tableName( $table ); $res = $db->query( sprintf( $q, $db->addQuotes( $wgDBmwschema ), $db->addQuotes( $table ), $db->addQuotes( $field ) ) ); $row = $db->fetchObject( $res ); if ( !$row ) { return null; } $n = new PostgresField; $n->type = $row->typname; $n->nullable = ( $row->attnotnull == 'f' ); $n->name = $field; $n->tablename = $table; $n->max_length = $row->attlen; $n->deferrable = ( $row->deferrable == 't' ); $n->deferred = ( $row->deferred == 't' ); $n->conname = $row->conname; return $n; } function name() { return $this->name; } function tableName() { return $this->tablename; } function type() { return $this->type; } function nullable() { return $this->nullable; } function maxLength() { return $this->max_length; } function is_deferrable() { return $this->deferrable; } function is_deferred() { return $this->deferred; } function conname() { return $this->conname; } } /** * @ingroup Database */ class DatabasePostgres extends DatabaseBase { var $mInsertId = null; var $mLastResult = null; var $numeric_version = null; var $mAffectedRows = null; function __construct( $server = false, $user = false, $password = false, $dbName = false, $failFunction = false, $flags = 0 ) { $this->mFailFunction = $failFunction; $this->mFlags = $flags; $this->open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName ); } function getType() { return 'postgres'; } function cascadingDeletes() { return true; } function cleanupTriggers() { return true; } function strictIPs() { return true; } function realTimestamps() { return true; } function implicitGroupby() { return false; } function implicitOrderby() { return false; } function searchableIPs() { return true; } function functionalIndexes() { return true; } function hasConstraint( $name ) { global $wgDBmwschema; $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n WHERE c.connamespace = n.oid AND conname = '" . pg_escape_string( $this->mConn, $name ) . "' AND n.nspname = '" . pg_escape_string( $this->mConn, $wgDBmwschema ) ."'"; $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ); return $this->numRows( $res ); } static function newFromParams( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $failFunction = false, $flags = 0 ) { return new DatabasePostgres( $server, $user, $password, $dbName, $failFunction, $flags ); } /** * Usually aborts on failure * If the failFunction is set to a non-zero integer, returns success */ function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName ) { # Test for Postgres support, to avoid suppressed fatal error if ( !function_exists( 'pg_connect' ) ) { throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "Postgres functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-pgsql option?\n (Note: if you recently installed PHP, you may need to restart your webserver and database)\n" ); } global $wgDBport; if ( !strlen( $user ) ) { # e.g. the class is being loaded return; } $this->close(); $this->mServer = $server; $this->mPort = $port = $wgDBport; $this->mUser = $user; $this->mPassword = $password; $this->mDBname = $dbName; $connectVars = array( 'dbname' => $dbName, 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password ); if ( $server != false && $server != '' ) { $connectVars['host'] = $server; } if ( $port != false && $port != '' ) { $connectVars['port'] = $port; } $connectString = $this->makeConnectionString( $connectVars, PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW ); $this->installErrorHandler(); $this->mConn = pg_connect( $connectString ); $phpError = $this->restoreErrorHandler(); if ( !$this->mConn ) { wfDebug( "DB connection error\n" ); wfDebug( "Server: $server, Database: $dbName, User: $user, Password: " . substr( $password, 0, 3 ) . "...\n" ); wfDebug( $this->lastError() . "\n" ); if ( !$this->mFailFunction ) { throw new DBConnectionError( $this, $phpError ); } else { return false; } } $this->mOpened = true; global $wgCommandLineMode; # If called from the command-line (e.g. importDump), only show errors if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) { $this->doQuery( "SET client_min_messages = 'ERROR'" ); } $this->doQuery( "SET client_encoding='UTF8'" ); global $wgDBmwschema, $wgDBts2schema; if ( isset( $wgDBmwschema ) && isset( $wgDBts2schema ) && $wgDBmwschema !== 'mediawiki' && preg_match( '/^\w+$/', $wgDBmwschema ) && preg_match( '/^\w+$/', $wgDBts2schema ) ) { $safeschema = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBmwschema ); $this->doQuery( "SET search_path = $safeschema, $wgDBts2schema, public" ); } return $this->mConn; } function makeConnectionString( $vars ) { $s = ''; foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { $s .= "$name='" . str_replace( "'", "\\'", $value ) . "' "; } return $s; } function initial_setup( $superuser, $password, $dbName ) { // If this is the initial connection, setup the schema stuff and possibly create the user global $wgDBname, $wgDBuser, $wgDBpassword, $wgDBmwschema, $wgDBts2schema; print '
  • Checking the version of Postgres...'; $version = $this->getServerVersion(); $PGMINVER = '8.1'; if ( $version < $PGMINVER ) { print "FAILED. Required version is $PGMINVER. You have " . htmlspecialchars( $version ) . "
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print 'version ' . htmlspecialchars( $this->numeric_version ) . " is OK.\n"; $safeuser = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBuser ); // Are we connecting as a superuser for the first time? if ( $superuser ) { // Are we really a superuser? Check out our rights $SQL = "SELECT CASE WHEN usesuper IS TRUE THEN CASE WHEN usecreatedb IS TRUE THEN 3 ELSE 1 END ELSE CASE WHEN usecreatedb IS TRUE THEN 2 ELSE 0 END END AS rights FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes( $superuser ); $rows = $this->numRows( $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ) ); if ( !$rows ) { print '
  • ERROR: Could not read permissions for user "' . htmlspecialchars( $superuser ) . "\"
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } $perms = pg_fetch_result( $res, 0, 0 ); $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = " . $this->addQuotes( $wgDBuser ); $rows = $this->numRows( $this->doQuery( $SQL ) ); if ( $rows ) { print '
  • User "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '" already exists, skipping account creation.
  • '; } else { if ( $perms != 1 && $perms != 3 ) { print '
  • ERROR: the user "' . htmlspecialchars( $superuser ) . '" cannot create other users. '; print 'Please use a different Postgres user.
  • '; dieout( '' ); } print '
  • Creating user ' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '...'; $safepass = $this->addQuotes( $wgDBpassword ); $SQL = "CREATE USER $safeuser NOCREATEDB PASSWORD $safepass"; $this->doQuery( $SQL ); print "OK
  • \n"; } // User now exists, check out the database if ( $dbName != $wgDBname ) { $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = " . $this->addQuotes( $wgDBname ); $rows = $this->numRows( $this->doQuery( $SQL ) ); if ( $rows ) { print '
  • Database "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . '" already exists, skipping database creation.
  • '; } else { if ( $perms < 1 ) { print '
  • ERROR: the user "' . htmlspecialchars( $superuser ) . '" cannot create databases. '; print 'Please use a different Postgres user.
  • '; dieout( '' ); } print '
  • Creating database ' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . '...'; $safename = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBname ); $SQL = "CREATE DATABASE $safename OWNER $safeuser "; $this->doQuery( $SQL ); print "OK
  • \n"; // Hopefully tsearch2 and plpgsql are in template1... } // Reconnect to check out tsearch2 rights for this user print '
  • Connecting to "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . '" as superuser "' . htmlspecialchars( $superuser ) . '" to check rights...'; $connectVars = array(); if ( $this->mServer != false && $this->mServer != '' ) { $connectVars['host'] = $this->mServer; } if ( $this->mPort != false && $this->mPort != '' ) { $connectVars['port'] = $this->mPort; } $connectVars['dbname'] = $wgDBname; $connectVars['user'] = $superuser; $connectVars['password'] = $password; @$this->mConn = pg_connect( $this->makeConnectionString( $connectVars ) ); if ( !$this->mConn ) { print "FAILED TO CONNECT!
  • "; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; } if ( $this->numeric_version < 8.3 ) { // Tsearch2 checks print '
  • Checking that tsearch2 is installed in the database "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . '"...'; if ( !$this->tableExists( 'pg_ts_cfg', $wgDBts2schema ) ) { print 'FAILED. tsearch2 must be installed in the database "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . '".'; print 'Please see this article'; print " for instructions or ask on #postgresql on
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; print '
  • Ensuring that user "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '" has select rights on the tsearch2 tables...'; foreach ( array( 'cfg', 'cfgmap', 'dict', 'parser' ) as $table ) { $SQL = "GRANT SELECT ON pg_ts_$table TO $safeuser"; $this->doQuery( $SQL ); } print "OK
  • \n"; } // Setup the schema for this user if needed $result = $this->schemaExists( $wgDBmwschema ); $safeschema = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBmwschema ); if ( !$result ) { print '
  • Creating schema ' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBmwschema ) . ' ...'; $result = $this->doQuery( "CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema AUTHORIZATION $safeuser" ); if ( !$result ) { print "FAILED.
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; } else { print "
  • Schema already exists, explicitly granting rights...\n"; $safeschema2 = $this->addQuotes( $wgDBmwschema ); $SQL = "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(relname)||' TO $safeuser;'\n". "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n". "WHERE relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2\n". "AND p.relkind IN ('r','S','v')\n"; $SQL .= "UNION\n"; $SQL .= "SELECT 'GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION '||pg_catalog.quote_ident(proname)||'('||\n". "pg_catalog.oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)||') TO $safeuser;'\n". "FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n\n". "WHERE p.pronamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $safeschema2"; $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ); if ( !$res ) { print "FAILED. Could not set rights for the user.
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } $this->doQuery( "SET search_path = $safeschema" ); $rows = $this->numRows( $res ); while ( $rows ) { $rows--; $this->doQuery( pg_fetch_result( $res, $rows, 0 ) ); } print "OK"; } // Install plpgsql if needed $this->setup_plpgsql(); return true; // Reconnect as regular user } // end superuser if ( !defined( 'POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH' ) ) { if ( $this->numeric_version < 8.3 ) { // Do we have the basic tsearch2 table? print '
  • Checking for tsearch2 in the schema "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBts2schema ) . '"...'; if ( !$this->tableExists( 'pg_ts_dict', $wgDBts2schema ) ) { print 'FAILED. Make sure tsearch2 is installed. See this article'; print " for instructions.
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; // Does this user have the rights to the tsearch2 tables? $ctype = pg_fetch_result( $this->doQuery( 'SHOW lc_ctype' ), 0, 0 ); print '
  • Checking tsearch2 permissions...'; // Let's check all four, just to be safe error_reporting( 0 ); $ts2tables = array( 'cfg', 'cfgmap', 'dict', 'parser' ); $safetsschema = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBts2schema ); foreach ( $ts2tables as $tname ) { $SQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM $safetsschema.pg_ts_$tname"; $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ); if ( !$res ) { print "FAILED to access " . htmlspecialchars( "pg_ts_$tname" ) . ". Make sure that the user \"". htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\" has SELECT access to all four tsearch2 tables
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } } $SQL = "SELECT ts_name FROM $safetsschema.pg_ts_cfg WHERE locale = " . $this->addQuotes( $ctype ) ; $SQL .= " ORDER BY CASE WHEN ts_name <> 'default' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END"; $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ); error_reporting( E_ALL ); if ( !$res ) { print "FAILED. Could not determine the tsearch2 locale information\n"; dieout(""); } print 'OK'; // Will the current locale work? Can we force it to? print '
  • Verifying tsearch2 locale with ' . htmlspecialchars( $ctype ) . '...'; $rows = $this->numRows( $res ); $resetlocale = 0; if ( !$rows ) { print "not found
  • \n"; print '
  • Attempting to set default tsearch2 locale to "' . htmlspecialchars( $ctype ) . '"...'; $resetlocale = 1; } else { $tsname = pg_fetch_result( $res, 0, 0 ); if ( $tsname != 'default' ) { print "not set to default (" . htmlspecialchars( $tsname ) . ")"; print "
  • Attempting to change tsearch2 default locale to \"" . htmlspecialchars( $ctype ) . "\"..."; $resetlocale = 1; } } if ( $resetlocale ) { $SQL = "UPDATE $safetsschema.pg_ts_cfg SET locale = " . $this->addQuotes( $ctype ) . " WHERE ts_name = 'default'"; $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ); if ( !$res ) { print 'FAILED. '; print 'Please make sure that the locale in pg_ts_cfg for "default" is set to "' . htmlspecialchars( $ctype ) . "\"
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print 'OK'; } // Final test: try out a simple tsearch2 query $SQL = "SELECT $safetsschema.to_tsvector('default','MediaWiki tsearch2 testing')"; $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ); if ( !$res ) { print 'FAILED. Specifically, "' . htmlspecialchars( $SQL ) . '" did not work.'; dieout( '' ); } print 'OK'; } // Install plpgsql if needed $this->setup_plpgsql(); // Does the schema already exist? Who owns it? $result = $this->schemaExists( $wgDBmwschema ); if ( !$result ) { print '
  • Creating schema ' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBmwschema ) . ' ...'; error_reporting( 0 ); $safeschema = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBmwschema ); $result = $this->doQuery( "CREATE SCHEMA $safeschema" ); error_reporting( E_ALL ); if ( !$result ) { print 'FAILED. The user "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '" must be able to access the schema. '. 'You can try making them the owner of the database, or try creating the schema with a '. 'different user, and then grant access to the "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\" user.
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; } elseif ( $result != $wgDBuser ) { print '
  • Schema "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBmwschema ) . '" exists but is not owned by "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\". Not ideal.
  • \n"; } else { print '
  • Schema "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBmwschema ) . '" exists and is owned by "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . "\". Excellent.
  • \n"; } // Always return GMT time to accomodate the existing integer-based timestamp assumption print "
  • Setting the timezone to GMT for user \"" . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '" ...'; $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET timezone = 'GMT'"; $result = pg_query( $this->mConn, $SQL ); if ( !$result ) { print "FAILED.
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; // Set for the rest of this session $SQL = "SET timezone = 'GMT'"; $result = pg_query( $this->mConn, $SQL ); if ( !$result ) { print "
  • Failed to set timezone
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print '
  • Setting the datestyle to ISO, YMD for user "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '" ...'; $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'"; $result = pg_query( $this->mConn, $SQL ); if ( !$result ) { print "FAILED.
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; // Set for the rest of this session $SQL = "SET datestyle = 'ISO, YMD'"; $result = pg_query( $this->mConn, $SQL ); if ( !$result ) { print "
  • Failed to set datestyle
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } // Fix up the search paths if needed print '
  • Setting the search path for user "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '" ...'; $path = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBmwschema ); if ( $wgDBts2schema !== $wgDBmwschema ) { $path .= ', '. $this->quote_ident( $wgDBts2schema ); } if ( $wgDBmwschema !== 'public' && $wgDBts2schema !== 'public' ) { $path .= ', public'; } $SQL = "ALTER USER $safeuser SET search_path = $path"; $result = pg_query( $this->mConn, $SQL ); if ( !$result ) { print "FAILED.
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } print "OK\n"; // Set for the rest of this session $SQL = "SET search_path = $path"; $result = pg_query( $this->mConn, $SQL ); if ( !$result ) { print "
  • Failed to set search_path
  • \n"; dieout( '' ); } define( 'POSTGRES_SEARCHPATH', $path ); } } function setup_plpgsql() { print '
  • Checking for PL/pgSQL ...'; $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_language WHERE lanname = 'plpgsql'"; $rows = $this->numRows( $this->doQuery( $SQL ) ); if ( $rows < 1 ) { // plpgsql is not installed, but if we have a pg_pltemplate table, we should be able to create it print 'not installed. Attempting to install PL/pgSQL ...'; $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) ". "WHERE relname = 'pg_pltemplate' AND nspname='pg_catalog'"; $rows = $this->numRows( $this->doQuery( $SQL ) ); global $wgDBname; if ( $rows >= 1 ) { $olde = error_reporting( 0 ); error_reporting( $olde - E_WARNING ); $result = $this->doQuery( 'CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql' ); error_reporting( $olde ); if ( !$result ) { print 'FAILED. You need to install the language PL/pgSQL in the database ' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . '
  • '; dieout( '' ); } } else { print 'FAILED. You need to install the language PL/pgSQL in the database ' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBname ) . ''; dieout( '' ); } } print "OK\n"; } /** * Closes a database connection, if it is open * Returns success, true if already closed */ function close() { $this->mOpened = false; if ( $this->mConn ) { return pg_close( $this->mConn ); } else { return true; } } function doQuery( $sql ) { if ( function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ) ) { $sql = mb_convert_encoding( $sql, 'UTF-8' ); } $this->mLastResult = pg_query( $this->mConn, $sql ); $this->mAffectedRows = null; // use pg_affected_rows(mLastResult) return $this->mLastResult; } function queryIgnore( $sql, $fname = '' ) { return $this->query( $sql, $fname, true ); } function freeResult( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } if ( !@pg_free_result( $res ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Unable to free Postgres result\n" ); } } function fetchObject( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } @$row = pg_fetch_object( $res ); # FIXME: HACK HACK HACK HACK debug # TODO: # hashar : not sure if the following test really trigger if the object # fetching failed. if( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) ); } return $row; } function fetchRow( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } @$row = pg_fetch_array( $res ); if( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) ); } return $row; } function numRows( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } @$n = pg_num_rows( $res ); if( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'SQL error: ' . htmlspecialchars( pg_last_error( $this->mConn ) ) ); } return $n; } function numFields( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_num_fields( $res ); } function fieldName( $res, $n ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_field_name( $res, $n ); } /** * This must be called after nextSequenceVal */ function insertId() { return $this->mInsertId; } function dataSeek( $res, $row ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_result_seek( $res, $row ); } function lastError() { if ( $this->mConn ) { return pg_last_error(); } else { return 'No database connection'; } } function lastErrno() { return pg_last_error() ? 1 : 0; } function affectedRows() { if ( !is_null( $this->mAffectedRows ) ) { // Forced result for simulated queries return $this->mAffectedRows; } if( empty( $this->mLastResult ) ) { return 0; } return pg_affected_rows( $this->mLastResult ); } /** * Estimate rows in dataset * Returns estimated count, based on EXPLAIN output * This is not necessarily an accurate estimate, so use sparingly * Returns -1 if count cannot be found * Takes same arguments as Database::select() */ function estimateRowCount( $table, $vars = '*', $conds='', $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::estimateRowCount', $options = array() ) { $options['EXPLAIN'] = true; $res = $this->select( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options ); $rows = -1; if ( $res ) { $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); $count = array(); if( preg_match( '/rows=(\d+)/', $row[0], $count ) ) { $rows = $count[1]; } } return $rows; } /** * Returns information about an index * If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure */ function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::indexInfo' ) { $sql = "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='$table'"; $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname ); if ( !$res ) { return null; } foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $row->indexname == $this->indexName( $index ) ) { return $row; } } return false; } function indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::indexUnique' ) { $sql = "SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='{$table}'". " AND indexdef LIKE 'CREATE UNIQUE%(" . $this->strencode( $this->indexName( $index ) ) . ")'"; $res = $this->query( $sql, $fname ); if ( !$res ) { return null; } foreach ( $res as $row ) { return true; } return false; } /** * INSERT wrapper, inserts an array into a table * * $args may be a single associative array, or an array of these with numeric keys, * for multi-row insert (Postgres version 8.2 and above only). * * @param $table String: Name of the table to insert to. * @param $args Array: Items to insert into the table. * @param $fname String: Name of the function, for profiling * @param $options String or Array. Valid options: IGNORE * * @return bool Success of insert operation. IGNORE always returns true. */ function insert( $table, $args, $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::insert', $options = array() ) { if ( !count( $args ) ) { return true; } $table = $this->tableName( $table ); if (! isset( $this->numeric_version ) ) { $this->getServerVersion(); } if ( !is_array( $options ) ) { $options = array( $options ); } if ( isset( $args[0] ) && is_array( $args[0] ) ) { $multi = true; $keys = array_keys( $args[0] ); } else { $multi = false; $keys = array_keys( $args ); } // If IGNORE is set, we use savepoints to emulate mysql's behavior $ignore = in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ) ? 'mw' : ''; // If we are not in a transaction, we need to be for savepoint trickery $didbegin = 0; if ( $ignore ) { if ( !$this->mTrxLevel ) { $this->begin(); $didbegin = 1; } $olde = error_reporting( 0 ); // For future use, we may want to track the number of actual inserts // Right now, insert (all writes) simply return true/false $numrowsinserted = 0; } $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (" . implode( ',', $keys ) . ') VALUES '; if ( $multi ) { if ( $this->numeric_version >= 8.2 && !$ignore ) { $first = true; foreach ( $args as $row ) { if ( $first ) { $first = false; } else { $sql .= ','; } $sql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $row ) . ')'; } $res = (bool)$this->query( $sql, $fname, $ignore ); } else { $res = true; $origsql = $sql; foreach ( $args as $row ) { $tempsql = $origsql; $tempsql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $row ) . ')'; if ( $ignore ) { pg_query( $this->mConn, "SAVEPOINT $ignore" ); } $tempres = (bool)$this->query( $tempsql, $fname, $ignore ); if ( $ignore ) { $bar = pg_last_error(); if ( $bar != false ) { pg_query( $this->mConn, "ROLLBACK TO $ignore" ); } else { pg_query( $this->mConn, "RELEASE $ignore" ); $numrowsinserted++; } } // If any of them fail, we fail overall for this function call // Note that this will be ignored if IGNORE is set if ( !$tempres ) { $res = false; } } } } else { // Not multi, just a lone insert if ( $ignore ) { pg_query($this->mConn, "SAVEPOINT $ignore"); } $sql .= '(' . $this->makeList( $args ) . ')'; $res = (bool)$this->query( $sql, $fname, $ignore ); if ( $ignore ) { $bar = pg_last_error(); if ( $bar != false ) { pg_query( $this->mConn, "ROLLBACK TO $ignore" ); } else { pg_query( $this->mConn, "RELEASE $ignore" ); $numrowsinserted++; } } } if ( $ignore ) { $olde = error_reporting( $olde ); if ( $didbegin ) { $this->commit(); } // Set the affected row count for the whole operation $this->mAffectedRows = $numrowsinserted; // IGNORE always returns true return true; } return $res; } /** * INSERT SELECT wrapper * $varMap must be an associative array of the form array( 'dest1' => 'source1', ...) * Source items may be literals rather then field names, but strings should be quoted with Database::addQuotes() * $conds may be "*" to copy the whole table * srcTable may be an array of tables. * @todo FIXME: implement this a little better (seperate select/insert)? */ function insertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::insertSelect', $insertOptions = array(), $selectOptions = array() ) { $destTable = $this->tableName( $destTable ); // If IGNORE is set, we use savepoints to emulate mysql's behavior $ignore = in_array( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ? 'mw' : ''; if( is_array( $insertOptions ) ) { $insertOptions = implode( ' ', $insertOptions ); } if( !is_array( $selectOptions ) ) { $selectOptions = array( $selectOptions ); } list( $startOpts, $useIndex, $tailOpts ) = $this->makeSelectOptions( $selectOptions ); if( is_array( $srcTable ) ) { $srcTable = implode( ',', array_map( array( &$this, 'tableName' ), $srcTable ) ); } else { $srcTable = $this->tableName( $srcTable ); } // If we are not in a transaction, we need to be for savepoint trickery $didbegin = 0; if ( $ignore ) { if( !$this->mTrxLevel ) { $this->begin(); $didbegin = 1; } $olde = error_reporting( 0 ); $numrowsinserted = 0; pg_query( $this->mConn, "SAVEPOINT $ignore"); } $sql = "INSERT INTO $destTable (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $varMap ) ) . ')' . " SELECT $startOpts " . implode( ',', $varMap ) . " FROM $srcTable $useIndex"; if ( $conds != '*' ) { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, LIST_AND ); } $sql .= " $tailOpts"; $res = (bool)$this->query( $sql, $fname, $ignore ); if( $ignore ) { $bar = pg_last_error(); if( $bar != false ) { pg_query( $this->mConn, "ROLLBACK TO $ignore" ); } else { pg_query( $this->mConn, "RELEASE $ignore" ); $numrowsinserted++; } $olde = error_reporting( $olde ); if( $didbegin ) { $this->commit(); } // Set the affected row count for the whole operation $this->mAffectedRows = $numrowsinserted; // IGNORE always returns true return true; } return $res; } function tableName( $name ) { # Replace reserved words with better ones switch( $name ) { case 'user': return 'mwuser'; case 'text': return 'pagecontent'; default: return $name; } } /** * Return the next in a sequence, save the value for retrieval via insertId() */ function nextSequenceValue( $seqName ) { $safeseq = preg_replace( "/'/", "''", $seqName ); $res = $this->query( "SELECT nextval('$safeseq')" ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); $this->mInsertId = $row[0]; return $this->mInsertId; } /** * Return the current value of a sequence. Assumes it has been nextval'ed in this session. */ function currentSequenceValue( $seqName ) { $safeseq = preg_replace( "/'/", "''", $seqName ); $res = $this->query( "SELECT currval('$safeseq')" ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); $currval = $row[0]; return $currval; } /** * REPLACE query wrapper * Postgres simulates this with a DELETE followed by INSERT * $row is the row to insert, an associative array * $uniqueIndexes is an array of indexes. Each element may be either a * field name or an array of field names * * It may be more efficient to leave off unique indexes which are unlikely to collide. * However if you do this, you run the risk of encountering errors which wouldn't have * occurred in MySQL */ function replace( $table, $uniqueIndexes, $rows, $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::replace' ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); if ( count( $rows ) == 0 ) { return; } # Single row case if ( !is_array( reset( $rows ) ) ) { $rows = array( $rows ); } foreach( $rows as $row ) { # Delete rows which collide if ( $uniqueIndexes ) { $sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE "; $first = true; foreach ( $uniqueIndexes as $index ) { if ( $first ) { $first = false; $sql .= '('; } else { $sql .= ') OR ('; } if ( is_array( $index ) ) { $first2 = true; foreach ( $index as $col ) { if ( $first2 ) { $first2 = false; } else { $sql .= ' AND '; } $sql .= $col.'=' . $this->addQuotes( $row[$col] ); } } else { $sql .= $index.'=' . $this->addQuotes( $row[$index] ); } } $sql .= ')'; $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } # Now insert the row $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (" . $this->makeList( array_keys( $row ), LIST_NAMES ) .') VALUES (' . $this->makeList( $row, LIST_COMMA ) . ')'; $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } } # DELETE where the condition is a join function deleteJoin( $delTable, $joinTable, $delVar, $joinVar, $conds, $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::deleteJoin' ) { if ( !$conds ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'DatabasePostgres::deleteJoin() called with empty $conds' ); } $delTable = $this->tableName( $delTable ); $joinTable = $this->tableName( $joinTable ); $sql = "DELETE FROM $delTable WHERE $delVar IN (SELECT $joinVar FROM $joinTable "; if ( $conds != '*' ) { $sql .= 'WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, LIST_AND ); } $sql .= ')'; $this->query( $sql, $fname ); } # Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited" function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $sql = "SELECT t.typname as ftype,a.atttypmod as size FROM pg_class c, pg_attribute a, pg_type t WHERE relname='$table' AND a.attrelid=c.oid AND a.atttypid=t.oid and a.attname='$field'"; $res =$this->query( $sql ); $row = $this->fetchObject( $res ); if ( $row->ftype == 'varchar' ) { $size = $row->size - 4; } else { $size = $row->size; } return $size; } function limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset = false ) { return "$sql LIMIT $limit " . ( is_numeric( $offset ) ? " OFFSET {$offset} " : '' ); } function wasDeadlock() { return $this->lastErrno() == '40P01'; } function duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false, $fname = 'DatabasePostgres::duplicateTableStructure' ) { return $this->query( 'CREATE ' . ( $temporary ? 'TEMPORARY ' : '' ) . " TABLE $newName (LIKE $oldName INCLUDING DEFAULTS)", $fname ); } function timestamp( $ts = 0 ) { return wfTimestamp( TS_POSTGRES, $ts ); } /** * Return aggregated value function call */ function aggregateValue( $valuedata, $valuename = 'value' ) { return $valuedata; } function reportQueryError( $error, $errno, $sql, $fname, $tempIgnore = false ) { // Ignore errors during error handling to avoid infinite recursion $ignore = $this->ignoreErrors( true ); $this->mErrorCount++; if ( $ignore || $tempIgnore ) { wfDebug( "SQL ERROR (ignored): $error\n" ); $this->ignoreErrors( $ignore ); } else { $message = "A database error has occurred. Did you forget to run maintenance/update.php after upgrading? See:\n" . "Query: $sql\n" . "Function: $fname\n" . "Error: $errno $error\n"; throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $message ); } } /** * @return string wikitext of a link to the server software's web site */ public static function getSoftwareLink() { return '[ PostgreSQL]'; } /** * @return string Version information from the database */ function getServerVersion() { if ( !isset( $this->numeric_version ) ) { $versionInfo = pg_version( $this->mConn ); if ( version_compare( $versionInfo['client'], '7.4.0', 'lt' ) ) { // Old client, abort install $this->numeric_version = '7.3 or earlier'; } elseif ( isset( $versionInfo['server'] ) ) { // Normal client $this->numeric_version = $versionInfo['server']; } else { // Bug 16937: broken pgsql extension from PHP<5.3 $this->numeric_version = pg_parameter_status( $this->mConn, 'server_version' ); } } return $this->numeric_version; } /** * Query whether a given relation exists (in the given schema, or the * default mw one if not given) */ function relationExists( $table, $types, $schema = false ) { global $wgDBmwschema; if ( !is_array( $types ) ) { $types = array( $types ); } if ( !$schema ) { $schema = $wgDBmwschema; } $etable = $this->addQuotes( $table ); $eschema = $this->addQuotes( $schema ); $SQL = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " . "WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relname = $etable AND n.nspname = $eschema " . "AND c.relkind IN ('" . implode( "','", $types ) . "')"; $res = $this->query( $SQL ); $count = $res ? $res->numRows() : 0; return (bool)$count; } /** * For backward compatibility, this function checks both tables and * views. */ function tableExists( $table, $schema = false ) { return $this->relationExists( $table, array( 'r', 'v' ), $schema ); } function sequenceExists( $sequence, $schema = false ) { return $this->relationExists( $sequence, 'S', $schema ); } function triggerExists( $table, $trigger ) { global $wgDBmwschema; $q = <<query( sprintf( $q, $this->addQuotes( $wgDBmwschema ), $this->addQuotes( $table ), $this->addQuotes( $trigger ) ) ); if ( !$res ) { return null; } $rows = $res->numRows(); return $rows; } function ruleExists( $table, $rule ) { global $wgDBmwschema; $exists = $this->selectField( 'pg_rules', 'rulename', array( 'rulename' => $rule, 'tablename' => $table, 'schemaname' => $wgDBmwschema ) ); return $exists === $rule; } function constraintExists( $table, $constraint ) { global $wgDBmwschema; $SQL = sprintf( "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.table_constraints ". "WHERE constraint_schema = %s AND table_name = %s AND constraint_name = %s", $this->addQuotes( $wgDBmwschema ), $this->addQuotes( $table ), $this->addQuotes( $constraint ) ); $res = $this->query( $SQL ); if ( !$res ) { return null; } $rows = $res->numRows(); return $rows; } /** * Query whether a given schema exists. Returns the name of the owner */ function schemaExists( $schema ) { $eschema = preg_replace( "/'/", "''", $schema ); $SQL = "SELECT rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_roles r " ."WHERE n.nspowner=r.oid AND n.nspname = '$eschema'"; $res = $this->query( $SQL ); if ( $res && $res->numRows() ) { $row = $res->fetchObject(); $owner = $row->rolname; } else { $owner = false; } return $owner; } function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) { return PostgresField::fromText( $this, $table, $field ); } /** * pg_field_type() wrapper */ function fieldType( $res, $index ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return pg_field_type( $res, $index ); } /* Not even sure why this is used in the main codebase... */ function limitResultForUpdate( $sql, $num ) { return $sql; } function setup_database() { global $wgDBmwschema, $wgDBuser; // Make sure that we can write to the correct schema // If not, Postgres will happily and silently go to the next search_path item $ctest = 'mediawiki_test_table'; $safeschema = $this->quote_ident( $wgDBmwschema ); if ( $this->tableExists( $ctest, $wgDBmwschema ) ) { $this->doQuery( "DROP TABLE $safeschema.$ctest" ); } $SQL = "CREATE TABLE $safeschema.$ctest(a int)"; $olde = error_reporting( 0 ); $res = $this->doQuery( $SQL ); error_reporting( $olde ); if ( !$res ) { print 'FAILED. Make sure that the user "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBuser ) . '" can write to the schema "' . htmlspecialchars( $wgDBmwschema ) . "\"\n"; dieout( '' ); # Will close the main list