'application/vnd.ms-excel', '00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046' => 'application/vnd.ms-excel', '00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046' => 'application/msword', '64818D10-4F9B-11CF-86EA-00AA00B929E8' => 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', ]; /** * Read a file by name * * @param string $fileName The full path to the file * @return array An associative array of information about the file: * - valid: true if the file is valid, false otherwise * - error: An error message in English, should be present if valid=false * - errorCode: One of the self::ERROR_* constants * - mime: The MIME type detected from the directory contents * - mimeFromClsid: The MIME type detected from the CLSID on the root * directory entry */ public static function readFile( $fileName ) { $handle = fopen( $fileName, 'r' ); if ( $handle === false ) { return [ 'valid' => false, 'error' => 'file does not exist', 'errorCode' => self::ERROR_FILE_OPEN ]; } return self::readHandle( $handle ); } /** * Read from an open seekable handle * * @param resource $fileHandle The file handle * @return array An associative array of information about the file: * - valid: true if the file is valid, false otherwise * - error: An error message in English, should be present if valid=false * - errorCode: One of the self::ERROR_* constants * - mime: The MIME type detected from the directory contents * - mimeFromClsid: The MIME type detected from the CLSID on the root * directory entry */ public static function readHandle( $fileHandle ) { $reader = new self( $fileHandle ); $info = [ 'valid' => $reader->valid, 'mime' => $reader->mime, 'mimeFromClsid' => $reader->mimeFromClsid ]; if ( $reader->error ) { $info['error'] = $reader->error; $info['errorCode'] = $reader->errorCode; } return $info; } private function __construct( $fileHandle ) { $this->file = $fileHandle; try { $this->init(); } catch ( RuntimeException $e ) { $this->valid = false; $this->error = $e->getMessage(); $this->errorCode = $e->getCode(); } } private function init() { $this->header = $this->unpackOffset( 0, [ 'header_signature' => 8, 'header_clsid' => 16, 'minor_version' => 2, 'major_version' => 2, 'byte_order' => 2, 'sector_shift' => 2, 'mini_sector_shift' => 2, 'reserved' => 6, 'num_dir_sectors' => 4, 'num_fat_sectors' => 4, 'first_dir_sector' => 4, 'transaction_signature_number' => 4, 'mini_stream_cutoff_size' => 4, 'first_mini_fat_sector' => 4, 'num_mini_fat_sectors' => 4, 'first_difat_sector' => 4, 'num_difat_sectors' => 4, 'difat' => 436, ] ); if ( $this->header['header_signature'] !== "\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1" ) { $this->error( 'invalid signature: ' . bin2hex( $this->header['header_signature'] ), self::ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE ); } $this->sectorLength = 1 << $this->header['sector_shift']; $this->readDifat(); $this->readDirectory(); $this->valid = true; } private function sectorOffset( $sectorId ) { return $this->sectorLength * ( $sectorId + 1 ); } private function decodeClsid( $binaryClsid ) { $parts = unpack( 'Va/vb/vc/C8d', $binaryClsid ); return sprintf( "%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", $parts['a'], $parts['b'], $parts['c'], $parts['d1'], $parts['d2'], $parts['d3'], $parts['d4'], $parts['d5'], $parts['d6'], $parts['d7'], $parts['d8'] ); } private function unpackOffset( $offset, $struct ) { $block = $this->readOffset( $offset, array_sum( $struct ) ); return $this->unpack( $block, 0, $struct ); } private function unpack( $block, $offset, $struct ) { $data = []; foreach ( $struct as $key => $length ) { if ( $length > 4 ) { $data[$key] = substr( $block, $offset, $length ); } else { $data[$key] = $this->bin2dec( $block, $offset, $length ); } $offset += $length; } return $data; } private function bin2dec( $str, $offset, $length ) { $value = 0; for ( $i = $length - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { $value *= 256; $value += ord( $str[$offset + $i] ); } return $value; } private function readOffset( $offset, $length ) { $this->fseek( $offset ); Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $block = fread( $this->file, $length ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( $block === false ) { $this->error( 'error reading from file', self::ERROR_READ ); } if ( strlen( $block ) !== $length ) { $this->error( 'unable to read the required number of bytes from the file', self::ERROR_READ_PAST_END ); } return $block; } private function readSector( $sectorId ) { return $this->readOffset( $this->sectorOffset( $sectorId ), 1 << $this->header['sector_shift'] ); } private function error( $message, $code ) { throw new RuntimeException( $message, $code ); } private function fseek( $offset ) { Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $result = fseek( $this->file, $offset ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( $result !== 0 ) { $this->error( "unable to seek to offset $offset", self::ERROR_SEEK ); } } private function readDifat() { $binaryDifat = $this->header['difat']; $nextDifatSector = $this->header['first_difat_sector']; for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->header['num_difat_sectors']; $i++ ) { $block = $this->readSector( $nextDifatSector ); $binaryDifat .= substr( $block, 0, $this->sectorLength - 4 ); $nextDifatSector = $this->bin2dec( $block, $this->sectorLength - 4, 4 ); if ( $nextDifatSector == 0xFFFFFFFE ) { break; } } $this->difat = []; for ( $pos = 0; $pos < strlen( $binaryDifat ); $pos += 4 ) { $fatSector = $this->bin2dec( $binaryDifat, $pos, 4 ); if ( $fatSector < 0xFFFFFFFC ) { $this->difat[] = $fatSector; } else { break; } } } private function getNextSectorIdFromFat( $sectorId ) { $entriesPerSector = intdiv( $this->sectorLength, 4 ); $fatSectorId = intdiv( $sectorId, $entriesPerSector ); $fatSectorArray = $this->getFatSector( $fatSectorId ); return $fatSectorArray[$sectorId % $entriesPerSector]; } private function getFatSector( $fatSectorId ) { if ( !isset( $this->fat[$fatSectorId] ) ) { $fat = []; if ( !isset( $this->difat[$fatSectorId] ) ) { $this->error( 'FAT sector requested beyond the end of the DIFAT', self::ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT ); } $absoluteSectorId = $this->difat[$fatSectorId]; $block = $this->readSector( $absoluteSectorId ); for ( $pos = 0; $pos < strlen( $block ); $pos += 4 ) { $fat[] = $this->bin2dec( $block, $pos, 4 ); } $this->fat[$fatSectorId] = $fat; } return $this->fat[$fatSectorId]; } private function readDirectory() { $dirSectorId = $this->header['first_dir_sector']; $binaryDir = ''; $seenSectorIds = []; while ( $dirSectorId !== 0xFFFFFFFE ) { if ( isset( $seenSectorIds[$dirSectorId] ) ) { $this->error( 'FAT loop detected', self::ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT ); } $seenSectorIds[$dirSectorId] = true; $binaryDir .= $this->readSector( $dirSectorId ); $dirSectorId = $this->getNextSectorIdFromFat( $dirSectorId ); } $struct = [ 'name_raw' => 64, 'name_length' => 2, 'object_type' => 1, 'color' => 1, 'sid_left' => 4, 'sid_right' => 4, 'sid_child' => 4, 'clsid' => 16, 'state_bits' => 4, 'create_time_low' => 4, 'create_time_high' => 4, 'modify_time_low' => 4, 'modify_time_high' => 4, 'first_sector' => 4, 'size_low' => 4, 'size_high' => 4, ]; $entryLength = array_sum( $struct ); for ( $pos = 0; $pos < strlen( $binaryDir ); $pos += $entryLength ) { $entry = $this->unpack( $binaryDir, $pos, $struct ); // According to [MS-CFB] size_high may contain garbage due to a // bug in a writer, it's best to pretend it is zero $entry['size_high'] = 0; $type = $entry['object_type']; if ( $type == self::TYPE_UNALLOCATED ) { continue; } $name = iconv( 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8', substr( $entry['name_raw'], 0, $entry['name_length'] - 2 ) ); $clsid = $this->decodeClsid( $entry['clsid'] ); if ( $type == self::TYPE_ROOT && isset( self::$mimesByClsid[$clsid] ) ) { $this->mimeFromClsid = self::$mimesByClsid[$clsid]; } if ( $name === 'Workbook' ) { $this->mime = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'; } elseif ( $name === 'WordDocument' ) { $this->mime = 'application/msword'; } elseif ( $name === 'PowerPoint Document' ) { $this->mime = 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint'; } } } }