mMimeToExt= array(); $this->mToMime= array(); $lines= explode("\n",$types); foreach ($lines as $s) { $s= trim($s); if (empty($s)) continue; if (strpos($s,'#')===0) continue; $s= strtolower($s); $i= strpos($s,' '); if ($i===false) continue; #print "processing MIME line $s
"; $mime= substr($s,0,$i); $ext= trim(substr($s,$i+1)); if (empty($ext)) continue; if (@$this->mMimeToExt[$mime]) $this->mMimeToExt[$mime] .= ' '.$ext; else $this->mMimeToExt[$mime]= $ext; $extensions= explode(' ',$ext); foreach ($extensions as $e) { $e= trim($e); if (empty($e)) continue; if (@$this->mExtToMime[$e]) $this->mExtToMime[$e] .= ' '.$mime; else $this->mExtToMime[$e]= $mime; } } /* * --- load --- */ global $wgMimeInfoFile; $info= MM_WELL_KNOWN_MIME_INFO; if ($wgMimeInfoFile) { if (is_file($wgMimeInfoFile) and is_readable($wgMimeInfoFile)) { wfDebug("MimeMagic::MimeMagic: loading mime info from $wgMimeInfoFile\n"); $info.= "\n"; $info.= file_get_contents($wgMimeInfoFile); } else wfDebug("MimeMagic::MimeMagic: can't load mime info from $wgMimeInfoFile\n"); } else wfDebug("MimeMagic::MimeMagic: no mime info file defined, using build-ins only.\n"); $info= str_replace(array("\r\n","\n\r","\n\n","\r\r","\r"),"\n",$info); $info= str_replace("\t"," ",$info); $this->mMimeTypeAliases= array(); $this->mMediaTypes= array(); $lines= explode("\n",$info); foreach ($lines as $s) { $s= trim($s); if (empty($s)) continue; if (strpos($s,'#')===0) continue; $s= strtolower($s); $i= strpos($s,' '); if ($i===false) continue; #print "processing MIME INFO line $s
"; $match= array(); if (preg_match('!\[\s*(\w+)\s*\]!',$s,$match)) { $s= preg_replace('!\[\s*(\w+)\s*\]!','',$s); $mtype= trim(strtoupper($match[1])); } else $mtype= MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN; $m= explode(' ',$s); if (!isset($this->mMediaTypes[$mtype])) $this->mMediaTypes[$mtype]= array(); foreach ($m as $mime) { $mime= trim($mime); if (empty($mime)) continue; $this->mMediaTypes[$mtype][]= $mime; } if (sizeof($m)>1) { $main= $m[0]; for ($i=1; $imMimeTypeAliases[$mime]= $main; } } } } /** returns a list of file extensions for a given mime type * as a space separated string. */ function getExtensionsForType($mime) { $mime= strtolower($mime); $r= @$this->mMimeToExt[$mime]; if (@!$r and isset($this->mMimeTypeAliases[$mime])) { $mime= $this->mMimeTypeAliases[$mime]; $r= @$this->mMimeToExt[$mime]; } return $r; } /** returns a list of mime types for a given file extension * as a space separated string. */ function getTypesForExtension($ext) { $ext= strtolower($ext); $r= @$this->mExtToMime[$ext]; return $r; } /** returns a single mime type for a given file extension. * This is always the first type from the list returned by getTypesForExtension($ext). */ function guessTypesForExtension($ext) { $m= $this->getTypesForExtension( $ext ); if( is_null($m) ) return NULL; $m= trim( $m ); $m= preg_replace('/\s.*$/','',$m); return $m; } /** tests if the extension matches the given mime type. * returns true if a match was found, NULL if the mime type is unknown, * and false if the mime type is known but no matches where found. */ function isMatchingExtension($extension,$mime) { $ext= $this->getExtensionsForType($mime); if (!$ext) { return NULL; //unknown } $ext= explode(' ',$ext); $extension= strtolower($extension); if (in_array($extension,$ext)) { return true; } return false; } /** returns true if the mime type is known to represent * an image format supported by the PHP GD library. */ function isPHPImageType( $mime ) { #as defined by imagegetsize and image_type_to_mime static $types = array( 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-bmp', 'image/xbm', 'image/tiff', 'image/jp2', 'image/jpeg2000', 'image/iff', 'image/xbm', 'image/x-xbitmap', 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp', 'image/vnd.xiff', 'image/x-photoshop', 'application/x-shockwave-flash', ); return in_array( $mime, $types ); } /** * Returns true if the extension represents a type which can * be reliably detected from its content. Use this to determine * whether strict content checks should be applied to reject * invalid uploads; if we can't identify the type we won't * be able to say if it's invalid. * * @todo Be more accurate when using fancy mime detector plugins; * right now this is the bare minimum getimagesize() list. * @return bool */ function isRecognizableExtension( $extension ) { static $types = array( 'gif', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'swf', 'psd', 'bmp', 'tiff', 'tif', 'jpc', 'jp2', 'jpx', 'jb2', 'swc', 'iff', 'wbmp', 'xbm', 'djvu' ); return in_array( strtolower( $extension ), $types ); } /** mime type detection. This uses detectMimeType to detect the mim type of the file, * but applies additional checks to determine some well known file formats that may be missed * or misinterpreter by the default mime detection (namely xml based formats like XHTML or SVG). * * @param string $file The file to check * @param bool $useExt switch for allowing to use the file extension to guess the mime type. true by default. * * @return string the mime type of $file */ function guessMimeType( $file, $useExt=true ) { $fname = 'MimeMagic::guessMimeType'; $mime= $this->detectMimeType($file,$useExt); // Read a chunk of the file $f = fopen( $file, "rt" ); if( !$f ) return "unknown/unknown"; $head = fread( $f, 1024 ); fclose( $f ); $sub4 = substr( $head, 0, 4 ); if ( $sub4 == "\x01\x00\x09\x00" || $sub4 == "\xd7\xcd\xc6\x9a" ) { // WMF kill kill kill // Note that WMF may have a bare header, no magic number. // The former of the above two checks is theoretically prone to false positives $mime = "application/x-msmetafile"; } if (strpos($mime,"text/")===0 || $mime==="application/xml") { $xml_type= NULL; $script_type= NULL; /* * look for XML formats (XHTML and SVG) */ if ($mime==="text/sgml" || $mime==="text/plain" || $mime==="text/html" || $mime==="text/xml" || $mime==="application/xml") { if (substr($head,0,5)=="%sim',$head,$match)) $doctype= $match[1]; if (preg_match('%<(\w+).*>%sim',$head,$match)) $tag= $match[1]; #print "
ANALYSING $file ($mime): doctype= $doctype; tag= $tag
"; if (strpos($doctype,"-//W3C//DTD SVG")===0) $mime= "image/svg"; elseif ($tag==="svg") $mime= "image/svg"; elseif (strpos($doctype,"-//W3C//DTD XHTML")===0) $mime= "text/html"; elseif ($tag==="html") $mime= "text/html"; $test_more= false; } } /* * look for shell scripts */ if (!$xml_type) { $script_type= NULL; #detect by shebang if (substr($head,0,2)=="#!") $script_type= "ASCII"; elseif (substr($head,0,5)=="\xef\xbb\xbf#!") $script_type= "UTF-8"; elseif (substr($head,0,7)=="\xfe\xff\x00#\x00!") $script_type= "UTF-16BE"; elseif (substr($head,0,7)=="\xff\xfe#\x00!") $script_type= "UTF-16LE"; if ($script_type) { if ($script_type!=="UTF-8" && $script_type!=="ASCII") $head= iconv($script_type,"ASCII//IGNORE",$head); $match= array(); $prog= ""; if (preg_match('%/?([^\s]+/)(w+)%sim',$head,$match)) $script= $match[2]; $mime= "application/x-$prog"; } } /* * look for PHP */ if( !$xml_type && !$script_type ) { if( ( strpos( $head, 'mMimeTypeAliases[$mime])) $mime= $this->mMimeTypeAliases[$mime]; wfDebug("$fname: final mime type of $file: $mime\n"); return $mime; } /** Internal mime type detection, please use guessMimeType() for application code instead. * Detection is done using an external program, if $wgMimeDetectorCommand is set. * Otherwise, the fileinfo extension and mime_content_type are tried (in this order), if they are available. * If the dections fails and $useExt is true, the mime type is guessed from the file extension, using guessTypesForExtension. * If the mime type is still unknown, getimagesize is used to detect the mime type if the file is an image. * If no mime type can be determined, this function returns "unknown/unknown". * * @param string $file The file to check * @param bool $useExt switch for allowing to use the file extension to guess the mime type. true by default. * * @return string the mime type of $file * @access private */ function detectMimeType( $file, $useExt=true ) { $fname = 'MimeMagic::detectMimeType'; global $wgMimeDetectorCommand; $m= NULL; if ($wgMimeDetectorCommand) { $fn= wfEscapeShellArg($file); $m= `$wgMimeDetectorCommand $fn`; } else if (function_exists("finfo_open") && function_exists("finfo_file")) { # This required the fileinfo extension by PECL, # see # This must be compiled into PHP # # finfo is the official replacement for the deprecated # mime_content_type function, see below. # # If you may need to load the fileinfo extension at runtime, set # $wgLoadFileinfoExtension in LocalSettings.php $mime_magic_resource = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); /* return mime type ala mimetype extension */ if ($mime_magic_resource) { $m= finfo_file($mime_magic_resource, $file); finfo_close($mime_magic_resource); } else wfDebug("$fname: finfo_open failed on ".FILEINFO_MIME."!\n"); } else if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { # NOTE: this function is available since PHP 4.3.0, but only if # PHP was compiled with --with-mime-magic or, before 4.3.2, with --enable-mime-magic. # # On Winodws, you must set mime_magic.magicfile in php.ini to point to the mime.magic file bundeled with PHP; # sometimes, this may even be needed under linus/unix. # # Also note that this has been DEPRECATED in favor of the fileinfo extension by PECL, see above. # see for details. $m= mime_content_type($file); if ( $m == 'text/plain' ) { // mime_content_type sometimes considers DJVU files to be text/plain. $deja = new DjVuImage( $file ); if( $deja->isValid() ) { wfDebug("$fname: (re)detected $file as image/vnd.djvu\n"); $m = 'image/vnd.djvu'; } } } else wfDebug("$fname: no magic mime detector found!\n"); if ($m) { #normalize $m= preg_replace('![;, ].*$!','',$m); #strip charset, etc $m= trim($m); $m= strtolower($m); if (strpos($m,'unknown')!==false) $m= NULL; else { wfDebug("$fname: magic mime type of $file: $m\n"); return $m; } } #if still not known, use getimagesize to find out the type of image #TODO: skip things that do not have a well-known image extension? Would that be safe? wfSuppressWarnings(); $gis = getimagesize( $file ); wfRestoreWarnings(); $notAnImage= false; if ($gis && is_array($gis) && $gis[2]) { switch ($gis[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $m= "image/gif"; break; case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $m= "image/jpeg"; break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $m= "image/png"; break; case IMAGETYPE_SWF: $m= "application/x-shockwave-flash"; break; case IMAGETYPE_PSD: $m= "application/photoshop"; break; case IMAGETYPE_BMP: $m= "image/bmp"; break; case IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II: $m= "image/tiff"; break; case IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM: $m= "image/tiff"; break; case IMAGETYPE_JPC: $m= "image"; break; case IMAGETYPE_JP2: $m= "image/jpeg2000"; break; case IMAGETYPE_JPX: $m= "image/jpeg2000"; break; case IMAGETYPE_JB2: $m= "image"; break; case IMAGETYPE_SWC: $m= "application/x-shockwave-flash"; break; case IMAGETYPE_IFF: $m= "image/vnd.xiff"; break; case IMAGETYPE_WBMP: $m= "image/vnd.wap.wbmp"; break; case IMAGETYPE_XBM: $m= "image/x-xbitmap"; break; } if ($m) { wfDebug("$fname: image mime type of $file: $m\n"); return $m; } else $notAnImage= true; } else { // Also test DjVu $deja = new DjVuImage( $file ); if( $deja->isValid() ) { wfDebug("$fname: detected $file as image/vnd.djvu\n"); return 'image/vnd.djvu'; } } #if desired, look at extension as a fallback. if ($useExt) { $i = strrpos( $file, '.' ); $e= strtolower( $i ? substr( $file, $i + 1 ) : '' ); $m= $this->guessTypesForExtension($e); #TODO: if $notAnImage is set, do not trust the file extension if # the results is one of the image types that should have been recognized # by getimagesize if ($m) { wfDebug("$fname: extension mime type of $file: $m\n"); return $m; } } #unknown type wfDebug("$fname: failed to guess mime type for $file!\n"); return "unknown/unknown"; } /** * Determine the media type code for a file, using its mime type, name and possibly * its contents. * * This function relies on the findMediaType(), mapping extensions and mime * types to media types. * * @todo analyse file if need be * @todo look at multiple extension, separately and together. * * @param string $path full path to the image file, in case we have to look at the contents * (if null, only the mime type is used to determine the media type code). * @param string $mime mime type. If null it will be guessed using guessMimeType. * * @return (int?string?) a value to be used with the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants. */ function getMediaType($path=NULL,$mime=NULL) { if( !$mime && !$path ) return MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN; #if mime type is unknown, guess it if( !$mime ) $mime= $this->guessMimeType($path,false); #special code for ogg - detect if it's video (theora), #else label it as sound. if( $mime=="application/ogg" && file_exists($path) ) { // Read a chunk of the file $f = fopen( $path, "rt" ); if( !$f ) return MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN; $head = fread( $f, 256 ); fclose( $f ); $head= strtolower( $head ); #This is an UGLY HACK, file should be parsed correctly if( strpos($head,'theora')!==false ) return MEDIATYPE_VIDEO; elseif( strpos($head,'vorbis')!==false ) return MEDIATYPE_AUDIO; elseif( strpos($head,'flac')!==false ) return MEDIATYPE_AUDIO; elseif( strpos($head,'speex')!==false ) return MEDIATYPE_AUDIO; else return MEDIATYPE_MULTIMEDIA; } #check for entry for full mime type if( $mime ) { $type= $this->findMediaType($mime); if( $type!==MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN ) return $type; } #check for entry for file extension $e= NULL; if( $path ) { $i = strrpos( $path, '.' ); $e= strtolower( $i ? substr( $path, $i + 1 ) : '' ); #TODO: look at multi-extension if this fails, parse from full path $type= $this->findMediaType('.'.$e); if( $type!==MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN ) return $type; } #check major mime type if( $mime ) { $i= strpos($mime,'/'); if( $i !== false ) { $major= substr($mime,0,$i); $type= $this->findMediaType($major); if( $type!==MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN ) return $type; } } if( !$type ) $type= MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN; return $type; } /** returns a media code matching the given mime type or file extension. * File extensions are represented by a string starting with a dot (.) to * distinguish them from mime types. * * This funktion relies on the mapping defined by $this->mMediaTypes * @access private */ function findMediaType($extMime) { if (strpos($extMime,'.')===0) { #if it's an extension, look up the mime types $m= $this->getTypesForExtension(substr($extMime,1)); if (!$m) return MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN; $m= explode(' ',$m); } else { #normalize mime type if (isset($this->mMimeTypeAliases[$extMime])) { $extMime= $this->mMimeTypeAliases[$extMime]; } $m= array($extMime); } foreach ($m as $mime) { foreach ($this->mMediaTypes as $type => $codes) { if (in_array($mime,$codes,true)) return $type; } } return MEDIATYPE_UNKNOWN; } } ?>