100, LogLevel::INFO => 200, LogLevel::NOTICE => 250, LogLevel::WARNING => 300, LogLevel::ERROR => 400, LogLevel::CRITICAL => 500, LogLevel::ALERT => 550, LogLevel::EMERGENCY => 600, ]; /** * @var array */ protected static $dbChannels = [ 'DBQuery' => true, 'DBConnection' => true ]; /** * @param string $channel */ public function __construct( $channel ) { $this->channel = $channel; } /** * Logs with an arbitrary level. * * @param string|int $level * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return null */ public function log( $level, $message, array $context = [] ) { global $wgDBerrorLog; if ( is_string( $level ) ) { $level = self::$levelMapping[$level]; } if ( $this->channel === 'DBQuery' && $level === self::$levelMapping[LogLevel::DEBUG] && isset( $context['sql'] ) ) { // Also give the query information to the MWDebug tools $enabled = MWDebug::query( $context['sql'], $context['method'], $context['runtime'], $context['db_host'] ); if ( $enabled ) { // If we the toolbar was enabled, return early so that we don't // also log the query to the main debug output. return; } } // If this is a DB-related error, and the site has $wgDBerrorLog // configured, rewrite the channel as wfLogDBError instead. // Likewise, if the site does not use $wgDBerrorLog, it should // configurable like any other channel via $wgDebugLogGroups // or $wgMWLoggerDefaultSpi. if ( isset( self::$dbChannels[$this->channel] ) && $level >= self::$levelMapping[LogLevel::ERROR] && $wgDBerrorLog ) { // Format and write DB errors to the legacy locations $effectiveChannel = 'wfLogDBError'; } else { $effectiveChannel = $this->channel; } if ( self::shouldEmit( $effectiveChannel, $message, $level, $context ) ) { $text = self::format( $effectiveChannel, $message, $context ); $destination = self::destination( $effectiveChannel, $message, $context ); self::emit( $text, $destination ); } if ( !isset( $context['private'] ) || !$context['private'] ) { // Add to debug toolbar if not marked as "private" MWDebug::debugMsg( $message, [ 'channel' => $this->channel ] + $context ); } } /** * Determine if the given message should be emitted or not. * * @param string $channel * @param string $message * @param string|int $level \Psr\Log\LogEvent constant or Monolog level int * @param array $context * @return bool True if message should be sent to disk/network, false * otherwise */ public static function shouldEmit( $channel, $message, $level, $context ) { global $wgDebugLogFile, $wgDBerrorLog, $wgDebugLogGroups; if ( is_string( $level ) ) { $level = self::$levelMapping[$level]; } if ( $channel === 'wfLogDBError' ) { // wfLogDBError messages are emitted if a database log location is // specfied. $shouldEmit = (bool)$wgDBerrorLog; } elseif ( $channel === 'wfDebug' ) { // wfDebug messages are emitted if a catch all logging file has // been specified. Checked explicitly so that 'private' flagged // messages are not discarded by unset $wgDebugLogGroups channel // handling below. $shouldEmit = $wgDebugLogFile != ''; } elseif ( isset( $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel] ) ) { $logConfig = $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel]; if ( is_array( $logConfig ) ) { $shouldEmit = true; if ( isset( $logConfig['sample'] ) ) { // Emit randomly with a 1 in 'sample' chance for each message. $shouldEmit = mt_rand( 1, $logConfig['sample'] ) === 1; } if ( isset( $logConfig['level'] ) ) { $shouldEmit = $level >= self::$levelMapping[$logConfig['level']]; } } else { // Emit unless the config value is explictly false. $shouldEmit = $logConfig !== false; } } elseif ( isset( $context['private'] ) && $context['private'] ) { // Don't emit if the message didn't match previous checks based on // the channel and the event is marked as private. This check // discards messages sent via wfDebugLog() with dest == 'private' // and no explicit wgDebugLogGroups configuration. $shouldEmit = false; } else { // Default return value is the same as the historic wfDebug // method: emit if $wgDebugLogFile has been set. $shouldEmit = $wgDebugLogFile != ''; } return $shouldEmit; } /** * Format a message. * * Messages to the 'wfDebug' and 'wfLogDBError' channels receive special formatting to mimic the * historic output of the functions of the same name. All other channel values are formatted * based on the historic output of the `wfDebugLog()` global function. * * @param string $channel * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return string */ public static function format( $channel, $message, $context ) { global $wgDebugLogGroups, $wgLogExceptionBacktrace; if ( $channel === 'wfDebug' ) { $text = self::formatAsWfDebug( $channel, $message, $context ); } elseif ( $channel === 'wfLogDBError' ) { $text = self::formatAsWfLogDBError( $channel, $message, $context ); } elseif ( $channel === 'profileoutput' ) { // Legacy wfLogProfilingData formatitng $forward = ''; if ( isset( $context['forwarded_for'] ) ) { $forward = " forwarded for {$context['forwarded_for']}"; } if ( isset( $context['client_ip'] ) ) { $forward .= " client IP {$context['client_ip']}"; } if ( isset( $context['from'] ) ) { $forward .= " from {$context['from']}"; } if ( $forward ) { $forward = "\t(proxied via {$context['proxy']}{$forward})"; } if ( $context['anon'] ) { $forward .= ' anon'; } if ( !isset( $context['url'] ) ) { $context['url'] = 'n/a'; } $log = sprintf( "%s\t%04.3f\t%s%s\n", gmdate( 'YmdHis' ), $context['elapsed'], $context['url'], $forward ); $text = self::formatAsWfDebugLog( $channel, $log . $context['output'], $context ); } elseif ( !isset( $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel] ) ) { $text = self::formatAsWfDebug( $channel, "[{$channel}] {$message}", $context ); } else { // Default formatting is wfDebugLog's historic style $text = self::formatAsWfDebugLog( $channel, $message, $context ); } // Append stacktrace of exception if available if ( $wgLogExceptionBacktrace && isset( $context['exception'] ) ) { $e = $context['exception']; $backtrace = false; if ( $e instanceof Throwable || $e instanceof Exception ) { $backtrace = MWExceptionHandler::getRedactedTrace( $e ); } elseif ( is_array( $e ) && isset( $e['trace'] ) ) { // Exception has already been unpacked as structured data $backtrace = $e['trace']; } if ( $backtrace ) { $text .= MWExceptionHandler::prettyPrintTrace( $backtrace ) . "\n"; } } return self::interpolate( $text, $context ); } /** * Format a message as `wfDebug()` would have formatted it. * * @param string $channel * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return string */ protected static function formatAsWfDebug( $channel, $message, $context ) { $text = preg_replace( '![\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]!', ' ', $message ); if ( isset( $context['seconds_elapsed'] ) ) { // Prepend elapsed request time and real memory usage with two // trailing spaces. $text = "{$context['seconds_elapsed']} {$context['memory_used']} {$text}"; } if ( isset( $context['prefix'] ) ) { $text = "{$context['prefix']}{$text}"; } return "{$text}\n"; } /** * Format a message as `wfLogDBError()` would have formatted it. * * @param string $channel * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return string */ protected static function formatAsWfLogDBError( $channel, $message, $context ) { global $wgDBerrorLogTZ; static $cachedTimezone = null; if ( !$cachedTimezone ) { $cachedTimezone = new DateTimeZone( $wgDBerrorLogTZ ); } $d = date_create( 'now', $cachedTimezone ); $date = $d->format( 'D M j G:i:s T Y' ); $host = wfHostname(); $wiki = WikiMap::getWikiIdFromDbDomain( WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain() ); $text = "{$date}\t{$host}\t{$wiki}\t{$message}\n"; return $text; } /** * Format a message as `wfDebugLog() would have formatted it. * * @param string $channel * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return string */ protected static function formatAsWfDebugLog( $channel, $message, $context ) { $time = wfTimestamp( TS_DB ); $wiki = WikiMap::getWikiIdFromDbDomain( WikiMap::getCurrentWikiDbDomain() ); $host = wfHostname(); $text = "{$time} {$host} {$wiki}: {$message}\n"; return $text; } /** * Interpolate placeholders in logging message. * * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return string Interpolated message */ public static function interpolate( $message, array $context ) { if ( strpos( $message, '{' ) !== false ) { $replace = []; foreach ( $context as $key => $val ) { $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = self::flatten( $val ); } $message = strtr( $message, $replace ); } return $message; } /** * Convert a logging context element to a string suitable for * interpolation. * * @param mixed $item * @return string */ protected static function flatten( $item ) { if ( $item === null ) { return '[Null]'; } if ( is_bool( $item ) ) { return $item ? 'true' : 'false'; } if ( is_float( $item ) ) { if ( is_infinite( $item ) ) { return ( $item > 0 ? '' : '-' ) . 'INF'; } if ( is_nan( $item ) ) { return 'NaN'; } return (string)$item; } if ( is_scalar( $item ) ) { return (string)$item; } if ( is_array( $item ) ) { return '[Array(' . count( $item ) . ')]'; } if ( $item instanceof \DateTime ) { return $item->format( 'c' ); } if ( $item instanceof Throwable || $item instanceof Exception ) { $which = $item instanceof Error ? 'Error' : 'Exception'; return '[' . $which . ' ' . get_class( $item ) . '( ' . $item->getFile() . ':' . $item->getLine() . ') ' . $item->getMessage() . ']'; } if ( is_object( $item ) ) { if ( method_exists( $item, '__toString' ) ) { return (string)$item; } return '[Object ' . get_class( $item ) . ']'; } if ( is_resource( $item ) ) { return '[Resource ' . get_resource_type( $item ) . ']'; } return '[Unknown ' . gettype( $item ) . ']'; } /** * Select the appropriate log output destination for the given log event. * * If the event context contains 'destination' * * @param string $channel * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return string */ protected static function destination( $channel, $message, $context ) { global $wgDebugLogFile, $wgDBerrorLog, $wgDebugLogGroups; // Default destination is the debug log file as historically used by // the wfDebug function. $destination = $wgDebugLogFile; if ( isset( $context['destination'] ) ) { // Use destination explicitly provided in context $destination = $context['destination']; } elseif ( $channel === 'wfDebug' ) { $destination = $wgDebugLogFile; } elseif ( $channel === 'wfLogDBError' ) { $destination = $wgDBerrorLog; } elseif ( isset( $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel] ) ) { $logConfig = $wgDebugLogGroups[$channel]; if ( is_array( $logConfig ) ) { $destination = $logConfig['destination']; } else { $destination = strval( $logConfig ); } } return $destination; } /** * Log to a file without getting "file size exceeded" signals. * * Can also log to UDP with the syntax udp://host:port/prefix. This will send * lines to the specified port, prefixed by the specified prefix and a space. * * @param string $text * @param string $file Filename */ public static function emit( $text, $file ) { if ( substr( $file, 0, 4 ) == 'udp:' ) { $transport = UDPTransport::newFromString( $file ); $transport->emit( $text ); } else { \Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $exists = file_exists( $file ); $size = $exists ? filesize( $file ) : false; if ( !$exists || ( $size !== false && $size + strlen( $text ) < 0x7fffffff ) ) { file_put_contents( $file, $text, FILE_APPEND ); } \Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); } } }