profileIn($functionname); } /** * @param $functioname name of the function we have profiled */ function wfProfileOut($functionname = 'missing') { global $wgProfiler; $wgProfiler->profileOut($functionname); } function wfGetProfilingOutput($start, $elapsed) { global $wgProfiler; return $wgProfiler->getOutput($start, $elapsed); } function wfProfileClose() { global $wgProfiler; $wgProfiler->close(); } if (!function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { # Old PHP or --enable-memory-limit not compiled in function memory_get_usage() { return 0; } } /** * @todo document * @addtogroup Profiler */ class Profiler { var $mStack = array (), $mWorkStack = array (), $mCollated = array (); var $mCalls = array (), $mTotals = array (); function __construct() { // Push an entry for the pre-profile setup time onto the stack global $wgRequestTime; if ( !empty( $wgRequestTime ) ) { $this->mWorkStack[] = array( '-total', 0, $wgRequestTime, 0 ); $this->mStack[] = array( '-setup', 1, $wgRequestTime, 0, microtime(true), 0 ); } else { $this->profileIn( '-total' ); } } function profileIn($functionname) { global $wgDebugFunctionEntry; if ($wgDebugFunctionEntry && function_exists('wfDebug')) { wfDebug(str_repeat(' ', count($this->mWorkStack)).'Entering '.$functionname."\n"); } $this->mWorkStack[] = array($functionname, count( $this->mWorkStack ), $this->getTime(), memory_get_usage()); } function profileOut($functionname) { $memory = memory_get_usage(); $time = $this->getTime(); global $wgDebugFunctionEntry; if ($wgDebugFunctionEntry && function_exists('wfDebug')) { wfDebug(str_repeat(' ', count($this->mWorkStack) - 1).'Exiting '.$functionname."\n"); } $bit = array_pop($this->mWorkStack); if (!$bit) { wfDebug("Profiling error, !\$bit: $functionname\n"); } else { //if ($wgDebugProfiling) { if ($functionname == 'close') { $message = "Profile section ended by close(): {$bit[0]}"; wfDebug( "$message\n" ); $this->mStack[] = array( $message, 0, '0 0', 0, '0 0', 0 ); } elseif ($bit[0] != $functionname) { $message = "Profiling error: in({$bit[0]}), out($functionname)"; wfDebug( "$message\n" ); $this->mStack[] = array( $message, 0, '0 0', 0, '0 0', 0 ); } //} $bit[] = $time; $bit[] = $memory; $this->mStack[] = $bit; } } function close() { while (count($this->mWorkStack)) { $this->profileOut('close'); } } function getOutput() { global $wgDebugFunctionEntry; $wgDebugFunctionEntry = false; if (!count($this->mStack) && !count($this->mCollated)) { return "No profiling output\n"; } $this->close(); global $wgProfileCallTree; if ($wgProfileCallTree) { return $this->getCallTree(); } else { return $this->getFunctionReport(); } } function getCallTree($start = 0) { return implode('', array_map(array (& $this, 'getCallTreeLine'), $this->remapCallTree($this->mStack))); } function remapCallTree($stack) { if (count($stack) < 2) { return $stack; } $outputs = array (); for ($max = count($stack) - 1; $max > 0;) { /* Find all items under this entry */ $level = $stack[$max][1]; $working = array (); for ($i = $max -1; $i >= 0; $i --) { if ($stack[$i][1] > $level) { $working[] = $stack[$i]; } else { break; } } $working = $this->remapCallTree(array_reverse($working)); $output = array (); foreach ($working as $item) { array_push($output, $item); } array_unshift($output, $stack[$max]); $max = $i; array_unshift($outputs, $output); } $final = array (); foreach ($outputs as $output) { foreach ($output as $item) { $final[] = $item; } } return $final; } function getCallTreeLine($entry) { list ($fname, $level, $start, /* $x */, $end) = $entry; $delta = $end - $start; $space = str_repeat(' ', $level); # The ugly double sprintf is to work around a PHP bug, # which has been fixed in recent releases. return sprintf( "%10s %s %s\n", trim( sprintf( "%7.3f", $delta * 1000.0 ) ), $space, $fname ); } function getTime() { return microtime(true); #return $this->getUserTime(); } function getUserTime() { $ru = getrusage(); return $ru['ru_utime.tv_sec'].' '.$ru['ru_utime.tv_usec'] / 1e6; } function getFunctionReport() { $width = 140; $nameWidth = $width - 65; $format = "%-{$nameWidth}s %6d %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f%% %9d (%13.3f -%13.3f) [%d]\n"; $titleFormat = "%-{$nameWidth}s %6s %13s %13s %13s %9s\n"; $prof = "\nProfiling data\n"; $prof .= sprintf($titleFormat, 'Name', 'Calls', 'Total', 'Each', '%', 'Mem'); $this->mCollated = array (); $this->mCalls = array (); $this->mMemory = array (); # Estimate profiling overhead $profileCount = count($this->mStack); wfProfileIn('-overhead-total'); for ($i = 0; $i < $profileCount; $i ++) { wfProfileIn('-overhead-internal'); wfProfileOut('-overhead-internal'); } wfProfileOut('-overhead-total'); # First, subtract the overhead! foreach ($this->mStack as $entry) { $fname = $entry[0]; $start = $entry[2]; $end = $entry[4]; $elapsed = $end - $start; $memory = $entry[5] - $entry[3]; if ($fname == '-overhead-total') { $overheadTotal[] = $elapsed; $overheadMemory[] = $memory; } elseif ($fname == '-overhead-internal') { $overheadInternal[] = $elapsed; } } $overheadTotal = array_sum($overheadTotal) / count($overheadInternal); $overheadMemory = array_sum($overheadMemory) / count($overheadInternal); $overheadInternal = array_sum($overheadInternal) / count($overheadInternal); # Collate foreach ($this->mStack as $index => $entry) { $fname = $entry[0]; $start = $entry[2]; $end = $entry[4]; $elapsed = $end - $start; $memory = $entry[5] - $entry[3]; $subcalls = $this->calltreeCount($this->mStack, $index); if (!preg_match('/^-overhead/', $fname)) { # Adjust for profiling overhead (except special values with elapsed=0 if ( $elapsed ) { $elapsed -= $overheadInternal; $elapsed -= ($subcalls * $overheadTotal); $memory -= ($subcalls * $overheadMemory); } } if (!array_key_exists($fname, $this->mCollated)) { $this->mCollated[$fname] = 0; $this->mCalls[$fname] = 0; $this->mMemory[$fname] = 0; $this->mMin[$fname] = 1 << 24; $this->mMax[$fname] = 0; $this->mOverhead[$fname] = 0; } $this->mCollated[$fname] += $elapsed; $this->mCalls[$fname]++; $this->mMemory[$fname] += $memory; $this->mMin[$fname] = min($this->mMin[$fname], $elapsed); $this->mMax[$fname] = max($this->mMax[$fname], $elapsed); $this->mOverhead[$fname] += $subcalls; } $total = @ $this->mCollated['-total']; $this->mCalls['-overhead-total'] = $profileCount; # Output arsort($this->mCollated, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($this->mCollated as $fname => $elapsed) { $calls = $this->mCalls[$fname]; $percent = $total ? 100. * $elapsed / $total : 0; $memory = $this->mMemory[$fname]; $prof .= sprintf($format, substr($fname, 0, $nameWidth), $calls, (float) ($elapsed * 1000), (float) ($elapsed * 1000) / $calls, $percent, $memory, ($this->mMin[$fname] * 1000.0), ($this->mMax[$fname] * 1000.0), $this->mOverhead[$fname]); global $wgProfileToDatabase; if ($wgProfileToDatabase) { Profiler :: logToDB($fname, (float) ($elapsed * 1000), $calls, (float) ($memory) ); } } $prof .= "\nTotal: $total\n\n"; return $prof; } /** * Counts the number of profiled function calls sitting under * the given point in the call graph. Not the most efficient algo. * * @param $stack Array: * @param $start Integer: * @return Integer * @private */ function calltreeCount($stack, $start) { $level = $stack[$start][1]; $count = 0; for ($i = $start -1; $i >= 0 && $stack[$i][1] > $level; $i --) { $count ++; } return $count; } /** * @static */ function logToDB($name, $timeSum, $eventCount, $memorySum) { # Do not log anything if database is readonly (bug 5375) if( wfReadOnly() ) { return; } # Warning: $wguname is a live patch, it should be moved to Setup.php global $wguname, $wgProfilePerHost; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if (!is_object($dbw)) return false; $errorState = $dbw->ignoreErrors( true ); $name = substr($name, 0, 255); if ($wgProfilePerHost) { $pfhost = $wguname['nodename']; } else { $pfhost = ''; } // Kludge $timeSum = ($timeSum >= 0) ? $timeSum : 0; $memorySum = ($memorySum >= 0) ? $memorySum : 0; $dbw->update( 'profiling', array( "pf_count=pf_count+{$eventCount}", "pf_time=pf_time+{$timeSum}", "pf_memory=pf_memory+{$memorySum}", ), array( 'pf_name' => $name, 'pf_server' => $pfhost, ), __METHOD__ ); $rc = $dbw->affectedRows(); if ($rc == 0) { $dbw->insert('profiling', array ('pf_name' => $name, 'pf_count' => $eventCount, 'pf_time' => $timeSum, 'pf_memory' => $memorySum, 'pf_server' => $pfhost ), __METHOD__, array ('IGNORE')); } // When we upgrade to mysql 4.1, the insert+update // can be merged into just a insert with this construct added: // "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ". // "pf_count=pf_count + VALUES(pf_count), ". // "pf_time=pf_time + VALUES(pf_time)"; $dbw->ignoreErrors( $errorState ); } /** * Get the function name of the current profiling section */ function getCurrentSection() { $elt = end($this->mWorkStack); return $elt[0]; } static function getCaller( $level ) { $backtrace = wfDebugBacktrace(); if ( isset( $backtrace[$level] ) ) { if ( isset( $backtrace[$level]['class'] ) ) { $caller = $backtrace[$level]['class'] . '::' . $backtrace[$level]['function']; } else { $caller = $backtrace[$level]['function']; } } else { $caller = 'unknown'; } return $caller; } }