opened ) { Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $this->close(); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); } } function getType() { return 'oracle'; } function implicitGroupby() { return false; } function implicitOrderby() { return false; } /** * Usually aborts on failure * @param string $server * @param string $user * @param string $password * @param string $dbName * @throws DBConnectionError * @return resource|null */ function open( $server, $user, $password, $dbName ) { global $wgDBOracleDRCP; if ( !function_exists( 'oci_connect' ) ) { throw new DBConnectionError( $this, "Oracle functions missing, have you compiled PHP with the --with-oci8 option?\n " . "(Note: if you recently installed PHP, you may need to restart your webserver\n " . "and database)\n" ); } $this->close(); $this->user = $user; $this->password = $password; // changed internal variables functions // mServer now holds the TNS endpoint // mDBname is schema name if different from username if ( !$server ) { // backward compatibillity (server used to be null and TNS was supplied in dbname) $this->server = $dbName; $this->dbName = $user; } else { $this->server = $server; if ( !$dbName ) { $this->dbName = $user; } else { $this->dbName = $dbName; } } if ( !strlen( $user ) ) { # e.g. the class is being loaded return null; } if ( $wgDBOracleDRCP ) { $this->setFlag( DBO_PERSISTENT ); } $session_mode = $this->flags & DBO_SYSDBA ? OCI_SYSDBA : OCI_DEFAULT; Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); if ( $this->flags & DBO_PERSISTENT ) { $this->conn = oci_pconnect( $this->user, $this->password, $this->server, $this->defaultCharset, $session_mode ); } elseif ( $this->flags & DBO_DEFAULT ) { $this->conn = oci_new_connect( $this->user, $this->password, $this->server, $this->defaultCharset, $session_mode ); } else { $this->conn = oci_connect( $this->user, $this->password, $this->server, $this->defaultCharset, $session_mode ); } Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( $this->user != $this->dbName ) { // change current schema in session $this->selectDB( $this->dbName ); } if ( !$this->conn ) { throw new DBConnectionError( $this, $this->lastError() ); } $this->opened = true; # removed putenv calls because they interfere with the system globaly $this->doQuery( 'ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT=\'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF6\'' ); $this->doQuery( 'ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT=\'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF6\'' ); $this->doQuery( 'ALTER SESSION SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=\'.,\'' ); return $this->conn; } /** * Closes a database connection, if it is open * Returns success, true if already closed * @return bool */ protected function closeConnection() { return oci_close( $this->conn ); } function execFlags() { return $this->trxLevel ? OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT : OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS; } protected function doQuery( $sql ) { wfDebug( "SQL: [$sql]\n" ); if ( !StringUtils::isUtf8( $sql ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( "SQL encoding is invalid\n$sql" ); } // handle some oracle specifics // remove AS column/table/subquery namings if ( !$this->getFlag( DBO_DDLMODE ) ) { $sql = preg_replace( '/ as /i', ' ', $sql ); } // Oracle has issues with UNION clause if the statement includes LOB fields // So we do a UNION ALL and then filter the results array with array_unique $union_unique = ( preg_match( '/\/\* UNION_UNIQUE \*\/ /', $sql ) != 0 ); // EXPLAIN syntax in Oracle is EXPLAIN PLAN FOR and it return nothing // you have to select data from plan table after explain $explain_id = MWTimestamp::getLocalInstance()->format( 'dmYHis' ); $sql = preg_replace( '/^EXPLAIN /', 'EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID = \'' . $explain_id . '\' FOR', $sql, 1, $explain_count ); Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $this->mLastResult = $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql ); if ( $stmt === false ) { $e = oci_error( $this->conn ); $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } if ( !oci_execute( $stmt, $this->execFlags() ) ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); if ( !$this->ignoreDupValOnIndex || $e['code'] != '1' ) { $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } } Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( $explain_count > 0 ) { return $this->doQuery( 'SELECT id, cardinality "ROWS" FROM plan_table ' . 'WHERE statement_id = \'' . $explain_id . '\'' ); } elseif ( oci_statement_type( $stmt ) == 'SELECT' ) { return new ORAResult( $this, $stmt, $union_unique ); } else { $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt ); return true; } } function queryIgnore( $sql, $fname = '' ) { return $this->query( $sql, $fname, true ); } /** * Frees resources associated with the LOB descriptor * @param ResultWrapper|ORAResult $res */ function freeResult( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } $res->free(); } /** * @param ResultWrapper|ORAResult $res * @return mixed */ function fetchObject( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return $res->fetchObject(); } /** * @param ResultWrapper|ORAResult $res * @return mixed */ function fetchRow( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return $res->fetchRow(); } /** * @param ResultWrapper|ORAResult $res * @return int */ function numRows( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return $res->numRows(); } /** * @param ResultWrapper|ORAResult $res * @return int */ function numFields( $res ) { if ( $res instanceof ResultWrapper ) { $res = $res->result; } return $res->numFields(); } function fieldName( $stmt, $n ) { return oci_field_name( $stmt, $n ); } function insertId() { $res = $this->query( "SELECT lastval_pkg.getLastval FROM dual" ); $row = $this->fetchRow( $res ); return is_null( $row[0] ) ? null : (int)$row[0]; } /** * @param mixed $res * @param int $row */ function dataSeek( $res, $row ) { if ( $res instanceof ORAResult ) { $res->seek( $row ); } else { $res->result->seek( $row ); } } function lastError() { if ( $this->conn === false ) { $e = oci_error(); } else { $e = oci_error( $this->conn ); } return $e['message']; } function lastErrno() { if ( $this->conn === false ) { $e = oci_error(); } else { $e = oci_error( $this->conn ); } return $e['code']; } protected function fetchAffectedRowCount() { return $this->mAffectedRows; } /** * Returns information about an index * If errors are explicitly ignored, returns NULL on failure * @param string $table * @param string $index * @param string $fname * @return bool */ function indexInfo( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { return false; } function indexUnique( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { return false; } function insert( $table, $a, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) { if ( !count( $a ) ) { return true; } if ( !is_array( $options ) ) { $options = [ $options ]; } if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ) ) { $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = true; } if ( !is_array( reset( $a ) ) ) { $a = [ $a ]; } foreach ( $a as &$row ) { $this->insertOneRow( $table, $row, $fname ); } $retVal = true; if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $options ) ) { $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = false; } return $retVal; } private function fieldBindStatement( $table, $col, &$val, $includeCol = false ) { $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col ); $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT'; $bind = ''; if ( is_numeric( $col ) ) { $bind = $val; $val = null; return $bind; } elseif ( $includeCol ) { $bind = "$col = "; } if ( $val == '' && $val !== 0 && $col_type != 'BLOB' && $col_type != 'CLOB' ) { $val = null; } if ( $val === 'NULL' ) { $val = null; } if ( $val === null ) { if ( $col_info != false && $col_info->isNullable() == 0 && $col_info->defaultValue() != null ) { $bind .= 'DEFAULT'; } else { $bind .= 'NULL'; } } else { $bind .= ':' . $col; } return $bind; } /** * @param string $table * @param array $row * @param string $fname * @return bool * @throws DBUnexpectedError */ private function insertOneRow( $table, $row, $fname ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); // "INSERT INTO tables (a, b, c)" $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $row ) ) . ')'; $sql .= " VALUES ("; // for each value, append ":key" $first = true; foreach ( $row as $col => &$val ) { if ( !$first ) { $sql .= ', '; } else { $first = false; } if ( $this->isQuotedIdentifier( $val ) ) { $sql .= $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $val ); unset( $row[$col] ); } else { $sql .= $this->fieldBindStatement( $table, $col, $val ); } } $sql .= ')'; $this->mLastResult = $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql ); if ( $stmt === false ) { $e = oci_error( $this->conn ); $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } foreach ( $row as $col => &$val ) { $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col ); $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT'; if ( $val === null ) { // do nothing ... null was inserted in statement creation } elseif ( $col_type != 'BLOB' && $col_type != 'CLOB' ) { if ( is_object( $val ) ) { $val = $val->fetch(); } // backward compatibility if ( preg_match( '/^timestamp.*/i', $col_type ) == 1 && strtolower( $val ) == 'infinity' ) { $val = $this->getInfinity(); } $val = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()-> checkTitleEncoding( $val ); if ( oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $val, -1, SQLT_CHR ) === false ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } } else { /** @var OCI_Lob[] $lob */ $lob[$col] = oci_new_descriptor( $this->conn, OCI_D_LOB ); if ( $lob[$col] === false ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot create LOB descriptor: " . $e['message'] ); } if ( is_object( $val ) ) { $val = $val->fetch(); } if ( $col_type == 'BLOB' ) { $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val, OCI_TEMP_BLOB ); oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, OCI_B_BLOB ); } else { $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val, OCI_TEMP_CLOB ); oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, OCI_B_CLOB ); } } } Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); if ( oci_execute( $stmt, $this->execFlags() ) === false ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); if ( !$this->ignoreDupValOnIndex || $e['code'] != '1' ) { $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } else { $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt ); } } else { $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt ); } Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( isset( $lob ) ) { foreach ( $lob as $lob_v ) { $lob_v->free(); } } if ( !$this->trxLevel ) { oci_commit( $this->conn ); } return oci_free_statement( $stmt ); } function nativeInsertSelect( $destTable, $srcTable, $varMap, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $insertOptions = [], $selectOptions = [], $selectJoinConds = [] ) { $destTable = $this->tableName( $destTable ); $sequenceData = $this->getSequenceData( $destTable ); if ( $sequenceData !== false && !isset( $varMap[$sequenceData['column']] ) ) { $varMap[$sequenceData['column']] = 'GET_SEQUENCE_VALUE(\'' . $sequenceData['sequence'] . '\')'; } // count-alias subselect fields to avoid abigious definition errors $i = 0; foreach ( $varMap as &$val ) { $val = $val . ' field' . ( $i++ ); } $selectSql = $this->selectSQLText( $srcTable, array_values( $varMap ), $conds, $fname, $selectOptions, $selectJoinConds ); $sql = "INSERT INTO $destTable (" . implode( ',', array_keys( $varMap ) ) . ') ' . $selectSql; if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ) { $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = true; } $retval = $this->query( $sql, $fname ); if ( in_array( 'IGNORE', $insertOptions ) ) { $this->ignoreDupValOnIndex = false; } return $retval; } public function upsert( $table, array $rows, array $uniqueIndexes, array $set, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( !count( $rows ) ) { return true; // nothing to do } if ( !is_array( reset( $rows ) ) ) { $rows = [ $rows ]; } $sequenceData = $this->getSequenceData( $table ); if ( $sequenceData !== false ) { // add sequence column to each list of columns, when not set foreach ( $rows as &$row ) { if ( !isset( $row[$sequenceData['column']] ) ) { $row[$sequenceData['column']] = $this->addIdentifierQuotes( 'GET_SEQUENCE_VALUE(\'' . $sequenceData['sequence'] . '\')' ); } } } return parent::upsert( $table, $rows, $uniqueIndexes, $set, $fname ); } function tableName( $name, $format = 'quoted' ) { /* Replace reserved words with better ones Using uppercase because that's the only way Oracle can handle quoted tablenames */ switch ( $name ) { case 'user': $name = 'MWUSER'; break; case 'text': $name = 'PAGECONTENT'; break; } return strtoupper( parent::tableName( $name, $format ) ); } function tableNameInternal( $name ) { $name = $this->tableName( $name ); return preg_replace( '/.*\.(.*)/', '$1', $name ); } /** * Return sequence_name if table has a sequence * * @param string $table * @return bool */ private function getSequenceData( $table ) { if ( $this->sequenceData == null ) { $result = $this->doQuery( "SELECT lower(asq.sequence_name), lower(atc.table_name), lower(atc.column_name) FROM all_sequences asq, all_tab_columns atc WHERE decode( atc.table_name, '{$this->tablePrefix}MWUSER', '{$this->tablePrefix}USER', atc.table_name ) || '_' || atc.column_name || '_SEQ' = '{$this->tablePrefix}' || asq.sequence_name AND asq.sequence_owner = upper('{$this->dbName}') AND atc.owner = upper('{$this->dbName}')" ); while ( ( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) !== false ) { $this->sequenceData[$row[1]] = [ 'sequence' => $row[0], 'column' => $row[2] ]; } } $table = strtolower( $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $this->tableName( $table ) ) ); return $this->sequenceData[$table] ?? false; } /** * Returns the size of a text field, or -1 for "unlimited" * * @param string $table * @param string $field * @return mixed */ function textFieldSize( $table, $field ) { $fieldInfoData = $this->fieldInfo( $table, $field ); return $fieldInfoData->maxLength(); } function limitResult( $sql, $limit, $offset = false ) { if ( $offset === false ) { $offset = 0; } return "SELECT * FROM ($sql) WHERE rownum >= (1 + $offset) AND rownum < (1 + $limit + $offset)"; } function encodeBlob( $b ) { return new Blob( $b ); } function decodeBlob( $b ) { if ( $b instanceof Blob ) { $b = $b->fetch(); } return $b; } function unionQueries( $sqls, $all ) { $glue = ' UNION ALL '; return 'SELECT * ' . ( $all ? '' : '/* UNION_UNIQUE */ ' ) . 'FROM (' . implode( $glue, $sqls ) . ')'; } function wasDeadlock() { return $this->lastErrno() == 'OCI-00060'; } function duplicateTableStructure( $oldName, $newName, $temporary = false, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $temporary = $temporary ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $newName = strtoupper( $newName ); $oldName = strtoupper( $oldName ); $tabName = substr( $newName, strlen( $this->tablePrefix ) ); $oldPrefix = substr( $oldName, 0, strlen( $oldName ) - strlen( $tabName ) ); $newPrefix = strtoupper( $this->tablePrefix ); return $this->doQuery( "BEGIN DUPLICATE_TABLE( '$tabName', " . "'$oldPrefix', '$newPrefix', $temporary ); END;" ); } function listTables( $prefix = null, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $listWhere = ''; if ( !empty( $prefix ) ) { $listWhere = ' AND table_name LIKE \'' . strtoupper( $prefix ) . '%\''; } $owner = strtoupper( $this->dbName ); $result = $this->doQuery( "SELECT table_name FROM all_tables " . "WHERE owner='$owner' AND table_name NOT LIKE '%!_IDX\$_' ESCAPE '!' $listWhere" ); // dirty code ... i know $endArray = []; $endArray[] = strtoupper( $prefix . 'MWUSER' ); $endArray[] = strtoupper( $prefix . 'PAGE' ); $endArray[] = strtoupper( $prefix . 'IMAGE' ); $fixedOrderTabs = $endArray; while ( ( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) !== false ) { if ( !in_array( $row['table_name'], $fixedOrderTabs ) ) { $endArray[] = $row['table_name']; } } return $endArray; } public function dropTable( $tableName, $fName = __METHOD__ ) { $tableName = $this->tableName( $tableName ); if ( !$this->tableExists( $tableName ) ) { return false; } return $this->doQuery( "DROP TABLE $tableName CASCADE CONSTRAINTS PURGE" ); } function timestamp( $ts = 0 ) { return wfTimestamp( TS_ORACLE, $ts ); } /** * Return aggregated value function call * * @param array $valuedata * @param string $valuename * @return mixed */ public function aggregateValue( $valuedata, $valuename = 'value' ) { return $valuedata; } /** * @return string Wikitext of a link to the server software's web site */ public function getSoftwareLink() { return '[{{int:version-db-oracle-url}} Oracle]'; } /** * @return string Version information from the database */ function getServerVersion() { // better version number, fallback on driver $rset = $this->doQuery( 'SELECT version FROM product_component_version ' . 'WHERE UPPER(product) LIKE \'ORACLE DATABASE%\'' ); $row = $rset->fetchRow(); if ( !$row ) { return oci_server_version( $this->conn ); } return $row['version']; } /** * Query whether a given index exists * @param string $table * @param string $index * @param string $fname * @return bool */ function indexExists( $table, $index, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $table = strtoupper( $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $table ) ); $index = strtoupper( $index ); $owner = strtoupper( $this->dbName ); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM all_indexes WHERE owner='$owner' AND index_name='{$table}_{$index}'"; $res = $this->doQuery( $sql ); if ( $res ) { $count = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); } else { $count = 0; } return $count != 0; } /** * Query whether a given table exists (in the given schema, or the default mw one if not given) * @param string $table * @param string $fname * @return bool */ function tableExists( $table, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $table = $this->addQuotes( strtoupper( $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $table ) ) ); $owner = $this->addQuotes( strtoupper( $this->dbName ) ); $sql = "SELECT 1 FROM all_tables WHERE owner=$owner AND table_name=$table"; $res = $this->doQuery( $sql ); if ( $res && $res->numRows() > 0 ) { $exists = true; } else { $exists = false; } $res->free(); return $exists; } /** * Function translates mysql_fetch_field() functionality on ORACLE. * Caching is present for reducing query time. * For internal calls. Use fieldInfo for normal usage. * Returns false if the field doesn't exist * * @param array|string $table * @param string $field * @return ORAField|ORAResult|false */ private function fieldInfoMulti( $table, $field ) { $field = strtoupper( $field ); if ( is_array( $table ) ) { $table = array_map( [ $this, 'tableNameInternal' ], $table ); $tableWhere = 'IN ('; foreach ( $table as &$singleTable ) { $singleTable = $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $singleTable ); if ( isset( $this->mFieldInfoCache["$singleTable.$field"] ) ) { return $this->mFieldInfoCache["$singleTable.$field"]; } $tableWhere .= '\'' . $singleTable . '\','; } $tableWhere = rtrim( $tableWhere, ',' ) . ')'; } else { $table = $this->removeIdentifierQuotes( $this->tableNameInternal( $table ) ); if ( isset( $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"] ) ) { return $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"]; } $tableWhere = '= \'' . $table . '\''; } $fieldInfoStmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, 'SELECT * FROM wiki_field_info_full WHERE table_name ' . $tableWhere . ' and column_name = \'' . $field . '\'' ); if ( oci_execute( $fieldInfoStmt, $this->execFlags() ) === false ) { $e = oci_error( $fieldInfoStmt ); $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], 'fieldInfo QUERY', __METHOD__ ); return false; } $res = new ORAResult( $this, $fieldInfoStmt ); if ( $res->numRows() == 0 ) { if ( is_array( $table ) ) { foreach ( $table as &$singleTable ) { $this->mFieldInfoCache["$singleTable.$field"] = false; } } else { $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"] = false; } $fieldInfoTemp = null; } else { $fieldInfoTemp = new ORAField( $res->fetchRow() ); $table = $fieldInfoTemp->tableName(); $this->mFieldInfoCache["$table.$field"] = $fieldInfoTemp; } $res->free(); return $fieldInfoTemp; } /** * @throws DBUnexpectedError * @param string $table * @param string $field * @return ORAField */ function fieldInfo( $table, $field ) { if ( is_array( $table ) ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, 'DatabaseOracle::fieldInfo called with table array!' ); } return $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $field ); } protected function doBegin( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { $this->trxLevel = 1; $this->doQuery( 'SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED' ); } protected function doCommit( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( $this->trxLevel ) { $ret = oci_commit( $this->conn ); if ( !$ret ) { throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, $this->lastError() ); } $this->trxLevel = 0; $this->doQuery( 'SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE' ); } } protected function doRollback( $fname = __METHOD__ ) { if ( $this->trxLevel ) { oci_rollback( $this->conn ); $this->trxLevel = 0; $this->doQuery( 'SET CONSTRAINTS ALL IMMEDIATE' ); } } function sourceStream( $fp, callable $lineCallback = null, callable $resultCallback = null, $fname = __METHOD__, callable $inputCallback = null ) { $cmd = ''; $done = false; $dollarquote = false; $replacements = []; // Defines must comply with ^define\s*([^\s=]*)\s*=\s?'\{\$([^\}]*)\}'; while ( !feof( $fp ) ) { if ( $lineCallback ) { call_user_func( $lineCallback ); } $line = trim( fgets( $fp, 1024 ) ); $sl = strlen( $line ) - 1; if ( $sl < 0 ) { continue; } if ( '-' == $line[0] && '-' == $line[1] ) { continue; } // Allow dollar quoting for function declarations if ( substr( $line, 0, 8 ) == '/*$mw$*/' ) { if ( $dollarquote ) { $dollarquote = false; $line = str_replace( '/*$mw$*/', '', $line ); // remove dollarquotes $done = true; } else { $dollarquote = true; } } elseif ( !$dollarquote ) { if ( ';' == $line[$sl] && ( $sl < 2 || ';' != $line[$sl - 1] ) ) { $done = true; $line = substr( $line, 0, $sl ); } } if ( $cmd != '' ) { $cmd .= ' '; } $cmd .= "$line\n"; if ( $done ) { $cmd = str_replace( ';;', ";", $cmd ); if ( strtolower( substr( $cmd, 0, 6 ) ) == 'define' ) { if ( preg_match( '/^define\s*([^\s=]*)\s*=\s*\'\{\$([^\}]*)\}\'/', $cmd, $defines ) ) { $replacements[$defines[2]] = $defines[1]; } } else { foreach ( $replacements as $mwVar => $scVar ) { $cmd = str_replace( '&' . $scVar . '.', '`{$' . $mwVar . '}`', $cmd ); } $cmd = $this->replaceVars( $cmd ); if ( $inputCallback ) { call_user_func( $inputCallback, $cmd ); } $res = $this->doQuery( $cmd ); if ( $resultCallback ) { call_user_func( $resultCallback, $res, $this ); } if ( false === $res ) { $err = $this->lastError(); return "Query \"{$cmd}\" failed with error code \"$err\".\n"; } } $cmd = ''; $done = false; } } return true; } function selectDB( $db ) { $this->dbName = $db; if ( $db == null || $db == $this->user ) { return true; } $sql = 'ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=' . strtoupper( $db ); $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql ); Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); $success = oci_execute( $stmt ); Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( !$success ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); if ( $e['code'] != '1435' ) { $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); } return false; } return true; } function strencode( $s ) { return str_replace( "'", "''", $s ); } function addQuotes( $s ) { $contLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage(); if ( isset( $contLang->mLoaded ) && $contLang->mLoaded ) { $s = $contLang->checkTitleEncoding( $s ); } return "'" . $this->strencode( $s ) . "'"; } public function addIdentifierQuotes( $s ) { if ( !$this->getFlag( DBO_DDLMODE ) ) { $s = '/*Q*/' . $s; } return $s; } public function removeIdentifierQuotes( $s ) { return strpos( $s, '/*Q*/' ) === false ? $s : substr( $s, 5 ); } public function isQuotedIdentifier( $s ) { return strpos( $s, '/*Q*/' ) !== false; } private function wrapFieldForWhere( $table, &$col, &$val ) { $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col ); $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT'; if ( $col_type == 'CLOB' ) { $col = 'TO_CHAR(' . $col . ')'; $val = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->checkTitleEncoding( $val ); } elseif ( $col_type == 'VARCHAR2' ) { $val = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()->checkTitleEncoding( $val ); } } private function wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds, $parentCol = null ) { $conds2 = []; foreach ( $conds as $col => $val ) { if ( is_array( $val ) ) { $conds2[$col] = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $val, $col ); } else { if ( is_numeric( $col ) && $parentCol != null ) { $this->wrapFieldForWhere( $table, $parentCol, $val ); } else { $this->wrapFieldForWhere( $table, $col, $val ); } $conds2[$col] = $val; } } return $conds2; } function selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [], $join_conds = [] ) { if ( is_array( $conds ) ) { $conds = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds ); } return parent::selectRow( $table, $vars, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ); } /** * Returns an optional USE INDEX clause to go after the table, and a * string to go at the end of the query * * @param array $options An associative array of options to be turned into * an SQL query, valid keys are listed in the function. * @return array */ function makeSelectOptions( $options ) { $preLimitTail = $postLimitTail = ''; $startOpts = ''; $noKeyOptions = []; foreach ( $options as $key => $option ) { if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) { $noKeyOptions[$option] = true; } } $preLimitTail .= $this->makeGroupByWithHaving( $options ); $preLimitTail .= $this->makeOrderBy( $options ); if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['FOR UPDATE'] ) ) { $postLimitTail .= ' FOR UPDATE'; } if ( isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCT'] ) || isset( $noKeyOptions['DISTINCTROW'] ) ) { $startOpts .= 'DISTINCT'; } if ( isset( $options['USE INDEX'] ) && !is_array( $options['USE INDEX'] ) ) { $useIndex = $this->useIndexClause( $options['USE INDEX'] ); } else { $useIndex = ''; } if ( isset( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) && !is_array( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ) ) { $ignoreIndex = $this->ignoreIndexClause( $options['IGNORE INDEX'] ); } else { $ignoreIndex = ''; } return [ $startOpts, $useIndex, $preLimitTail, $postLimitTail, $ignoreIndex ]; } public function delete( $table, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__ ) { global $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage; if ( is_array( $conds ) ) { $conds = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds ); } // a hack for deleting pages, users and images (which have non-nullable FKs) // all deletions on these tables have transactions so final failure rollbacks these updates // @todo: Normalize the schema to match MySQL, no special FKs and such $table = $this->tableName( $table ); if ( $table == $this->tableName( 'user' ) && $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage < MIGRATION_NEW ) { $this->update( 'archive', [ 'ar_user' => 0 ], [ 'ar_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'ipblocks', [ 'ipb_user' => 0 ], [ 'ipb_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'image', [ 'img_user' => 0 ], [ 'img_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_user' => 0 ], [ 'oi_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'filearchive', [ 'fa_deleted_user' => 0 ], [ 'fa_deleted_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'filearchive', [ 'fa_user' => 0 ], [ 'fa_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'uploadstash', [ 'us_user' => 0 ], [ 'us_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'recentchanges', [ 'rc_user' => 0 ], [ 'rc_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); $this->update( 'logging', [ 'log_user' => 0 ], [ 'log_user' => $conds['user_id'] ], $fname ); } elseif ( $table == $this->tableName( 'image' ) ) { $this->update( 'oldimage', [ 'oi_name' => 0 ], [ 'oi_name' => $conds['img_name'] ], $fname ); } return parent::delete( $table, $conds, $fname ); } /** * @param string $table * @param array $values * @param array $conds * @param string $fname * @param array $options * @return bool * @throws DBUnexpectedError */ function update( $table, $values, $conds, $fname = __METHOD__, $options = [] ) { $table = $this->tableName( $table ); $opts = $this->makeUpdateOptions( $options ); $sql = "UPDATE $opts $table SET "; $first = true; foreach ( $values as $col => &$val ) { $sqlSet = $this->fieldBindStatement( $table, $col, $val, true ); if ( !$first ) { $sqlSet = ', ' . $sqlSet; } else { $first = false; } $sql .= $sqlSet; } if ( $conds !== [] && $conds !== '*' ) { $conds = $this->wrapConditionsForWhere( $table, $conds ); $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $this->makeList( $conds, LIST_AND ); } $this->mLastResult = $stmt = oci_parse( $this->conn, $sql ); if ( $stmt === false ) { $e = oci_error( $this->conn ); $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } foreach ( $values as $col => &$val ) { $col_info = $this->fieldInfoMulti( $table, $col ); $col_type = $col_info != false ? $col_info->type() : 'CONSTANT'; if ( $val === null ) { // do nothing ... null was inserted in statement creation } elseif ( $col_type != 'BLOB' && $col_type != 'CLOB' ) { if ( is_object( $val ) ) { $val = $val->getData(); } if ( preg_match( '/^timestamp.*/i', $col_type ) == 1 && strtolower( $val ) == 'infinity' ) { $val = '31-12-2030 12:00:00.000000'; } $val = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getContentLanguage()-> checkTitleEncoding( $val ); if ( oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $val ) === false ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } } else { /** @var OCI_Lob[] $lob */ $lob[$col] = oci_new_descriptor( $this->conn, OCI_D_LOB ); if ( $lob[$col] === false ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); throw new DBUnexpectedError( $this, "Cannot create LOB descriptor: " . $e['message'] ); } if ( is_object( $val ) ) { $val = $val->getData(); } if ( $col_type == 'BLOB' ) { $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val ); oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, SQLT_BLOB ); } else { $lob[$col]->writeTemporary( $val ); oci_bind_by_name( $stmt, ":$col", $lob[$col], -1, OCI_B_CLOB ); } } } Wikimedia\suppressWarnings(); if ( oci_execute( $stmt, $this->execFlags() ) === false ) { $e = oci_error( $stmt ); if ( !$this->ignoreDupValOnIndex || $e['code'] != '1' ) { $this->reportQueryError( $e['message'], $e['code'], $sql, __METHOD__ ); return false; } else { $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt ); } } else { $this->mAffectedRows = oci_num_rows( $stmt ); } Wikimedia\restoreWarnings(); if ( isset( $lob ) ) { foreach ( $lob as $lob_v ) { $lob_v->free(); } } if ( !$this->trxLevel ) { oci_commit( $this->conn ); } return oci_free_statement( $stmt ); } function bitNot( $field ) { // expecting bit-fields smaller than 4bytes return 'BITNOT(' . $field . ')'; } function bitAnd( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight ) { return 'BITAND(' . $fieldLeft . ', ' . $fieldRight . ')'; } function bitOr( $fieldLeft, $fieldRight ) { return 'BITOR(' . $fieldLeft . ', ' . $fieldRight . ')'; } function getDBname() { return $this->dbName; } function getServer() { return $this->server; } public function buildGroupConcatField( $delim, $table, $field, $conds = '', $join_conds = [] ) { $fld = "LISTAGG($field," . $this->addQuotes( $delim ) . ") WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY $field)"; return '(' . $this->selectSQLText( $table, $fld, $conds, null, [], $join_conds ) . ')'; } public function buildSubstring( $input, $startPosition, $length = null ) { $this->assertBuildSubstringParams( $startPosition, $length ); $params = [ $input, $startPosition ]; if ( $length !== null ) { $params[] = $length; } return 'SUBSTR(' . implode( ',', $params ) . ')'; } /** * @param string $field Field or column to cast * @return string * @since 1.28 */ public function buildStringCast( $field ) { return 'CAST ( ' . $field . ' AS VARCHAR2 )'; } public function getInfinity() { return '31-12-2030 12:00:00.000000'; } }