errorpage( "nosuchspecialpage", "nospecialpagetext" ); return; } if( !$wgUser->isAllowed('asksql') ) { $wgOut->sysopRequired(); return; } if( $wgRequest->wasPosted() ) { $query = $wgRequest->getVal( 'wpSqlQuery' ); $action = $wgRequest->getVal( 'action' ); } else { $query = ""; $action = ""; } $f = new SqlQueryForm( $query); if ( "submit" == $action ) { $f->doSubmit(); } else { $f->showForm( '' ); } } /** * @access private * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage SpecialPage */ class SqlQueryForm { var $query = ''; function SqlQueryForm( $query ) { $this->query = $query; } function showForm( $err ) { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang; global $wgLogQueries; $wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( "asksql" ) ); $note = wfMsg( "asksqltext" ); if($wgLogQueries) $note .= " " . wfMsg( "sqlislogged" ); $wgOut->addWikiText( $note ); if ( "" != $err ) { $wgOut->addHTML( "

" . htmlspecialchars($err) . "\n" ); } if ( ! $this->query ) { $this->query = "SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ..."; } $q = wfMsg( "sqlquery" ); $qb = wfMsg( "querybtn" ); $titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, "Asksql" ); $action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL( "action=submit" ); $wgOut->addHTML( "

\n" ); } function doSubmit() { global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgServer, $wgScript, $wgArticlePath, $wgLang, $wgContLang; global $wgDBserver, $wgDBsqluser, $wgDBsqlpassword, $wgDBname, $wgSqlTimeout; # Use a limit, folks! $this->query = trim( $this->query ); if( preg_match( "/^SELECT/i", $this->query ) and !preg_match( "/LIMIT/i", $this->query ) ) { $this->query .= " LIMIT 100"; } $conn = Database::newFromParams( $wgDBserver, $wgDBsqluser, $wgDBsqlpassword, $wgDBname ); $this->logQuery( $this->query ); # Start timer, will kill the DB thread in $wgSqlTimeout seconds $conn->startTimer( $wgSqlTimeout ); $res = $conn->query( $this->query, "SpecialAsksql::doSubmit" ); $conn->stopTimer(); $this->logFinishedQuery(); $n = 0; @$n = $conn->numFields( $res ); $titleList = false; if ( $n ) { $k = array(); for ( $x = 0; $x < $n; ++$x ) { array_push( $k, $conn->fieldName( $res, $x ) ); } if ( $n == 2 && in_array( "page_title", $k ) && in_array( "page_namespace", $k ) ) { $titleList = true; } $a = array(); while ( $s = $conn->fetchObject( $res ) ) { array_push( $a, $s ); } $conn->freeResult( $res ); if ( $titleList ) { $r = ""; foreach ( $a as $y ) { $sTitle = htmlspecialchars( $y->page_title ); if ( $y->page_namespace ) { $sNamespace = $wgContLang->getNsText( $y->page_namespace ); $link = "$sNamespace:$sTitle"; } else { $link = "$sTitle"; } $skin = $wgUser->getSkin(); $link = $skin->makeLink( $link ); $r .= "* [[$link]]
\n"; } } else { $r = "\n"; foreach ( $k as $x ) $r .= ""; $r .= "\n"; foreach ( $a as $y ) { $r .= ""; foreach ( $k as $x ) { $o = $y->$x ; if ( $x == "page_title" or $x == "rc_title") { $namespace = 0; if( $x == "page_title" && isset( $y->page_namespace ) ) $namespace = $y->page_namespace; if( $x == "rc_title" && isset( $y->rc_namespace ) ) $namespace = $y->rc_namespace; $title =& Title::makeTitle( $namespace, $o ); $o = "escapeLocalUrl() . "\" class='internal'>" . htmlspecialchars( $y->$x ) . "" ; } else { $o = htmlspecialchars( $o ); } $r .= "\n"; } $r .= "\n"; } $r .= "
" . htmlspecialchars( $x ) . "
" . $o . "
\n"; } } $this->showForm( wfMsg( "querysuccessful" ) ); $wgOut->addHTML( "
{$r}\n" ); } function logQuery( $q ) { global $wgSqlLogFile, $wgLogQueries, $wgUser; if(!$wgLogQueries) return; $f = fopen( $wgSqlLogFile, "a" ); fputs( $f, "\n\n" . wfTimestampNow() . " query by " . $wgUser->getName() . ":\n$q\n" ); fclose( $f ); $this->starttime = wfTime(); } function logFinishedQuery() { global $wgSqlLogFile, $wgLogQueries; if(!$wgLogQueries) return; $interval = wfTime() - $this->starttime; $f = fopen( $wgSqlLogFile, "a" ); fputs( $f, "finished at " . wfTimestampNow() . "; took $interval secs\n" ); fclose( $f ); } } ?>