match( $text ) ) # # Possible future improvements: # * Simultaneous searching for a number of magic words # * $wgMagicWords in shared memory # # Please avoid reading the data out of one of these objects and then writing # special case code. If possible, add another match()-like function here. /*private*/ $wgMagicFound = false; class MagicWord { /*private*/ var $mId, $mSynonyms, $mCaseSensitive, $mRegex; /*private*/ var $mRegexStart, $mBaseRegex; function MagicWord($id = 0, $syn = "", $cs = false) { $this->mId = $id; $this->mSynonyms = (array)$syn; $this->mCaseSensitive = $cs; $this->mRegex = ""; $this->mRegexStart = ""; } /*static*/ function &get( $id ) { global $wgMagicWords; if (!array_key_exists( $id, $wgMagicWords ) ) { $mw = new MagicWord(); $mw->load( $id ); $wgMagicWords[$id] = $mw; } return $wgMagicWords[$id]; } function load( $id ) { global $wgLang; $this->mId = $id; $wgLang->getMagic( $this ); } /* private */ function initRegex() { $escSyn = array_map( "preg_quote", $this->mSynonyms ); $this->mBaseRegex = implode( "|", $escSyn ); $case = $this->mCaseSensitive ? "" : "i"; $this->mRegex = "/{$this->mBaseRegex}/{$case}"; $this->mRegexStart = "/^{$this->mBaseRegex}/{$case}"; } function getRegex() { if ($this->mRegex == "" ) { $this->initRegex(); } return $this->mRegex; } function getRegexStart() { if ($this->mRegex == "" ) { $this->initRegex(); } return $this->mRegexStart; } function getBaseRegex() { if ($this->mRegex == "") { $this->initRegex(); } return $this->mBaseRegex; } function match( $text ) { return preg_match( $this->getRegex(), $text ); } function matchStart( $text ) { return preg_match( $this->getRegexStart(), $text ); } function matchAndRemove( &$text ) { global $wgMagicFound; $wgMagicFound = false; $text = preg_replace_callback( $this->getRegex(), "pregRemoveAndRecord", $text ); return $wgMagicFound; } function replace( $replacement, $subject ) { return preg_replace( $this->getRegex(), $replacement, $subject ); } } /*private*/ function pregRemoveAndRecord( $match ) { global $wgMagicFound; $wgMagicFound = true; return ""; } ?>