return WaitConditionLoop::CONDITION_CONTINUE; }, $timeout ); return ( $loop->invoke() === $loop::CONDITION_REACHED ); } public function unlock( $lockName, $method ) { // $key = $this->addQuotes( $this->bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) ); $result = $this->query( "SELECT pg_advisory_unlock($key) as lockstatus", $method ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $result ); if ( $row->lockstatus === 't' ) { parent::unlock( $lockName, $method ); // record return true; } $this->queryLogger->debug( __METHOD__ . " failed to release lock\n" ); return false; } public function serverIsReadOnly() { $res = $this->query( "SHOW default_transaction_read_only", __METHOD__ ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); return $row ? ( strtolower( $row->default_transaction_read_only ) === 'on' ) : false; } /** * @param string $lockName * @return string Integer */ private function bigintFromLockName( $lockName ) { return \Wikimedia\base_convert( substr( sha1( $lockName ), 0, 15 ), 16, 10 ); } } /** * @deprecated since 1.29 */ class_alias( DatabasePostgres::class, 'DatabasePostgres' );