id = intval( $id ); } /** * Run the update */ public function doUpdate() { global $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq; $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); if ( $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq <= 1 || $dbw->getType() == 'sqlite' ) { $id = $this->id; $method = __METHOD__; $dbw->onTransactionIdle( function() use ( $dbw, $id, $method ) { try { $dbw->update( 'page', array( 'page_counter = page_counter + 1' ), array( 'page_id' => $id ), $method ); } catch ( DBError $e ) { MWExceptionHandler::logException( $e ); } } ); return; } # Not important enough to warrant an error page in case of failure try { // Since `hitcounter` is non-transactional, the contention is minimal $dbw->insert( 'hitcounter', array( 'hc_id' => $this->id ), __METHOD__ ); $checkfreq = intval( $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq / 25 + 1 ); if ( rand() % $checkfreq == 0 && $dbw->lastErrno() == 0 ) { $this->collect(); } } catch ( DBError $e ) { MWExceptionHandler::logException( $e ); } } protected function collect() { global $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq; $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER ); $rown = $dbw->selectField( 'hitcounter', 'COUNT(*)', array(), __METHOD__ ); if ( $rown < $wgHitcounterUpdateFreq ) { return; } wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ . '-collect' ); $old_user_abort = ignore_user_abort( true ); $dbType = $dbw->getType(); $tabletype = $dbType == 'mysql' ? "ENGINE=HEAP " : ''; $hitcounterTable = $dbw->tableName( 'hitcounter' ); $acchitsTable = $dbw->tableName( 'acchits' ); $pageTable = $dbw->tableName( 'page' ); $dbw->lockTables( array(), array( 'hitcounter' ), __METHOD__, false ); $dbw->query( "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $acchitsTable $tabletype AS " . "SELECT hc_id,COUNT(*) AS hc_n FROM $hitcounterTable " . 'GROUP BY hc_id', __METHOD__ ); $dbw->delete( 'hitcounter', '*', __METHOD__ ); $dbw->unlockTables( __METHOD__ ); if ( $dbType == 'mysql' ) { $dbw->query( "UPDATE $pageTable,$acchitsTable SET page_counter=page_counter + hc_n " . 'WHERE page_id = hc_id', __METHOD__ ); } else { $dbw->query( "UPDATE $pageTable SET page_counter=page_counter + hc_n " . "FROM $acchitsTable WHERE page_id = hc_id", __METHOD__ ); } $dbw->query( "DROP TABLE $acchitsTable", __METHOD__ ); ignore_user_abort( $old_user_abort ); wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ . '-collect' ); } }