
\n"; } function getSQL() { $dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); extract( $dbr->tableNames( 'page', 'links', 'text' ) ); $sql = "SELECT pa.page_namespace as ns_a, pa.page_title as title_a, pb.page_namespace as ns_b, pb.page_title as title_b, old_text AS rt FROM $text AS t, $links,$page AS pa,$page AS pb WHERE pa.page_is_redirect=1 AND pb.page_is_redirect=1 AND l_to=pb.page_id AND l_from=pa.page_id AND pb.page_latest=t.old_id" ; return $sql; } function getOrder() { return ''; } function formatResult( $skin, $result ) { global $wgContLang ; $ns = $wgContLang->getNamespaces() ; $from = $skin->makeKnownLink( $ns[$result->ns_a].':'.$result->title_a ,'', 'redirect=no' ); $edit = $skin->makeBrokenLink( $ns[$result->ns_a].':'.$result->title_a , "(".wfMsg("qbedit").")" , 'redirect=no'); $to = $skin->makeKnownLink( $ns[$result->ns_b].':'.$result->title_b ,''); $content = $result->rt; return "$from $edit => $to ($content)"; } } /** * constructor */ function wfSpecialDoubleRedirects() { list( $limit, $offset ) = wfCheckLimits(); $sdr = new DoubleRedirectsPage(); return $sdr->doQuery( $offset, $limit ); } ?>