add( '/\\/\\/[^\\r\\n]*[\\r\\n]/' ); $parser->add( '/\\/\\*[^*]*\\*+([^\\/][^*]*\\*+)*\\//' ); // Execute and return return $parser->exec( $script ); } private static function stripHorizontalSpace( $script ) { $parser = self::createParser(); // Collapse horizontal whitespaces between variable names into a single space $parser->add( '/(\\b|\\$)[ \\t]+(\\b|\\$)/', '$2 $3' ); // Collapse horizontal whitespaces between unary operators into a single space $parser->add( '/([+\\-])[ \\t]+([+\\-])/', '$2 $3' ); // Remove all remaining un-protected horizontal whitespace $parser->add( '/[ \\t]+/'); // Collapse multiple vertical whitespaces with some horizontal spaces between them $parser->add( '/[\\r\\n]+[ \\t]*[\\r\\n]+/', "\n" ); // Execute and return return $parser->exec($script); } private static function stripVerticalSpace( $script ) { $parser = self::createParser(); // Collapse whitespaces between and after a ){ pair (function definitions) $parser->add( '/\\)\\s+\\{\\s+/', '){' ); // Collapse whitespaces between and after a ({ pair (JSON argument) $parser->add( '/\\(\\s+\\{\\s+/', '({' ); // Collapse whitespaces between a parenthesis and a period (call chaining) $parser->add( '/\\)\\s+\\./', ').'); // Collapse vertical whitespaces which come directly after a semicolon or a comma $parser->add( '/([;,])\\s+/', '$2' ); // Collapse whitespaces between multiple parenthesis/brackets of similar direction $parser->add( '/([\\)\\}])\\s+([\\)\\}])/', '$2$3' ); $parser->add( '/([\\(\\{])\\s+([\\(\\{])/', '$2$3' ); return $parser->exec( $script ); } /* * Creates an instance of ParseMaster and protects sensitive JavaScript regions. * * This parser is based on regular expressions, which all get or'd together, so rules take * precedence in the order they are added. We can use it to minify by armoring certain regions * by matching them and replacing them with the full match, leaving the remaining regions around * for further matching and replacing. When creating rules please note that because ParseMaster * "or"s all of the rules together in a single pattern, encapsulating them in parenthesis, $1 * represents the whole match for a given rule, and $2 is the first submatch. */ private static function createParser() { $parser = new ParseMaster(); // There is a bug in ParseMaster that causes a backslash at the end of a line to be changed // to \s if we use a backslash as the escape character. We work around this by using an // obscure escape character that we hope will never appear at the end of a line. $parser->escapeChar = chr( 1 ); // Protect strings. The original code had [^\'\\v] here, but that didn't armor multiline // strings correctly. This also armors multiline strings that don't have backslashes at the // end of the line (these are invalid), but that's fine because we're just armoring here. $parser->add( '/\'[^\']*\'/', '$1' ); $parser->add( '/"[^"]*"/', '$1' ); // Protect regular expressions $parser->add( '/[ \\t]+(\\/[^\\/\\r\\n\\*][^\\/\\r\\n]*\\/g?i?)/', '$2' ); $parser->add( '/[^\\w\\$\\/\'"*)\\?:]\\/[^\\/\\r\\n\\*][^\\/\\r\\n]*\\/g?i?/', '$1' ); return $parser; } } /** * ParseMaster, version 1.0.2 (2005-08-19) Copyright 2005, Dean Edwards * A multi-pattern parser. * License: * * This is the PHP version of the ParseMaster component of Dean Edwards' ( * Packer, which was originally written in JavaScript. It was ported to PHP by Nicolas Martin. * * Original Source: * * Changes should be pushed back upstream. */ class ParseMaster { public $ignoreCase = false; public $escapeChar = ''; // constants const EXPRESSION = 0; const REPLACEMENT = 1; const LENGTH = 2; // used to determine nesting levels private $GROUPS = '/\\(/';//g private $SUB_REPLACE = '/\\$\\d/'; private $INDEXED = '/^\\$\\d+$/'; private $TRIM = '/([\'"])\\1\\.(.*)\\.\\1\\1$/'; private $ESCAPE = '/\\\./';//g private $QUOTE = '/\'/'; private $DELETED = '/\\x01[^\\x01]*\\x01/';//g public function add($expression, $replacement = '') { // count the number of sub-expressions // - add one because each pattern is itself a sub-expression $length = 1 + preg_match_all($this->GROUPS, $this->_internalEscape((string)$expression), $out); // treat only strings $replacement if (is_string($replacement)) { // does the pattern deal with sub-expressions? if (preg_match($this->SUB_REPLACE, $replacement)) { // a simple lookup? (e.g. "$2") if (preg_match($this->INDEXED, $replacement)) { // store the index (used for fast retrieval of matched strings) $replacement = (int)(substr($replacement, 1)) - 1; } else { // a complicated lookup (e.g. "Hello $2 $1") // build a function to do the lookup $quote = preg_match($this->QUOTE, $this->_internalEscape($replacement)) ? '"' : "'"; $replacement = array( 'fn' => '_backReferences', 'data' => array( 'replacement' => $replacement, 'length' => $length, 'quote' => $quote ) ); } } } // pass the modified arguments if (!empty($expression)) $this->_add($expression, $replacement, $length); else $this->_add('/^$/', $replacement, $length); } public function exec($string) { // execute the global replacement $this->_escaped = array(); // simulate the _patterns.toSTring of Dean $regexp = '/'; foreach ($this->_patterns as $reg) { $regexp .= '(' . substr($reg[self::EXPRESSION], 1, -1) . ')|'; } $regexp = substr($regexp, 0, -1) . '/'; $regexp .= ($this->ignoreCase) ? 'i' : ''; $string = $this->_escape($string, $this->escapeChar); $string = preg_replace_callback( $regexp, array( &$this, '_replacement' ), $string ); $string = $this->_unescape($string, $this->escapeChar); return preg_replace($this->DELETED, '', $string); } public function reset() { // clear the patterns collection so that this object may be re-used $this->_patterns = array(); } // private private $_escaped = array(); // escaped characters private $_patterns = array(); // patterns stored by index // create and add a new pattern to the patterns collection private function _add() { $arguments = func_get_args(); $this->_patterns[] = $arguments; } // this is the global replace function (it's quite complicated) private function _replacement($arguments) { if (empty($arguments)) return ''; $i = 1; $j = 0; // loop through the patterns while (isset($this->_patterns[$j])) { $pattern = $this->_patterns[$j++]; // do we have a result? if (isset($arguments[$i]) && ($arguments[$i] != '')) { $replacement = $pattern[self::REPLACEMENT]; if (is_array($replacement) && isset($replacement['fn'])) { if (isset($replacement['data'])) $this->buffer = $replacement['data']; return call_user_func(array(&$this, $replacement['fn']), $arguments, $i); } elseif (is_int($replacement)) { return $arguments[$replacement + $i]; } $delete = ($this->escapeChar == '' || strpos($arguments[$i], $this->escapeChar) === false) ? '' : "\x01" . $arguments[$i] . "\x01"; return $delete . $replacement; // skip over references to sub-expressions } else { $i += $pattern[self::LENGTH]; } } } private function _backReferences($match, $offset) { $replacement = $this->buffer['replacement']; $quote = $this->buffer['quote']; $i = $this->buffer['length']; while ($i) { $replacement = str_replace('$'.$i--, $match[$offset + $i], $replacement); } return $replacement; } private function _replace_name($match, $offset){ $length = strlen($match[$offset + 2]); $start = $length - max($length - strlen($match[$offset + 3]), 0); return substr($match[$offset + 1], $start, $length) . $match[$offset + 4]; } private function _replace_encoded($match, $offset) { return $this->buffer[$match[$offset]]; } // php : we cannot pass additional data to preg_replace_callback, // and we cannot use &$this in create_function, so let's go to lower level private $buffer; // encode escaped characters private function _escape($string, $escapeChar) { if ($escapeChar) { $this->buffer = $escapeChar; return preg_replace_callback( '/\\' . $escapeChar . '(.)' .'/', array(&$this, '_escapeBis'), $string ); } else { return $string; } } private function _escapeBis($match) { $this->_escaped[] = $match[1]; return $this->buffer; } // decode escaped characters private function _unescape($string, $escapeChar) { if ($escapeChar) { $regexp = '/'.'\\'.$escapeChar.'/'; $this->buffer = array('escapeChar'=> $escapeChar, 'i' => 0); return preg_replace_callback ( $regexp, array(&$this, '_unescapeBis'), $string ); } else { return $string; } } private function _unescapeBis() { if (isset($this->_escaped[$this->buffer['i']]) && $this->_escaped[$this->buffer['i']] != '') { $temp = $this->_escaped[$this->buffer['i']]; } else { $temp = ''; } $this->buffer['i']++; return $this->buffer['escapeChar'] . $temp; } private function _internalEscape($string) { return preg_replace($this->ESCAPE, '', $string); } }